As the new ADB Inc. began operations, it was determined that many products were out of stock. We prepared reprints for these, incorporating into them those rules expansions and clarifications which had developed over the years since the original Doomsday editions of 1990-92 and the 1994 revisions. This file includes the changes and new material which was added to the various products during the 1999 revisions. With the 1994 rulebooks and this file, a player will have the equivalent of the 1999 rulebook. With the 1990 rulebook, this file, and the Master Errata File posted in 1995, you would have the equivalent of the 1999 rulebook. Unless specifically noted otherwise in this document, information here is added to existing rules and does not delete unaffected text.NOTE: THIS VERSION OF THE ERRATA UPDATE 1999 INCLUDES **ONLY** THE MATERIAL FROM BASIC SET. AS OTHER REPRINTS ARE COMPLETED, WE WILL ADD THEM TO THIS PAGE.
(C1.313) A non-moving unit is (within its category), the slowest moving unit, so a speed zero ship will HET before other ships move in the ship step of the Order of Precedence.
(C2.424) EXAMPLE: With a nimble ship (C11.28) (able to make a speed change in 6 impulses) and an outstanding crew (G21.224), it is possible to TAC on Impulses #2, #3 (impulse), #6, #11, change speed (C12.0) to four on Impulse #12, move on Impulse #16, change speed to zero on Impulse #18, and TAC again on Impulses #22, #27, and #32. Total of six TACs and one hex of movement, none of which void the weasel.
(C2.46) Add that fractions of movement are lost.
(C3.52) See (C8.102) for Emergency Deceleration.
(C5.232) A ship which has one TAC allocated can expend that TAC on any impulse in a given turn from Impulse #2 to Impulse #32. A ship which has allocated for two TACs can use the first one on any impulse from #2 to #23, but loses the first one on Impulse #23 if it has not been used. If the first of two TACs is used prior to Impulse #8, the second TAC is available from Impulse #8 until the end of the turn. This same procedure is used if the ship allocates for three TACs or four TACs. A ship might execute one or more allocated TACs, and then purchase one or more from reserve warp engine power later in the turn, but can never have more than one TAC available in any eight impulse period or use more than four warp TACs in a given turn. Exception: Outstanding Crews (C5.233).
(C5.532) A ship which stops in mid-turn by ED can purchase TACs, through reserve warp power within the limits of the TAC rules, e.g., a ship which completes ED on Impulse #21 could only purchase one TAC (i.e., the one available from Impulse #24 to the end of the turn) because of the four impulse delay (C5.532).
(C6.35) Delete "but there is no reason to do so" as there actually are reasons.
(C6.38) EXAMPLE: A ship which HETs on Impulse #15 is under these restrictions until the beginning of the movement segment of Impulse #20.
(C7.21) A player cannot declare that "enemy" or "allied" player units have disengaged by separation, only the player controlling a given unit can declare disengagement if the conditions are met.
(C8.102) Braking energy (C3.52) allocated but not yet used is treated as movement energy, i.e., half of the energy allocated becomes shield reinforcement and the rest is lost. (Also clarified in the original rule that the other half of the movement energy is lost.)
(C8.42) EXAMPLE: If a ship declares emergency deceleration on Impulse #4, it comes to a stop on Impulse #6 during the Final Movement Actions Stage (6A4). The 16-impulse post-decel period then extends until the Final Movement Actions Stage (6A4) of Impulse #22, so the first chance the ship has to move out of the hex is Impulse #23.
(D3.334) Any change in the shields, from full to minimum, or from minimum to full, can only be done once in any eight impulse period, i.e., if dropped to minimum on Impulse #8 they cannot be raised back to full until Impulse #16. A change during Energy Allocation counts Impulse #1 as the first impulse to determine the interval before the next change. Shields can be dropped completely on any impulse irrespective of their setting or when their setting was changed (D3.5) and might be dropped while at minimum setting and raised at full strength.
(D3.3413) On any given impulse during any given damage step, if damage from more than one direction strikes a unit with GSR, even against the same shield facing, the larger damage total is resolved against the General Shield Reinforcement (GSR) first before any of it is combined into volleys (D4.22). If equal damage is scored from two or more directions, roll a die to determine which is resolved first.
(D3.41-D) Judge only the shield facings, not the firing arcs.
(D3.43-C3) This is used if two ships are linked by a tractor beam at range 2, and during Impulse #32.
(D3.52) Shields are raised immediately in the Sequence Of Play when announced, the delay in raising them is from the point where they were dropped, and is not a delay between announcement and raising.
(D4.22) Note that fire from several directions which all strikes the same shield is still resolved as a single volley, see (D4.34). Fire from several directions that strikes different shields is resolved as separate volleys, i.e., all fire that strikes the #1 shield of a given ship on a given impulse is one volley. Fire on a given impulse that strikes the #1 shield and #2 shield would be resolved as two separate volleys under (D4.3). Some weapons have special damage rules that form exceptions to this rule, example (FP5.32).
(D4.34) This procedure is also used if multiple volleys strike a given target from multiple directions on the same impulse. The larger volley will be resolved first. If two (or more) volleys are equal, roll a die to determine which volley struck first.
(D6.126) Delete last sentence about UIMs having to be able to operate at both the TRUE and EFFECTIVE RANGE.
(D6.3144) A unit can generate six points of EW and receive (from a scout) six points of ECM AND six points of ECCM.
(D6.33) The MRS begins lending in Step 6B8 of Impulse #15 not Impulse #11. The Wild Weasel in Impulse #12 was launched at a speed of 5.
(D6.37) The item in the Master Errata File regarding an existing stasis field is incorrect and was cancelled.
(D6.51) REVISED WORDING: When using the UIM system, normal disruptors firing at effective ranges of 16 to 22 are resolved as if they were fired at a range of 15. Most versions of the disruptor chart have a UIM line showing its effects. See (D6.55) for overloads.
(D6.55) REVISED WORDING: The UIM may be used with overloaded weapons; the limitations of (D6.51) apply. A ship firing overloaded disruptor bolts (even with the aid of a UIM) cannot fire at ranges greater than 8 hexes. The probability of a hit at effective ranges 3-8 is the same as that at ranges 1-2. (The damage caused is not changed; use the true range.) The UIM cannot be used at these ranges with standard-loaded disruptors. The disruptor table on ships equipped with UIMs has a special line for overloaded-UIM firings.
(D6.633) REVISED WORDING: Change "ships" to "units"; shuttles and fighters cannot switch from active to passive fire control without the specified delay.
(D6.68) The disrupted fire control lasts from the point at which the disruption occurs to the same point in the sequence of play four impulses later, e.g., if displaced (G18.0) in step 6D5 of Impulse #5 the disruption ends in step 6D5 of Impulse #9.
(D6.683) Units with disrupted fire control cannot lay mines by any means (e.g., transporters, hatches).
(D6.73) A ship cannot operate simultaneously under LPFC and PFC (D19.0), and cannot fire any weapons on PFC while operating LPFC. LPFC can be detected as such at Tactical Intelligence Level B (D17.4). Reserve power can increase LPFC to normal active fire control under (D6.633). If a ship switches from LPFC to AFC, it incurs the same delays as switching from passive to active fire control, and is under all the restrictions of activating its fire control as if it were under passive fire control.
(D7.21) It takes two BPs to make a crew unit.
(D7.51) Militia can convert itself back into crew units.
(D7.531) The captured ship cannot transfer control of these seeking weapons to its erstwhile allies.
(D7.6) We added the various boarding party tables to the rules text.
(D7.826) It is not possible to conduct an H&R attack on a shuttlecraft in flight.
(D7.84) Exception: (J1.413).
(E1.12) Unless specified otherwise in a given weapon's description (E11.311), the player must announce the arming status of the weapon, i.e., overloaded, proximity fused, phaser-2 firing as a phaser-3, or any special rules (UIM, Derfacs), before rolling the die.
(E1.24) This act can be conducted during any impulse or in the Final Activity Phase.
(E1.7) Small Target Modifiers are based on the effective range (D1.4).
(F2.132) An HET may not be made if it is not necessary to enable the seeking weapon to track its target under (F2.2).
(F2.323) Judge the shield facing the launching unit at the moment of launch, not impact.
(FD2.31) All drone-armed fighters include one complete load of slow drones as part of their BPV.
(FD2.431) Reload drones may not be placed in the drone racks or launch rails of any unit [exception: Scatterpacks (FD7.212)] before the beginning of a scenario except as specified in a special scenario rule.
(FD2.45) Carrier Escorts with ready racks for drone-armed fighters compute the costs for drone upgrades for drones in their fighter ready racks and storage for those racks as if they were carrying fighters (J4.621). Fighters are equivalent to drone racks for the purpose of loading ready racks.
(FD2.55) While a type-VI can be launched at a target up to 35 hexes away [exception, (E5.41)], its endurance is limited to 12 hexes (FD2.55).
(FD5.13) NEW RULE: Type-VI drones that gain a lock-on to a friendly go inert if tractored by a friendly unit (G7.522).
(FP1.13) A plasma-R can be downloaded as a plasma-S prior to the Y170 invention of the plasma-S, but cannot fire as an M or L.
(FP1.86) Feedback may also be reduced by a target's Cloak (G13.37).
(FP1.963) NEW RULE: Reserve power can be added to a point allocated to begin loading a type-F torpedo in a larger launcher at any time during the first turn of arming. This irrevocably commits the torpedo to be finished either as a two-turn F or as a larger three-turn torpedo within the capability of the launcher, e.g., G, S, or R in a type-R launcher.
(FP4.23) Ballistically launched plasma torpedoes cannot acquire their own targets, but might be launched at ground targets (P2.713).
(G4.0) Labs do not require active fire control or a lock-on to function. Range is unaffected by which type of fire control is in use.
(G4.233) Note that a stationary shuttle will list its targeting even if it is not moving.
(G5.0) Probes may not be armed prior to the beginning of a scenario unless allowed by Special Scenario Rules.
(G6.435) The reference to (D16.0) in the 1990 and 1994 editions was deleted as there were no changes affecting this rule.
(G7.273) Tournament Arena is defined in (P17.0).
(G7.332) NEW RULE: Not maintaining a tractor link during an Energy Allocation Phase by not powering it counts as voluntary release, although the specific tractor would be available to tractor some other unit during the turn (or even the original unit) after eight impulses. Releasing a tractor under (D22.13) is also considered a voluntary release even though it may be out of the player's hands.
(G7.373) NEW RULE: The pseudo speed of the combination is calculated based on the combined movement costs of all the units in the tractor link. Each ship calculates its pseudo-speed for its own turns and facing changes based on its own generated movement power and the total movement cost, even though only two ships can affect the movement of several ships linked by tractors.
(G7.715) The relative orientation of the two ships relative to the map directions will remain fixed, i.e., if one ship is in direction B from the other, any rotation will maintain that general facing at all times (tactical maneuvers, turns, or HETs, might change the relative shield facings). Example: On Impulse #32, Ship A moves from 2214 into 2215; ship B moves from 2216 into 2215. Ship A tractors ship B. In the rotation step of the initial activity phase of the next turn, ship B can only be pushed into 2216. Note that if ship B was smaller than ship A, ship A could rotate ship B to a different (adjacent) shield facing (or if ship A was smaller than ship B, it could rotate itself to a different shield facing) even if they were in the same hex. - If there are two (or three) possible hexes into which the other ship could be pushed/pulled, the player conducting the rotation may select either one. For example, a ship in 3610 could push a ship in 3612 into either 3613, 3513, or 3713. A ship in 3610 could push a ship in 3711 into either 3712, 3811, or 3810. Over multiple turns, ships of equal size could (by pushing and pulling) actually change the shields that each is facing.
(G7.51) Shuttles and drones change facing whenever they would normally "move"; they do not have a pseudo-speed.
(G7.74) A unit could be pulled to range zero, but its relative facing remains the same and it cannot then be pushed away to the opposite side of the tractoring unit, e.g., an F5 could be pulled to range 0 of a Fed DN's #4 shield, but could not then be pushed to range 0 of the DN's #1 shield. It could be rotated to the DN's #5 or #3 shield.
(G7.76) If as a result of (G7.36-3) the unit rotated into a seeking weapon moves on Impulse #1, it exits the hex in the Order of Precedence (C1.313) before the seeking weapons impact. The seeking weapons may still strike the unit on Impulse #1 if it is in their FA arc, they also move on Impulse #1 (Speed 32 drones or plasma torpedoes), and their turn or sideslip mode is satisfied (if the target is not centerlined).
(G7.91) Tractors do not affect special sensors (G24.0).
(G10.511) In the example, the D7 moves out of the web on Impulse #24, not #25.
(G10.523) NEW RULE: If a seeking weapon, on the impulse it could leave the web, makes an HET instead of actually moving, it is still in the web hex and while it has earned the right to leave the web hex on its next impulse of movement, if the web is strenthened in the interim the weapon may have to continue accumulating movement to leave the web. An HET performed earlier while in the web would not count as accumulated movement.
(G10.57) The sideslip mode is reset to zero when the unit leaves the web.
(G10.592) The ship cannot receive more damage than the amount of movement points countered by web, e.g., a ship moving speed 14 into a strength 30 web will only suffer (14 - 12 =) 2 points of damage. A ship moving speed 15 into a strength 13 web will only suffer one point of damage.
(G10.593) The drone or shuttle cannot take more damage than the amount of movement points countered by web, e.g., a fighter moving speed 22 into a strength 30 web will suffer two points of damage [doubled to four points due to its warp packs (J5.0)].
(G10.596) This also applies to Tholian ships which turn off their web crossing (G10.533) ability while in a web hex.
(G10.72) Each explosion is reduced separately, thus if two ships exploded for 17 points each in the same strength ten web hex during the same damage resolution step the damage in adjacent non-web hexes would be 14 and zero in adjacent web hexes.
(G13.116) Not allocating the energy to continue operating a cloaking device during Energy Allocation counts as turning the device off for that turn (G13.11); fade in begins on Impulse #1.
(G13.3321) Roll at the start of every turn AND during every cloak step (assuming that conditions changed for the worse). The 'only' in 21 refers to within an impulse, so you do not have to make 47 different rolls during every impulse. This applies to everything, not just seeking weapons.
(G14.732) A freighter is not destroyed until it takes an "excess damage" hit AFTER all of its "excess damage" boxes have been hit (D4.40). The freighter may be dropped immediately (G14.33), even if "track" hits still remain.
(G14.74) ADDITIONAL: Two ground bases count as one pod, except where noted. This applies to movement costs for the tug as well; two ground bases are equal to one pod weight. Medium ground bases are not substantially larger, they are interchangeable with small ground bases for strategic movement purposes. Ground bases are carried as inactive cargo, just like freighters (G14.73). They would normally be activated (G30.0) immediately prior to deployment. When allocating damage to pods or freighters and bases carried as inactive cargo (G14.7), all systems may be damaged, including Sensor, Scanner, etc.
(G14.746) NEW RULE: A small freighter can carry two small/medium ground bases stowed as inactive (G30.0) cargo (a large freighter can carry four) replacing all its normal cargo capacity. When allocating damage to bases carried as inactive cargo, all systems may be damaged as cargo, including Sensor, Scanner, etc. A base that is more than half damaged by this process may not be deployed.
(J1.211) Shuttles can, by manipulating speed changes, actually move more hexes in a turn than their listed maximum speed.
(J1.26) The turn modes of shuttles are not satisfied at the time of launch.
(J1.31) Shuttles with multiple direct-fire weapons can fire any or all of them on any impulse at one or more targets in arc unless specifically prohibited from doing so by their own rules. A shuttle armed with direct-fire and seeking weapons can launch the seeking weapons at the same or a different target that it fires direct-fire weapons at on the same impulse.
(J1.413) More than one BP might land in the same shuttle box. Each raids independently in an exception to (D7.84).
(J1.506) Shuttles launch from planets and ground bases on planets by (P2.412).
(J1.62) Last sentence: See also (J1.66).
(J1.620) This procedure cannot be used to land shuttles through an atmosphere faster than (P2.44).
(J1.6223) The shuttle is regarded as having the speed of the ship in each hex it enters when using this system and can trigger a mine.
(J1.86) In some monster scenarios, it is possible that a manned shuttle may become unmanned, e.g., (SM4.45).
(J2.228) It is impossible to haul a friendly active suicide shuttle into the bay as it will go inert when tractored (G7.523).
(J3.131) NOTE: It is possible, through a combination of mid-turn speed changes (C12.0), to move five hexes in a given 32 impulse period without voiding the weasel.
(J3.215) NEW RULE: The explosive value of any seeking weapon that hits a wild weasel, even during the post-explosion period, is known, PPTs must be announced, swordfish drones will fire. Non-exploding drone modules and modifications, e.g., probe module, armor module, ATG guidance, extended range, etc, will not be revealed. Obviously an MW drone tracking a weasel will release its submunitions under its previous targeting instructions.
(J3.221) It should be noted here that the WW can be recovered by tractor beam. [See the last sentence of (J3.40) which implies that (J3.22) covers all means of recovery.]
(J4.463) Squadrons with fewer than eight fighters cannot include an EWF, but the carrier might have an MRS (J8.51).
(J4.621) Casual carriers have enough drones and chaff pods to re-arm those fighters (or a number of fighters equal to their ready racks) three times. Special drones can be purchased as Commander's Option Items at normal racial percentages (FD10.6). Drones in the racks are slow unless speed upgrades are paid for. Pay the cost of speed upgrades for one loading of the ready racks (FD2.45); the rest are held in "fighter storage" as per (FD2.443). See (J4.75) for other supplies. The fighters on the carrier will determine what type of ready racks are on the escort, and this will in turn determine the numbers of drones held in the racks.
(J4.8) ADD Special scenario rules might define some circumstance where fighters are someplace other than a designated carrier.
(J4.8175) NEW RULE: All deck crew actions must be recorded, specifically noting which fighter/shuttle deck crew actions were performed on and the turn/impulses the activity was performed [including (J4.818) actions]. This record must be presented to the opposing player for review at the end of the scenario.
(J4.892) . . . but a plasma-F torpedo cannot be reloaded in a plasma-D or photon shuttle box.
(J4.8963) Arming energy can be applied to plasma-Ds in non-plasma-D shuttle boxes.
(J4.897) Delete the prohibition against rearming heavy fighters.
(M0.0) MINES
(M2.501) If a mine is placed in a hex occupied by a unit which is not moving (or moving slowly) and detonates (due to some other factor) before the unit in question leaves the hex, the shield facing the mine is the shield facing the hexside through which the unit which dropped the mine (D3.43) entered the hex. This might be a different shield than the one that was facing that hexside when the mine was dropped if the ship performed tactical maneuvers or an HET in intervening impulses between the mine being dropped, arming, and triggering.
(M3.13) A unit's T-bomb storage [as opposed to mines in mine racks (M9.1)] as defined in this rule is always available for laying out its shuttle hatches or by transporter with no delay to "move" it from one part of the unit to another.
(M3.222) NEW CROSS REFERENCE: See (M8.0) for minesweeping.
(P3.233) This may create exceptions to the Order of Precedence (C1.313). When going through the Order of Precedence, whenever you encounter a unit which has not moved that impulse AND which is part of a column, consult the Columnar Order for that Column and (at the current point in the Order of Precedence) move any units which are earlier in the Columnar Order for that Column. If a unit (voluntarily or involuntarily) leaves a column, some, all, or none of the subsequent units in that Column may leave the original Column and join the new Column, but the units in both columns will keep their original Columnar Order for the rest of the present impulse.
(P6.6) Note that scout functions operate normally outside the nebula, but can have no DIRECT effect on anything inside a nebula, see (G24.1852).
(R8.R1) The mine racks cost one point each as if they were being placed in an option mount and there is no rebate for the shuttle that is lost. The mine rack is empty, and the mines would have to be purchased separately, but there is no other restriction. Any other player could buy a minesweeper and the mines for it.
(R8.1) NOTE: Orion players are directed to (D7.50) which lays out the procedures for capturing a ship with boarding parties. Note that even freighters have control stations (Bridge, Aux, Emer), and these must be captured (D7.36) before the ship is captured.
(S2.12) CLARIFICATION: Fighter EPV is not included in the EPV of carriers, or Hybrid ships (including Hydrans).
(S2.27) NEW STALEMATE RULE: Some situations end in a stalemate. Neither force can (or will) leave, but neither can force the other to leave.
(S2.271) Case 1: Special scenario victory conditions may provide a way to resolve a stalemated scenario.
(S2.272) Case 2: If one player moves consistently toward the other while the other player consistently moves away (or one ship is consistently cloaked) and no internal damage is scored or manned shuttles are destroyed in 10 turns, the force moving away (or the cloaked ship) is deemed to have disengaged.
(S2.273) Case 3: If a base, convoy, FRD, or other "fixed target" is involved, and no internal damage has been scored or manned shuttles destroyed in 10 turns, the attack force must retreat.
(S2.274) Case 4: If all units are involved in a general melee, but neither player has scored any internal ship damage or crew casualties, or has destroyed any manned shuttles, within a period of 10 consecutive turns, a stalemate exists. (This includes damage from mines but not terrain.) The scenario is over. Neither player loses (or gains) points for disengagement. Any positive level of victory is reduced by one level.
(S2.41) Crippling takes effect immediately once the conditions are met.
(S3.211) Effective Adjusted Combat BPV includes any refits the ship has. If you buy a refit (S3.24) with Commander's Options, this does not increase the EAC-BPV.
(S3.222) Drone Bombardment ships use Type-III-XX with normal racial drone percentages (FD10.6) when on bombardment missions. If not on a drone bombardment mission they use the same drone percentages as carriers with ten or more fighters and are treated as D% ships (S3.223).
(S4.1) References to carriers includes fully capable carriers (J4.61) and most Hydran ships (J4.623). Fighters on patrol are considered to have fulfilled all launch (J1.34) requirements and are under no fire/launch restrictions. Drone rack loadouts cannot be changed from initial purchases at any weapon status except as specified by special scenario rules.
(T2.121) CLARIFICATION: If the players agree before the campaign begins, they can buy modules to replace the modules listed here. They must tell each other what modules they are using instead (intelligence will provide this information to each side usually), unless both agree to keep this information secret. Replaced modules can be turned in for their BPV value to reduce the cost of replacement modules, but no modules will be simply "floating in space" beside the stations.
(U1.25) CLARIFICATION: Fighters cannot replace admin shuttles at any time unless the ship specifically allows such exchanges, e.g., Federation GSC (R2.16) becoming CVL (R2.16A), or Hydran Gendarme (R9.39).
Copyright © 1991,1999 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved | Updated 2 January 2000 |