GREETINGS: This is the ADVANCED MISSIONS "ADDITIONAL ERRATA" FILE FOR 1999. The rules changes, corrections, and expansions herein, when combined with the Advanced Missions parts of the Master Errata from 1994, reflect the changes that were made in the 1999 edition of Advanced Missions. In theory, if you have this document, the Master Errata, and a 1991 copy of Advanced Missions, you will have the "effective equivalent" of a 1999 copy of Advanced Missions. Most of what is here are simply clarifications, cross references, and a few exceptions. There are, however, a small number of serious rules CHANGES and you should be on the lookout for these.--Steve Cole & Steve Petrick

ToC - ADD: G31.0 Temporal Elevator (Module C3).
ToC - ADD: G32.0 Prime Teams (Module M).
ToC - ADD: D4.12 Armor after D4.0 Damage Allocation.
ToC - ADD: D24.0 Andromedan Critical Hits (C3).
ToC - ADD: E15.0 Web Breaker (C3).
ToC - ADD: E16.0 Shield Cracker (C3).
ToC - ADD: E17.0 Particle Cannon (C3).
ToC - ADD: FD15.0 Starfish Drones (Module J).
ToC - ADD: FD16.0 Stingray Drones (Module J).
ToC - ADD: J11.0 Fighter Pods (Module J).
ToC - ADD: J12.0 RALADS (Module J).
ToC - ADD: J13.0 Casual Bases (Module J).
ToC - ADD: K6.0 PF Engine Degradation (Module K).
ToC - ADD: K7.0 Deathrider PFs (Module K).
ToC - ADD: K8.0 Crew Quality (Module K).
ToC - ADD: M11.0 Trans-Captor Mines (C3).
ToC - ADD: R15.0 Seltorian Tribunal (C3).
ToC - Fusion Beams and Hellbore Cannons are found in C1.
ToC - Tractor-Repulsor Beams, Plasmatic Pulsars, Web Casters, and Snare Generators are found in C2.
ToC Module X1 reference changed to See Module X1.
ToC Scenarios SG27.0 through SG29.0 should be noted as being in Module S1 rather than Mod R1.
ToC Scenario SG30.0 should be noted as being in Module S1 rather than Module B.
ToC Scenario SH17.0 should be noted as being in Module S1 rather than Module J.
ToC W4.0 should be 'Small Units' rather than 'Small Ships'.

(C10.111) Added impulse reactors (AIR) and ionic capacitors to the list of prohibited sources for power for erratic maneuvers.

(C10.13) EM cost for ace (J6.232) and green pilots (J6.222).

(C10.131) If a shuttle (including fighters) wants to use EM, it must move for the entire turn (or for the remainder of the turn on which it is launched) at no more than the required slower speed and must record in writing (during EA if already launched, and on the impulse of launch if launched during a turn) that this is the rea-son that a slower speed has been adopted. The shuttle cannot cancel this written commitment and accelerate to its full speed during the turn.

(C10.135) Fighters making a HET under EM do not roll for a breakdown (J4.123).

(C10.14) Should read "...i.e., 3 MOVEMENT points...1.5 MOVEMENT points...".

(C10.16) FAST PATROL SHIPS (PFs) use EM at a cost of 3/5 (0.6) of a warp energy point per turn (K1.24). Interceptors (K3.0) use EM at a cost of 1/2 (0.5) of a warp energy point per turn. Death Rider PFs cannot use EM (K7.61).

(C10.18) NAVIGATORS: Legendary navigators (G22.812) reduce the cost of EM by 50%. This is not cumulative with (C10.14). It is cumulative with being nimble (C10.12) and other conditions.

(C10.24) INELIGIBLE UNITS: add (C13.763) after: "docked to a base or FRD (C13.4833)". The specific restriction on pinwheels using EM is (C14.132).

(C10.311) Appropriate point in the Sequence of Play is in Stage 6A4.

(C10.314) Movement energy lost as a result of critical hits on the subsequent "roll for critical hits" step (6D5) can also be considered for triggering this announcement, as could damage caused by enemy marines in Step 6B7.

(C10.32) Add (6A4) after Sequence of Play.

(C10.34) Change ". . . adopt or drop . . ."’ to ". . . announce the adopting or dropping of . . ".

(C10.41) Exceptions: anti-drones (C10.49), poor crews (G21.127), outstanding crews (G21.227), small target modifiers (E1.71).

(C10.412) Add (D6.3143) after "natural source,".

(C10.413) This ECM is applied to all weapons fired at the unit using EM, and to seeking weapons which hit the unit using EM.

(C10.415) Low-Powered (D6.7) and Disrupted (D6.68) fire control, and special fire control systems such as DERFACS (E3.62) and UIMs (D6.5) are not affected unless specifically noted so in their rules, but none of these are immune to the penalties of (C10.413) and/or (C10.414).

(C10.42) EM is considered a "natural source" (D6.3143).

(C10.45) Note: Rule (P3.222) has always been unclear and the 1999 edition is no better. As above, ships (including PFs) add the cost of EM to their speed while shuttles (including fighters) use the next higher column.

(C10.46) Should read "See (C10.18) for the reduced cost of EM for a Legendary Navigator."

(C10.49) ADDs (E5.15) fired by a unit using EM are penalized by a +1 shift (E1.8).

(C10.514) Does not apply to mineFIELDS as per (M7.11).

(C10.521) Add "(D14.0)" after EDR in 'labs (G4.12) (G4.21) (use of labs for EDR is allowed)'.

(C10.523) They can use active fire control.

(C10.53) Reference to G19.0 should be to G19.4. A ship could undergo separation while using EM as an involuntary result of Catastrophic Damage (D21.43).

(C10.54) A ship able to benefit from a wild weasel while under EM would be protected by the ECM of both its EM (C10.41) and the WW (J3.23).

(C10.55) Ships in orbit cannot use EM (P8.45). The reference to nimble ships in this rule's second paragraph should be nimble units.

(C11.22) Add "and Interceptors (K3.23)" after "except PFs (K1.23)".

(C11.25) Should read "Add one to the quick reverse die roll (C6.31)."

(C11.31) If it is crippled (S2.4) for ships, at the point it is crippled. Reference to (K1.62) should be to (K1.624).

(C12.12) Reference to black holes should be to P4.1.

(C12.132) Reference to black holes should be to P4.1.

(C12.24) The reference to (C1.324) should have been to (C1.33).

(C12.242) Unplotted accelerations may not be within 8 impulses of each other. This requirement is not cancelled by (C12.314).

(C12.252) Tense Agreement; "two of which have reserve warp energy and one has..." should be "two of which have reserve warp energy and one which has...".

(C12.31) To "assuming a willingness to tolerate the mathematics" add "...and available power."

(C12.314) Add (D22.4) to "balancing energy due to damage".

(C12.341) Under (J1.211), however, a fighter or shuttle could (by combining its maximum speed with the next lower speed on carefully selected impulses) actually move one more hex during a given turn than it is technically allowed to. For example, a fighter with a maximum speed of 12 could, by moving at speed 11 during Impulses #9 through #18, actually travel 13 hexes during the turn.

(C12.343) Non-Fighter Shuttles must plot mid-turn speed changes for the remainder of the turn they are launched on the impulse of launch (landing does not have to be plotted). These changes are under the restrictions of (C12.342).

(C12.36) Because this step comes after movement, it effectively creates a one-impulse delay between announcement and execution (6A2). Change "non-plotted" to "unplotted".

(C12.374) Braking energy does not in itself slow the ship down. Braking energy cannot be used to reduce speed, but is only used to stabilize the ship for the switch to movement in the opposite direction. A ship traveling at speed 16 could not use braking energy to reverse direction in one instant, but must legally slow to speed 8 (say, for Impulses #4-#11), then to speed 4 (Impulses #12-#19), then to speed 0 (Impulse #20), then could pay 4 points of allocated braking energy (also Impulse #20) and begin reverse movement immediately (still on Impulse #20) OR it could remain at speed zero for eight impulses (#20-#27) and then move in reverse (on Impulse #28) without paying a braking cost. (In either case, it would be limited by the normal acceleration rules to speed 10 in reverse, and could be further limited by available power.) Note that braking energy cannot be from reserve power because reversing direction must be plotted.

(C12.385) Ships can (under some circumstances) exceed their maximum acceleration as a result of mid-turn speed changes. For example, a ship limited by acceleration to a speed of 20 could actually move 21 hexes by combining speeds 20 and 19. All 21 hexes must of course be paid for.

(C13.0) Shuttlecraft land by (J1.6), but can "dock" (internally in a base or FRD) or externally by these rules. Andromedan satellite ships can also dock externally (or be docked to) as any ship can (C13.9). PFs dock to PFTs by (K2.62), but can "dock" (internally) by these rules or externally by (K2.31).

(C13.11) When docking to an orbiting base, the ship will have to position itself in the hex that the base will enter by orbital movement.

(C13.131) Delete "Note that because of base rotation, the ship will have to position itself so that it will be facing the appropriate docking position at the end of the turn."

(C13.133) The reference to (C13.71) should be (C13.713). Insert "and (C13.75)" into "See (C13.67) for undocking".

(C13.17) Add to the end: ", including the dropping of its shields (C13.15)."

(C13.18) Add after tractor beam "(by the unit it is docking to)".

(C13.22) Reference to (D21.0) should be to (D21.46) and (D21.47).

(C13.4) There should be a reference to (F2.336) in addition to the reference to (F2.335).

(C13.41) PFs cannot do this (C13.956).

(C13.411) Should read "This does not include power used for repair systems (G17.0) working on the transferring ship."

(C13.413) Reserve power (H7.0) cannot be transferred between ships and the base they are docked to. Battery power can be allocated as normal power.

(C13.4811) Internally-docked ships can launch normal shuttles/PFs.

(C13.4846) The reference should be to (D10.412), not (D10.4).

(C13.512) A repair freighter or pod cannot function if docked exter-nally to or inside of an FRD except to repair the FRD itself; a base augmentation repair module could function in addition to the repair systems on an FRD.

(C13.663) The exploding ship cannot try to escape.

(C13.71) TRACTORS: Andromedan ships dock to the TR beams (E9.4) of their bases, and must use a TR beam as a tractor to maintain docking. TR beams used for this purpose are then blocked and cannot fire while the docking is maintained. This blocking applies to both TR beams in a pair of linked boxes on an SSD with the same firing arcs even if only one is being used to maintain the docking. The second TR beam could be used as a normal tractor.

(C13.711) The reference should be to (C13.441) and (C13.144).

(C13.714) In the case of a BATS or Base Station, there are no docking positions facing in three directions. A ship facing one of these positions could be docked to either adjacent docking point specified by the owner of the base. The facing of the ship is unchanged and the docking station (on the ship) used will be the one facing the base if the ship was in the hex facing the base docking station used.

(C13.715) In the case of a BATS or Base Station, there are no docking positions facing in three directions. A ship facing one of these positions could be docked to either adjacent docking point specified by the owner of the base. The facing of the ship is unchanged and the docking station (on the ship) used will be the one facing the base if the ship was in the hex facing the base docking station used.

(C13.722) Delete the duplicate word "damaged."

(C13.723) ADD: "Seeking weapons targeted on an externally docked ship will not be diverted by a WW launched by a base to which it is docked."

(C13.734) PPDs wave-locked to the ship will switch to the base if the base rotation moves the target ship to a position from which it cannot be attacked due to (C13.73). This will require a new wave-lock die roll.

(C13.762) ADD: (C13.717) after "Even without active fire control, the ship can use transporters and tractors to the base."

(C13.81) This rule does include plasma-Fs held in stasis boxes, and plasma-Ds in racks must be deactivated.

(C13.921) The second use of (C2.4) should have been to (C2.411) as that is the rule that defines PRACTICAL SPEED.

(C13.944) Note that in this situation, the mine considers the combined ships to be the size class of the larger ship, and if set for a smaller size class than the larger ship (or a size class larger than the larger ship) the mine would not accept the target and no roll would normally be made. Note that the owner of the mine may roll the die in any case and announce that it did not trigger since the ships would detect the mine under (M7.34).

(C13.963) Delete parenthetical note on the early draft of (D16.0) in Nexus #10 and Update #2.

(C13.98) Rules section added allowing shuttles to dock to shuttles or to ships in space for purposes of transferring small items, crew, and cargo.

(C14.11) ADD "External lending is to each ship individually and is not shared." Text allowing X and non-X pinwheels was deleted.

(C14.211) Note that in Module X1 rule (CX14.0) specifically disallows combining X and non-X ships into pinwheels.

(C14.233) Reference (C14.33) should have been (C14.222).

(C14.32) LOSS OF WEB BOXES: If all web boxes designated as holding the PW together (C14.232) are destroyed or become non-functional (by any means), the pinwheel is considered involuntarily separated at the end of the turn (in the Ships Committed to dock Step) when the last designated (C14.231) web generator was destroyed. Note, previously this rule said that the undocking step was at the end of the sequence of play, but this is not so, it is at the start of the sequence of play.

(C14.32) LOSS OF WEB BOXES: Change "(in the Undocking Step)" to "(in the Ships Committed to dock Step)".

(C14.42) Delete power for allowed transfers.

(C14.45) WEB: A pinwheel can operate web spinners (G10.24).

(D14.12) The number of labs allocated to each system must also be recorded, although repair attempts lost due to destroyed labs (D14.1) need not be announced.

(D14.13) These die rolls are made publicly; the system on which repairs are being attempted is declared before each die roll, and the number of die rolls that will be made on a given system must be announced before the first die is rolled.

(D14.32) Green PF crews cannot use EDR (K8.223); ace PF crews can use it twice (K8.234). Reference to (G4.3) should be (G4.33).

(D14.35) NEW RULE: Including ships that have had all their lab boxes destroyed (G4.33).

(D17.125) Naval auxiliaries (R0.6) and freighters (R0.6) obtain information using the MRS, PF, EWF column.

(D17.14) These restrictions and requirements apply only to probe drones used for Tactical Intelligence (D17.0).

(D17.17) Add particle cannon, web breaker, ion cannon, and rail guns.

(D17.197) CLARIFICATION: ". . . until they fire at which point all that is revealed is that an ADD is present. Other ADDs, including those which replaced drone racks, are simply reported as drone racks and would not be known as otherwise until they fired or until Level I when they are identified as to type (ADD-6, ADD-12, or ADD-30)."

(D17.215) Deleted in Advanced Missions Revision.

(D17.2251) Reference to atmosphere (P2.5) should be (P2.51).

(D17.256) NEW RULE: Prolonged observation cannot affect targets at strategic ranges. Prolonged observation cannot affect units using hidden cloaking unless the unit has previously had a lock-on to the cloaked target.

(D17.3) The crosses on the chart are probe drones per (D17.14), not probes (G5.0) as shown on chart and in notes below. Probes per (D17.151) use the ship column.

(D17.4-A) NEW RULE: Whether or not a target is nimble is known.

(D17.4-B) Size of plasma should have a reference to (FP1.323) which defines warhead strength as a known item. Weapons voluntarily discharged, can be detected, and the strength of discharged warheads (whether voluntary or involuntary) is known (E1.241). The fact that a weapon was ejected from the fighter facilities is known (J4.883).

(D17.4-D) Captured ships that have been modified to foreign technology (e.g., D7H) can be distinguished if their fire control is active, even at low power (D6.7). The turn mode category, e.g., A, B, C, etc., is known, but some circumstances may conceal turn mode categories, e.g., ship with pseudo-pod(s) (G14.6), and are revealed under their own rules.

(D17.4-E) The specific bay that launched a given shuttle is detectable (D17.16) if the bay is visible.

(D17.4-F) Reference (D17.19) should have been (D17.197) as this is the specific rule covering ADDs. The fighters detected on the balcony will be identified at Level H if the balcony can be seen at that point.

(D17.4-G) NEW RULE: Probe launchers detected.

(D17.4-I) As the presence of drones or plasmas on scatter packs is not reported under this rule, except that fighters or MRS shuttles used as SPs will be reported as carrying whatever portion of their weapon loads they are actually equipped with. The presence of mine racks in Orion Option mounts can be determined. Degradation status of PA panels is known.

(D17.4-I) NEW RULE: Mine racks in shuttle bays cannot be detected. Mine racks which replace weapons are detected. Damage to multi-track drone racks, e.g., type H, and the number of magazines is detectable.

(D17.4-J) Add to second sentence: ". . . as well as add-ons (which includes power systems in option boxes of Orion and other ships so equipped)." Add to end of fourth sentence: ". . . unused power systems cannot be detected."

(D17.4-K) Any other non-standard (player-installed) modification can be detected, including systems in option boxes. All unrepaired damage can be detected. Mech links are detected.

(D17.4-L) Add "or particle cannons" after "Energy in ESG capacitors ..." and before "cannot be detected."

(D17.52) CLARIFICATION: A player may suspend using the abilities of outstanding crews or legendary officers to avoid revealing their presence. Poor Crews cannot suspend their effects, but will not be detected until they perform some action that reveals their presence.

(D17.54) ADDITION: Tactical Intelligence cannot reveal numbers, types, or arming status of shuttles in a bay, numbers or types of drones in racks, launch rails, or storage, numbers of mines held in a mine rack, or anything else not specified in these rules or in the specific rules of any new weapons or systems added in future products.

(D17.75) The +5 range modifier is added after multiplying the range by the appropriate coefficient.

(D18.16) If the surprised ship is destroyed, units may escape under catastrophic damage (D21.0), but all will be treated as unarmed (not even phasers can be fired until the shuttle spends a full turn in a friendly shuttle bay) and with no chaff or packs.

(D18.17) Change "satellites" to "satellite ships".

(D18.19) WEAPONS: Inactive ships can use active, low-powered, or passive fire control, even on Turn #1. The ships are presumed to have used low-power fire control (D6.7) on the previous turn for local traffic control and navigation; they do not start with the passive fire control bonus (D19.31). A temporal elevator cannot function until the base is released from surprise (G31.36).

(D18.33) Reference to (G22.25) should have been (G21.25).

(D18.34) Reference to (G22.15) should have been (G21.15).

(D18.36) Add cross-reference to (D18.18) for legendary marine majors.

(D19.12) Reference (G24.217) should be (G24.218).

(D19.222) Tame boar cannot be used. Targets for wild boars cannot be closer than five hexes range.

(D19.223) Note that the launching of any seeking weapon would void a Wild Weasel (J3.41).

(D19.26) CLARIFICATION: A unit may fire on Passive Fire Control while activating Fire Control, but is still on Passive Fire Control until its Active Fire Control is fully on line, this does not apply to units fading in or out of cloak (G13.13).

(D19.31) EW BONUS: This benefit begins after 32 impulses without active (or low powered) fire control has passed and remains until active (or low powered) fire control is announced or the benefit is lost in some other way.

(D19.311) Scenario (SH33.0) is found in Module S1.

(D19.312) The word "uncloaked" should be "uncloaking".

(D19.313) A space should separate "See(G19.46)..." in the last sentence.

(D20.0) Change "Mines do not use these rules..." to "Mines do not use these rules for detection...".

(D20.14) AT START ONLY: A unit cannot become hidden during a scenario. While such actions as going behind a planet will break lock-on, they do not create the effect of a hidden unit. Exception, Jindarian asteroid ships (R16.1D).

(D20.21) FIRE CONTROL: The unit is revealed if it activates its active [including low powered (D6.7)] fire control system (D6.633), uses special sensors (G24.0), or generates electronic warfare (D6.3) points (or receives EW points from lending). Built-in and terrain-induced EW would not reveal the hidden unit.

(D20.21) This should refer to the "hidden unit" not the "cloaked unit".

(D20.22) ENGINE POWER: The unit is revealed when it commits power to movement; not the first time it changes from one hex to another or performs a tactical maneuver.

(D20.28) Change to read: The unit is revealed if it leaves the area (asteroid field, etc.) which qualified it for hidden deployment. See (D20.22).

(D20.34) STATUS: Ships hidden by long-term cloaking will be at WS-0 (S4.1) when the scenario begins (unless otherwise specified by the scenario rules), but can arm their weapons while remaining under cloak.

(D20.35) DETECTION: Ships hidden by long-term cloaking cannot be detected unless their cloaking devices are voided (G13.4) or they use any energy for any form of movement, i.e., they must have a maneuver rate of zero (C2.42). They can make zero-energy turns (C5.13) without being detected.

(D21.0) Reference Interceptors (K3.0) should be (K3.9).

(D21.222) All unidentified drones are assumed to be type-Is for this calculation.

(D21.31) Reference to (G8.11) should have been (G8.112).

(D21.332) All crew experience (U7.9) is ignored for that scenario and all legendary offi-cers lose that status for that scenario.

(D21.3422) (The capturing player designates the area in which the prisoners are held. If enemy forces capture that area by (D16.0), they can release the prisoners in that area and convert them all to militia at the standard rate, i.e., one per turn (D15.8312).

(D21.3443) Reference to (D22.5) should have been (G22.5).

(D21.414) The units able to carry the largest numbers of crew units will have precedence in the escape procedure, e.g., all admin shuttles must escape before any fighters can escape.

(D21.43) CLARIFCATION: Separating sections take no damage from the causal event, although any previous damage remains, and they might be damaged or destroyed by the explosion of the destroyed section if they do not get more than one hex away (D21.5).

(D21.47) Add (C13.663) after "only one ship per module can attempt to escape."

(D21.52) SPEED: For purposes of subsequent movement, the escaping unit may be designated as moving at any speed up to 10 (15 for PFs), within the acceleration limits of the unit itself.

(D21.56) Poor Crews should have the Ý mark.

(D22.13) Add " suicide shuttles being held or charged " to the list of systems.

(D22.131) ADDITION: Web Casters, Web Snares, Shield Cracker/Web Breaker, Particle Cannons are treated as ESGs.

(D22.55) HOLDING ENERGY for heavy weapons (or WWs or suicide shuttles) is "operating;" if cancelled, the weapon being held must be ejected (not fired or launched) immediately. (SS and WW shuttles are simply disarmed, they are not ejected from the ship.)

(D22.621) The reference to (D22.52) should be to (D22.62).

(D23.12) Repairing a disruptor as a shorter-ranged version will not reduce the shock effects caused by that weapon.

(D23.222) Should be noted that this is the shock (D23.221) die roll.

(D23.242) "...from the batteries or power absorber panels..." should read "...from the batteries and/or power absorber panels...".

(D23.25) TYPO: 2nd line, the statement "...eithe rin the form..." should read "...either in the form...".

(D23.433) In the case of successive scenarios without time to stop at a base, the ship uses its normal repair capabilities as provided in the rules, including (G17.132).

(E8.11) SSD: The mauler weapon is shown on the SSD only as a solid black line and smaller lines connecting batteries and power systems to the mauler weapon.

(E8.15) Add: ....cannot be fired under passive fire control (D6.623) OR LOW POWER fire control (D6.72).

(E8.28) Previously incorrectly listed as (D8.28).

(E8.31) The phrase ". . . distinct groups of from one or more . . ." should be ". . . distinct groups of one or more . . .".

(E8.334) NEW RULE: Power allocated directly to the mauler but not used is simply lost and the generating systems are not damaged in any way. This rule was added because it is mentioned in (E8.4) which is the integrated example, but is not otherwise a specific rule.

(E8.4) INTERGRATED EXAMPLE Add to end of first paragraph: "Note, however, that if he fires on Impulse #26 or later, he would not be able to use those battery groups on Impulse #1 of the next turn (and possibly some later impulses, due to the 8-impulse delay)."

(E8.5) The reference to (E1.57) should be to (D1.57).

(E8.516) NEW RULE: Power allocated directly to the mauler system rather than to the batteries and not used is assumed to have never been generated as per (D10.74).

(E8.517) Power drawn from the panels is considered not to be present when resolving the effects of enemy direct-fire weapons striking those same panels during the same Direct Fire Weapons Segment.

(FD6.0) It is doubtful that anyone actually believed the announcement since, at the time, there were virtually no Federation ships equipped with drone racks.

(FD6.13) CARRIAGE: Probe drones can be carried by ships, EW fighters, and MRS shuttles. A probe drone could also be carried by any fighter equipped with a sensor pod (J11.42), but not by other fighters. Probe drones cannot be loaded on captor mines or DefSats. Probe drones may be placed in Scatter-Packs.

(FD6.14) RECOVERY OF DATA: Probe Modules can be ejected from probe drones. The fact that the probe module will be ejected must be included in the targeting instructions of the drone together with a triggering event if the drone is not controlled. The drone will then continue to operate as a normal drone, and the space where the probe module was will be reported as a "null" module if the drone is identified. Controlled probe drones can eject the module on command but will no longer be controlled after that point and go ballistic (F4.0).

(FD6.141) Modules are ejected during the MW release step of the (6B6) Seeking Weapons Stage of the Sequence of Play.

(FD6.142) The hex into which the module is ejected must be recorded. After six turns (192 consecutive impulses) the module will begin emitting a homing signal that any ship or PF (not shuttle) will detect, and this must be announced.

(FD6.143) Probe Modules can only be recovered by tractor as a shuttle under (J1.620). Due to their small and shielded nature, they take six points of damage to destroy after being dropped from the drone bus (if the drone is destroyed before the module is dropped, the module is destroyed), unless hit by an ESG (G23.0) field in which case only one damage point is required.

(FD6.222) Add after "go inert (FD1.7)" the following: "[after ejecting its module (FD6.14) if so programmed]".

(FD6.32) Add to end: See (G13.302) for calculating effective range to cloaked units, i.e., add five to the range. Probe drones cannot detect minefields (M7.11), but can be used to identify individual mines (M7.52). A probe drone cannot detect a chain or command mine.

(FD7.12) Add starfish and stingray to the list of prohibited drones.

(FD7.14) Add GBS and HAS to the list of prohibited shuttles.

(FD7.15) MRS shuttles armed with plasma-Ds cannot also be loaded with drones in scatter pack mode or vice-versa.

(FD7.21) LOADOUT: Some MRS shuttles, for example, could carry EIGHT spaces.

(FD7.211) If a fighter or MRS shuttle is launched with drones prohibited by (FD7.12) is launched in scatter pack mode, the prohibited drones are dropped inert (FD1.71) when the release conditions (FD7.31) are met, but see (FD7.39).

(FD7.212) ADDITION: Drones loaded onto an SP at the start of a scenario under WS-II or WS-III are drawn from the ship's reload stockpile (FD2.44) and do not cost any BPV since they were paid for under (FD2.45). Any drones in the reload stockpile not prohibited by (FD7.12) can be loaded in the scatterpack at start without regard to availability (FD10.6).

(FD7.215) It takes 32 impulses to convert an SP back to being a shuttle; this can be done simultaneously with unloading any SP drones. All drones, other than those carried on the drone launch rails of fighters or MRS shuttles, must be unloaded before the shuttle can be used, including preparation as a suicide shuttle, wild weasel, for cargo transfer, etc.

(FD7.24) Reference (FD2.42) should be (FD2.422).

(FD7.25) No deck crew is needed to unload a drone rack.

(FD7.31) If a scatter pack has met its release conditions, it will release its submunitions even if there is no unit that can control them at that point. This will result in the submunitions being lost if they are incapable of gaining their own lock-ons.

(FD7.31-1) What enemy ship [or other unit, or object; or hex if ballistic (F4.4), note that a hex cannot trigger release] is the SP's primary target (the one it will pursue).

(FD7.31-2) "The minimum 2-hex range cannot be DECREASED". Always use true range.

(FD7.322) The reference to (C10.13) should be to (C10.132).

(FD7.331) ADDITION: Since shuttle launch occurs in Step (6B8) and drone launch is in Step (6B6) of the Sequence of Play (Annex #2), if an SP is launched on Impulse #1 it can release no earlier than Impulse #10. On Impulse #9 (8 impulses after launch) the SP qualifies to release after the drone launch step, so it must wait until Impulse #10 to actually launch.

(FD7.3333) This rule was deleted as no MRS shuttle has a rack in the Captain's Edition and the rule is obsolete.

(FD7.3342) The last two cross references in this rule are reversed; (FD7.333) should be where (FD7.331) appears, and vice versa.

(FD7.341) Each drone is numbered by the owning player when the SP is launched. The first drone, i.e., the drone the player determined is #1, is targeted on the primary target (if that target is acceptable to the SP's programming). The second drone is targeted on the nearest enemy unit other than the primary target (acceptable to the SP's pro-gramming), the third on the next nearest acceptable target, and so on in the order the player numbered them when the SP was launched. The drones will accept targets at ranges of 0 or 1, although the SP's primary target must be at least two hexes distant. Change last line of NOTE at the end from "targeted on nearest acceptable target" to "targeted on the nearest acceptable target".

(FD7.35) ADD: If a lock-on was retained to a cloaked ship, the SP will release its submunitions normally versus that target, using the true range to establish its release parameters. If using (G13.6), the moderator will have to determine when these conditions are met. Randomly targeted submunitions will ignore a cloaked unit that meets their targeting parameters if their guiding unit does not have a lock-on to that unit. (F3.54) does apply for transfer of control of SPs.

(FD7.363) [Of course, if the SP is launched ballistically (FD7.321) and (F4.42), this is a moot point.] SP shuttles (FD1.72) go inert after releasing their submunitions, and "control" cannot be voluntarily retained.

(FD7.371) Type-VI drones on random targeting will attempt to acquire a cloaked unit within their detection range, but if they fail to gain a lock-on will target the next acceptable target.

(FD7.373) These provisions apply to those drones distributed randomly. The first drone (FD7.341) will be targeted on the primary target. The player can establish, when launching the SP, which specific drone will be the "first" drone targeted.

(FD7.392) The ship could load these "foreign" weapons onto a corresponding foreign fighter by (J4.8962), but only during a scenario.

(FD7.394) Deleted reference to an MRS armed with a plasma-F as all such disappeared in the Captain's Edition.

(FD7.42) An SP that is recovered before it released its drones can be relaunched by the side that originally owned that SP after it has been serviced for 32 consecutive impulses. During these 32 impulses, deck crews could add drones to and/or remove drones from the SP.

(FD7.421) Anti-drones do not count for purposes of the explosion. The explosion value is not increased if the drones had extended range.

(FD7.44) A fighter used as an SP is no longer part of its squadron (at least until it is recovered and launched with a pilot.) Reference to (FD7.38) should be to (J8.33).

(FD7.442) A fighter-SP held aboard could have the SP systems removed by a deck crew and then launch as a normal fighter. It takes one deck crew action under (FD7.445) to remove the SP systems.

(FD7.443) Change ". . . plasma-Ds has it has launch rails" to ". . . plasma-Ds as it has launch rails".

(FD7.444) ". . . this HET must be made during the Voluntary Movement Stage of the Movement Segment (6A1) of the impulse the release will occur."

(FD7.45) It requires one turn to prepare a shuttle as a dummy SP or to unprepare it. If it is destroyed, there is no explosion and it is reported as a "shuttle". Change both references to (FD7.416) to (D7.62). Add to end: NOTE: Pseudo-suicide shuttles (J2.226) can be prepared immediately because their command guidance is simpler. The shuttle will head for one target and continue until impact.

(FD7.462) The reference to (G7.52) should be to (G7.522).

(FD7.47) This applies even if no damage is scored as a result of the "friendly fire".

(FD8.11) The reference to other races copying the type-IV is to using that technology on type-I and type-III drone frames. (FD8.13) is correct in saying that type-IV multi-warhead drones are available to all races from Y170.

(FD8.13) Reference to (FD10.0) should be to (FD10.6).

(FD8.14) A type-I-MW has three submunitions.

(FD8.22) Change reference to (FD7.331) to (FD7.333).

(FD8.222) Reference to (FD2.252) should be (FD5.252). Reference to (FD2.256) should be (FD5.256).

(FD8.41) The first paragraph assumes a speed-8 type-III drone, which theoretically could exist. The standard speed-12 type-III with speed-12 submunitions would cost 4 points.

(FD9.11) STATION KEEPING: ". . . but will never actually hit it, exception (FD10.443). The ECM drone is considered to be "following" the protected unit(s) under (P3.23)."

(FD9.126) A given ECM drone destroyed during the movement or direct-fire segments of a given impulse is still considered to provide its benefits to the unit it is protecting until the end of the step in which it was destroyed.

(FD9.181) The ECM drone will not loan ECM to a unit that is moving faster than the maximum speed of the ECM drone, i.e, a speed 20 ECM drone cannot protect a speed 21 ship, even if it is in the same hex.

(FD9.21) PROCEDURE: The ECM drone is not revealed as such by its actions but only if identified (F1.4) or the only drone in a given hex. The ECM drone can be designated as either "following", or "leading" some or all of the protected unit(s) under (P3.23).

(FD9.214) Text beginning "Note that . . ." was moved to (FD9.211).

(FD9.35) CARRIAGE: ECM drones can be carried by ships and MRS shuttles. They can be carried by SPs, although not if mounted on a type-III frame. Fighters can carry ECM drones but only fighters with "special" (J4.233) or "heavy" (J4.234) drone rails can use type-III frames. They cannot be loaded into DefSats or Captor mines.

(FD10.21) Add to end: and (FD10.52).

(FD10.24) The reference to (FD10.5) should be to (FD10.52).

(FD10.31) Change last sentence to read: "You are not required to pay for speed upgrades (FD2.454) in a given year, but must if you wish to use them."

(FD10.4252) The reference to (FD5.242) should have been (FD5.21).

(FD10.4254) Only type-IIIXX drones can use "Wild Boar" targetting.

(FD10.4255) Change "if using options 2) or 4)" to "if using options (FD10.4252) or (FD10.4254)".

(FD10.43) The reference to (F8.44) should have been to (FD8.44).

(FD10.6) The rules here provide for the availability of drones published through Advanced Missions. Any new drones or modules not listed here will include data on their availability in their own rules sections.

(FD10.622) A carrier with six heavy fighters counts as a carrier with 12 standard fighters.

(FD10.632) A carrier with six heavy fighters counts as a carrier with 12 standard fighters. Add parenthesis around "or contain".The note on carriers at the end should refer to "limited" availability.

(FD10.64) OVERALL RULES: The allowed percentage of Restricted Availability drones in-cludes the limit on Limited Availability drones. EXAMPLE: Kzinti ships can have 50% General Availability, 30% Restricted (and/or General) Availability, and 20% Limited (and/or Restricted and/or General) Availability drones.

(FD10.641) All percentages are based on "warhead spaces" of drones in drone racks, and fighter ready racks or launch rails (FD2.45). Round fractions of 0.49- down and 0.50+ up. Note specifically that this rule allows a ship with a type-A drone rack to have a type-IV drone with an ECM module (Restricted Availability 25%) and an explosive module. Frame modifications, e.g., speed upgrades, external armor, extended range, ATG guidance, or type-III frames (others that may be added at a later date) apply to the entire drone unless a warhead is of a more restricted type. A type-IV drone with Medium Speed in Y166 counts as two spaces of Restricted Availability even if both of its payload spaces are General Availability items. Such a Restricted Availability drone might have a Limited Availability module in one of its payload spaces, in which case it would be considered as one space of Restricted and one space of Limited availability. Note that a type-III frame (Limited Availability) to which the extended range frame modification (General Availability) is added becomes a two-space Restricted Availability drone (FD10.24).

(FD10.642) Player-designed scenarios must obey the restrictions unless both sides agree not to. See also (S3.2).

(FD10.643) Type-VI drones are not included in any of the calculations to determine how many special drones a given ship may carry. Exceptions: For purposes of type-G drone racks, type-VI and ADDs loaded in the rack count as "General Availability" drone spaces, e.g., a type-G rack on a non-Kzinti or non-carrier ship might have one restricted availability drone space and three spaces of type-VI or ADDs or a combination of the two. Type-VI spaces that receive speed upgrades in some years (FD10.65) count against the G-rack's Restricted and Limited Availability drone spaces. Type-E drone racks and ADD racks replacing some of their ADDs with type-VI drones compute the availability of speed upgrades (FD10.65) based on the numbers of type-VI drones, not ADDs.

(FD10.644) Fighter squadrons count type-VI drones loaded on type-VI rails separately from all other drones. Note that whatever is in the fighter ready racks counts against total carrier storage (J4.72). EXAMPLE: A squadron of 12 fighters with 24 type-VI and 24 type-I drone rails computes the number of limited and restricted availability speed upgrades of its type-VI drones under (FD10.65) allowing it in Y166 to have 12 type-VIM drones, the remainder being type-VIS. In that year half of the type-Is could also be Medium speed. A loadout would thus be 12 type-IM, 12 type-IS, 12 type-VIM, and 12 type-VIS, or 18 spaces of Medium speed drones and 18 spaces of slow speed drones (remembering that type-VIS are actually speed 12). Drone spaces in reload storage will be proportional to the loading of the fighters, so if the carrier had 100 spaces of reload storage, it would have 49.5 spaces of Medium speed (33 type-IM and 16.5 type-VIM) and a like number of slow drones. The remaining space could be a type-IM as (FD10.641) allows the half space to be rounded up. Note that some type-IMs may also be armed with various non-explosive modules, or the player may choose not to upgrade a type-I drone to Medium speed but still equip it with some other type of module. A player could also choose not to upgrade any of the type-VI drones, but the type-VI drones would still account for 33 spaces of his reload storage.

(FD10.645) Fighter squadrons count type-VI drones loaded on non-type-VI rails [(FD2.52) and (J4.23)] as a space of General Availability for each such drone, and a space of reload storage. A fighter with four type-I rails could have one restricted availability drone (25%) and three type-VI drones and would calculate its part of the drone stockpile (FD2.43) as one Restricted availability drone and six type-VI drones. This rule also covers RALADS (J12.0).

(FD10.646) Fighters with "special rails" (J4.233) able to carry type-III frames and MW modules are still subject to the rules for determining initial drones and reloads. They do not form an exception allowing additional limited availability drones to be purchased, and many of the initial drones in the ready racks for these rails may be of general or restricted types.

(FD10.647) Extra drones purchased as Commander's Options do not include reloads and must adhere to the drone percentages, e.g., if a Kzinti purchased two extra drones, one could be a restricted type, a Klingon or Federation non-carrier non-DB ship would have to purchase four drones for one to be a restricted type.

(FD10.65) DRONE SPEEDS: Medium speed drones are Limited in Y165, Restricted in Y166, General in Y167. Fast drones are Limited in Y178, Restricted in Y179, General in Y180. A type-I drone with medium speed in Y166 (restricted) and a Swordfish module (limited) would be a limited availability drone. A type-IV medium speed drone in Y165 (limited) with explosive modules (general) is two spaces of limited availability. A type-IV fast speed drone in Y179 (restricted) with an explosive module (general) and a swordfish module (limited) is a space of restricted (the speed upgrade) and a space of limited (the swordfish module). Moderate speed drones were invented in Y77 and were Limited Availability until Y100, then became Restricted Availability. They became General Availability items in Y120.

(FD10.66) MIXED MODULES: Drones with a payload of two types (e.g., a 1/2 space of armor and a 1/2 space of explosive), are considered to be one space of the more restricted type for purposes of the percentages. (Note; there are no "half spaces" of drone warheads, mixed spaces are counted as the more restricted type of the two halves.) Use warhead spaces, for this determination, e.g., a type-IV drone with an MW module, a half space explosive module, and a half space armor module would be considered as a space of Restricted and a space of Limited availability. Note that frame modifications (ATG, external armor, etc.) apply to the entire drone. EXAMPLE: A ship has ten drone spaces and is allowed to have one of them (10%) of the Limited Availability type. The player selects a type-I probe drone with external armor.

(FD10.67) This rule is mis-numbered as (SP10.66).

(FD10.671) This rule is mis-numbered as (FD10.661).

(FD10.672) This rule is mis-numbered as (FD10.662).

(FD10.673) This rule is mis-numbered as (FD10.663).

(FD10.71) The reference to (FD1.56) should be to (FD1.562).

(FD11.1) This drone was available in Y174 to all races.

(FD11.12) This can be carried on a two-space OR LARGER frame.

(FD11.21) When the drone first reaches the range (or less) during the Movement Segment (6A) that its firing parameters are met it commits to fire (this commitment is not announced). It fires its phaser at the target in the Direct Fire Weapons Fire Stage (6D2). The record of the drone's instructions should be revealed at this point, but not the identification of a second payload space if any. During the interim period between commit and fire, the Swordfish could be prevented from firing by various means (e.g., turned off by special sensors) or distracted (e.g., by a wild weasel) to a different target.

(FD11.23) ELECTRONIC WARFARE: The benefit of the ECCM of the guiding ship is taken from the location of the drone, not the controlling unit. Thus a Swordfish drone might benefit from the ECCM status of the guiding ship but not be affected by hexes of asteroids between the guiding ship and the target ship.

(FD11.28) Change "scatterpack" to "shuttle".

(FD11.3) See (FD10.6) for availability.

(FD14.1) Both modules were available in Y174 to all races.

(FD14.213) Change last phrase of the example from "on the following turn" to "at a later time".

(FD14.31) See (FD10.6) for availability.

(FP9.18) This should say that plasma-Ds have the ECCM not ECM of the controlling unit (FP4.32).

(FP9.22) If a fighter with a pl-D lands, the 25 turns is counted from the impulse of landing and does not include time spent in flight or during previous visits to the bay.

(FP9.31) Add the G-8 to the list of Gorn fighters.

(FP9.33) ISC Attrition, Superiority, Fast Superiority, and Heavy Fighters carry the plasma-D. See Annex #4.

(FP9.35) Change "CV with 12" to "CV with up to 12".

(FP10.241) CLARIFICATION: The ship can fire one bolt from one rack at one size class four target during a given turn, not one bolt each at four different targets, or one bolt each from two or more racks at a target.

(FP10.3) Reference to (FP9.21) should be to (FP9.22).

(FP10.312) Extra plasma-Ds can be bought under (S3.2). They are treated like drones, and their price is given in Annex #6A.

(G11.21) Change (G21.225) Automatic escape (D21.56) to (G21.225) Greater chance of escape in (D21.56).

(G11.342) OPTION #2: The crew can form militia (which is disbanded when the computer is destroyed) as per rule (D15.83) [i.e., 50% of the smaller crew in (G11.23)]. Note: (D16.0) is not used in the above procedure.

(G11.415) DIE ROLL 5: Note that the speed of one assumes that a point of impulse power was allocated for movement.

(G12.0) SSDs for separated booms, saucers, and Neo-Tholian rear hulls are found in Module D3.

(G12.10) The reference to (G12.543) should be to (G12.54).

(G12.11) Move (G12.12) reference to the end of the sentence in which it appears.

(G12.12) D5W boom requires 5 boxers. F5W and HF5 booms require 4 boxes.

(G12.141) Delete references to FA+L and FA+R phasers on the B10 as these already have the improved firing arcs while still attached to the hull.

(G12.22) The Federation Battleship requires ten boxes.

(G12.37) The reference to (C6.52) should be to (C6.522).

(G12.38) SUBLIGHT EVASION: A boom or saucer attempting sub-light evasion after separating due to Catastrophic Damage (D21.0) or self-destruction (D5.0) gains a bonus of -3 on the die roll in (C7.3).

(G12.543) Rear hulls without impulse engines obviously cannot move under impulse power.

(G12.73) HULL DESIGNATION: Hull on all separated sections is treated as "center" hull (G3.23). Both sections retain the seeking weapon control ability of the original (intact) ship.

(G12.81) The cloaking device (if any) is in the boom/saucer section in the same area as the Emergency Bridge. If there is no Emergency Bridge, it is in the same area as the main bridge.

(G12.82) The UIM is a device located in the boom section. DERFACS is a computer software/hardware system in the boom section. These systems are in the same area as the main bridge. On Neo-Tholian ships, these systems are in the rear hull and are associated with auxiliary control. If the boom or Neo-Tholian rear hull in question has disruptors, these fire con-trol systems can still be used.

(G12.83) Transporter bombs and transporter artillery rounds are stored in the rear section for all separated ships.

(G12.88) Aegis systems in Klingon ships with separable booms are tracked as follows: Non-carrier escort Klingon ships (most D5s, B10s, and the B11) leave the system in the rear hull. Carrier escort versions of Klingon ships have aegis in both the rear hull and the boom, but cannot use it unless they raise full fire control. Aegis on Federation ships goes with the saucer.

(G12.99) CRITICAL HITS in effect on a Neo-Tholian ship remain in force on both sections if it separates (D8.0). If a Tholian Command module docks to a rear hull, and either is under the restrictions of a critical hit, the effects of that critical hit apply only to the section that was originally affected, although a Command Module could attempt to repair the critical using the improved damage control rating of the combined ship.

(G16.11) The reference to (G16.35) should be (G16.3).

(G16.31) Reference to (P8.31) should be (P8.23).

(G16.351) The presence of an ECM shift to an enemy target [or a friendly target if (G24.219) applies to the SFG ship] may require a die roll attempt on the impulse of activation to determine if the lock-on is strong enough for the SFG to function (D6.37). See (G16.404).

(G16.41) The word "ship" in the first sentence should be "unit."

(G16.42) All references to "ship" in this rule should be to "unit."

(G16.43) All references to "ship" in this rule should be to "unit."

(G16.45) All references to "ship" in this rule should be to "unit."

(G16.51) The reference to a Klingon Starbase SSD and R description is (R3.100) found in Module R6.

(G16.531) WYN ships can mount an SFG in any two adjacent mounts (not necessarily centerline).

(G16.61) Nothing on a planetary, asteroid, or lunar surface can be placed into stasis.

(G16.62) UNITS WHICH CAN BE PLACED IN STASIS: The reference to SAMS and COMPLATs are deleted since these do have positional stabilizers to keep the Orions from simply stealing them or shoving them into planets.

(G16.64) When the ESG generating ship is released from stasis, the ESG reforms instantly, and units that are in ESG hexes treat this formation under (G23.56).

(G16.651) The last sentence of the example is in error, since (G16.71) prohibits a ship released from stasis from being stasised again within eight impulse. It has been changed to as follows: On the next impulse, Kird wants to use his second field to place Kecond in stasis but cannot due to the prohibition against a unit released from stasis being placed in stasis again within eight impulses. While Kecond's ship recovered from disrupted fire control four impulses later and could have put Kird in stasis (freeing Kirst), the council had already voted to give Kird the empty seat.

(G16.67) Note that a ship in stasis would impact an ESG field entering the hex (G23.87).

(G16.7) For recycling times, the period before a unit released from stasis allocates energy is considered to be the same turn as when it was placed in stasis; the period commencing with its energy allocation is considered to be a new turn.

(G16.72) Reference to (G16.7231) should be to (G16.723).

(G16.721) The last four impulses of the turn are considered normally for purposes of (C12.313), even if the ship-turn would have more than that many impulses remaining.

(G16.722) The last four impulses of the turn are considered normally for purposes of (C12.313), even if the ship-turn would have more than that many impulses remaining.

(G16.723) The four impulses are considered the last four impulses of the turn for purposes of (C12.313) and for other purposes.

(G17.12) Repair boxes on PF or SCS pods CANNOT repair any ship, only repair pods can.

(G17.1314) Legendary engineers (G22.44) and legendary weapons officers (G22.76) have certain repair abilities. Any repairs they conduct are permanent.

(G17.1325) Add references to (K2.61) and (J4.818).

(G17.243) Reference to (G17.12) should be to (G17.121).

(G17.27) Change the rule title to "CREW REQUIREMENTS" to avoid confusion with the normal minimum crew rules.

(G17.312) Change last sentence to: Repair points cannot be generated unless they are allocated to a specific valid repair; they cannot be accumulated for future use.

(G17.512) Only certain substitutions are allowed (all others are pro-hibited unless noted in their rules); these are: X-tech system as the equivalent non-X tech system. Italicized text deleted as specifically outlawed in Module X1.

(G17.54) Change: "as one repair by (G17.0)" to "as one repaired by (G17.0)".

(G21.01) Pods added to a tug are treated separately for crew quality.

(G21.111) The last word of this rule should be "use".

(G21.1122) This loss cannot be changed during the turn.

(G21.133) This cannot reduce the ship to less than one shuttle. Fractions of .5 or .75 are rounded up, 1.5 shuttles becomes 2, but 2.25 shuttles is also 2.

(G21.142) Note that admin shuttle pilots are always treated as "good".

(G21.143) One of the two deck crews provided by (J4.814) is lost.

(G21.211) The "net ECM shift" should read "net EW shift." A die roll of less than one is treated as one; do not shift to the next lower column.

(G21.2124) The seventh point is free if the first six are paid for.

(G21.223) The reference to (S2.41) should be to (S2.4).

(G21.224) Reference to (C5.234) should be to (C5.233).

(G21.242) Note that admin shuttle pilots are always treated as "good".

(G21.243) Deck crews provided by (J4.814) are increased from two to three.

(G22.111) Standard civilian freighters cannot roll for legendary officers.

(G22.123) No more than one officer of each type can be operating on a given ship at any one time.

(G22.133) Engineer: See (D8.32) and (D24.32) for an exception.

(G22.222) Reference to (S6.1) should be to (SM5.47).

(G22.223) The second die roll uses only one die, not two.

(G22.23) Legendary captains begin all scenarios in "captain mode." He might have functioned in ONE other mode between two consecutive scenarios of a campaign.

(G22.37) ON BASES: Legendary Science Officers gain capabilities, when serving on large bases.

(G22.371) Legendary Science Officers in any control box or lab of a Battle Station or Starbase can identify up to three seeking weapons (or shuttles) as the final step of the Final Functions Phase (6B11) of the Sequence of Play. This is due to his access to the huge computer systems of these large bases. This is instead of and not in addition to his ability to do this during the Ship Systems Function Stage (6B4) on any given impulse.

(G22.372) Legendary Science Officers on Battle Stations or Star Bases evaluate enemy ships (D17.4) at two levels better than normal, e.g., D becomes F, K becomes M. Note that no level better than M can be achieved.

(G22.414) These repairs are in addition to those done under (G17.132) and (G17.133). There is no reduction for repairs the engineer did during the scenario.

(G22.42) A legendary engineer also provides a bonus during Surprise (D18.36).

(G22.43) Note that the increased power provided by a legendary engineer does not increase the cost to operate a cloaking device, as to do so would be a penalty.

(G22.46) Tholian legendary captains cannot function as engineers.

(G22.51) A legendary major of marines modifies the die roll of one group of up to 10 boarding parties, i.e., if he is with 11 boarding parties he can provide his modifier to the group of 10, or the group of one, but not to both.

(G22.52) On a die roll of "6" the Major is still on board the shuttle/PF.

(G22.611) The doctor can cure one crew unit per turn (dead or wounded); dead units must be cured within ten turns of being "killed" or they cannot be cured. (As wounded crew units can be cured at any later point, the doctor will of course concentrate on the "dead" ones, but even so, the pace of casualties in heavy combat could outpace even his heroic efforts.) A scenario is extended after its defined end [although the Impulse procedure is not used unless other conditions require it such as (C7.51)] to determine the number of healed crew units. For example, if a scenario is defined as ending on Turn #10, and there is no other activity required after that time, the players can calculate the number of crew units the doctor will cure.

(G22.712) A legendary weapons officer's scanner adjustment factor allows him to fire weapons out to one hex greater than their maximum listed range.

(G22.725) A legendary weapons officer does not modify the die rolls for UIM breakdown or displacement device operation. Note that his EW or scanner modification effect may aid either system.

(G22.73) This is for direct-fire weapons only.

(G22.86) Note that the effect of this modifier is to subtract one from the die roll for an HET or to add one to the die roll for a quick reverse.

(G24.11) - Gramatically, the word "that" immediately after the reference to (D6.11) should be "which" instead.

(G24.12) A channel can change functions every turn without any delay. It is able to function immediately whether it changes functions or not.

(G24.13) Sentence beginning "Starbases" is replaced as follows: "Bases use rule (G24.135)".

(G24.133) Explosion and terrain damage which is resolved in a single step of stage (6A3) of the Sequence of Play (Annex #2) is combined for purposes of determining blinding. Damage in separate steps is not combined, nor is damage carried over to subsequent impulses.

(G24.133) Reference to neutron star should be to White Dwarf.

(G24.1342) PPTs do blind sensor channels.

(G24.1345) CLARIFICATION: The only time a channel is blinded is on the impulse the ESG becomes active. If no channels are powered, then none will be blinded. If any are powered in EA while an ESG is still operating from the previous turn, the channels will not be blinded.

(G24.135) BASES do not have exhaust ports for propulsive gases and can mount their sensors in areas where they are shielded from their own weapons fire. No base will blind any of its sensor channels as a result of firing its own weapons. The blinding of explosions (G24.133), pulsars (G24.1813), and gravity waves (G24.1851) remain in effect as do all other (G24.0) rules.

(G24.15) See (G24.1841) for an exception.

(G24.17) Base SSDs in Module R1 show what the special sensors on bases are destroyed on.

(G24.1812) Add to end: See (G24.29).

(G24.1814) The reference to (P2.5) should be to (P2.51).

(G24.1815) Special sensors will not function if a direct line to the object(s) of the operation (e.g., the drone being identified, the ship receiving lent ECM, the ship receiving lent ECCM or its target) is blocked by a planet or a large moon [assuming that it breaks lock-on (P2.3221)] or passes within two hexes of a pulsar (P5.0) or black hole (P4.0).

(G24.182) ADDED TEXT: Tractors do not affect special sensors (G7.91), but see docking (C13.764) and (C13.941).

(G24.1852) CLARIFICATION: A Special Sensor cannot have any direct affect on a unit inside nebula, but can have indirect effects, e.g., lending ECM to a unit outside a nebula that a unit inside is targeting, or lending ECCM to a unit outside of a nebula that is targeting a unit inside.

(G24.21) Reference to (J4.98) should be to (J4.93).

(G24.211) NOTE: This is known even if using (D17.0); see (G24.2115), (G24.36), and (D17.194).

(G24.2114) Also note that points from allocated power held as "ready" points can only be used for the scout itself for self-protection by means of (G24.28).

(G24.213) PF TENDERS can use one of their channels to lend elec-tronic warfare points (up to six points) to any (or the same points to all) of the PFs of a given flotilla originally carried by that tender; see (K2.52) for procedures and restrictions.

(G24.2174) Reference to (J4.996) should be to (J4.966).

(G24.219) No single unit can be lent more than six points of offensive EW. O-EW applied by one scout against another scout has no effect on the second scout's ability to use its scout functions.

(G24.221) Three attempts on the same drone must be on different impulses, and the second and third attempts are not committed until the attempt(s) on previous impulses are resolved. Attempts on three different drones could be made on the same impulse by one channel.

(G24.223) Change "less than four" to "1-3". Add: This applies even if the drone is a type-III or ATG-equipped and had assumed its own guidance. The reference to (G22.72) should be to (G22.722).

(G24.226) NEW RULE: If a shuttle has not previously been identified as a seeking weapon, an attempt to break a lock-on can still be made. If successful, a non-ballistic seeking shuttle will go inert. A manned seeking shuttle may, at the owning player's option, simulate going inert, i.e., stop moving (J1.223) in hopes of fooling an opponent for some reason. Otherwise manned non-seeking or ballistic shuttles will continue to operate normally.

(G24.23) A scout cannot attract drones which are following a tractor beam (G7.943). An ECM drone attracted by an enemy scout will protect that scout (FD9.15). The controlling ship could release control of the drone, which would cause it to go inert unless the drone had achieved its own ATG lock-on to the scout. All references to "drones" in this section (G24.23) also apply to seeking shuttles, unless specifically stated otherwise; see (FD1.8).

(G24.235) NEW RULE: A scout can attempt to attract a shuttle that has not been identified as a seeking weapon. If the player controlling the shuttle indicates that it is not attracted, it will mean that it is either manned, or on a ballistic course. The player owning such an unidentified shuttle that is manned may choose to indicate that the channel is attracting it in an effort to fool his opponent, but the shuttle must operate as a seeking weapon while still moving in the shuttle step of the Order of Precedence (C1.313).

(G24.252) All attempts ON THAT IMPULSE must be declared...

(G24.283) Scout ships cannot lend ECCM to themselves. Bases can lend ECCM to themselves.

(G24.29) See also (D15.761).

(G24.31) The reference to (G24.14) should be to (G24.143). In the Parenthetical comment add: Andromedan ships might spend more power (D10.73), but cannot use more than six points at a time.

(G24.332) The reference to (G24.232) should be to (G24.23).

(G24.34) [Note that a base could fire its phaser-4s as phaser-3s in this manner as well, although there is no reason to, see (G24.135).]

(G25.0) The cargo transfer rules are not intended to give you extra spare fighters or T-bombs or chaff packs or anything else. The rule is intended to handle those situations when a ship was actually in the middle of transferring cargo and the enemy appeared. This is the only circumstance in which items nominally stored as cargo can be used during a scenario.

(G25.134) Rule (J11.41) provides fighters with a limited ability to carry cargo in small pods.

(G25.211) Unless specifically provided in its description, two transporters cannot ever be used to move a single object of any size. Other exceptions: (D10.524), (G13.421), and (G19.47).

(G25.214) It is not possible to transport (or drop) cargo (or spare shuttles, reload drones, etc.) into space and have that cargo then "exist" for some purpose (e.g., damaging an ESG, later pickup, web anchor). A special scenario rule might provide a specific type of item that could be left in space for a time.

(G25.232) Tugs and/or cargo pods are included in this rule.

(G25.3) This rule cannot be used to exceed the number of T-bombs available to a given unit at any time during the scenario, e.g., no non-X size class three unit can have more than four T-bombs (and associated dummies) available for use on any given turn. This rule does not allow units with cargo to purchase NSMs and lay them from the shuttle bay or an Andromedan hatch.

(G25.4) NEW RULE: Base Commanders can fill 50% of the cargo capacity of the base, not including Augmentation Modules or pods, with supplies at 50% of the normal BPV.

(G25.41) STORAGE: These supplies may be brought out of storage during a scenario using the supply rules. No system can be brought out of storage, or even begin the (G25.3) procedure unless a space in the Base's normal load out is available. For example, a T-bomb in cargo could not be moved to storage to be prepared for use unless the base has already used a T-bomb. A drone (or plasma-D) could not be moved from cargo to storage unless the base has already launched one, including a fighter or shuttle launching one. See (J1.422) for spare shuttles in cargo storage. (NOTE: If the proposed "Shuttle Deck" rule is used players might consider buying a few NSMs for MLS shuttles.)

(G25.42) FIGHTERS or shuttles that launch carrying ordnance do not count as having launched the ordnance until they actually do launch it, are crippled (J1.332), or are destroyed. Note that a scatter pack must release its sub-munitions or be destroyed (FD7.48) to count as the ordnance being lost.

(G25.43) SPECIAL DRONES may be purchased as cargo, but will not come with free reloads and must be purchased within the percentages for that race as if the base was a NON-Carrier, e.g., to get a 10% availability drone you must purchase nine other standard drones etc. Drones for the Base's fighters and PFs (if any) will be purchased normally for its hangar and PF augmentation modules.

(G26.32) The reference to (E12.22) should be to (E12.222).

(G26.331) Reference errors: loaned EW should be (D6.3144) and not (D6.3143); natural EW should be (D6.3143) and not (D6.3144).

(G26.352) Reference to (G25.351) should be to (G26.351).

(G27.15) Cloaked decoys are pur-chased as part of the basic force level rather than as a commander's option. They may be purchased in virtually any scenario in excess of the limit on commander's options, but will count against the overall force total and/or under the victory conditions under (S2.20) Step B.

(G27.451) The effects of (E1.7) will only apply if the true range is great enough to cause them. The modifier is applied to die rolls on the (G13.37) table in an exception to (G13.372).

(G27.64) The decoy explodes if crash-landed.

(G27.71) Reference to (G17.13) should be to (G27.13).

(G28.33) The reference to (D7.2) should be to (D7.21).

(G28.341) The decision to put boarding parties on a shuttle is made at the instant of launch.

(G29.212) Delete extra "a" between "with" and "active".

(G30.21) Shuttles may only land in inactive shuttle boxes by "crashing aboard" (J1.612). Shuttles which crash aboard are active shuttles, and can later take off (if not destroyed).

(G30.22) Damage is resolved against inactive systems normally by the Damage Allocation Chart, i.e., a ship with disruptors that are inactive under these rules would lose one on a "torpedo" damage point (unless it had something else on which a "torpedo" hit could be resolved and chose to do so).

(G30.3) It is possible to use (G17.5) to "hastily activate" a system at a lower level of effectiveness. It could later be brought to full effectiveness, but only by taking it off line for an entire turn (at least) and expending the full number of repair points to activate it from scratch.

(M4.41) Add to bottom of table: Sub-Type J; Large 12 Anti-Drones; Small 6 Anti-Drones; Users Klingon, Kzinti, Federation, WYN.

(M4.412) Add type-J.

(M4.413) Exception, type-B captors controlled by a base (M5.21) can bolt or launch as a seeking weapon at the controlling player's option and switch between the two options each turn.

(M4.414) The reference to (M4.421) should be to (M4.42).

(M4.415) A Type-D captor could be told to fire on a plasma torpedo of 23-30 strength points but not one of 22 strength points.

(M4.416) Exception, type-E captors controlled by a base (M5.21) can fire enveloped or direct-fire shots at the controlling player's option and switch between the two each turn.

(M4.417) The reference to (M4.421) should be to (M4.42).

(M4.418) Exception, type-G captors controlled by a base (M5.21) can bolt or launch as a seeking weapon at the controlling player's option and switch between the two options each turn.

(M4.419A) Type-J mines are armed with anti-drones and are used to stop fighter or drone attacks. A type-J captor can be set to fire one anti-drone per impulse if shuttles, fighters, or drones are within a set range (either 2 hexes or 3 hexes) until all such targets have been engaged once during the turn.

(M4.422) Note: The addition or lack thereof of implosion detonators on type-E captors, and the ability to bolt or launch plasma torpedoes of type B or G captors are not improved or special fire controls.

(M4.423) Exceptions: Type-A and type-G captor mines controlled by bases; type-H and type-J whether controlled by bases or not; (see M4.412).

(M4.4252) TYPO: " a maximum range of 35 hexes from the MINE."

(M4.427) Reference to (M5.28) should be to (M8.42).

(M4.46) Change "When firing at cloaked . . ." to "When firing at a cloaked . . .".

(M5.1121) Reference to (M2.45) should be to (M2.85).

(M5.1123) Reference to (G18.0) should be to (G18.65). Reference to (G19.4) should be to (G19.41).

(M5.20) A given mine can accept any number of orders in a single impulse.

(M5.212) Change "type-A/G/H" to "type-A/G/H/J".

(M5.27) A captured unit cannot control mines during the scenario in which it is captured and cannot later control the original owner's mines, even if the original owner recaptures the base.

(M5.34) Two chain mines, two deadman mines, or one of each would violate this rule.

(M6.1) Add references: (M4.41) for captor mines, (M4.51) for sensor mines, (M5.33) for chain mines. Delete

(M6.33) There is no limit to the number of mine "belts" that might be deployed around a base, but it would not be a good investment of BPV as no more than six packages of mines may be purchased.

(M6.331) As per (M6.2), captor and sensor mines can be up to six hexes from the belt.

(M6.34) CAMPAIGN: If the scenario is part of a campaign, the following procedures take place between scenarios: Any damaged but not destroyed mines are destroyed between scenarios (M8.426). All remaining mines reset to their original instructions, resetting any "target delay" counts (M6.1) back to zero. All mines receive new detection numbers. The MFC player can reset the instructions of surviving mines if the minefield surrounds a base or planet, including their detection numbers. Any T-bombs or NSMs laid during a scenario by either side become inert or self-destruct, including mines laid by minelayers or minesweepers. New or additional mines provided by campaign rules can be added to the minefield if any such are available. Unless otherwise restricted, any drone (or anti-drone) or plasma-D armed captor mines are fully reloaded. Control, chain, or deadman switches cannot be added to any mine that is part of an existing minefield, but can be part of mines added to an existing field.

(M7.11) Probes and probe drones cannot detect minefields, but can identify individual mines under (M7.52).

(M7.12) "When a given ship has detected a minefield the MFC must give the distance from that ship . . .".

(M7.22) The reference to (M7.33) should be indicated as an exception.

(M7.31) SPEED: To attempt to detect individual mines, the ship must be traveling at an effective speed (C2.45) of six or less. The ship cannot be using erratic maneuvers (C10.514) when attempting to detect individual mines, but can use erratic maneuvers when attempting to detect a minefield.

(M7.322) Manned (not remotely operated) Minewarfare PFs (PFMs) are treated under (M7.321); see (M2.85) and (R1.PF4).

(M7.323) Add "at up to six hexes (J9.12)" to the end.

(M7.34) AUTOMATIC DETECTION: "If a ship with active fire control (D6.6) moving speed six or less (M7.31) . . .".

(M7.345) A mine which becomes active while a ship is in its detection zone is treated as if the ship has just moved into its detection zone even if the ship does not move.

(M7.42) The speed of the ship can be no more than six or lock-on is lost immediately. Other conditions of lock-ons (range, blocking terrain) also apply. If the ship's fire control is disrupted (D6.68), switched to passive (D19.0) or to low-power (D6.7) the lock-on is lost.

(M7.44) This procedure also applies to PFs.

(M7.51) LABS A unit must have a lock-on to a mine to identify it.

(M7.52) A probe drone (FD6.0) that reaches the hex of a mine can identify that mine as a probe under (G5.25).

(M8.11) A unit that is unable to move can sweep mines adjacent to itself under the provisions of this rule.

(M8.21) The unit launching the seeking weapon at the mine can be moving at any practical speed (C2.411) from zero to six hexes per turn. [Faster speeds would prevent the ship from maintaining a lock-on to the mine (M7.3).] NOTE: Drones must be launched by a ship which has a lock-on to the mine, type-IIIXX drones cannot target mines as part of their (FD5.25) programming, ATG drones and type-VI drones cannot seek mines from longer ranges or when released from scatterpacks.

(M8.24) The (D6.361) penalty does not apply to type-VI drones.

(M8.312) Minelaying freighters do not have MSS shuttles, but use MLS shuttles instead.

(M8.32) PROCEDURE: To destroy a mine, an MSS must move into the mine's hex under remote control (R1.F2). Once there, assuming that the mine has not detonated, roll a single die. A result of 1-4 destroys the mine but not the shuttle. A result of 5 destroys the mine. If it is an explosive mine, it detonates. If it is another type of mine (e.g., captor, sensor), its anti-tamper "salvage" charge explodes causing ten points of damage to the minesweeping shuttle [or minesweeping PF (M8.33)]; no other unit is damaged by the anti-tamper device since it only affects things in close proximity. A result of 6 means that nothing has happened; the MSS is still trying to sweep the mine. An additional die roll can be made every impulse. EW has no effect on this die roll. It is theoretically possible for an MSS to sweep 32 mines in a single turn provided it began that turn in a hex with 32 mines, or was able to move to hexes with more mines on each of its movements. NOTE: Salvage charges have only enough explosive force to destroy the mine, and anything in their immediate vicinity such as an MSS shuttle, and are otherwise irrelevant to the game.

(M8.422) Any firing or launching of weapons must be within the mine's normal rate of fire; if the mine is not eligible to fire/launch, e.g., it has already done so that turn, the stimulus will be ignored.

(M8.4233) ". . . to engage a size class four (or larger or smaller) minesweeper."

(M8.425) The reference to (M5.1133) should be to (M5.1132).

(M8.51) GATLINGS: ". . . the mine will trigger if incompletely destroyed within the restrictions of (M8.42)."

(M8.52) PHASERS ONLY: Exception: Anti-Drones can also be fired at mines (E5.33).

(M8.6) Delete "except a PA mine (M10.0)." Reference to (M8.2) should be (M8.14).

(M9.15) Small explosive mines removed from the mine racks (M9.19) can also be used as T-bombs on the following turn.

(M9.16) Orion ships with mine racks added by Annex #8B or (R8.R1) are not considered minesweepers.

(M9.183) ADD: If using (R1.1G5), starbases have MLS listed in that rule.

(M9.184) ADD: If using (R1.1G5), battlestations have MLS shuttles listed in that rule.

(M9.185) NEW RULE: Mines laid by shuttles which then land in (J1.6) (including landing on a balcony) or dock to a larger unit (C13.0) while still in its detection radius will not arm (M2.3) under (C13.19).

(M9.186) NEW RULE: Other bases have MLS shuttles if using (R1.1G5).

(M9.21) Orion ships with mine racks in option mounts (Annex #8B) can drop one mine per such rack, but mine racks in shuttle bays (R8.R1) are limited to one mine per turn per bay (not per box of a given bay).

(P8.23) STASIS: Units with SFGs (G16.31) can use them while in orbit so long as the ship expends no energy for any movement related function, including tactical maneuvers because of orbit stabilization (P8.432). [This is similar to an SFG ship being dragged towards a black hole (G16.66).] Note that zero energy turns (P8.433) can be used without breaking the stasis field so long as the SFG field remains in arc. As the SFG unit continues in its orbit the target of an SFG field may no longer be in arc (P8.411) resulting in a broken stasis field (G16.14). Note that starbases (R3.100), whose SFGs have a 360° arc, will not have the facing problem, but the generator may orbit out of range or be blocked by the planet around which the starbase is orbiting. An orbiting unit placed in stasis stops; it resumes its orbit when released from stasis.

(P8.24) ". . . it will resume orbital movement if the web dissipates TO ZERO STRENGTH."

(P8.25) NEW RULE: Because of the requirements of (M8.11), an orbiting unit can only sweep mines by using seeking weapons under (M8.2).

(P8.3) Reference to (C3.7) should be to (C3.71).

(P8.471) Shuttles can, like ships, enter orbit during a scenario.

(P8.5) Replace "ships" with "units."

(P8.6) Replace "ships" with "units."

(P9.31) Each 12 points of damage (total) blinds one powered scout channel (G24.133).

(P9.32) If the ship is already parallel (shields #2 and #3 affected, or #5 and #6 affected) the unit is not turned.

(P10.61) Add a reference to (D10.4124).

(P11.3) Add a reference to (D6.34) in addition to the one to (D6.393).

(P12.3) WAVE FRONT: "The nova wave front will advance across the map at a speed of one hex per turn during the Involuntary Movement Stage (6A1) (moving on Impulse #16) . . .".

(P12.53) Asteroid damage is determined by (P3.2) within the normal rules (i.e., whenever a unit enters an asteroid hex, or when the asteroid enters the hex of the unit) with a speed of 20 or the unit's speed (whichever is greater).

(P13.5) INTENSE DUST CLOUDS: For more intense dust clouds, simply double the damage on each impulse in which damage is specified by the table in (P13.1) and the electronic warfare (P13.4).

(P15.3) SHUTTLES, FIGHTERS AND PFs (Add Fighters to rule title).

(P15.6) OTHER EFFECTS: The static on the sensor channels reduces the maximum range for weapons, ACTIVE fire control, tactical intelligence, disengagement by distance, etc. to 25 hexes. This range is not extended by special sensors OR REDUCED FOR LOW-POWERED FIRE CONTROL. Reference to (G24.18) should be to (G24.1854).

(P15.7) Add a reference to (D10.4124).

(R1.1G) ADVANCED BASE RULES (NEW RULE): Bases as defined in the game to date are not as great a challenge to an attacking force as they should be. The following rules bring starbases, battle stations, and base stations to their full potential. (They also apply to the smaller "pod" bases such as System Stations, Commercial Platforms, or Mobile Bases unless specifically noted as not applying to them.)

(R1.1G1) REPAIR LIMITATIONS: Bases, as supply points, have an unlimited self-repair capability and can use their full Damage Control Rating for repairs to themselves every turn. This ability is lost if the base suffers more than 50% internal damage to systems contained within the base outline and its docking modules, but damage to Augmentation Modules or pods docked under (R1.1B) is not included in this calculation.

(R1.1G2) EW SUPPORT (OPTIONAL): Because of the fixed nature of a base (including one in orbit), MRS shuttles are able to provide EW support to bases with positional stabilizers from a greater range because they do not need to calculate the maneuvers of the supported unit. MRS Shuttles can provide their EW benefit to bases from up to ten hexes range.

(R1.1G3) EW SUPPORT (OPTIONAL): Because of the fixed nature of a base (including one in orbit), SWAC shuttles are able to provide EW support from a greater range because they do not need to calculate the maneuvers of the supported unit. SWAC Shuttles can provide their EW benefit to bases from up to 15 hexes range.

(R1.1G4) SUPPORT FLOTILLAS (OPTIONAL): Races that operate PFs will assign a number of PFs to bases above and beyond those organized into combat flotillas. These PFs normally are not docked to a PF module, but dock to the base's docking stations or float in space nearby when not in use. They can of course be docked to a PF module if they need repairs, servicing, to be fitted with warp packs, or to take on stores. Support Flotillas are in addition to the normal command ratings, e.g., a Starbase might have two fighter squadrons, two combat PF flotillas, and two support flotillas, but could not replace a support flotilla with a fighter squadron or combat PF flotilla. A standard Support Flotilla would be: Scout PF, Ground Assault PF, two cargo PF, Mine PF, Recovery PF.

(R1.1G5) SHUTTLE DECK (OPTIONAL): Bases have a large shuttle deck that is not shown on the SSD. Shuttles stored on this deck are not fueled or armed, and cannot be fueled or armed while on this deck (this is to prevent catastrophic internal explosions). A magna-track system can be used to move the shuttles to an elevator (J1.59) from which they can be moved to the hangar bay to be fueled and armed for missions. Fighters cannot be placed in this deck, and no deck crew activity can take place in this deck except to move a shuttle from the deck to the hangar bay or vice versa. Certain standard maintenance functions are performed in the shuttle deck, but not combat damage repairs.

(NOTE: This rule does not apply to Andromedan bases.)

(R1.1G51) A given shuttle can only be moved to the normal shuttle bay if there is space available in the normal shuttle bay for it to be serviced. This space may be created by moving a shuttle from the hangar bay to the shuttle deck, but shuttles can only be moved to the shuttle deck if their fuel cells are drained, any cargo or crew units (including marines) are unloaded, and weapon systems deactivated (to prevent accidents). Note that MRS and SWAC shuttles must have their ADDs and drone/plasma rails unloaded before they can be moved to a shuttle deck.

(R1.1G52) A given shuttle moved from the shuttle deck must have one deck crew action (J4.817) ("preparation") performed on it before any weapons, including chaff packs or pods, may be loaded onto it. The shuttle is ready to fly at the end of the deck crew action, and two deck crews could prepare the shuttle and begin loading weapons on it in one turn (each spends a half action on preparation and a half action on loading as loading cannot begin until preparation is complete). HTS and other double space shuttles take more effort to prepare due to their size requiring two deck crew actions.

(R1.1G53) It takes one deck crew action (J4.817) to prepare a single space shuttle for movement to the shuttle deck over and above any deck crew actions to remove weapons, pods, warp packs, and chaff packs. HTS and other double space shuttles take more time to prepare due to their size, and require two deck crew actions.

(R1.1G54) The number of spaces and types of shuttles found on the shuttle deck of each type of base is as follows:


SAMS, ComPlat: MSS, MLS, HTS, four empty slots.

Mobile Base (two decks): deck one: MSS, MLS, two empty slots; deck two: HTS, two empty slots.

Base Station, Civilian Base: two MSS, two MLS, two HTS, four empty slots.

Battle Station: two MSS, two MLS, two HTS, four empty slots.

Starbase (Six decks): each deck: one MSS, one MLS, one HTS, two empty slots.

The costs of the above shuttles are added to the cost of the base. (Civilian bases without minefields delete MLS, and can purchase an additional non-MLS shuttle.)

(R1.1G55) Two of the empty slots are to allow transfers of shuttles from the hangar bay and cannot be used to add additional shuttles (or fighters). These spaces also allow a visiting dignitary's shuttle to land on the station by moving one or more of the Base's shuttles below decks. Two of the empty slots are available to purchase and place additional shuttles (but not fighters) of the player's option into the Shuttle Deck, such as GBS or HAS shuttles if the player wants to be able to support ground troops on a planet the base is orbiting. Exception, Mobile Bases cannot purchase extra shuttles, and only half the shuttle decks on Starbases can do this. Note that the Base player must keep a written record of what shuttles he has purchased to be shown to his opponent after the battle.

(R1.1G56) Shuttles in the shuttle deck cannot be damaged by any means. They can only move to the hangar bay if a hangar bay box is available to receive them. If all boxes of the hangar bay have been destroyed, no shuttle may be moved to the hangar bay until at least one box (two if an HTS or other double sized shuttle) is repaired. Shuttles in transit when the shuttle box(es) they are moving to is (are) destroyed are returned to the shuttle deck. Double sized shuttles must be returned to the shuttle deck if one of the two hangar bay boxes needed for them is destroyed. Enemy shuttles (not fighters) dragged into a hangar bay cannot be moved to the shuttle deck unless they have been captured and disarmed.

(R1.1G57) In cases where a base has more than one shuttle deck (Mobile Bases and Starbases), each existing hangar bay has one Shuttle Deck associated with it.

(R1.1G58) There are no additional deck crews provided with the shuttle deck above those defined by (J4.814).

(R1.1G6) ROTATION: Bases can change their rotation rate, and even reverse their rotation direction.

(R1.1G61) Changes in rotation rate can only be made at the start of a turn during Energy Allocation and are announced in the Speed Determination Phase after players have announced the speeds of their units. The rotation rate announced for a given turn takes effect immediately, there is no one turn delay.

(R1.1G62) Bases do not pay any energy to maintain a rotation rate from turn to turn. The energy cost for a given base to increase or decrease its rotation rate, which can come from any source including power transfers from docked units (C13.41), is as follows:


ComPlat, SAMS 2
Mobile Base (Andro SatBase) 4
Base Station, Civilian Station (Andro Base Station) 8
Battle Station (Andro Battle Station) 12
Star Base (Andro Desecrator) 24

(R1.1G63) A base may only increase or decrease its rate of rotation by one level at the start of any given turn, e.g., from four to three or vice versa. This system cannot be used to increase the rotation rate faster than four.

(R1.1G64) Externally docked units, not including shuttles and fighters, increase the cost of changing the rotation rate by the sum of their movement costs. Internally docked units have no effect on the rotation cost. PFs docked to mechlinks, including those docked to mechlinks of externally docked units, are considered internally docked for this purpose. Augmentation modules, and pods docked to "position B" stations (R1.1B), do not increase the rotation rate costs.

(R1.1G65) Changes in rotation rate are not affected by, and do not affect, Andromedan Temporal Elevators (G32.0). Changes in rotation do not affect the orbital status of bases as tactical maneuvers affect ships (P8.432) because of the base's positional stabilizers.

(R1.1G7) FIRING ARCS: The impulse before a base rotates, all weapons which will come into arc to fire on a given target after that rotation can be fired at that target. The impulse after a base rotates, all weapons which could have been fired at a given target prior to that rotation can be fired at that target. In all cases, this determination is based on the actual hex the target is in at the time of firing, not the hex it was in prior to or after the base rotated. Bases may use this rule in conjunction with narrow salvoes (E1.6). EXAMPLE: There is a Federation BATS in hex 2215 facing D. A Klingon ship is in 2106 heading D. This ship can be engaged by four of the BATS' phaser-4s and four of its phaser-3s, but the FX phaser-4s and phaser-3s are not in arc. On Impulse #7 the BATS will rotate. Under normal rules the LS+RR phaser-4s and phaser-3s will be taken out of arc when the FX weapons come into arc. Under this rule (D2.37), the Federation player will be able to fire all of the base's phaser-4s and phaser-3s at the Klingon ship on Impulses #6, #7, and #8, allowing all of them to hit the same facing shield on the same impulse.

(R1.10B4) Add to end: "exception (R1.10A3)".

(R1.10C2) NEW RULE: Federation FRDs always had type-G drone racks. Klingon and Kzinti FRDs always had type-B drone racks.

(R1.x12A/B) Change "MSS" to "MLS" as (M8.312) specifies.

(R1.14A4) ". . . although their stabilizers cannot lock until after the scenario is over. (This will limit phaser-4s to firing as phaser-1s if a ground base so armed is lowered to a planetary surface during a scenario (G29.26)].

(R1.14C2) CLARIFICATION: Add to end: ". . . see (P2.713) for ballistic targeting. Submunitions of a ballistic MW or SP cannot target a ground base unless the MW/SP was launched from and releases within a range of four hexes or less."

(R1.14F) Andromedans cannot use phaser-4 or phaser-2 ground bases provided in this rule.

(R1.15A) DefSats are always at WS-III.

(R1.15B) The Kzintis use disruptor DefSats.

(R1.15D2) ". . . within five hexes TRUE RANGE. Hydran automatic DefSats fire their hellbores in the first hellbore option step.

(R1.15F) CLARIFICATION: A set of five would cost 100 BPV.

(R1.15H) TRANSPORTER REPEATER (NEW RULE): Ground and orbital bases can use DefSats to establish a line of sight for transporter operations. Any given DefSat, or series of DefSats, can allow up to three transporter operations, but no more operations than the number of transporters on the base(s). Each DefSat can only be used for three transporter operations in a given turn or within a period of eight impulses. This rule supersedes the last line of (D15.51) and explains how transporter operations on planets are accomplished. Bases on planets with or without DefSats can use transporters to beam to the same or adjacent Ground Combat Locations, but not to Ground Combat Locations that are not adjacent or co-located.

(R1.15H1) A base initiates a transporter operation to a DefSat in its line of sight, then from that DefSat to the ground or to a ship, to a second (or third) DefSat and then to the ground or a ship in a manner similar to (G8.113). Note that the "ship" might be another base orbiting the same planet but not in the line of sight of another base.

(R1.15H2) If the object of the transporter operation is outside of the line of sight of the initiating station, EW effects of the transporter attempt (D6.371) will be based on the ECCM of the DefSat (R1.15C) versus any ECM of the target.

(R1.15H3) The system can be used by BASES to move personnel or a Ground Combat Vehicle (D15.82) to the opposite side of a given planet, or to conduct (G8.0) transport operations to a ship more than five hexes from the base but five hexes or less from a DefSat. The system can be used by bases to fire "Transporter Artillery" (E20.0) on enemy units outside its Ground Combat Location (D15.1). The Energy Cost is the same as for a normal transporter operation, i.e., 1/5 (.20) of an energy point.

(R1.15H4) The transport operation cannot end on a DefSat. The system cannot be used to conduct Hit-and-Run raids (D7.8).

(R1.15H5) Units other than bases on or in orbit around a given planet with DefSats at the start of a scenario cannot use DefSats to extend their transporter operations. In a campaign or special scenario where two sides are on the same planet with their own bases and DefSats, each side may only apply these procedures through their own bases and DefSats and cannot use the other player's DefSats.

(R1.15H6) If a base is captured [or an area of a base containing transporters is captured (D16.82)], its transporters will not function through the DefSat system, even if the base is subsequently recaptured.

(R1.15H7) DefSat transporter repeaters remain operational until the DefSat is destroyed.

(R1.16) CLARIFICATION: These modules are shown on many SSDs, the cost to add them shown on the SSDs is "per module", not for every module shown on that SSD.

(R1.16) SSD PFM repair boxes should be labeled REP.

(R1.17A) HEAVY POWER AUGMENTATION MODULE (HPM): First used in Y178, these modules replaced PAMs and provided bases with even more power (albeit at a higher cost). The HPM includes 15 APRs (upgradable to AWRs for one point each) and 9 Batteries. The high cost (three times that of a PAM) reflects its combat value.

(R1.20) SSD: Small plasma-armed freighter, D-rack replaces Torp A.

(R1.21) SSD: Large plasma-armed freighter. D-racks #1 and #2 replace F-torps #A and #B.

(R1.22D) The Romulan monitors not available prior to Y161. Gorn, Romulan, ISC before Y170: Replace PPD and plas-S with plas-G (same firing arcs); BPV increased by five points per torpedo/PPD when refitted FED monitor had type-E drone racks instead of type-G prior to Y167. No change in BPV. Tholian: See (R7.35), (R7.R1), and (R7.R2).

(R1.22E2) Federation SCS: fighters replace repair, not cargo. Federation PFT and SCP pallets carry A-20 fighters not F-111s.

(R1.23) Change "There are no variants of this ship." to "Variants included the Large Ore-Processing Ship (R1.41) and WYN AuxDN (R12.16) and Aux BCS (R12.17)."

(R1.F4D) This rule is mislabelled as (R1.F4).

(R1.F6C) An MLS cannot function as an MSS, but can function as a scatter pack (FD7.11), suicide shuttle (J2.222), or wild weasel (J3.18).

(R2.17) REVISED AS: Having stayed out of the Four Powers War (Y158-Y162) the Federation never refitted their original DN. This left them at the start of the General War with a ship weaker than those opposing it. During the course of the war, most of the existing DNs were modified to this im-proved class, which brought the DNs up to the standard of pre-refit DNs in service with other races (i.e., it was still inferior). The Federation did not have a dreadnought equivalent to those used by other races until the appearance of the DNG (R2.61).

(R2.21) MS: The limit of one MSS is an exception to (M8.312).

(R2.22) CVT SSD needs the LS/RS arc definition. The note in the lower left should refer to a carrier pod, not a battle pod.

(R2.29) The escorts in Y183+ should be NAC, DWA or FFA.

(R3.10) Change "most Tug-Bs has been lost" to "most Tug-Bs HAD been lost".

(R3.14) UIM: "Each Battle Pod includes one UIM (from Y165), NO CHANGE IN BPV, which can. . ."

(R3.14) SSD BT: Should have a UIM box for optional purchase by the tug itself.

(R3.15) - ". . . planetary assault (this was the pod's original mission when it entered service in Y124).

(R3.26) E3E counters are provided; use them for the E3A.

(R3.F1) The Z-1 served with mixed squadrons Z-2s and Z-Vs, but not with Z-Ys.

(R4.14) Replace the "SpH-A" with "SPA".

(R4.19) Replace the two "SpH-F"s with "SPF".

(R4.24) SKD designation in SSD/counter line deleted.

(R4.27) SKG designation in SSD/counter line deleted.

(R4.28) SKH designation in SSD/counter line deleted. This ship cannot carry cargo pods.

(R4.31) It can carry SAMS and ComPlats but must have another size four base or two ground bases o the other side. In this case, cargo damage would be scored on any box of the mobile base pod (or SAMS/ComPlat), and the H-module would be ignored. The H module cannot become active during a scenario even if the base pods (or small ground bases) are dropped. The SPH can carry cargo pods (only) to assemble BLMs under the same conditions as BLM pods. It can also carry an inactive small ground base on each H module, but must unload both at the same time to maintain balance. In this case, cargo damage would be scored on any box of the ground bases, and the H-module would be ignored. SPH designation in SSD/counter line deleted

(R4.37) KH: If firing a shotgun or EPT version of a smaller torpedo, combine the two adjustments. Change "SuperHawks" to "SuperHawks/NovaHawks".

(R4.39) ". . . and more were produced for general combat purposes allowing squadrons of three King Eagles to be formed."

(R4.N3) Add "SunHawk (R4.82)" and "RegalHawk (R4.90)" to the Heavy Hawk list.

(R4.N5) The KR should be added to the list of exceptions at the end of the rule since otherwise, following the rules, it should be KRR, thus there are three exceptions.

(R5.9) Replace TADS with TAAS rather than AAS or HAAS.

(R5.10) Replace TADS with TAAS rather than AAS or HAAS.

(R5.16) "Similar to the Klingon POWER BOOST pod . . .".

(R5.18) SF SSD: RS = RF + R + RR (not + RF).

(R5.20) EFF SSD: Has two deck crews, not one.

(R5.21) MS SSD: RS = RF + R + RR (not + RF).

(R5.23) DF SSD: RS = RF + R + RR (not + RF). The second drone rack #3 and #4 should be #5 and #6.

(R5.28) MEC: There are more counters in Module R2.

(R6.11) DN: Shield #4 should be 36 boxes.

(R6.13) Note that for this class the F-refit provided only the two ph-3s. SC SSD: Should have 4 excess damage.

(R6.15) MS SSD: Should have 4 excess damage.

(R6.17) Add "Battle Tender (R6.46)" to list of variants.

(R7.11) ". . . or a BLM pod (or base augmentation modules, or two small ground bases, or a ComPlat/SAMS, etc.)."

(R7.14) Carrying two or three packs would block the side disruptors.

(R7.14) The TK5 cannot carry cargo packs.

(R7.16) DPC: This ship received the plus refit in 165.

(R7.N1A) Change first sentence of introduction to read: "The Tholians neither needed nor produced any "combat" versions of these cargo packs, prior to the arrival of the 312th squadron in Y178 during the General War." Delete: "The ships did not have power or control connections for such packs, so they could not be developed in any case."

(S8.0) This section was extensively revised and rewritten. The changes are so pervasive and extensive that they cannot be listed here. The new version of (S8.0) has been posted to the web site.

(SG11.47) Reference to (G30.4) should be to (G30.3).

(SG11.62) Should be "[if using (SG11.63) a CV (CVS, etc)]".

(SG11.64) Add BRH to the list of "no more than one" ships.

(SG12.62) This variant STRONGLY favors the defender.

(SG12.8) DEFENDER: Delete sentence about repairing non-warp power systems since (SG12.46) says that these systems are not damaged.

(SG2.64) (Found on page #136) Delete reference to CL#7 which is out of print. Force "B:" should be Force "B":.

(SG22.2) The Hydran St1s are allowed even if this exceeds 20%.

(SG24.2-Note) Add: Gorn: HSR in Module R6 and Hydran: Sentinel in Module R6.

(SG27.0-SG30.0) are found in Module S1 not Module B or Module R1.

(SH6.4222) Spider-1 fighters are in Module J. If you do not have this module, replace all six (and the module) with one PC.

(SH6.64) Add to end: "This will strongly favor the Tholians, but you will learn Kumerian was correct to send the ships he sent on the deception mission."

(SH6.67) Group the D5V carrier group together, after the main fleet but before the scout.

(SH6.X) Historical outcome: Palisade and Wall were destroyed.

(SH7.47) Change to read: "Each such raid may result in the rescue or death of one hostage."

(SH7.5) Note specifically that crew unit casualties who were boarding party COMBAT losses do not count for this purpose.

(SH7.8) Delete comment about Non Violent Combat improving chances of destroying security stations.

(SH8.45) Change reference (J1.61) to (J2.228).

(SH8.46) Add period to end of sentence.

(SH8.73) ". . . after the KZINTIS set up . . .".

(SH8.8) The word "outnumber" somewhere in the middle of the Kzinti tactics discussion was mistakenly split into two words.

(SH11.0) Add period to end of the 3rd paragraph.

(SH11.62) Change "mine sweeper" to "minesweeper".

(SH11.8) "principle" should be "principal".

(SH19.8) Change "Launch drones on Impulse #24 . . ." to "Launch drones on Impulse #25 . . .".

(SH20.421) "MRS:" should lose the colon.

(SH20.8) ". . . well orchestrated . . ." should be ". . . well-orchestrated . . .".

(SM5.2) Navy: Hex 2332 should be 2330.

(SM6.46) Renumbered as (SM6.451).

(SM6.47) Renumbered as (SM6.452). References to "ships" in this rule should be to "manned units". Note that shuttles must be manned to function as labs.

(SM6.48) Renumbered as (SM6.453).

(SM6.49) Renumbered as (SM6.46).

(SM6.62) Reference (SM6.47) should be (SM6.452).

(SM7.2) The two Dragon lines (Dragon and Space Dragon) should be combined.

(SM7.421) The reference to (SM5.431) should be to (SM7.431).

(SM7.464) The maximum speed of a Space Dragon is based on the number of wing units remaining at the start of the turn divided by the speed factor. (Example: 50/2 = speed 25 for an adult.) Round fractions of .5 or more up to the next whole number. A dragon can change speed after eight impulses of a previous speed change, increasing or decreasing by up to ten points

(SM7.467) The Dragon can TAC like a fighter (J4.11).

(SM7.468) Note that the number of "claw" attacks by a nursing baby space dragon is an exception to (SM7.4654).

(T3.0) The Kang is a C8K, not a C8B.

(T3.23) Change ". . . on the chart (T2.23) . . ." to ". . .. on the chart above . . ."

(T3.3332) ". . . 48 drones (24 in the racks, 24 reloads, possibly 20 more if using the optional MRS)." The Kang is given type-III MW drones as prototypes, they are not normally available in this year. The listing type-IIIEW(M) drones means that the drones are type-III frames carrying EW modules (FD9.0) and are "medium," i.e., speed 20, drones.

(T3.35) The F5 squadrons arrives from directions C, D, or E.

(T3.43) Captured Kzinti ships are affected by (T3.22).

(U3.2) Battle Fleets: "Each of the Battle Fleets presented here are fully refitted EXCEPT THOLIAN SHIPS DO NOT HAVE WEB CASTERS OR PHOTON TORPEDOES . . ." Each Battle Fleet may have three "Prime Teams" (G32.0).

(U3.2) Carrier Fleets: Note that in many cases the escort groups for the carriers are not the same as those listed in their respective R sections. The groups presented were selected for balance. Players are free to upgrade their escorts as their campaign progresses. Players should only use the fighters specifically listed for their carriers in an initial playing, but as experience is gained, they may desire to establish turns when more advanced fighters would be phased in. This has to be left to the player's discretion. Romulan #4: Change "2xSkyHawk-B, (SeaHawk-E, 8xG-II, 8xG-SF)" to "2xSkyHawk B (SeaHawk-E, 4xG-II, 4-GSF)".

(U3.2) Support Fleets: Tholian: Replace the "minesweepers" in the Tholian Offensive with "Scouts".

(U3.2) Capital Defenses: While the actual Hydran homeworld is a gas giant, and the Tholian homeworld a small Dyson Sphere, both use a standard class M planet as their Capital in this campaign.

(U3.313) NEW RULE: Fighters and PFs assigned to planets or bases cannot be used in battles that do not take place at those locations. If using carrier groups, the carrier and its escorts must be sent to one battle area. The group counts for command purposes as the number of assigned ships, even if some of those ships have been destroyed and not replaced. Carrier escorts lost in battle or transferred to another carrier can only be replaced by new carrier escorts or escorts transferred from another carrier group. Regular warships cannot be used as escorts in this campaign.

(U3.32) Tholians can deploy web around planets and bases depending on weapon status.

(U3.331-2) ADD: Any base attacked in any given round has a single 100-point package of mines as defined by (M6.2) to add to its existing minefield. Bases that are not attacked cannot add any mines. These mines are free. Any mines placed by the attacking player are considered to have been swept or self-destructed in this period.

(U3.421) The base and any units left with it are in supply so long as the base had not been destroyed. It is assumed that the base has enough supplies stored at it to support itself and any ships with it.

(U3.424) ADD: Use the set up found in (SG2.0) with the screening ships as "Force A" and the sallying ships as "Force B". At the end of five turns if any uncrippled (S2.4) sallying ships are more than 100 hexes in direction E or F from their starting positions, they are deemed to have "broken" through the screen. Ships which break through the screen will raid the enemy's rear and then return to the base. If any Sally force ships break through the screen, two additional ships above those in (U3.422) must be assigned by the attacking player to screen that base on the next round. One of these two ships must be equal to or larger in size class to the largest ship in the defending force at the base. These extra ships can be withdrawn on subsequent rounds if the defender does not again "break out".

(U3.45) ". . . four War Destroyers, and one replacement Prime Team (G32.0) (if one was lost) at his . . ."

(U3.454) The Klingons build F5Ls in place of War Destroyers, i.e., it is not a "leader" if so used. (Or use the F5W is in Module R6.)

(U3.458) The Federation receives one SWAC per round, but can decide to use it as a replacement or to assign it to a new carrier. Newly constructed carriers and/or PFTs have their full complements of fighters or PFs when constructed; these do not count against the replacements of fighters and PFs.

(U3.46) Delete (Hydrans use a planet that is 7 hexes total; score 67 points on each of 18 hex sides to win.)

(U5.21) Note that the Klingon player establishes a new minefield at the start of each scenario.

(U7.112) Reference to (R1.1A) is to unpublished material for an SFG-equipped starbase in Module R6.

(U7.113) Orions have their own special rule and ignore this one.

(U7.126) Note that to be captured an SFG must have at least one damage point remaining, it might have two.

(U7.26) Andromedans: PA mine, Temporal Elevator. Lyrans: add drones with a star. LDR: add drones with a star. Seltorians: Phasers-1/2/3, Particle Cannons, Shield Cracker/Web Breaker, T-bombs with a star, Wild Weasels with a star, suicide shuttles with a star, Note that they cannot use fighters. Old Galaxy Tholians: Phasers-1/2/3, Particle Cannons, Web Anchors, Web Casters, Snares.

(U7.28) Limited availability weapons (such as Federation phaser-Gs) are simply not available as 'local weapons' to the Orions, but would count against their limited supply of 'foreign' weapons.

(U7.96) All extra crew units and BPs purchased as commander's options would be treated as transfers of average quality, except that they could not be of better quality than the existing crew.

(U7.965) Extra crew units purchased as Commander's Option Items (Annex #6) are not part of a ship's "crew". These extra crew units cannot be given up as "casualties" to avoid losses of experienced crew units on the ship they are on. They can gain no experience (U7.95) while they are extra crew. They can be absorbed into the crew of a ship they are on, or be transferred to another ship, as "replacements" (U7.962) between battles of a campaign. If absorbed as replacements, see (U7.941). If extra crew units are on a ship with a below average crew that has lost crew units, they MUST be absorbed by that ship first before any can be transferred to another ship.

(Z7.12) Change "rules C10 to C13" to "C10 to C14".

(Z8.3) Change "12 years" to just "years".

(Z8.5) Adds credits for 1999 edition.

Annex #0: The annexes were totally updated in Module R1 and many errors in previous annexes were corrected. This errata book assumes that you have R1 and does not list the errors corrected there.

Annex #2 6A2 Determine which playing pieces will move in this impulse (C1.4). Previous speed changes take effect.

Annex #2 6A3: Web (G10.59) comes after seeking weapons.

Annex #2 6B8 Launch shuttlecraft Changed to read: Launch shuttlecraft (J1.5) [including fighters, wild weasels (J3.0), suicide shuttles, scatter packs (FD7.0), and cloaked decoys (G27.3) all are simultaneous]. Launch fast patrol ships (K2.32). Involuntary release of tractor beams and/or switch to passive fire control to allow wild weasel launch (J3.452) may be a part of this action. The original "in that order" text applied to shuttles then PFs, not to types of shuttles, although this confused the hell out of everyone.--SVC

Annex #2 8B: Power returns to batteries (e.g., from transporters) as the first step in this stage.

Annex #3 Delete entries for the Fed CX, Klingon DX, and Klingon FX.


Annex #3 Kzinti large and small Q-ships have an in-service date of Y164.

Annex #3 Gorn-LSC Add comma after "Y1" in Notes.

Annex #3 The year in service for the Klingon B-Bm changed to reflect the year in service of the B10S, which actually appeared before the B10 in Y189.

Annex #3: Explanation of Terms: TUGS; If a Fed Battle Tug has a pod added to it, the BPV of the pod is added to the BPV of the Battle Tug, not as a combination of "Tug plus Battle Pod plus extra pod".

Annex #6 Non-carriers cannot purchase extra deck crews.

Annex #7F: There was a conflict between this Annex, which said "All shuttles and fighters (except those on a seeking course). This conflicted with (E11.1) which says: All shuttle craft and fighters (including those on seeking courses) are nimble unless otherwise noted in the rules. Since the concept of being able to instantly identify seeking shuttles by simply asking, whenever a shuttle or fighter is launched, "is it nimble?" did not seem to be our intent we changed this to include those on a seeking course.

Annex #10 Notes; #4 "ýgroup" needs space between the symbol and "group".



This document comprises the "further errata" for Advanced Missions which, when combined with those items from the Master Errata which apply to Advanced missions, will effectively update the original 1991 version of Advanced Missions into the new 1999 version. This file is copyright © 1999 Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. All rights are reserved under all copyright conventions.

Contact ADB Inc. with questions or submissions at:
Mail: PO Box 8759, Amarillo TX 79114
Phone: 806-351-1950 (Fax 806-351-2585)
Email: (Steve Petrick) or (Steve Cole)

All submitted materials become the property of ADB immediately upon receipt and may be revised, expanded, edited, and published as ADB sees fit; authors will be compensated at standard rates for any material published. See Advanced Missions for details.

Players who own SFB ADVANCED MISSIONS have permission from Amarillo Design Bureau to make one copy of this errata book for their own private use. Reproduction for sale or distribution is not authorized. Publications may contact ADB to obtain reprint rights.

Publisher and Designer: Stephen V Cole, PE
SFB Executive Developer: Steven P Petrick
Senior Rules Analysts: Tony Zbaraschuk, Mike Filsinger, Jeff Laikind (F&E Coordination)
SFB Design Staff: Ken Burnside, Stewart Frazier, John D. Berg, Jon Cleaves, Scott Moellmer, Gary Plana, Chuck Strong, Richard Eitzen, Mike Calhoon, Patrick M. Abram.
SFB Technical Staff: Joe Butler, Gregg Dieckhaus, Bruce Graw.

Elements of the Star Fleet Universe are the property of Paramount Pictures Corporation and are used with their permission.


Copyright © 1991,1999 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved

Updated 2 January 2000