(K0.11) PFs do not use (D22.0). See Note #2 in that rule.
(K1.52) Each PF buys its special drones individually. A flotilla cannot concentrate all of its special drones on a single PF (at least not without using cargo transfer during a scenario).
(K1.541) This specific rule overrules the general (D17.4) Level E for PFs.
(K1.61) The cost reduction for not carrying WBPs applies only in the case of PFs appearing in a scenario without their tender.
(K1.63) EXAMPLE: There is an error in the example. The 2nd volley that scored 2 left warp and one center warp hits shows the die roll for the first left warp hit destroying the engine with a 5 roll, but to allocate damage normally, first the pack would have been destroyed by the two normally-allocated damage points, thus the 5 roll would only have destroyed the two engine boxes of the left warp engine.
(K1.75) This also applies to fighters operated by the tender.
(K1.752) PF scouts cannot lend EW to a fighter squadron, even if was launched by Fi-Cons from the scout's flotilla. A PFS can lend EW to a single fighter by this rule.
(K1.756) A Scout PF does not require the use of its scout sensors to "go wild" but cannot use the sensors for any purpose while it is wild. This deceleration is not automatic; must be by legal means.
(K1.8) "Valkyrie" is misspelled.
(K1.91) If the impact of an ESG on a PF totally destroys the PF, the survival pod is considered to have been destroyed before it could be released. The survival pod is not placed on the map and does not further reduce the ESG.
(K1.948) See the errata under (K1.91).
(K1.949) PF survival pods are actual structural parts of the PF and cannot be dropped separately from the PF without effectively destroying the PF at that point.
(K2.113) Reference to the LDR CC should be to the LDR BC.
(K2.323) PFs (including INTs) do not have their turn modes satisfied at the point of launch.
(K2.324) Effectively, EM takes effect for PFs at the end of the impulse in which they were released.
(K2.33) An operating tractor beam is not required for this procedure. (K2.344) See exception in (K2.381).
(K2.361) The PF crews could be given up as casualties instead of the PFT's crew, but this would make the PFs useless as there would be no one to operate them.
(K2.362) For purposes of crew quality, outstanding ship crews would be treated as Good PF crews, and Ace PF crews would be treated as "normal" ship crews.
(K2.38) No more than two deck crews can work on one PF.
(K2.411) If the DAC calls for a damage point which the PF has and the PFT does not, the owning player can score it on the PF or move to the next column of the DAC at his option.
(K2.434) This rule is incorrect; the data in (K2.432) regarding PFLs is correct. See (D18.17) for specific details of surprise.
(K2.47) A PF docked to a ship could be destroyed by damage allocated to the PF (K2.41), but as this would cause an explosion that damages the PFT it would be unwise to allocate damage in that manner. A hit-and-run raid might trigger this event.
(K2.621) The tractor is required to undock from an internal bay, even though this uses the (K2.32) procedure which, in most cases, does not require a tractor.
(K2.641) This can be done at any mech link. It takes an entire game turn, not 32 consecutive impulses.
(K2.65) The initial loading on the PFs is NOT counted against this allocation.
(K2.653) There are two exceptions to this rule. In the case of plasma races, as their standard PFs are armed with plasma-Fs, the casual PFT will carry two sets of plasma-D reloads for each plasma rack on the specific type of PF carried. This is in addition to the one loading already held in each rack of the PF. In the case of Orion Pirates, if the PF selects drone or plasma racks for its option mounts, the casual tender will carry two sets of reloads for each rack. This is in addition to the one loading already held in the selected rack. NOTE that while this rule provides for the amount of drones carried, the type of drones carried will be appropriate to the PFs carried. G1Ks, for example, can only use type-VI drones, which standard G1s cannot use in the drone racks. Casual carriage of a drone-armed PFT does not confer drone-handling abilities on a ship otherwise without them.
(K2.655) See Annex #7N for the number of plasma-Ds stored.
(K3.13) See (K3.75) for information on this EW variant.
(K3.75) These EW "pods" are destroyed by a weapons hit of the type of weapon they replaced. There is no BPV change.
(K4.14) The MSSs on mine warfare PFs are another exception.
(K4.3) The "explosive ordnance" penalty (G25.3) does not apply to reloading the T-bomb on a PF Leader. The transfer loads the T-bomb directly into the "mine rack" on the PFL.
(K5.2) An n/a result from this chart, when scored on the DAC, is treated as "no more of that system" hit and you proceed to the next column on the DAC.
(K6.13) The reference to dropping packs during the turn is obsolete; see (K1.62).
(K6.32) The last sentence applies to PFs launched again.
(K7.11) This rule provides that the BPV of a deathrider is identical to a standard PF of the type.
(K7.14) The reference to (G24.219) refers to the fact that EW does not distract a Death-Rider as it would a seeking weapon.
(K7.20) See (K7.322) for "very slow" targets.
(K7.212) An autonomous Death-Rider does not require a lock-on until it goes into seeking weapon mode.
(K7.412) A Boarding Party accompanying the major uses his result on the chart.
(K7.424) Reference to (G22.52) should also be to (G22.54).
(K7.518) There were 24 points of damage, not 25.
(K7.71) Any general shield reinforcement will be dropped at the same time as the shields in this case.
(K8.212) Ace PF crews can fly a PFS but this won't improve its EW abilities (K8.23).
(K8.42) This chart is used even if the survival pod was seen to be destroyed on the map during the scenario.
Copyright © 1991,1998 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved | Updated 30 August 1998 |