Star Fleet Battles Errata: (G2.22) through (G31.242)

(G2.22) Crippled ships do not have to pay for TACs on the first half of a turn when they would not be able to use them.

(G2.233) to five hexes RANGE unless....

(G2.24) This rule creates an exception to (D6.681).

(G2.26) Temporal Elevators cannot be used, and cease to function, if the base is uncontrolled.

(G3.11) GENERAL: This rule is misnumbered as (G3.12).

(G3.12) Reference to (G17.0) should be to (G17.25), reference to (G28.0) should be to (G28.2).

(G4.0) Reference to (SM5.5) should be to (SM2.46).

(G4.13) Reference to (G5.0) should be to (G5.2).

(G4.13) The term "administrative shuttles" includes (for purposes of this rule) manned MSS, manned MLS, and GAS shuttles. This rule also covers manned MRS and SWAC shuttles, and manned fighters with sensor pods (J11.42).

(G4.2) See (M7.51) identifying mines. "extend" should be "extent". (G4.232) Reference to (FP5.5) should be to (FP1.32) and (FP5.242).

(G4.24) The aegis system uses the same rules as the laboratory procedure for the information gained, but uses (D13.31) to determine if the information is gained or not.

(G4.31) Reference to (G2.0) should be to (G2.11).

(G4.44) No power is needed for TacIntel (D17.228).

(G5.21) See (H7.42) to begin arming as a weapon with reserve power. Reserve power can also be used to arm scientific and tactical intelligence probes.

(G5.23) Probes fired into a nebula have a reduced range (P6.72).

(G5.32) The reference to (H7.42) should be to (H7.53).

(G5.332) Diagram should show a six-hex range. The extra hex is directly forward of the last shaded hex.

(G6.20) Note the option stated in (G6.25).

(G6.22) The reference to Klingon boarding parties on hit-and-run raids should be deleted as the number of Klingon boarding parties has no effect on the chance that the crew will mutiny.

(G6.224) If both a crew (whether poor or outstanding) and a legendary marine major are aboard the ship, their effects are cumulative on the mutiny die roll (G22.122). This should refer to (G21.244), not to (G24.224).

(G6.23) Reference to (G2.0) should be to (G2.11).

(G6.25) The decision is made when the mutiny occurs, but before it is rolled for.

(G6.41) Note that the mutineers might succeed in deactivating the self-destruct given enough time (G6.434).

(G6.42) The officers are allowed to attempt destruction of the rear hull immediately after boom separation.

(G6.435) Note that if enemy boarding parties are on the mutinous ship, they may be able to avert the self-destruct system under (D7.71), but they will not be able to breach the security doors any faster than the mutinous crew. Rule (D16.0) may have more advanced rules which may enable enemy boarding parties to be beamed directly onto the boom.

(G7.12) "Tractor Beam Action" should be "Operate Tractors".

(G7.122) Reference to (C6.54) should be to (C6.545). Reference to (G18.0) should be to (G18.672).

(G7.162) Multiple tractor beams could tractor several objects (one per available beam) at the same point in the sequence of play.

(G7.2) Reference to (G10.116) should be to (G10.1163).

(G7.25) is in error; (G7.251) is correct.

(G7.252) Once you pull yourself to the planet, you will have to land by one of the procedures in (P2.4).

(G7.271) If a unit has a tractor applied to a mine, and the ship moves, the tractor link simply breaks and the mine is unaffected.

(G7.272) Note that as even ballistically-targeted weapons will go inert if tractored by a friendly unit; (F4.5) does not form an exception to this rule.

(G7.273) If a ship attempts to force or drag another ship off a fixed map, the non-tractoring ship is released from the tractor at the edge of the map unless special scenario rules say otherwise. An enemy ship cannot be towed off of a fixed map unless that ship has been captured. The towing ship must leave with the towed ship or the tractor link is deemed broken.

(G7.3) "Tractor Stage" should be "Operate Tractors Step".

(G7.32) Note that the facing of the non-moving unit is only changed under (G7.322) and not as a result of any movement by the towing unit.

(G7.3223) Reference (C2.4) is now (C2.411).

(G7.323) Add a reference to (J1.621). An object must be lifted from the surface (P2.44) before "towing" can begin.

(G7.324) Reference to (C2.413) should be to (C2.46). Acceleration limits are based on practical speed (C2.21), not pseudo-speed (C2.413).

(G7.325) Should read " additional cost in movement points expended by the moving ship for..."

(G7.33) "Tractor Beam Action" should be "Operate Tractors".

(G7.333) Reference to (J3.45) should be to (J3.452).

(G7.337) Tractor links to a unit are not broken unless that ship tumbles (C6.553), or a towed ship suffers a breakdown (G7.3223).

(G7.341) Add "...or better." to the end.

(G7.342) Tractor Beam Step is Operate Tractors Step. Transfer is made by adjusting records.

(G7.351) Note that tractor energy is lost when the tractor is released and cannot be used again, see also (G7.414). The reference to (H7.12) should be to (H7.1).

(G7.357) Reference to (G13.43) should be to (G13.432). Reference to (J3.45) should be to (J3.452).

(G7.359) Reference to (G12.11) in fourth paragraph should be to (G12.01) and/or (D21.43).

(G7.36) See also (G7.3223).

(G7.36-B) The sentence "The pseudo speed cannot exceed 15..." assumes that both ships have the same movement cost. If the movement costs are different, one will have a higher pseudo-speed and the other a lower one. For example, a CA (move cost 1.0) and a DD (move cost 0.5), both generating 30 points of warp movement, would have pseudo speeds of 20 (for the CA) and 10 (for the DD) as each tried to move the combination. In the case of ships with plotted speed changes, assume that the current speed is continued for the entire turn. When a tractored unit announces that a mid-turn speed change is going to take effect, the pseudo speed is then recalculated based on the new speed and again assumes that that speed was used for the entire turn from that point.

(G7.36-C3) If two ships are tractored on Impulse #32, both perform any HET maneuvers during Impulse #32 even if the ship in question is the one that will not conduct its movement until Impulse #1 of the next turn. The movement of the second ship must be executed as originally stated on the subsequent impulse, and cannot be changed even if there are tactical reasons that indicate he should change it.

(G7.37) Should say "...when two or more ships are..."

(G7.375) In the second paragraph, (G7.37) should be (G7.371).

(G7.41-B) Reserve power can be used to initiate or reinforce a tractor link.

(G7.412) Reference to (D6.33) should be to (D6.633). See also (D6.11).

(G7.42) Note that the player who is maintaining the tractor must announce his intention to either maintain or drop the tractor link. If he announces that he will not maintain it, there is no auction.

(G7.51-B) Note that the reference to "points" at range two or three is to the amount of power needed to have one EFFECTIVE POINT of tractor energy at those ranges

(G7.6). Rule (F4.5) is not an exception.

(G7.522) Note that the application of any tractor energy at all will cause the seeking weapon to go inert; the fact that you were trying to wrest it from an enemy tractor and never actually held it has no effect. Note that as even ballistically targeted weapons will go inert if tractored by a friendly unit, (F4.5) does not form an exception to this rule.

(G7.54) Note that as ships move before shuttles and seeking weapons in the Order of Precedence (C1.313), a suicide shuttle carried along in a tractor tunnel (G7.9433) might be death-dragged before it reached its target. Regardless of the speed of a given drone, it cannot be death-dragged as a shuttle can.

(G7.55) If the fighter is not able to accelerate to its maximum speed due to acceleration limits (C12.34), it will not be able to break the tractor with this maneuver. See also (C10.134).

(G7.63) The "such a case" referred to is "at a range of 3."

(G7.713) Reference to (G10.56) should be to (G10.562).

(G7.717) In the case of mines, see (M2.21).

(G7.718) Add reference to (G7.713) after "...larger size class." (G7.74) The Federation CA should be a DN as equal-size ships cannot rotate each other (G7.715).

(G7.75) Reference to (G10.562) should be to (G10.71).

(G7.813) A proximity photon would detonate as a standard photon scoring 8 damage points. Note that proximity fuzes INCREASE detonation radius.

(G7.85) "Tractor Beam" should be "Operate Tractors".

(G7.91) The fourth item should read "A Federation DD tractors a Federation DN..."

(G7.93) See also (G7.3222) and (C6.0).

(G7.943) A scout (G24.23) or wild SWAC or PFS cannot attract a drone held in a tractor beam in this manner.

(G7.9433) Note that a unit nominally in the "tractor tunnel" between two units can be tractored separately and held by either of the units or a third unit.

(G7.9434) The reference to (G7.943) should be to (G7.9433).

(G7.98) Reference to (J3.45) should be to (J3.452). Exceptions: Docked units (C13.947) and tractored bases (G7.90).

(G8.11) Exception, (G13.421); see also (G19.47) for cases where two transporters are needed.

(G8.113) This rule cannot move explosive ordnance (G25.3).

(G8.17) Reference to (G13.42) should be to (G13.421). Reference to (D6.62) should be to (D6.623).

(G8.23) The reference to (H7.34) should be to (H7.344).

(G8.242) The reference to (C12.0) should be to (C12.24).

(G8.321) Reference to (M3.0) should be to (M3.22).

(G8.322) "Example:" should be "Example, part IV:"

(G9.141) If not using (G9.23), wounded are killed.

(G9.142) Only uncrippled shuttles can be used in this role. If the shuttle is crippled while overcrowded, its remaining time before critical overload is halved, rounding fractions up, e.g., if the shuttle had five turns remaining when it was crippled (not counting the current turn), it would have three turns remaining after being crippled. The casualties for damage scored to the shuttle are only scored when the shuttle is crippled.

(G9.21) Exception: (G9.231).

(G9.232) If insufficient time will be available for recovery during a campaign, this will be provided in specific scenario rules.

(G9.233) Legendary doctors CAN cure "dead" crew units (G22.611).

(G9.32) Note that after the first forty internals, every ten internals from that point kills a crew unit AND a boarding party. Reference to (D7.2) should be to (D7.21).

(G9.411) See (K1.31) for casualties to PF crews.

(G9.424) Crew units transported to an undermanned ship during a turn count as crew on that ship (if sent for that purpose) during the Energy Allocation Phase that is more than 31 impulses from the point at which they arrived on the ship. Thus, crew units transported aboard between Impulse #2 and Impulse #32 of Turn #5 do not count as crew on the ship until the Energy Allocation Phase of Turn #7. Crew units transported over on Impulse #1 of Turn #6 count as crew during the Energy Allocation Phase of Turn #7. This applies for (D7.51) in manning a captured ship.

(G9.421) There is no effect on nimble status or EM.

(G9.422) This one system per crew unit is in addition to the systems listed in (G9.42).

(G9.431) Two BPs become one crew unit.

(G9.433) Marines are boarding parties.

(G9.45) See (G11.23) in the case of computer-controlled ships.

(G10.0) Delete reference to (G10.52).

(G10.111) The ship and the asteroid can simultaneously be anchors in the same hex.

(G10.112) Reference to (P3.0) should be to (P3.34).

(G10.113) Should read "segment of web." Note the exception created by free-standing webs (E12.22).

(G10.114) Delete reference to (P2.546).

(G10.115) Should read: "adjacent to one or two other hexes".

(G10.1163) A unit serving as an anchor cannot be displaced (G18.671). See (G16.682) for an anchor placed in stasis.

(G10.1165) A valid anchor point at a sideslip hex (G10.115) would not be a corner. Note that web laid with a consistent pattern of sideslips is considered to be straight line for this purpose, even though several hexes along its length will not be exactly 180° apart.

(G10.1167) A unit serving as a web anchor cannot use EM (C10.51).

(G10.12) There is no way to convert a linear web into a globular web.

(G10.1314) Both large and standard asteroids can be anchors. If the victory conditions require destruction of the planet or asteroid, this can be achieved even if the "sack of rocks" remains. Note also (G10.114). The rings (P2.223) of a planet that has them can be used as web anchor points and operate as asteroid anchors for all purposes.

(G10.1333) Such a web cannot drop its anchors and become globular. Any dropped anchor would cause the connected segments to collapse. (G10.211) The first hex laid is considered an exception to the part of this rule that requires each hex laid be adjacent to at least one other hex of that web.

(G10.212) Note exception: free standing web (E12.232).

(G10.223) Longer than any SINGLE scenario would last.

(G10.31) Reference to (G10.4) should be to (G10.41).

(G10.33) Reserve energy should properly read reserve power. Should read "at the END of Impulse #16."

(G10.42) The web would be strength 16 as (G10.321) and (G10.322) say to ignore fractions.

(G10.511) EXAMPLE (Replaces Previous): A Klingon D7 enters a 24-point web hex during Impulse #14 of Turn #3, while moving at a speed of 12. The D7 then accelerates on Impulse #15 (this was planned in Energy Allocation) to a speed of 24. During Impulses #15-#32, it accumulates 14 movement points. During the turn, the Tholians increased the strength of the web to 26, but it deteriorated to 25 at the end of the turn. At the start of Turn #4 the Tholians increase the strength of the web to 28. The D7 continues moving speed 24 initially, and accelerates to speed 31 on Impulse #15, generating its 14th movement point on Impulse #18. However, this is a total of 36 impulses so the ship does not move on Impulse #18. On Impulse #24, the ship accumulates its 22nd movement point on Turn #4, and can count the 6 movement points accumulated during Impulses #25-#32 on Turn #3. Thus, the D7 moves out of the web on Impulse #25 of Turn #4.

(G10.522) If a ship tractors a size-6 or smaller object in a web, the object will not be damaged by the ship's subsequent movement (although a friendly seeking weapon will go inert), but the tractor beam will break. The unit could be pulled out using (G10.56) with an assumed movement cost of zero, assuming it is not an anchor.

(G10.53) Tholian auxiliaries (e.g., AxCVs) count as Tholian ships even if some were built by foreign powers.

(G10.551) The fast drone would be destroyed immediately if the web was strong enough to inflict the required damage.

(G10.56) Anything not serving as an anchor, not just a ship, can be pulled out of the web. See (G10.522) which means that a drone or shuttle could only be pulled from a web by a stationary ship.

(G10.561) The tractoring ship must be in a hex adjacent to the tractored ship.

(G10.562) Either ship can provide the tractor link; only a ship maintaining a tractor link can provide power. If done at extended ranges (G7.6), the power will be reduced appropriate to the longer range before being applied to pull the ship out of the web. The ship pulled from the web moves only one hex, which will not take it into the hex of the other ship if the tractor link was established at longer ranges.

(G10.563) The trapped ship can either maintain the tractor link and use the (G10.561) procedure, in which case the ships just move (rather than one ship being pulled into the other ship's hex) or the trapped ship can put power into the tractor link (if it is the ship maintaining the tractor), in which case it uses the (G10.562) procedure, and is pulled into the hex.

(G10.5634) Note that only the tractoring ship can control rotation, so the rotation examples assume that the rotating ship is the tractoring ship and the rotated ship is the tractored ship.

(G10.593) Reference to (G10.52) should be to (G10.521).

(G10.62) The last sentence of the second paragraph should be "...combinations of WEBS fired through."

(G10.66) Other controlled units, such as MSS (M8.3), PFMs (M8.33), death riders (K7.0), and Probe drones in monster scenarios (FD6.22) are also not blocked.

(G10.71) Reference to (G10.116) should be to (G10.1163).

(G10.751) If a gravity wave passes over a web, there will be a corresponding reduced strength segment of the gravity wave from that point forward.

(G10.75) TERRAIN: Web hexes do not protect ships from asteroids in the same hex. Webs can be laid in asteroid, planet (no atmosphere), dust cloud, radiation zone, ion storm, or heat zone hexes. Webs cannot be laid in planet (with atmosphere), black hole, pulsar, star, or nebula hexes. Webs cannot be anchored to a comet or tournament barrier.

(G10.833) The generators cannot maintain the webs at a strength greater than the WS-0 condition. In the case of the "buzz saw" (three spiral webs radiating from the base) all are treated as "2nd layer" webs.

(G12.543) Rear hulls without impulse engines obviously cannot move under impulse power.

(G12.73) Hull on all separated sections is treated as "center" hull. Both sections retain the seeking weapon control ability of the original (intact) ship.

(G12.81) The cloaking device is in the same area as the Emergency Bridge. If there is no Emergency Bridge, it is in the same area as the main bridge.

(G12.82) The UIM and DERFACS systems are in the same area as the main bridge. On Neo-Tholian ships, they are in the rear hull.

(G12.83) The T-bombs and transporter artillery rounds are stored in the rear section for all separated ships.

(G12.88) Aegis systems in Klingon ships with separable booms are tracked as follows: Non-carrier escort Klingon ships (most D5s, B10s, and the B11) leave the system in the rear hull. Carrier escort versions of Klingon ships have aegis in both the rear hull and the boom, but cannot use it unless they raise full fire control. Aegis on Federation ships goes with the saucer.

(G12.99) A critical hit in effect on a Neo-Tholian ship remains in force on both sections if it separates. If a Tholian Command module docks to a rear hull, and either is under the restrictions of a critical hit, the effects of that critical hit apply only to the section that was originally affected, although a Command Module could attempt to repair the critical using the improved damage control rating of the combined ship.

(G13.132) Reference to (D6.63) should be to (D6.633).

(G13.133) Reference to (G13.42) should be to (G13.421). Reference to (G13.43) should be to (G13.432).

(G13.15) Reference on chart to (G13.303) should be to (G13.302). Reference after chart to (G13.31) should be to (G13.301).

(G13.161) The reference for cloaking device and hit-and-run is (D7.85) not (D7.8). Reference (G13.15) should be (G13.118).

(G13.162) The modifiers in (D7.7) apply. A Legendary Officer can only affect one of these. The "attempt to block self-destruction" procedure does not apply to the cloaking device.

(G13.18) Reference to (G13.9494) should be to (C13.9494).

(G13.303) Type-VI drones ARE affected. Exception: (G13.344).

(G13.331) The EW factor is the differential calculated in (D6.34) under Step #3.

(G13.3323) Reference to (G13.55) should be to (G13.552).

(G13.37) Direct fire weapons are affected by (G13.34); seeking weapons by (G13.35). Type-VI drones ARE affected. This table does not adjust the damage caused by explosions, including collateral damage (J3.3).

(G13.371) A positive modifier can result from the effects of (G13.361) when combined with (G13.62).

(G13.401) Die roll is in the 6B3 Lock On Stage (G13.331). See the example under (G13.3323) for the precise sequence.

(G13.41) Shuttles cannot crash aboard a cloaked unit, even if they have a lock-on. The player owning the cloaked unit must voluntarily provide a homing signal to the specific unit attempting to land aboard by any means in order for a landing to be possible. Enemy boarding parties on the cloaked unit cannot provide such a signal. See (G13.5) for laying a mine from a cloaked unit.

(G13.43) A unit may fade in or out of cloak while held in a tractor beam, but will not gain the full benefits of the cloak while so held. (G13.442) Reference to (G13.51) should be to (G13.515).

(G13.556) Mines may be laid from mine racks or dropped from shuttle bays by a cloaked unit without voiding the cloak. The mine will NOT become active until the cloaked unit has met the requirements of (M2.34), and this is based on true range, not effective range.

(G13.51) Note that the reference here to the fire control being considered inactive does not mean that a weasel would not be voided if the fire control was activated as the ship came out of cloak.

(G13.52) Should read "...void the cloak on the impulse of the explosion..."

(G13.541) Note that since the ECM of the weasel is lost once the fade-out is completed, this ECM will not be present for the calculations in (G13.33) to retain lock-on.

(G13.55) Should read "A ship with a FULLY ACTIVE cloaking device...." (G13.552) Change "can be" to "is".

(G13.552) Note that the period of this lock-on lasts only until the next roll to retain lock-ons in the Sequence Of Play. See the example in (G13.3323).

(G13.555) There are two versions of this rule. The second one is correct. See (M4.435) for captor mines. See (M5.1121).

(G13.612) The true range as well as the bearing to the cloaked unit must be announced, and bearing is based on a specific 60° arc.

(G13.617) When weapons are fired at or impact on a hidden cloaked ship, the judge makes any required die rolls secretly, determines the amount of damage (based on the range to the actual hex, and other factors), and announces this. Weapons fired at an out of arc target are announced as causing "no damage" after the judge makes a meaningless die roll.

(G14.13) Monitor pallets (R1.22E1) should be added to this list.

(G14.33) This does not include sensor, scanner, damage control or excess damage boxes, but does include all internal boxes.

(G14.34) Reference to (C2.46) should be (C2.411).

(G14.41) Note exception to facing in (G14.42).

(G14.42) Reference to (R11.15) should be (R11.N1).

(G14.431) The text " pod on the centerline in a side position..." should read " pod in a side position, it could arrive with a single pod in the centerline position."

(G14.62) A pseudo-pod counts as a real pod for (G14.431).

(G14.64) If a hit-and-run is executed against a pseudo-pod (not aborted by EW or general shield reinforcement) the BP will automatically return, no matter what is actually rolled for the hit and run raid, and report the deception.

(G14.74) Tugs (and LTTs) can deploy small ground bases. Two small ground bases are carried in place of one pod except as noted below. Internal cargo space cannot be used for bases. Races without tugs or LTTs cannot deploy ground bases.

(G14.741) ISC DPTs can carry one small ground base in place of their cargo pack.

(G14.742) Romulan SPHs carry one small ground base in place of each cargo module, not two. Romulan Freight Eagles can carry two small ground bases in place of their cargo pallet.

(G14.743) Lyran Tugs can carry two small ground bases in place of each pallet or pod.

(G14.744) Tholian CPCs and LTTs can carry two small ground bases, but cannot carry cargo packs while performing this mission.

(G14.745) Andros carry small ground bases as per (R10.3316).

(G15.11) Each individual Orion Captain will have to choose his own moment to self-destruct.

(G15.203) The phrase "cannot be used as reserve power" means that the ship cannot suddenly double its engines in mid-turn and declare the additional power to be "reserve" power. During earlier (and more sloppily written) editions of SFB, some Orion players had erroneously gained this impression.

(G15.221) Note that PFs must double all of their warp engines, and cannot double just one (G15.223).

(G15.29) Note that Impulse boxes repaired as APRs, and Warp Boxes repaired as AWRs, can be given up as the box required to be destroyed as a result of engine doubling.

(G15.31) Note that Annex #7H is found in Advanced Missions.

(G15.44) The limits apply to the entire Orion battle force, as otherwise no ship would have enough option mounts to have a 10% availability weapon.

(G15.71) The CV (R8.28) gets a +2 bonus. The chart should use "Local" instead of "Home" and "Cartel" instead of "Operating". The Orion always has the option to take fighters of a lower class than those provided by the die roll.

(G15.82) The stealth bonus is lost for as long as any warp engine is doubled.

(G16.31) Reference to (P8.31) should be (P8.23).

(G16.41) The word "ship" in the first sentence should be "unit."

(G16.42) All references to "ship" in this rule should be to "unit."

(G16.43) All references to "ship" in this rule should be to "unit."

(G16.45) All references to "ship" in this rule should be to "unit."

(G16.51) The reference to a Klingon Starbase SSD and R description being (R3.84) is in error. This SSD and R description will be published at some point and will be numbered at that time. (R3.84) was used for the B10S.

(G16.61) Nothing on a planetary, asteroid, or lunar surface can be placed into stasis.

(G16.64) When the ESG generating ship is released from stasis, the ESG reforms instantly, and units that are in ESG hexes treat this formation under (G23.56).

(G16.651) The last sentence of the example is in error, since (G16.71) prohibits a ship released from stasis from being stasised again within eight impulse. While Kecond's ship recovered four impulses later and could have stasised Kird, the council had already voted to give Kird the empty seat.

(G16.67) Note that a ship in stasis WOULD impact an ESG field entering the hex (G23.87).

(G16.7) For recycling times, the period before a unit released from stasis allocates energy is considered to be the same turn as when it was placed in stasis; the period commencing with its energy allocation is considered to be a new turn.

(G16.72) Reference to (G16.7231) should be to (G16.723).

(G16.721) The last four impulses of the turn are considered normally for purposes of (C12.313), even if the ship-turn would have more than that many impulses remaining.

(G16.722) The last four impulses of the turn are considered normally for purposes of (C12.313), even if the ship-turn would have more than that many impulses remaining.

(G16.723) The four impulses are considered the last four impulses of the turn for purposes of (C12.313) and for other purposes.

(G17.1325) Add references to (K2.61) and (J4.818).

(G17.243) Reference to (G17.12) should be to (G17.121).

(G18.12) If a displacement device is destroyed during the (6D) Direct-Fire Weapons Segment in which its use was announced, as a result of any damage prior to the Displacement Devices Operate Step, the device does not operate in any way. The ship, whether a self displacement or a displacement of another unit, is not displaced in any way and not under any of the restrictions as a result of displacement (G18.42).

(G18.32) If an Andro and a non-Andro ship are docked together, and another Andro attempts to displace the combination, (G18.323) is the operative rule.

(G18.321) Reference to (G18.333) should be to (G18.33).

(G18.42) If a displacement device is destroyed, your displacement is canceled. Since no displacement, not even a displacement attempt, actually took place the ship is unaffected by the displacement attempt.

(G18.425) The term "other large object" refers to objects of planetary size. In the case of a moon, use (P2.231).

(G18.511) An Andro announces his displacement direction by defining a shield arc, as he is not limited to moving down a single hex row.

(G18.511) This refers to the "3 ECM for the target" for a poor crew. The effects of outstanding crews and legendary officers do not apply.

(G18.53) A displaced unit recovers from disrupted fire control at the same point in the impulse procedure that it was displaced, thus a unit would recover on the fourth impulse but would not be able to fire direct-fire weapons without the restrictions of (D6.68) until the fifth impulse.

(G18.65) A unit displaced into an ESG hex is always outside the ESG.

(G18.662) Note that other "stellar" and "planetary" bodies are accounted for, but all are essentially versions of suns and planets.

(G18.671) A unit can only displace over a single strand of web, not over multiple strands, in a single displacement. In this case, the ship would materialize in a hex of the second web. Displacing out of a web hex counts as displacing across it for all purposes.

(G19.11) A mothership can replace sat ships with energy modules or pseudo-satships without permission of the opponent.

(G19.213) Last sentence should read " recorded as it occurs AND IS resolved as a single volley."

(G19.25) Released PA power is not "transferred power."

(G19.26) 5th sentence: Use the damage control rating on each satellite ship, then again on the mothership.

(G19.29) No tractors or tractor energy is required to hold a satellite ship inside a hangar.

(G19.44) Whether a satellite ship is held in a tractor beam or not at the time of its recovery is irrelevant to the recovery, the transporting of the satellite ship aboard the mothership breaks the tractor.

(G19.442) A satellite ship may begin using erratic maneuvers immediately (same impulse) upon launch by transporter or displacement device.

(G20.34) Energy cannot be transferred voluntarily from an Energy Module to a satellite ship.

(G20.43) Should refer to the required 12 (not 10) damage points.

(G21.01) Pods added to a tug are treated separately for crew quality.

(G21.1122) This loss cannot be changed during the turn.

(G21.133) This cannot reduce the ship to less than one shuttle. Fractions of .5 or .75 are rounded up, 1.5 shuttles becomes 2, but 2.25 shuttles is also 2.

(G21.142) Note that admin shuttle pilots are always treated as "good".

(G21.211) The "net ECM shift" should read "net EW shift." A die roll of less than one is treated as one; do not shift to the next lower column.

(G21.2124) The seventh point is free if the first six are paid for. (G21.224) Reference to (C5.234) should be to (C5.233).

(G21.242) Note that admin shuttle pilots are always treated as "good".

(G22.111) Standard civilian freighters cannot roll for legendary officers.

(G22.123) No more than one officer of each type can be operating on a given ship at any one time.

(G22.133) See (D8.32) and (D24.32) for an exception.

(G22.222) Reference to (S6.1) should be to (SM5.47).

(G22.223) The second die roll uses only one die, not two.

(G22.23) Legendary captains begin all scenarios in "captain mode." He might have functioned in ONE other mode between two consecutive scenarios of a campaign.

(G22.414) These repairs are in addition to those done under (G17.132) and (G17.133). There is no reduction for repairs the engineer did during the scenario.

(G22.43) Note that the increased power provided by a legendary engineer does not increase the cost to operate a cloaking device, as to do so would be a penalty.

(G22.46) Tholian legendary captains cannot function as engineers.

(G22.51) A legendary major of marines modifies the die roll of one group of up to 10 boarding parties.

(G22.712) A legendary weapons officer's scanner adjustment factor allows him to fire weapons out to one hex greater than their maximum listed range.

(G22.72) A legendary weapons officer does not modify the die rolls for UIM breakdown or displacement device operation. Note that his EW or scanner modification effect may aid either system.

(G22.73) This is for direct-fire weapons only.

(G22.86) Note that the effect of this modifier is to subtract one from the die roll for an HET or to add one to the die roll for a quick reverse.

(G23.122) There is no "gap" between the two ESGs (at the same radius), so if the double-field struck a unit in stasis, this would be resolved just as if the unit was not in stasis. If two 20-point fields struck an object requiring 35 damage points to destroy, one field would be reduced to zero and the other to 5 regardless of whether the target was in stasis or not. (Of course, if the target was in stasis it would take no damage.)

(G23.5132) Word 'form' should be 'from'. See (G23.513) when the line of fire is along a hex spine.

(G23.571) Reference to (C1.31) should have been to (C1.313).

(G23.572) Reference to (C1.31) should have been to (C1.313).

(G23.61) Note that a chain mine with a disabled detonator would trigger immediately when the ESG detonated the mine controlling it.

(G23.612) Reference to (M5.133) should be to (M5.113). Note that as per (M5.113) inactive mines WILL detonate.

(G23.72) Items outside of the field are not damaged when the ESGgenerating ship leaves the hex, or when those objects themselves leave the hex.

(G23.843) In the event that a non-overloaded hellbore (which cannot fire at a range of 0) which is legally fired at a target (even a "speck of space debris") more than that range, intersects an ESG at range zero, treat this as having hit the ESG at a range of one.

(G23.843) Reference to (E1.5) should be to (D1.56).

(G24.12) There is no delay between the use of a given sensor on consecutive turns, whether it changes functions or not.

(G24.133) Reference to neutron star should be to White Dwarf.

(G24.1342) PPTs do blind sensor channels.

(G24.15) See (G24.1841) for an exception.

(G24.17) Base SSDs in R1 show what the special sensors are destroyed on.

(G24.21) Reference to (J4.98) should be to (J4.93).

(G24.211) NOTE: This is known even if using (D17.0); see (G24.2115), (G24.36), and (D17.194).

(G24.2174) Reference to (J4.996) should be to (J4.966).

(G24.219) No single unit can be lent more than six points of offensive EW. OEW applied by one scout against another scout has no effect on the second scout's ability to use its scout functions.

(G24.221) Three attempts on the same drone must be on different impulses, and the second and third attempts are not committed until the attempts on previous impulses are resolved. Attempts on three different drones could be made on the same impulse.

(G24.223) The reference to (G22.72) should be to (G22.722).

(G24.223) This applies even if the drone is a type-III or ATGequipped and had assumed its own guidance.

(G24.23) A scout cannot attract drones which are following a tractor beam (G7.943). An ECM drone attracted by an enemy scout will protect that scout. The controlling ship could release control of the drone, which would cause it to go inert unless the drone had achieved its own ATG lock-on to the scout (FD9.15).

(G24.252) All attempts ON THAT IMPULSE must be declared...

(G24.29) See also (D15.761).

(G25.0) The cargo transfer rules are not intended to give you extra spare fighters or T-bombs or chaff packs or anything else. The rule is intended to handle those situations when a ship was actually in the middle of transferring cargo and the enemy appeared. This is the only circumstance in which items nominally stored as cargo can be used during a scenario.

(G25.134) Rule (J11.41) provides fighters with a limited ability to carry cargo in small pods.

(G25.211) Unless specifically provided in its description, two transporters cannot ever be used to move a single object of any size. Exceptions: (D10.524), (G13.421), and (G19.47).

(G25.214) It is not possible to transport (or drop) cargo (or spare shuttles, reload drones, etc.) into space and have that cargo then "exist" for some purpose (e.g., damaging an ESG, later pickup, web anchor). A special scenario rule might provide a specific type of item that could be left in space for a time.

(G25.3) This rule cannot be used to exceed the number of T-bombs available to a given unit at any time during the scenario, e.g., no non-X size class three unit can have more than four T-bombs (and associated dummies) available for use on any given turn. This rule does not allow units with cargo to purchase NSMs and lay them from the shuttle bay or an Andromedan hatch.

(G26.331) Reference errors: loaned EW should be (D6.3144) and not (D6.3143); natural EW should be (D6.3143) and not (D6.3144). (G26.352) Reference to (G25.351) should be to (G26.351).

(G27.15) Cloaked decoys are purchased as part of the basic force level rather than as a commander's option. They may be purchased in virtually any scenario in excess of the limit on commander's options, but will count against the overall force total and/or under the victory conditions under (S2.20) Step B.

(G27.64) The decoy explodes if crash-landed.

(G27.71) Reference to (G17.13) should have been (G27.13).

(G28.341) The decision to put boarding parties on a shuttle is made at the instant of launch.

(G30.21) Shuttles may only land in inactive shuttle boxes by "crashing aboard" (J1.612). Shuttles which crash aboard are active shuttles, and can later take off (if not destroyed).

(G30.3) It is possible to use (G17.5) to "hastily activate" a system at a lower level of effectiveness. It could later be brought to full effectiveness, but only by taking it off line for an entire turn (at least) and expending the full number of repair points to activate it from scratch.

(G31.242) A satellite ship inside the hangar bay of a mothership or Starbase does not absorb any of this type of damage.

(G31.242) Satellite ships inside of hangars (whether on the Desecrator, or a mothership docked to an elevated base or otherwise in an elevator) do not absorb energy as a result of the elevator's effects. Some energy from the mothership's or Desecrator's panels may be transferred to the satellite in the bay by the usual energy transfer rules.

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Updated 30 August 1998