(F1.221) In a given impulse, all seeking weapons of a given type are launched simultaneously. See Segment 6B6 for the order in which different types are launched.
(F1.23) A player does not have to verbally announce which mount launched a drone or plasma, but must provide the required information if asked, even if asked after the weapon was launched. This rule takes precedence over (D17.91).
(F1.24) See also (FP1.312).
(F2.131) If a seeking weapon HETs, its next subsequent move must be straight-forward; it cannot turn or sideslip on that move.
(F2.132) A seeking weapon which does not move on the current impulse, but which could enter the current hex of the target on its next movement, cannot use an HET to avoid this movement (F2.21-1).
(F2.21) Reference to (F2.13) should be (F2.132).
(F2.23) Reference to (F2.13) should be (F2.132).
(F2.24) See also (F2.5).
(F2.314) If a drone is held in a tractor and rotated (by any unfriendly unit) into the hex of the targeted unit, it impacts immediately.
(F2.332) The correct reference for Wild Boars is (FD5.255).
(F2.336) This applies to SP and MW also.
(F2.411) ECM drones escorting other drones DO impact the target of the drones, but unless they have an explosive module on board, they will do no damage to it, even if the target is another drone (FD1.562) or a shuttle.
(F2.412) Two-space Swordfish drones equipped with phaser-3 modules do continue on and impact their target after firing their phaser, but will only cause damage if there is an explosive module aboard. Swordfish drones equipped with phaser-2 modules burn up completely when the phaser is fired.
(F2.435) Reference to "drone" should be "seeking weapon."
(F2.436) See (C7.22) in the case of self-guiding seeking weapons which have their own lock-ons to a disengaging ship.
(F2.5) Note that for purposes of this example it is assumed the plasma torpedo's warhead was still powerful enough to kill the drone at the point of impact.
(F2.54) If both weapons hit the ship, they strike the same shield. (F3.211) Anti-drone racks do not count as drone racks for purposes of establishing whether a ship is armed with seeking weapons.
(F3.216) Note that only the ship firing the PPD can provide the control channel (E11.151).
(F3.333) The reference to (F3.4) should be to (F3.42).
(F3.34) The controller of a seeking shuttle is never identified until the seeking shuttle is itself identified by the (G4.2) Lab procedure, or the (G24.25) Special Sensors procedure, or the (G5.25) Probe procedure. Add to end "...and except Death-Rider PFs (K7.11)."
(F3.42) This rule does NOT imply that it is possible to regain control of a seeking weapon that was released; see (F3.4).
(F3.421) This rule states that no OTHER unit can gain control. This does NOT imply that the original owner can regain control; the basic rule (F3.4) already prohibits that.
(F3.425) Delete "like other seeking weapons".
(F4.11) If the ballistic unit enters a third hex adjacent to the target hex without having entered the target hex, it will begin "evading" the target hex from that point.
(F4.411) A cloaked target is not "an acceptable target" unless the SP (or the ship controlling it) has a lock-on to the cloaked target. (F4.412) Seeking weapons on ballistic trajectories can never hit ships or bases in space.
(F4.413) While a scatter-pack can be targeted on a hex, that hex cannot provoke release of the submunitions. Only a valid target can trigger this release.
(F4.422) See (FD7.363) for the number of channels required at the instant of release.
(FD1.2) The name of the stage is "Seeking Weapons Stage."
(FD1.51) Add web-fist (E14.215).
(FD1.52) These ECM points are treated as "natural sources" (D6.3143). Add particle cannons (E17.54).
(FD1.54) A player is not required to announce the number of damage points that were actually required to destroy a given drone, only that the drone was destroyed by the damage scored against it. Example: A type-VI drone is destroyed by a bolted plasma-F at five hexes range. The bolting player only knows that the drone was destroyed, not that it took only three points of damage to do so. If the drone were a type-IV frame with three armor modules (12 damage points to destroy, six point warhead), the bolting player would be told only that the drone was not destroyed by the bolt.
(FD1.561) A suicide shuttle will destroy its target only if it has enough explosive force to do so.
(FD1.71) Change "...resolve damage from drones...." to "...resolve damage from seeking weapons..."
(FD1.8) A fighter used as a scatter pack benefits from its built-in ECM, but cannot receive lent EW from any unit but a scout.
(FD2.11) Notes: See (FD2.54) and (FD2.55) for special restrictions on the type-VI drone. Unarmored type-III drones are always destroyed by four damage points whether they are single-space drones, or two-space type-IIIXX drones (Y77). It costs 1.0 points to trade a speed-8 typeI drone for a speed-12 type-III drone. For 0.5 points, you would get a speed-8 type-III drone, which technically does not exist (although it theoretically could).
(FD2.21) This rule is incorrect regarding the service date of type-II drones. Rule (FD10.65) is correct.
(FD2.221) Type-III drones already have ATG, and type-VI drones have a form of ATG, and neither has a special designator.
(FD2.222) Extended range drones become available Y93. "Range 100" means that the drone has an endurance of 100 turns.
(FD2.32) Notes: The noted percentages apply to type-I or type-IV explosive drones.
(FD2.421) Two one-space drones (or four 1/2-space drones on an E-rack) can be loaded in the same time as one two-space drone.
(FD2.445) These drones come at no cost, and are proportional to the loading of the racks.
(FD2.45) D-racks are another exception. Special drones must observe the proportional reload requirement (if identical reloads are not available, the reloads must be of the next most restrictive and expensive type), except for the LAST special drone in each percentage category. Thus, four Limited (10%) drones on a ship with double reloads would have to be deployed as two in the racks (and paid for) and two in reload storage. Any 25% drones have to be first used as reloads for the second rack-mounted 10% drone. Note specifically that (FD2.45) does not allow you to purchase some special drones and then declare that all the special drones on your ship were loaded in the racks at the start of a scenario with the regular drones in reload storage.
(FD2.454) Ships are not required to pay for the drone speed that is general availability, and might for tactical reasons have some slower drones on board. Extra drones purchased as such can be of any available speed.
(FD2.51) Reference to (E5.23) should be to (E5.41). Note that type-H drone racks also include a magazine of type-VI drones.
(FD2.54) Reference to (J3.3) should be to (J3.304).
(FD2.55) Obviously, movement induced by another means (e.g., black holes, being tractored) does not count against the 12 hexes of the drone's range.
(FD2.56) The "8-hex range" refers to the lock-on range.
(FD3.0) Drone rack types A, B, C, D, and F were in service in Y65. Type-E drone racks entered service in Y160. Type-G drone racks entered service in Y165.
(FD3.4) Base Stations have type-D drone racks.
(FD3.41) Type-D racks cannot hold type-VI drones; see (FD2.51) for the reason why.
(FD3.43) While type-D (and type-H) drone racks do not have formal reloads, if reload drones became available (transferred from another ship, purchased as extras, stored in cargo boxes, etc.) they could be loaded into an unused magazine in this manner.
(FD3.46) A given launcher cannot have drones in one magazine and type-D plasma torpedoes in another. An Orion base can have both types or racks so long as there is an even number of plasma racks, with each "pair" covering the entire 360° arc (180° each).
(FD3.6) All of these "differences" cease to exist after the type-F racks are replaced with type-A.
(FD3.7) The unique nature of type-G drone racks requires that their loading must always be planned (FD2.421). They do not automatically reload ADDs when empty as ADD racks do (E5.74).
(FD3.71) Note that the 8-impulse delay applies if the rack is switching from ADDs to normal drones. If it fired as an ADD launcher on Impulse #32 of one turn, it could continue to fire as an ADD launcher on Impulse #1 of the following turn with no delay. If it launched a drone on Impulse #32 of one turn, it could not launch a drone or fire as an ADD until Impulse #8 of the following turn. If it fired as an ADD on Impulse #32 of one turn, and the player wanted to launch a drone from the rack during the following turn, he would have to wait until Impulse #8 to do so.
(FD3.72) This data is correct; that on various Fed SSDs is unclear. (FD3.86) BATS also have this type of ADD; BS do not.
(FD4.3) The original (unrefitted) design of the B10 (8 racks, launches four per turn) should be on this list, but since the ship could not have been completed before the refit, it would never have existed.
(FD4.4) The limit in the second paragraph refers to the number of racks, each launching at its own maximum rate.
(FD4.5) This should refer to controlling a number of seeking weapons, rather than a number of drones.
(FD5.131) The reference to (G13.334) should refer to (G13.3345). (FD5.133) Note that in the case of the cloak, if the drone did not have its own lock-on to the cloaking target, it would lose tracking and be removed from the board.
(FD5.252) If there are more than two targets that meet the drone's targeting, select the nearest one as the target. If they are equally near, determine the target randomly (by die roll) for each drone.
(FD5.255) When the drone starts looking for acceptable targets, it goes for the first in terms of distance of those acceptable targets. Thus, if it was set to pursue either a frigate or a DN, and both were in its range limit, it would pursue whichever was closer to it, even though the player might want it to pursue the other target instead. If two or more targets are equally close, the actual target is determined randomly by placing duplicate counters of each possible target into a cup and drawing one to maintain the secrecy of the drone's target. For multiple drones, have a neutral player observe these draws.
(FD5.257) A drone launched on either a Tame Boar or Wild Boar trajectory will ignore any unit protected by an active WW when it begins to search for targets. It will accept a wild weasel launched by such a unit as that type of unit as any other drone would. If a unit voids such a weasel, and the drone is within 12 hexes of the unit, the drone will accept the unit as its target, but if the distance is more than 12 hexes, the drone will go inert and be removed from play.
(FD5.26) Reference to (F3.31) should be to (F3.33).
(FD5.3) Reference to (F3.4) should be to (F3.5).
(FD5.99) Basic Set synopsis of (FD8.0) should refer to three or five submunitions rather than two or three. References should be added for (FD15.0) and (FD16.0) which are in Module J.
(FD6.32) Probe drones cannot detect minefields (M7.11), but can be used to identify individual mines (M7.52). A probe drone cannot detect a chain or command mine.
(FD7.2) It takes 32 impulses to convert an SP back to being a shuttle; this can be done simultaneously with unloading any SP drones.
(FD7.241) The explosion value is not increased if the drones had extended range.
(FD7.25) No deck crew is needed to unload a drone rack.
(FD7.31) Always use true range. If a scatter pack has met its release conditions, it will release its submunitions even if there is no unit that can control them at that point. This will result in the submunitions being lost if they are incapable of gaining their own lock-ons.
(FD7.322) The reference to (C10.13) should be to (C10.132).
(FD7.331) Note that while a scatterpack will meet its release condition on the shuttle launch step of its eighth impulse, it will not be able to actually release drones until the ninth impulse.
(FD7.3342) The last two cross references in this rule are reversed; (FD7.333) should be where (FD7.331) appears, and vice versa.
(FD7.341) Should read "The second drone is targeted on the nearest enemy unit other than the primary target." The player can establish, when launching the SP, which specific drone will be the "first" drone targeted.
(FD7.35) "The guiding ship" should be "The guiding unit".
(FD7.35) If a lock-on was retained to a cloaked ship, the SP will release its submunitions normally versus that target, using the true range to establish its release parameters. If using (G13.6), the moderator will have to determine when these conditions are met. Randomly targeted submunitions will ignore a cloaked unit that meets their targeting parameters if their guiding unit does not have a lock-on to that unit. (F3.45) does apply for transfer of control of SPs.
(FD7.371) Type-VI drones on random targeting will attempt to acquire a cloaked unit within their detection range, but if they fail to gain a lock-on will target the next acceptable target.
(FD7.373) These provisions apply to those drones distributed randomly. The first drone (FD7.341) will be targeted on the primary target. The player can establish, when launching the SP, which specific drone will be the "first" drone targeted.
(FD7.392) The ship could load these "foreign" weapons onto a corresponding foreign fighter by (J4.8962), but only during a scenario.
(FD7.42) An SP that is recovered before it released its drones can be relaunched by the side that originally owned that SP after it has been serviced for 32 consecutive impulses. During this 32 impulses, deck crews could add drones to and/or remove drones from the SP.
(FD7.44) A fighter used as an SP is no longer part of its squadron (at least until it is recovered and launched with a pilot.) Reference to (FD7.38) should be to (J8.33).
(FD7.442) A fighter-SP held aboard could have the SP systems removed by a deck crew and then launch as a normal fighter. It takes one deck crew action under (FD7.445) to remove the SP systems.
(FD7.45) It requires one turn to prepare a shuttle as a dummy SP or to unprepare it. Suicide shuttles can be prepared immediately because their command guidance is simpler. The shuttle will head for one target and continue until impact.
(FD7.45) References to (FD7.416) should have been to (FD7.412). (FD8.11) The reference to other races copying the type-IV is to using that technology on type-I and type-III drone frames. (FD8.13) is correct in saying that type-IV multi-warhead drones are available to all races from Y170.
(FD8.13) Reference to (FD10.0) should be to (FD10.6).
(FD8.14) A type-I-MW has three submunitions.
(FD8.222) Reference to (FD2.252) should be (FD5.252). Reference to (FD2.256) should be (FD5.256).
(FD8.41) The first paragraph assumes a speed-8 type-III drone, which theoretically could exist. The standard speed-12 type-III with speed12 submunitions would cost 4 points.
(FD9.126) A given ECM drone destroyed during the movement or directfire segments of a given impulse is still considered to provide its benefits to the unit it is protecting until the end of the step in which it was destroyed.
(FD9.2) The ECM drone is not revealed as such by its actions.
(FD10.16) Stingray drones cannot ever carry ADDs; Stonefish can.
(FD10.4252) The reference to (FD5.242) should have been (FD5.21).
(FD10.43) The reference to (F8.44) should have been to (FD8.44).
(FD10.6) A carrier with six heavy fighters counts as a carrier with 12 standard fighters.
(FD10.6) Type-VI drones are not included in any of the calculations to determine how many special drones a given ship or fighter squadron may carry.
(FD10.632) This should refer to "limited" availability.
(FD10.65) This rule is correct, and (FD2.21) is incorrect.
(FD10.66) Use warhead spaces, not drone body spaces, for this calculation.
(FD10.67) This rule is mis-numbered as (SP10.66).
(FD11.0) This drone was available in Y174 to all races.
(FD11.21) Swordfish drones commit to fire during movement when their firing parameters are met. The fire is resolved in the Direct Fire Weapons Stage 6D2, although the reference for this was buried in (FD15.212). During the interim between commit and fire, the Swordfish could be prevented from firing by various means (e.g., turned off by special sensors) or distracted (e.g., by a wild weasel) to a different target.
(FD14.0) This drone was available in Y174 to all races.
(FD15.215) 'IIf' should be 'If'.
(FD15.23) This creates a technical exception to (FD15.2141) as the range is considerably less than the normal one hex minimum. (FD15.255) Reference (R1.15E) should have been (R1.15B).
(FD16.0) Para 3: The higher-speed bus must also meet the restrictions of (FD8.24).
(FD16.255) Reference (R1.15E) should have been (R1.15B).
(FP1.11) Exception: (FP7.0).
(FP1.13) A plasma-R can be downloaded as a plasma-S prior to the Y170 invention of the plasma-S, but cannot fire as an M or L.
(FP1.131) To some extent (FP1.93) the two-turn-F is an exception. (FP1.14) See also (C6.5473).
(FP1.15) You cannot voluntarily "destroy" a plasma torpedo tube on your own ship in order to claim the use of (FP1.72) to "hold" the torpedo until sometime in the subsequent turn.
(FP1.312) The target of a plasma torpedo must be announced when it is placed on the board, unless using (F3.6).
(FP1.313) The "friendly fire" rules (D1.5) will create some exceptions to this rule.
(FP1.33) Reference to (F2.3) should be to (F2.32).
(FP1.42) If a unit that is a target of a plasma torpedo enters the hex of that torpedo as part of its movement, the torpedo strikes the target and is not regarded as having moved that impulse for purposes of warhead reduction.
(FP1.51) The warhead strength decreases with range, as is shown on the plasma torpedo tables. Once the warhead strength reaches zero, the torpedo has no further effect or function and the counter is removed from the board. Terrain-induced movement (black hole, nebula) does not count as movement for purposes of lowering the warhead strength.
(FP1.71) This does not apply to fighters with plasma-torpedoes and is superseded by (J1.332).
(FP1.74) In this case the torpedo could not be launched ballistically (FP1.14).
(FP1.82) Reference to (P4.1) should be to (P4.22).
(FP1.83) The reference to (G16.0) should be to (G16.62).
(FP1.87) Reference to (G7.86) should be to (G7.26).
(FP1.91) Note that plasma-F launchers can use rolling delay (FP1.221), but cannot use (FP1.93).
(FP1.96) A torpedo increased with reserve power during the original arming cycle can be held.
(FP2.23) This should read: "No unit smaller than size class-3 can be armed with a plasma-S." rather than a "plasma-R." While the rule as published is correct, that condition is already covered by (FP2.13) and the restriction does apply to the plasma-S as well.
(FP2.41) The Romulan K5R in Basic Set carries F-torps.
(FP5.11) Note that it is the LAUNCHER which launches the EPT, the torpedoes themselves cannot do so.
(FP5.22) A torpedo held by rolling delay (FP1.223) can be completed as an EPT.
(FP5.34) Note that if the target has general shield reinforcement (D3.341) up, the strength of this must be subtracted from the EPT's warhead before calculating shield or internal damage.
(FP6.0) PPTs (and wild weasels) have existed for very nearly as long as plasma torpedoes.
(FP6.11) PPTs are always available, unless the ship was "surprised" (D18.12) or used the PPT in an earlier battle in a campaign which defines that there was not sufficient time to reload expended PPTs. (FP6.23) Note that the PPT can only simulate the largest non-EPT torpedo the launcher is capable of launching.
(FP8.23) Note that this rule includes plasma-armed MRS shuttles. (FP8.31) Should be Direct-Fire Weapons Stage, not Phase.
(FP8.331) Should be Direct-Fire Weapons Stage, not Phase.
(FP9.18) This should say that plasma-Ds have the ECCM not ECM of the controlling unit (FP4.32).
(FP9.22) If a fighter with a type-D lands, the 25 turns is counted from the moment of landing and does not include time spent in flight or during previous visits to the bay.
(FP10.3) Reference to (FP9.21) should be to (FP9.22).
(FP10.312) Extra plasma-Ds can be bought under (S3.2). They are treated like drones, and their price is given in Appendix 6.
Copyright © 1991,1998 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved | Updated 30 August 1998 |