(P2.213) Should read "...a NON-ORBITAL base would always be on the surface."
(P2.223) Add "Erratic Maneuvering energy (C2.45) adds to speed (P3.222)." Reference to (G22.81) should be to (G22.812). This contradicts (P3.233); a Legendary Navigator reduces one column (not a die roll modifier).
(P2.231) Reference to (G22.81) should be to (G22.812).
(P2.312) Reference to (SH5.0) should be to (SH3.0).
(P2.321) See (D17.151) for probes.
(P2.411) Step 4 should be Step 3.
(P2.4113) Reference to (P2.61) should be to (P2.612).
(P2.4121) The last sentence applies to the previous sentence.
(P2.4123) If in an upper atmosphere hex and no power is applied, the ship will "fall" to the lower level, where it will be "in flight."
(P2.423) Units which cannot land CAN perform atmospheric flight. Reference to (P2.411) should be to (P2.412).
(P2.4313) Reference to (G22.8) should be to (G22.85).
(P2.4322) This power goes into a tractor beam.
(P2.435X) Landing example, Turn #12. Hex 2215 should be 2315. (P2.435) See (P2.311) for damage to planets.
(P2.441) Use the crash landing procedure in (P2.431).
(P2.512) The line is traced from the center of the hex to the center of the hex. Add reference to (P2.63).
(P2.542) As a web caster cannot fire into an atmosphere hex at all (E12.543), this should refer to a web fist (E14.255). Snares (which also cannot be fired into an atmosphere) should not be on this list.
(P2.546) SFGs and ESGs will not function "through or into" atmosphere. See (G10.114) for details on web. Reference to (G16.0) should be to (G16.61). Reference to (G23.74) should be to (G23.652).
(P2.5471) Reference to (M2.5) should be to (M2.501). Reference to (D5.0) should be to (D5.55).
(P2.5472) Reference to (D5.0) should be to (D5.55). Reference to (P5.35) should be to (P5.354).
(P2.548) ADDs on planetary bases fire normally at ranges 2-3.
(P2.55) Atmosphere does not in any way impede the lending of electronic warfare or block the functioning of special sensors.
(P2.61) Reference to (P2.61) should be to (P3.4). This rule does not apply to airless moons.
(P2.611) Note two uses of the word "facing," one defining the hexside of the planet and the other the direction the unit is facing.
(P2.613) The ship in the example could not move to 0522; see (P2.612).
(P2.62) See (P2.863) for more on weapon arcs.
(P2.712) This applies to a unit with operating engines expending at least one point of power for movement.
(P2.713) Submunitions from a ballistic MW drone cannot target a ground base.
(P2.722) See also (P2.53).
(P2.731) Starbase armor is combined if on a planet.
(P2.733) In the case of a large asteroid, the "enveloping" damage counts toward destruction (P3.45).
(P2.735) Reference to (G23.74) should be to (G23.652).
(P2.744) Reference to (G16.0) should be to (G16.61). Reference to (G18.0) should be to (G18.72).
(P2.5475) On a moon, the damage is divided over the hex side and the two adjacent hex sides.
(P2.745) Reference to (SM4.45) should be to (SM5.48).
(P2.747) The last sentence allows players to place the bases on a hex side of the large asteroid, limiting the arc into which it can fire (and from which it can be hit) to 180°.
(P2.752) See also (G21.141) and (G21.241) for additional modifiers.
(P2.76) Reference to (R14.0) should be (R1.14).
(P2.81) The maximum speed is, more properly, one hex SIDE per turn.
(P2.812) Reference to (C2.431) should be to (P2.431) both places. Reference to (C2.435) should be to (P2.435).
(P2.83) This one movement point would have to come from reserve power.
(P2.84) The WW takes the shortest path around the planet that will return it to its programmed course. If the two options are equal, roll a die with 1-3 meaning clockwise and 4-6 meaning counterclockwise. In the case of an airless planet or moon, use (P2.231).
(P3.2) A unit that is rotated by (G7.7) is treated for purposes of rolling for asteroid (P3.2), ring material (P2.223), or dust (P13.0) damage as if it was moving at the effective speed that resulted from the ships' announced speeds. Shuttles rotated using (J1.621) roll for damage based on the effective speed of the ship that is attempting to land them. Ships entering asteroid hexes, even if they are Tholians and are "riding a web" roll for asteroid damage normally.
(P3.222) Add the EM energy to the speed rather than going to a higher column.
(P3.223) Reference to (G22.81) should be to (G22.812).
(P3.23) The maximum column length is two hexes (including the hex of the leading unit, "following" units could be in either hex).
(P3.24) Reference to (FP1.6) should be to (FP1.61).
(P3.25) The target asteroid hex does not provide itself any ECM benefit, although asteroid hexes fired through or from will. The fire will have no effect if not on the impulse immediately prior to entry.
(P3.252) The seeking weapon does not take asteroid damage before exploding.
(P3.26) Reference to (D18.0) should be to (G18.65).
(P3.3) See (G24.183) for effect on special sensors.
(P3.32) Add to end "...and move into another asteroid hex."
(P3.33) This is regarded as natural ECM (D6.3143). Fire that passes exactly along the hex side between two asteroid hexes counts only one of those two hexes for ECM.
(P3.34) Reference to (E12.0) should be to (E12.544) and (E12.211). Reference to (G10.0) should be to (G10.1314).
(P3.35) Reference to (D17.225) should be to (D17.2251) & (D17.26).
(P3.36) For purposes of being fired at, all asteroids are considered to be size class four or larger targets.
(P3.4) Only one small or medium ground base can be placed on any given large asteroid, no bases may be placed on small asteroids. Special scenario rules might define an exception for a really large asteroid.
(P4.11) If a unit is moved by the Black Hole, any units to which it is linked by tractor beam will also be moved. If two units linked by a tractor beam are pulled in different directions on the same impulse by two different Black Holes, each ship is moved independently. If the ships move farther apart, the ship generating the tractor beam may have to apply more energy to maintain it at the new range. If insufficient energy is available to maintain the tractor beam at the new range, or if the range exceeds the maximum limit for tractor beams (usually three hexes), the link is broken.
(P4.21) Note that mines which fall into a black hole are size class seven objects and will not trigger a radiation burst, or even explode.
(P4.23) See (D17.151).
(P4.25) Reference to (G16.0) should be to (G16.61). Reference to (G18.0) should be to (G18.72).
(P4.26) Replace reference to (G10.73) with (G23.85).
(P4.28) Reference to (C7.3) should be to (C7.36).
(P4.29) Some Black Holes produce gravity waves (P9.4).
(P5.23) Each 12 points of damage blinds one powered scout channel (G24.133).
(P5.352) Add references to (G16.61) and (G18.72).
(P5.354) Reference to (G10.75) should be to (G10.751).
(P5.355) The penalty in (P4.24) also applies.
(P6.0) Ships can generate (and use their built-in) EW normally, but because scout functions do not work, EW cannot be lent except for self-defense jamming.
(P6.3) The five-point limits are at any given time. As points are used, additional points can be added.
(P6.31) This refers to each "box," not each "bank." Nebula Movement Step should be Involuntary Movement Stage 6A1.
(P6.5) Use the arrows around hex 0328.
(P6.6) Add EW lending (including ECM drones) to the list. ECM drones do not function in a Nebula. Andromedan TR beams cannot be used as tractor beams (E9.42), but otherwise operate as any other heavy weapon in a nebula. Note that EW generated by a ship or that is natural to the unit operates normally in a nebula.
(P7.21) A unit might roll for lock-on to use some other system requiring active fire-control such as transporters or tractors. A unit is not required to take any action simply because it rolled for lock-on.
(P7.214) Reference to (F2.64) should be to (F2.63).
(P7.54) Legendary pilots and PF crews return on the next Orion ship leaving the cluster, having had several romantic encounters during the trip. However, for each such pilot/crew, roll one die, with a "6" result meaning that they instead defected to the WYN fleet.
(P7.6) Briefly (less than one turn) re-entering the radiation zone does not restart the "turn counts" in (P7.1) and (P7.2). A unit which remains in the radiation zone for a 33rd consecutive impulse reverts immediately to the "Turn #1 condition" (which lasts the remainder of that turn; the next turn counting as Turn #2).
(P7.7) And how is it known that the RTN won't function through the zone? This will be explained in a future campaign about the one and only Andromedan attempt to do so.
(P7.93) The ship must have power applied for full shields and at least one undestroyed box in each shield.
(P8.23) Because of the requirements of (M8.11), an orbiting unit can only sweep mines by using seeking weapons under (M8.2).
(P8.23) Reference to (G16.0) should be to (G16.31).
(P8.24) The web must dissipate to zero strength.
(P8.3) Reference to (C3.7) should be to (C3.71).
(P8.471) Shuttles can, like ships, enter orbit during a scenario.
(P8.5) Replace "ships" with "units."
(P8.6) Replace "ships" with "units."
(P9.31) Each 12 points of damage blinds one powered scout channel (G24.133).
(P9.32) If the ship is already parallel (shields #2 and #3 affected, or #5 and #6 affected) the unit is not turned.
(P15.6) Reference to (G24.18) should be to (G24.1854).
Copyright © 1991,1998 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved | Updated 30 August 1998 |