(J1.1) The last word should be "shuttles" rather than "fighters." (J1.212) Reference to (J5.2) should be to (J5.21). Reference to (J4.12) should be to (J4.121).
(J1.23) A manned shuttle can change facing by one or more hex sides on Impulse #32 of any turn in which it did not move. (This is done as an HET, even if the shuttle cannot normally perform HET.)
(J1.26) Note that the use of the term "shuttle" in this rule does not mean that non-fighter shuttles can HET, it only means that there is some chance that a non-fighter shuttle that can HET might be added to the game at a later date. The turn modes of shuttles are not satisfied at the time of launch.
(J1.31) No shuttle (including fighters) can fire a direct-fire weapon to a range of more than 15 hexes. (Some weapons have shorter ranges specified, for example, photons are limited to range 12, disruptors to range 10.) This range limit is not adjusted by pilot status. (J1.3312) Reference to (J1.21) should be to (J1.212).
(J1.3323) Crippled suicide shuttles do not jettison their bombs. (J1.333) Delete text requiring the shuttle to roll for a lock-on. (Every unit has to, but with a rating of 6 the result is automatic.) (J1.334) Exception: Legendary Engineer (G22.45).
(J1.34) These restrictions apply regardless of the manner of launch, whether from bay, balcony, or mech-link.
(J1.343) Reference to (J4.32) should be to (J3.33).
(J1.412) Add reference to (J10.13) for damage to heavy shuttles.
(J1.413) Should be "fighter" not "fighting."
(J1.416) Add references to (J1.64) and (J1.663).
(J1.422) Spare shuttles can only be used in a subsequent scenario if the ship has an undestroyed shuttle box for that specific shuttle to operate from.
(J1.503) Reference to (J1.22) should be to (J1.221).
(J1.505) The speed of the launching ship has no effect on a launched shuttle.
(J1.52) NOTE TO NEW PLAYERS: This is incorrect. Gorns (with Balcony & Track) and Kzintis (tunnel decks) are in Basic Set.
(J1.531) Shuttles on a balcony cannot be repaired; see (J4.8).
(J1.532) Aces (J6.23) in speed-15 fighters with warp packs are, in the current rules, the only fighters able to go speed 31.
(J1.561) As the game evolved, this rule went through several informal revisions and became totally confused. The correct rule is as follows: Certain Federation Ships [e.g., SCS (R3.32), NVH (R2.56)] which are PFT substitutes carry heavy fighters on semi-external mech links. These are used only to hold heavy fighters (e.g., A-20 or F111) and are type-specific (those for A-20s cannot hold F-111s or any other fighter or shuttle). One box is required for each fighter. These are damaged on shuttle hits (a hit destroys the fighter as well as the box, link, and tractor) but can function as tractor beams. Shuttles launch and land in these links as if they were PF mech links, but are repaired by deck crews as if they were in a shuttle bay. They have ready racks for the specific type of fighter embarked. All of the adjoining mech links of this type are treated as a single "bay" for purposes of deploying deck crews, but there can be no chain reaction from one fighter to the next.
(J1.594) It takes one entire turn (starting with Impulse #1) to move any shuttle to another box (or pair of boxes) within the same bay. (J1.61) Add: or shuttle mech link (J1.561).
(J1.612) No shield need be dropped to land a friendly shuttle. (J1.62) Last sentence: See also (J1.66).
(J1.62-2) See (J1.505) regarding launched shuttles.
(J1.6202) Rule (G7.91) is a partial exception.
(J1.6223) See (G7.27) for the "forced contact" rule.
(J1.63) Last sentence is in relation to (J1.620) and has no relevance in regard to (J1.61).
(J1.631) Add: Use the procedure in (J1.413).
(J1.645) Add: "i.e., overcrowded boxes must be destroyed first and both shuttles and the shuttle box are lost."
(J1.653) The two boxes must be adjacent.
(J1.654) The last line should read: "...launched, but arming could not be completed.
(J1.865) The shuttle can start moving as soon as the pilot is aboard, although this would be a mid-turn speed change (C12.313).
(J1.866) Exception: A pilot can be transported aboard a minesweeping shuttle to take control and fly it home.
(J2.12) Non-fighter shuttles cannot HET; exception (J1.23).
(J2.211) Reference to (D7.0) should be to (D7.16).
(J2.212) A shuttle cannot identify seeking weapons (G4.2), but could gather "information points" on non-monster objects in those scenarios where this is a victory condition. A shuttle destroyed or recovered during the turn still gains information points so long as it had become clear of the launch restrictions (J1.343).
(J2.213) Reference to (J2.12) should be to (J2.13).
(J2.22) A suicide shuttle is an armed warhead on launch, and will explode if it enters the hex of its target on the subsequent impulse. There is no delay in the warhead being armed. A crippled suicide shuttle will be slowed, but will not suffer any loss of warhead function.
(J2.22) Reference to (FD5.31) should be to (FD5.3).
(J2.2212) The maximum limit of three points per turn still applies. (J2.2213) The references to a WW should be to a suicide shuttle. (J2.226) No time is needed to prepare or unprepare a dummy SS. Reference (FD1.563) should be (FD1.562).
(J2.228) It is impossible to haul a friendly active suicide shuttle into the bay as it will go inert when tractored (G7.523).
(J3.116) No ship can have more than one active wild weasel on the board at any time. The launching of a second weasel voids a previous weasel at the point of launch. If two are launched at the same time, the owner designations which is first and which is second.
(J3.121) If the arming of a shuttle as a WW is cancelled (at the start of a turn) before it was completed, the energy is lost and the shuttle can be launched normally with no delay.
(J3.122) Should read: "...cannot use reserve power to arm a wild weasel on subsequent..."
(J3.141) The pod can use its own systems normally during this preparation period.
(J3.144) ISC DPT-cargo packs can be used for this.
(J3.201) After "...that ship..." add: "(the one that launched the WW)".
(J3.203) The WW can be targeted in its own right; in this case any seeking weapons would not revert to the protected ship if the weasel was voided. The WW is considered to be a ship of the size of the ship it is protecting for targeting purposes not covered elsewhere (e.g., cannot be targeted by aegis).
(J3.21) If a WW was destroyed by death-dragging (G7.54), the hex it was occupying when the tractoring unit moved is the destruction hex.
(J3.211) The explosion period lasts from the point in the Impulse Procedure in which the shuttle was destroyed until that same point in the Impulse Procedure four impulses later. Note that this might be from the Damage During Movement Stage to Damage During Movement Stage, or from Direct-Fire Weapons Damage Resolution Stage to Direct-Fire Weapons Damage Resolution Stage, depending on which stage the weasel was destroyed in.
(J3.2112) "...reactivate its fire control systems." Add a reference to (D6.633) at the end of this sentence.
(J3.221) It should be noted here that the WW can be recovered by tractor beam. See the last sentence of (J3.40) which implies that (J3.22) covers all means of recovery.
(J3.26) Note that the wild weasel is not treated in any way as if it were the unit it was launched from for purposes of mine triggering, only as the size class, e.g., weasels launched from minesweepers do not have the benefit of (M2.45).
(J3.434) See (FD9.17).
(J3.435) See (D6.3144); lending can continue but has no effect while the weasel is active.
(J3.452) If, after the explosion period but while seeking weapons are still tracking the destroyed weasel, the ship is tractored and dragged at any speed, the weasel would still not be voided because the protected ship itself has not taken any voiding action. Add Exceptions: Docked units (C13.947) and tractored bases (G7.90). (J3.49) Reference to (J1.21) should be to (J1.212).
(J4.0) Kzinti AAS is (R5.F2) not (R5.F1).
(J4.11) "When movement is called for" is based on the maximum current speed of the fighter (as adjusted for crippled status, booster pack status, and possibly EM status) even though the fighter is not actually moving.
(J4.13) Reference to (J1.22) should be to (J1.223).
(J4.21) A shuttle armed with an ADD rack can launch type-VI drones from that rack in any direction within the restrictions of (E5.41), but such a launch counts against the maximum number of seeking weapons the shuttle can launch under (J4.24).
(J4.221) Reference to (F4.5) should be to (F3.5). Tholian and Hydran heavy fighters cannot control seeking weapons.
(J4.233) Note that this rail can also be fitted with a type-VI drone.
(J4.28) Type-D plasmas use a unique type of launch rail which cannot carry drones.
(J4.49) Any fighter may, at any time, drop (discard, discharge) any of its weapons (including chaff, pods, or any weapon).
(J4.522) A fighter using CCM is maneuvering so violently through the hex that any ship in the hex can fire any weapon at the fighter regardless of firing arcs.
(J4.621) Reference to (FD2.44) should be to (FD2.443).
(J4.7) The supplies listed here are included in the BPV of the carrier and do not have to be purchased separately.
(J4.72) Drones in ready racks will not explode or constitute an armed fighter for chain reaction purposes. Drones on a fighter will not contribute to the explosion, but do make the fighter vulnerable to chain reactions.
(J4.74) Rule (J4.898) is another exception.
(J4.75) Supplies are in the same (D16.0) area as the shuttle bay.
(J4.8) Note that any ship can recover a fighter, but only one with "appropriate facilities" can service that fighter. Various rules, such as (J4.8962) and (J4.895), allow most ships to provide at least some services. A fighter would never begin a scenario on a ship it is not usually based on except during a campaign.
(J4.814) These deck crews cannot be transferred to another ship. If transferred as a crew unit (e.g., during an evacuation) they do not retain their abilities as a deck crew.
(J4.8172) Last sentence should read: "Two more deck crews can load the ready rack in that box if there is space available on the rack. The rack cannot be simultaneously loaded by one set of deck crews and provide drones for other deck crews to load on the fighter, even if this is done in different positions on the rack." Add a reference to (J4.823). No more than two deck crews can work on any (non-heavy) shuttle. The limit on two deck crews working on one fighter also applies to shuttles.
(J4.821) A deck crew loads a type-VI drone in half the time it takes to load a type-I drone. In the last line, this is one action per space.
(J4.8222) Reference to (J4.896) should be to (J4.891).
(J4.8225) Variants of fighters (e.g., C-refit, F-18B) can be rearmed in each other's ready racks, but obviously cannot load a weapon for which they are not authorized. If, for example, a fighter without a C-refit was in a fighter box for a fighter with a C-refit, and the ready rack held a type-I drone in a position that corresponded to a type-VI drone rail, that drone could not be loaded. Type-Is could be loaded by (J4.8962).
(J4.824) Reference to (FD2.44) should be to (FD2.443).
(J4.825) Reference to (GP9.22) should be (FP9.22). The drones (on a plasma carrier) and plasma-Ds (on a drone carrier) would be loaded by (J4.8962) not by the ready racks.
(J4.831) At WS-III, a fusion capacitor would still be holding one charge, the other being on the fighter.
(J4.835) Add reference to (J4.897). The reference to (J4.896) is valid, but this can happen only in cases where a drone-armed fighter lands on a foreign carrier during a battle.
(J4.881) Reference to (J4.83) should be to (J4.832).
(J4.883) The fact that a weapon was ejected from the fighter facilities is known at Tactical Intelligence Level B.
(J4.886) Add reference to (J4.8224).
(J4.89) Reference to (J8.842) should be to (J4.88).
(J4.8962) Drones on ready racks in other shuttle boxes of the same bay count as already being in the bay.
(J4.897) The escorts assigned to a Federation NVH are the only exception to the prohibition against escorts having ready racks for large fighters.
(J4.9) Some aspects of this rule apply to non-fighter shuttles. Nonfighter shuttles can be lent EW by a scout channel.
(J4.91) See (D6.3143) for natural sources. Non-fighter shuttles can only receive natural EW and EW lent via a scout channel.
(J4.922) Non-fighter shuttles can receive lending from scouts.
(J4.931) Reference (J4.923) should have been (J4.921).
(J4.933) This division into squadrons (J4.462) is not strictly required, but if the fighters are not grouped into squadrons, the squadron EW lending rule cannot be used.
(J4.943) Reference to (J8.41) should be to (J8.43).
(J4.944) Reference to (J9.11) should be to (J9.14).
(J4.965) An EW fighter doing EM can use its EWPs for itself.
(J5.11) If WBPs are purchased for fighters as a Commander's Option or in a patrol scenario, they must be purchased for all of the fighters on that carrier. The extra sets of WBPs under (J5.42) are then stored on that carrier. The stockpile rule (J5.42) refers to the number of warp packs that will be available if a player purchases them for his shuttles under this rule in a patrol scenario.
(J5.14) If a fighter uses emergency deceleration (J4.13), the packs are turned off. This does not count against the limit of turning the packs off once per turn. See also (J5.133) for another exception to the limit.
(J5.22) A shuttle is not required to drop its warp packs due to crippling.
(J5.422) The term "fighter" should be "shuttle" as extra warp boost packs could be purchased for the ship's shuttles (as well as the fighters).
(J5.432) No deck crew action is required to bring the WBP to the bay from wherever it is stored.
(J6.0) Reference to (J6.32) should be to (J6.324).
(J6.2) The quality of a the pilot has no effect on the speed at which a fighter will be death-dragged (G7.54).
(J6.222) "Erratic movement" should be "erratic maneuvers."
(J6.31?) While there technically can never be a reduction below 5 (unless class level in the 'dagger' case causes the DF-kill score to be less), the rule is correct as written.
(J6.422) This rule is used even if the legendary ace was unable to eject or the POIS was destroyed or captured. That's what makes Legendary Aces a Legend.
(J6.51) This rule does not allow a green pilot to carry a pod which is normally prohibited to a green pilot.
(J6.632) Reference to (J6.4) should be to (J6.422).
(J6.649) There is no penalty for destroying a POIS. That is simply the misfortunes of war.
(J7.11) EXAMPLE: Should read "In a single hex ARE..."
(J7.122) Shuttles unable to use their weapons (at all, not just until the next turn) are considered unarmed.
(J7.22) A fighter in a dogfight can receive EW points, but this has no effect; see (J4.95).
(J7.32) Reference (J7.22) should be (J7.21).
(J7.326) See (FD1.7) for cases when the drone is not removed.
(J7.334) See the exception in (J7.332) for EW, pilot quality, etc.
(J7.336 - 2) This also applies to non-fighter shuttles, and creates a temporary exception to (J6.213).
(J7.43) Given a dogfight with two Fed and one Klingon shuttles, a third Federation shuttle in the hex could not join. However, a second Klingon shuttle could either challenge the third Fed shuttle or join the dogfight with the two Feds and one Klingon, forcing that to split into two dogfights. In that case, the third Fed shuttle could then join either of the new dogfights.
(J7.50) In the Captain's Edition, there is only one impulse chart (with 32 impulses). This reference is a carry over from previous editions which had several charts. Also, the separate firing stages against shuttles and seeking weapons are an exception to the general rule on one set of simultaneous firings, but this applies only in dogfights.
(J7.527) This applies to any shuttle with two or more phasers.
(J7.53) This is an exception to (J4.24) as noted in (J7.533).
(J7.533) Reference to (J7.54) should be to (J7.53).
(J7.56) An FA phaser can be fired at a drone launched by a disadvantaged fighter. The only way (currently) for that to happen is a type-VI drone launched from an ADD. A shuttle in a dogfight can fire LS or RS (but not both) weapons at a target ahead or behind. It cannot fire the weapons on one side (LS or RS) at both forward and rear targets, but could fire LS weapons at a target to the front and RS to a target in the rear or vice versa.
(J7.651) The "below" in the LS/RS section refers to the LS/RS section of (J7.652).
(J7.652) NOTE: This is correct; the worse you are disadvantaged the more likely this particular weapon can hit him.
(J7.6621) Any breakaway is done AFTER rolling for this collision. (J7.714) Any terrain in the hexes entered affects the fighter normally, e.g., collision with planet or asteroid damage.
(J7.731) The "any enemy" refers to "any unit of the enemy force you surrendered to."
(J7.822) This applies if any fighter in the dogfight receives asteroid damage.
(J7.824) In a hypothetical battle between two Tholians, the units of one Tholian have a different frequency of web than the other, and they cannot pass each other's webs. Typo:. Tholian shuttles are never caught in their web INvoluntarily.
(J8.13) The direct fire weapons are limited to a maximum range of 15 hexes by (J1.31).
(J8.134) Should state: Unlike fighters, MRS shuttles can ACCEPT transfers of seeking weapons.
(J8.21) Reference to (J2.212) should be to (J2.211). The T-bombs carried by an MRS are taken from the ship's stores. They do not come free with the MRS and cannot be purchased for the MRS in excess of the ship's limits. An MRS loaded with mines counts under (S4.1) as a shuttle prepared for a special mission.
(J8.22) Having an MRS on a ship does not allow that ship to purchase NSMs for the MRS to lay.
(J8.23) The loading rate specified is much lower than would be the case for a non-MRS, but is correct. The lower rate is due to the special arrangement of the MRS.
(J8.332) Reference to (FD7.4135) should be (FD7.4153).
(J8.42) Reference to (C10.52) should be to (C10.523).
(J8.5) Tugs have a ready rack for an MRS but are only issued the MRS (and its supplies) if they have a battle or carrier pod. This does not allow any given tug without those pods to show up with an MRS claiming it is using the ready rack installed for use with a carrier or battle pod that might be carried some other time. In a campaign where such a tug starts with an MRS and drops the pod, the survival of the MRS is determined by the scenarios.
(J9.0) The addition of the E3A made several mentions that the E2C is "unique" or the "only" such unit obsolete. In the extract of this rule on page 140 of the Basic Set rulebook, the word "element'' should be deleted.
(J9.136) A manned wild SWAC can be challenged to a dogfight. It continues to function normally. However, due to the consequences of (J3.3), the enemy fighter would be advised to leave the wild SWAC alone.
(J9.142) Reference to (J4.93) should be to (J4.934).
(J9.2442) The seeking weapons could be diverted by (G24.23) or "destroyed" by (G24.22).
(J9.2444) In this case, the SWAC does not explode.
(J9.44) E-2 SWACS cannot carry fighter pods.
(J9.533) See (D7.836) in the event that the E-3 is boarded while carrying a defending BP. This would not affect the operation of the larger E-3, even though the smaller E-2 loses its SWAC abilities when using (J9.332).
(J9.54) E-3 SWACS cannot carry fighter pods.
(J10.112) Typo: "heavy fighter" should read "heavy shuttle."
(J10.33) The phaser-2 is limited to a maximum range of 15 by (J1.31). Not all heavy fighters have phaser-2s.
(J10.42) The correct title for this rule is HEAVY WEAPONS. Those heavy fighters with two plasma-F torpedoes have two separate plasma-F mounts.
(J11.115) MRS shuttles armed with D-torps can carry pods on the torpedo rails. SWACS (either type) cannot carry fighter pods.
(J11.13) Carriers receive these pods for free in all scenarios (including Patrol scenarios) unless otherwise noted.
(J11.141) An MRS can carry pods it is not able to use, but as inert items.
(J11.2) Extra EW pods cost 1 point each, see Annex #6.
(J11.21) Clarification: The EWPs on unlaunched fighters must be set and announced at the start of the turn.
(J11.32) A fighter can drop its own chaff pack(s) and one chaff pack from each chaff pod it is carrying during each impulse.
(J11.333) If used in a dogfight, the pod can fire a total of 4 times at low power before it is exhausted. After firing once at low power, it cannot be fired at normal power until recharged. After firing four times at low power, it cannot fire at all until it is recharged. Regardless of how many low-powered charges it fired, it still requires the full 1/2 point of energy to recharge.
(J11.336) An armed phaser pod is treated as explosive ordnance (G25.3). An unarmed phaser pod is not.
(J11.346) A ground attack pod is treated as explosive ordnance (G25.3).
(J11.41) This pod is limited to "small objects" and cannot carry drones or type-D plasma torpedoes.
(J11.422) Confirming: No more can be bought, even if they are listed in error on some versions of Annex #6.
(J12.13) There is no restriction on replacing drones with RALADs. RALADs do not count against the racial % of special drones.
(J12.23) For purposes of drone firing rate, treat RALAD as a type-VI. (J12.32) ADDs are not adjusted, as (J7.661) says.
(J13.12) Casual Bases have Control Stations; these represent "key terrain" surrounding or within the location selected for the base. However, by its very nature, there will not be any Ground Defensive Systems at a casual ground base. These are constructs which take time to place, and the entire concept of a Casual Base is that it will exist for only a short period of time and then be abandoned.
(J13.212) Shuttles are destroyed by the normal rules for firing on a shuttle on the surface, not as the contents of a box. Rule (R1.14C2) applies to small ground bases.
(J13.221) Casual bases can activate plasma-Ds. [change]
Copyright © 1991,1998 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved | Updated 30 August 1998 |