PAGE #2 incorrectly lists this as Module E1 Copyright 2000 due to a problem that even though we re-set the footers for the correct product and year, when it printed them out it got the embedded old info from the page we cloned this from, and nobody noticed we had failed to override this.
(DN100.122) There is nothing in this rule that allows a player operating BA units to score two damage points in a given combat round in a given location on two different BA units in violation of (D15.34), nothing in this rule changes (D15.34) for resolving combat. The rule exists because in a prolonged combat operation there could come into existence multiple "wounded" BA units, and they would need to be tracked. For example, two different GCLs. In each the combat result of a given turn leaves one "wounded" BA. Both of these "wounded" BAs are transported aboard a supporting ship, and then beamed down to a third GCL.
(DN100.123) Note that if BA boarding party is guarding a system that is destroyed, whether it was destroyed by damage or by a hit-and-run raid, it is subject to destruction under (D7.832), i.e., BA armor provides no benefit.
(DN100.144) Note that only Robotic Boarding Parties of a race that uses BA armor, e.g., the Helgardian Protectorate, can benefit from this rule.
(DN100.2) In the Battle Armor rules, it was mentioned that the Powered Battle Armor rules would be on the website. Are they? And if so, where are they?
(DN100.21) Unless otherwise noted in scenario special rules, PBA units cannot be purchased as individual units, but only as provided in this rule as Commander's Options and as limited by (DN100.211) and (DN100.212). Note that scenarios set around a planet, asteroid, or other terrain feature where one player is defined as having possession and the need to defend it the scenario may define a limit on the number of PBAs that may be purchased as part of the defending forces on that terrain feature. Some scenarios may define that a number of PBAs were placed by some unit in an ambush position, resulting in a battle with PBAs where no unit, or insufficient units, to carry them are not present.
(DN100.212) CORRECTION: The cost of PBAs in this instance should be 2.5 BPV, not 3 to account for the trade in of the regular boarding party.
(DN100.2211) A PBA may perform a tactical maneuver on Impulse #32 of a given turn instead of moving. PBAs cannot use erratic maneuvers.
(DN100.222) Both references to the ground pack should be to (DN100.321), the terms "ground pack" and "heavy ground pack" are interchangeable and both refer to the same thing. Reference to the ECM pack should be to (DN100.323).
(DN100.2244) NEW RULE: For purposes of seeking weapons targeted on a PBA in space which subsequently lands on, in, or is transported aboard another unit, use the procedures of (F2.335) and (G19.48). This obviously covers PPD wave-lock's as well (E11.56), see also (E11.57) which would prevent such a wave-locked PBA from entering a dogfight.
(DN100.225) A PBA may make one HET in any given turn, but as it is limited to only one HET in a given turn, a PBA that is tractored after such a HET will not be able to avoid death dragging.
(DN100.228) PBA units cannot benefit from (D19.33) as its effect (the lack of a warp engine) is already factored into its small target modifier as provided in this rule.
(DN100.24) Note, this rule provides the only basis under which a PBA is treated as a Commando Squad. It is not treated as a Commando Squad for any other purpose unless specifically noted otherwise (which it is not). Note that a PBA sent on a hit-and-run raid by transporter [as opposed to its transporter pack (DN100.324)] operates under those rules and returns to the sending ship after t the raid is resolved as any other boarding party on a hit-and-run raid. It does not have the option to NOT return to the sending ship.
(DN100.3264) NEW RULE: A PBA with two Stilleto Missile Packs can only launch one missile in each turn, and not within a quarter turn of firing a missile on a previous turn.
(DN101.43) Note that while ships in the Triangulum Galaxy have, in many cases, a reduced cost for generating ECM points, the maximum number of EW points that can be generated is still 6. EW lent by special sensors (G24.21) operates normally, except that ECM lending is based on the size class of the RECEIVING unit, a scout lending six points of ECM to a Size Class 2 unit would need to spend nine points of power (plus one point for the special sensor), but it needs only four points of power to lend six points of ECM to a unit of Size Class 4. A scout could still not lend more than six points of ECM to such units. Note that this would apply if a Federation scout were lending ECM to a Mallaran ship (since the effect is a result of the Triangulum Galaxy warp fields (DN101.43), but a Mallaran scout lending six ECM to a Federation FF would have to use six points of power.
(DN101.441) The die roll shift is cumulative with that provided by Legendary Weapons Officers (G22.721), but is not cumulative with (and indeed cannot operate with) any shifts created by the use ECCM [such as the die roll shift of an Outstanding Crew (G21.211)].
(DN101.442) Note that as ECCM and ACCM cannot be combined, if a unit had any built in ECCM, or was receiving lent ECCM, it would not be able to use ACCM unless it dropped the ECCM points. The two are mutually exclusive. See also (DN101.446). Note that even though the maximum amount of ACCM that a ship can generate is six points at a cost of seven points of power. Note that since ACCM and ECCM are mutually exclusive, the Outstanding Crew (or a Legendary Weapons Officer) cannot be providing their ECCM bonus, and thus cannot get their die roll shift, but the ECM of a Poor Crew would still be in effect.
(DN103.133) The Arachnid's racial description says they can take control of races with relatively "normal" biologies, the Trobrin (OR4.0) in the Omega Sector are definitely not a "normal" biology.
(EN100.132) Grammar: the comma before 'you' should be a semi-colon.
(EN101.13) Apparently at the time the rule was written, the designer (Francois Angers) intended the Heavy Graviton Beam to be less effective at long range. The actual published tables show that the beam is superior to the MGB at all ranges and the comments about it being "best suited as a secondary weapon" are clearly not accurate. ADB apologizes for not noting this prior to publication.
(EN101.37) Add ". . . or more. . ." between ". . . is one level . . ." and ". . . lower . . ."
(EN104.0) The MPDS is described in the rules as a Multi-Purpose Defense System, but on the SSDs as a Multi-Purpose Damage System, note the SSDs are in error.
(EN104.0) The SSDs show reload boxes for MPDS, but these are not mentioned in the rules. MPDS launchers have three complete reloads, as shown on the SSDs, included in the ship's BPV.
(EN104.0), (FSN100.0), and (FSN101.0): Is it possible to purchase spare MPDS ammo and [Small] Ram Torpedoes with Commander's Option Points? If so, how much do they cost? I would suggest 0.5, 1 and 0.5 BPV. What is the cargo requirement for MPDS ammo, Ram Torpedoes and Small Ram Torpedoes? I would suggest 0.5, 1 and 1. Are they explosive ordnance? At the time Module E2 was published it had not been determined if these systems could be purchased as Commander's options. The rules as they exist make them about the size of a drone (Ram and Small Ram) or ADD (MPDS round) for purposes of cargo transfer and storage rules. Players may experiment with the suggested BPVs and cargo sizes, but note that all would be treated as "Explosive Ordnance" (G25.3).
(EN104.32) MPDS cannot damage a Size Class 0 object.
(EN104.321) As the MPDS is defined as a "ball of energy", and this rule specifically says its damage is treated as "phaser" damage for any interaction with other systems unless otherwise noted, SPP did not feel it was necessary to define its interaction with an ESG field, i.e., phasers do not interact with ESGs.
(EN105.0) Note that the reduction in Hellfire Warheads to 25% of the printed strength in errata line item (FPN100.0) also applies to this function.
(EN106.11) A die roll of less than one is treated as a one.
(FPN100.0) There have not been many reports on this weapon as of yet, but the ones that have arrived tend to indicate that the designer massively overdid the flexibility of it. In an effort to maintain the "rate of launch" and "flexible speed" features, cut the warhead yeilds under all conditions to 25% of the final result, rounding any fractions to the next whole number. Thus where a torpedo under the current rules has a final strength of 45, reduce this to 12. Note, while the warhead output is cut, the amount of energy required for a warhead of 45 that is reduced to 12 by this line item is unchanged.
(FPN100.11) The Hellfire torpedoes on the Worlds of Unions ships take two boxes on the SSD, and these boxes should have been divided by a dashed line as is done for SFGs on Klingon Stasis Field Generator ships. ADB apologizes for this oversight which was entirely our own.
(FPN100.16) Hellfire Torpedoes are self-guiding like plasmas. As given in this rule, a Hellfire torpedo operates as a plasma torpedo except where the rules say differently. Specifically, they be launched under PFC or without a lock-on in the same manner as plasma torpedoes. They continue to guide themselves after lock-on or control is dropped in the same manner as plasma torpedoes. Control can be dropped deliberately but the HT will not be removed from the map as it operates like a plasma torpedo, not a drone.
(FPN100.21) Hellfire torpedoes cannot use rolling delay, they arm over one to four turns and can be held.
(FPN100.2121) While not specifically stated in the rules, any fractions of damage are lost, e.g., if the result (as provided in the example) does not result in a full point of damage, any fractional points remaining are lost. In short, as given in the example, 4.5 x 5 is 22, not 22.5 damage points.
(FPN100.2122) Add "per turn" to the end of this rule.
(FPN100.215) Apparently there was an error on the table used to create the charts that then went on all the WOU SSDs. The "0" in the two turn line of the hellfire chart for damage reduction should have been a "0.33".
(FPN100.22) Note that the reference to power lost means that all power that was lost with that torpedo must be announced, this means any power used to modify the torpedo is included.
(FPN100.242) Note that you can reduce the power in the weapons, but not the number of turns the weapons were being armed at a given weapon status.
(FPN100.6) Note that the reduction in Hellfire Warheads to 25% of the printed strength in errata line item (FPN100.0) also applies to this function.
(FSN100.0) States that Ram Torpedoes disrupt a target's warp field. A Ram Torpedo does damage a unit with no warp field (bases, planets, ground bases, ships using impulse power only, sublight ships, etc) as even nominally sublight or stationary units (such as bases) have a warp field and will be damaged by a Ram torpedo.
(FSN100.0) The SSDs show reload boxes Ram Torpedoes, but these are not mentioned in the rules. Ram torpedo launchers have three complete reloads as shown on the SSDs and included in their ship's BPV.
(FSN100.32) When a Ram torpedo is launched, the launching hex and impulse of launch must be recorded in order to confirm the strength of the warhead when it reaches its target.
(FSN100.4) Ram torpedoes are affected by Cloaking devices as any other seeking weapon, i.e., the passage past the cloaked unit may be too far to cause damage even with a lock-on, or may cause only a reduced amount of damage.
(FSN100.4) Ram Torpedoes are affected by EW as any other seeking weapon. This has the effect of reducing the damage as it would with a drone or plasma.
(FSN100.51) It should be obvious that since Ram torpedoes move by the seeking weapons rules they must move directly forward as their first movement after launch, see (FSN100.12).
(FSN100.72) The number of reloads available to a given Ram launcher are shown on the SSD for that ship.
(FSN100.85) The ESG is reduced by the Ram torpedo's multiplier in the same manner as phaser damage, i.e., each two points of ESG strength reduces the multiplier by one point. The ESG is reduced by two points for each point of multiplier that is reduced. This continues until either the ESG is dropped, at which point the Ram operates at its reduced level (rounding any fraction to the next higher level) or the Ram multiplier is reduced to zero (which could reduce the ESG to zero or weaken the ESG by as much as 12 points).
(GN100.1) ". . . how much power it can use." should be " . . . the individual generators on the ship." The RSH display, left of the ship, indicates the power/level (left side) and generator (top) and shields generated.
(GN100.11) This rule is seriously in error and SPP apologizes for failing to catch it. It probably reflects a change in how things were to be done by the original author, and was not corrected before SPP got it. In any case, the numbers on the RSHs on the SSD reflect the individual generators and are associated with the groups of boxes for that generator located on the ship information half of the SSD in nearly all cases. The rules under (GN100.2) provide for the amount of power that can be allocated for normal and reinforced levels for each block of shields, and not that each RSH operates independently, i.e., one point of power does not operate both RSHs on a given unit with two at standard minimum, to operate both each must have a point of power.
(GN100.33) Rotary shields can be rotated into any arc during Energy Allocation with no restrictions, even if last rotated on Impulse #32 of an immediately previous turn. The limit on subsequent rotations in this rule only applies to rotations during a turn, not during Energy Allocation, although the shield cannot be rotated any sooner than Impulse #9 if it is rotated during Energy Allocation. An RSH that was is not rotated during Energy Allocation can be rotated by the provisions of this rule under the quarter turn delay, i.e., if last rotated on Impulse #26 it could be rotated again on Impulse #2 of the following turn.
(GN100.351) QUESTION: The second clause of this rule regarding two Rotary Shields facing the same direction sharing odd points of damage is going to cause problems: if shield A has taken three points of damage from an attack, and shield B is raised to join it, is shield B forced to take the next odd point of damage? What about if they have moved around since, or yet other shields pop up? I think this rule is unnecessary and will cause arguments. REPLY: If shield A is at three points, and shield B is raised, and six damage points need to be applied the player applies one to shield A and two to shield B, the remaining three to the actual shield behind them. If Shield B or Shield A subsequently rotate, the situation for purposes of damage would be judged based on the circumstances when damage is next applied to them. The fact that shield A was at two points when it was rotated in front of shield C simply means that the extra point (assuming six points of damage again) is applied to shield C. If the whole is hit with seven points of damage, the Owning player will determine which shield (one of the RSHs or the actual shields) absorbs that point.
(GN100.353) Add ". . . if the ship is not equipped with any type of armor." to the last sentence.
(GN200.2121) Grammar: the comma before 'it must . . .' should be a semi-colon.
(JN100.12) As with normal EW pods, the device can be activated prior to launch, and can be deactivated after landing.
(JN100.211) Blur devices have no affect on a seeking weapon that has already accepted that fighter as a target, otherwise the target would not need to use Chaff.
(JN100.213) Blur ECM is not combined with the small target modifier (E1.7).
(JN100.213) The ECM from a Blur device also affects systems other than Direct-Fire weapons directed at the fighter, including by units nominally friendly to the fighter.
(RN101.2) CAB SSD - PP 1-4 marked as 'RPP' instead of 'EPP' (as shown on CA SSD).
(RN102.0) The Mallaran CA, CL, DD, and CAP are Hybrid carriers like the Hydrans despite there being no "V" in the MSC. Note that they are listed in Annex #7G.
(Z94.6) - "ine item format" should be "-L-ine item format."
ZZZ There are a few places where the text addresses the reader directly ('you'). This is OK, but at variance with anything that has come before.
Copyright © 1991-2007 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved | Updated 29 November 2007 |