Star Fleet Battles Errata: (SG0.0)

(SG2.0) The graphic is generic and matches no specific fleet.

(SG3.64) Add modules, fighters, and minefields to the base and increase the BPV of the attacking force appropriately.

(SG8.2) This scenario is not balanced. You can reduce the BPV of the attacking forces to that of the SB, or you can add modules, fighters, PFs, minefields, and ships to the SB to equal the BPV of the attacking force.

(SG10.61) Limit drones to medium speed or less.

(SG11.47) Reference to (G30.4) should be to (G30.3).

(SG13.422) A squadron of EIGHT or more can have an EWF.

(SG19.422) A squadron of EIGHT or more can have an EWF.

(SG20.422) A squadron of EIGHT or more can have an EWF.

(SG21.422) A squadron of EIGHT or more can have an EWF.

(SG22.2) The Hydran St1s are allowed even if this exceeds 20%.

(SG27.5) Player B Tactical: ... Player A's cruiser disengages without completing its repairs. Draw: Delete the Player A cruiser from the first of the three conditions.

(SG27.8) Tractor beams cannot force ships to undock, even when towing the combination at a speed higher than allowed, since (C13.921) uses practical speed, not effective speed.

(SG28.65) In this scenario, a Q-ship can masquerade as an exploration freighter.

(SG29.2) The Q-ship and armed freighter should be of the same race as the police ship. A Free Trader will have to have weapons of the same race as the police ship, but a Free Traitor could have weapons of a neighboring race. The ships in parens are used if a 10 is drawn.

(SG29.45) The "J" player should refer to (SG29.46) for his objectives.

(SG31.65) Begin rolling to improve the shields on Turn #1.

(SG34.2) Use a CW if your race doesn't have a CL.

(SG34.431) References to (SG34.423) should be (SG34.432).

(SG34.45) References to (SG34.44) should be (SG34.46). The references to "clan" should be to "cartel."

(SG34.5) The references to "clan" should be to "cartel." Tactical should refer to three ships; Marginal should refer to two ships.

(SG35.0) The references to "clan" should be to "cartel."

(SG35.422) Should refer to eight fighters, not ten.

(SG35.46) Power can, of course, be used for shields.

(SG36.2) Reference to (SG36.45) should be to (SG36.49).

(SG37.2) Players must select a year for this scenario. If Buccaneers are used, the Year must be Y181 or later.

(SG37.431) The option points do not affect victory.

(SG37.45) The phasers were fired on Impulse #31.

(SG38.2) The B10 does not have SFGs. The ISC fleet should replace one CL with a CEA and one DD with a DEA. The Fed #2 fleet is allowed despite (S8.33) as this is a published scenario.

(SG39.47) The DN has OAKDISC.

(SG40.62) See (R1.24A) for limits on non-cargo pods.

(SG41.8) Delete mention of ground troops.

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Updated 30 August 1998