While our new mandate prohibits "addenda" (arbitrary changes), it does provide for "errata" (the correction of mistakes). The definition of "mistakes" is limited to typos, loopholes, and contradictions, and does not extend to items which some players find unfair or unbalanced. Players might be shocked to see "just how much" is supposedly "wrong" with the Doomsday edition; DO NOT BE. Most of what is here consists of correcting typos or rules cross references; some data is provided to resolved contradictions, plug loopholes, or answer questions left unanswered. Very few items actually change any published rule, and the only if it was absolutely necessary.
These HTML files are sequenced alphabetically by the first letter of the rule number. A comes before B, B before C and so on. Efforts have been taken to keep the individual pages no more than two or three screens, to make on-line searching easier to do. The 1999 rulebook updates and subsequent module update files are found at the bottom of this page. The Federation & Empire errata is located immediately following the end of the SFB errata.
To facilitate downloading, a straight-text ASCII version of these files is available as well. This file is over 200 K, and may take a while for your browser to load. Its title (for pulling out of your browser's cache directory) is errata.txt.
Omega Errata File (Adobe Acrobat Required)
Omega #5 Errata (Adobe Acrobat Required)
Omega Master Rulebook Errata (Adobe Acrobat Required)
Federation & Empire Master Errata File (Adobe Acrobat Required)
F&E 2010 Errata For Standard Edition Revision-0
(High-resolution printable PDF, converts Revision-0 to Revision-1)(Adobe Acrobat Required)
F&E 2010 Errata For Large Print Edition Revision-0
(High-resolution printable PDF, converts Revision-0 to Revision-1)(Adobe Acrobat Required)
F&E 93 Errata File (converts 1993 rulebook into 2000 rulebook, Adobe Acrobat Required)
CL36-530 Heavy Figher Rules (Adobe Acrobat Required)
Federation Commander Errata File (Adobe Acrobat Required)
PD20 Update Sheet (Adobe Acrobat Required)
GURPS Prime Directive Errata File - Will be added later
Prime Directive d20 Errata File (Adobe Acrobat Required) - Updated 4 January 2010
Copyright © 1991-2008 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved | Updated 19 March 2010 |