(R10.01D42) Note that while all Andromedan ships do not have hangars, they all do have hatches, with the exception of the Pseudo Satellite Ship. This hatch cannot be used to lay NSMs except for the minesled in Module C3.
(R10.05) COU: Needs probe track on SSD.
(R10.06) TER: The source of mauler technology is unconfirmed.
(R10.08) COQ: The counters should be COQ not CON.
(R10.10) BUL: reference to (G10.20) should be to (R10.20).
(R10.12) PSS: Design by Ray Olesen.
(R10.16) EEL: Does not have double the Courier's sensors.
(R10.17) VIP: Needs probe track on SSD.
(R10.23) KRA: Delete the comment about HETs.
(R10.24) ASP: Minimum crew = 2.
(R10.25) ANA: The Anaconda can use two bridge boxes as labs.
(R10.27) IMP: The modifications were made as the arriving ship was converted from traveling to fighting mode. SSD note on satships is incorrect; rule is correct.
(R10.28) Ships docked to the individual satellite bases making up a Battle Station or Base Station have to literally dock on top of the combined base and are subject to receiving fire from all directions.
Copyright © 1991,1998 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved | Updated 30 August 1998 |