Star Fleet Battles Errata: (R6.0)

(R6.0) GORN: The header in Module R4 reads "Gorn Hegemony" instead of "Gorn Confederation."

(R6.PF2) Reference to (FP10.44) should be to (FP10.244).

(R6.02) BC SSD: GAS shuttles should have 8 damage points. Phaser-3s should be #7 and #8.

(R6.03) CL SSD: GAS shuttles should have 8 damage points. Phaser-3s should be #5 and #6.

(R6.04) DD SSD: GAS shuttles should have 8 damage points.

(R6.11) DN: Shield #4 should be 36 boxes.

(R6.13) SC SSD: Should have 4 excess damage. Note that for this class the F-refit provided only the two ph-3s.

(R6.14) PFT SSD: Incorrectly shows rule number (R6.16). Always had two reloads for plasma-D racks.

(R6.15) MS SSD: Should have 4 excess damage.

(R6.16) CV SSD lacks crosshairs on phaser-3s #5 and #6.

(R6.26) HDP: Balcony is 1+1. Counter is in Module R6.

(R6.40) BCH: Balcony is 3+3.

(R6.47) BB: This ship does not pay extra for GAS shuttles.

(R6.48) BCV: Always had double plasma-D reloads.

(R6.48) CVA: SSD: Shield #4 should be 36 boxes. PPT boxes D and E are part of the F-refit. The bays are of the "tunnel" type (running across the ship).

(R6.49) BCS: Always had double plasma-D reloads.

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Updated 30 August 1998