Star Fleet Battles Errata: (R4.0)

(R4.04) KR SSD: Needs FA, RP, LP arcs.

(R4.05) K5R: Needs LP+RP arcs, designation K5R.

(R4.13) CH SSD should be size class 4.

(R4.22) SKB: SSD: Shuttle bay is not labeled.

(R4.34A) SUPERHAWK-K (SUP-K): The version of the SuperHawk with K modules is assigned this number for reference purposes. This ship could have an EW fighter under the SFB rules, but the Romulans did not operate it that way.

(R4.37) KH: If firing a shotgun or EPT version of a smaller torpedo, combine the two adjustments.

(R4.46) BH: This ship is variously reported as a destroyer or light cruiser. The difference is academic.

(R4.48) H-S: BPV should be 42, not 30.

(R4.50) TH: The Romulans did not operate an EW fighter on this ship, although general SFB rules allow it.

(R4.51) SPJ SSD: The PPTs should be renumbered to match the torpedoes on the ship.

(R4.61) KDR SSD: Boom impulse should be APR.

(R4.62) KFR: Treat a die roll of 0 as 0. SSD should show FA not FX arc.

(R4.63) K5L SSD: The unrefitted ship is the K5C.

(R4.64) K5M SSD should show FA not FX arc.

(R4.65) K7V SSD should show LS/RS explanations.

(R4.66) KDV SSD: Boom impulse should be APR.

(R4.69) BH SSD: Needs LS/RS arc explanations.

(R4.72) NH: This ship can be considered a BCH.

(R4.73) RH SSD: Does not need FP diagram.

(R4.74) FHF SSD: This ship was never corrected from the playtest version. The correct SSD should have an FP diagram, and add one F-Hull, one APR, one IMP, and two AHull. The BPV includes the cloak.

(R4.82) SUN SSD: The "special transfer rule" limits (J1.59) transfers to between the two central bays.

(R4.83) K10R SSD: No transfers between bays.

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Updated 30 August 1998