(D1.4) Reference to (G13.01) should be (G13.301). The line of fire is traced from the center of the hex the firing unit is in to the center of a target unit's hex. If the line of fire passes through blocking terrain, it is blocked. Even though you could fine a line of fire between the two units that does not pass through any blocking terrain hexes, direct-fire would be still blocked.
(D1.51) PFs can be fired at only if the entire crew has been evacuated.
(D1.53) The term "fired upon" applies if the weapon has a chance of scoring one or more damage points, regardless of whether or not actual damage results from the die roll.
(D2.32) The + and - hexes extend in a regular pattern out to the full range of the applicable phasers. Second paragraph; "The ship CANNOT fire into..." should be "The right side wing phaser(s) CANNOT fire into..."
(D2.33) The + and - hexes extend in a regular pattern out to the full range of the applicable phasers. Note that the F5 comment includes all ships that use that boom (such as the E5) and the E4 series.
(D3.331) The five boxes of "minimum shields" are the first to be destroyed and the last to be repaired.
(D3.3411) When taking damage, it must be taken in the specific order: General Reinforcement, Specific Reinforcement, printed SSD boxes. This is NOT at the option of either player.
(D3.41-B) The Order of Precedence is used if both units are scheduled to move on the same impulse, with the slower ship moving first, etc.
(D3.411) The reference to the "example above" refers to the comments in rule (D3.41) about the illustration in (D3.402), not to the illustration itself.
(D3.43-C) The player owning the TARGET ship selects the shield. Even if nothing changes, this decision can be changed each impulse.
(D3.543) The reference to (G13.51) should be to (G13.517).
(D4.2) If using NVC then see (D6.4).
(D4.222) Add: See (D4.323) and Annex #7E.
(D4.223) Exceptions: Reference to (G2.1) should be to (G2.2).
(D4.321) See (C6.5423) for another special case. See (C6.555) for additional damage that is part of the same volley.
(D4.323) Move plasma racks from DRONE into the TORP section of this rule.
(D4.351) If a player has only center hull remaining, he must score any F or A hull hits on center hull; he cannot choose to ignore them.
(D4.40) Some players are confused by this and think that an Excess Damage hit can be scored on anything. This is not the case; these alternative uses of an Excess Damage hit (i.e., cargo, mine rack, repair) are listed on Annex #7E.
(D5.0) See (C13.4812) for internally-docked units.
(D5.12) The listed explosion strength on the Master Ship Chart is not modified by the existence or non-existence on the unit of any unexpended weapons (including mines or drones).
(D5.13) Reference to (P2.767) should be (P2.76).
(D5.2) First Paragraph: The explosion value of a ship is not reduced if it drops or has dropped its warp engines. The explosion value of a PF is not reduced if it drops or has dropped its warp booster packs. (D5.2) Second paragraph: Do not add the explosion strength of bases to which the exploding ship is docked. This rule does not apply to two ships docked by (C13.9).
(D5.31) "See (D3.4)." should be "(See D3.42)."
(D5.42) Reference to (G13.554) should be (G13.52).
(D5.51) This can be done if all but the last two crew units can be evacuated under the provisions of (D21.21).
(D5.54) This rule applies to the movement plot, not the Energy Form.
(D6.111) Reference (G13.331) should have been (G13.332). Reference to (D6.11) is more properly to (D6.113).
(D6.115) The reference to (G13.33) should be to (G13.332). Add to the end: "The Intrepid could roll for lock-on to the KR under (G13.333) during the turn in the lock-on step of any impulse."
(D6.126) This procedure is also used for cloaked ships during the fade-in/out process. UIMs cannot be used unless the UIM can function at both the true and effective range.
(D6.1263) "...would have an effective range of FOUR."
(D6.211) Delete the word "that" from "..., and THAT electronic...". The phrase " even that range." is referring to the example above of the D6 firing at the Kzinti ship.
(D6.3) Delete EM (C10.42) from the list of systems not used.
(D6.312) If reserve power is used in the last 8 impulses to change a circuit between ECM and ECCM, that circuit is committed to the new mode into the first impulses of the next turn. If you want to use it for the other type, you can allocate power specifically to that type of EW, which won't become effective until the 8-impulse restriction has passed. The EW points bought with reserve power on the last turn will be lost at the end of that turn, however. You could allocate power to the same type of EW as the reserve power was used for, in which case it would be effective immediately, then switch with reserve power after the eight impulse delay.
(D6.3142) The reference to the #1 limit refers to the limit established in (D6.3141).
(D6.3144) A unit can generate six points of ECM and receive from a scout six points of ECM AND six points of ECCM.
(D6.3146) Rule number should be this, not (D6.31460.
(D6.316) EXAMPLE: Note that the reference to Impulse #11 should be to Impulse #15 due to the eight impulse delay.
(D6.32) Any change in ECM status is announced; (D6.315). The amount of ECCM a given unit is generating has to be announced if it has Active Fire Control. Natural or built-in ECCM does not have to be announced, unless it exceeds what the unit is allowed to generate. If the unit does not have active fire control, the amount of ECCM it is generating is announced only if it activates its fire control and is revealed the instant the fire control is activated, but gains no benefit until the fire control is fully active.
(D6.33) Impulse #11: Reference to MRS beginning lending is incorrect; this takes 8 impulses (J1.343). Also, this lending begins in Step 6B8 under "release of restrictions."
(D6.33) Impulse #15, First paragraph: Clarification; The wild weasel had to be launched at a speed of five in order to exit the hex of the FF before seeking weapons hit it.
(D6.33) Impulse #15, Second paragraph: The CV only had the four points to offer the fighters, but might have used reserve power to generate more which the fighters could not accept, unless it was ECCM.
(D6.33) Impulse #18, Second paragraph: spelling error. "The drone hits on the frigate are resolving,...". "resolving" should be "resolved". There is also an extra space between the comma and ECM.
(D6.34) Step 1: Reference to "planets" should have been "terrain".
(D6.37) Note that as with an existing tractor link, any change in the EW equation will not affect an existing stasis field.
(D6.373) This rule is wrong. See (D6.3146).
(D6.394) The reference for fighter ECM is (J4.47).
(D6.411) "Drone Rack" should be "Drone Hit."
(D6.43) Delete reference to Annex #7P.
(D6.47) Each of the allies attack and score casualties separately.
(D6.5) UIMs are Commander's Level, not Optional.
(D6.521) The die roll to determine if a UIM has burned out is a public roll and can be observed by your opponent.
(D6.55) The limitations in (D6.51) apply to overloaded disruptors.
(D6.56) UIMs cannot be purchased as cargo and then plugged in as replacements during a battle.
(D6.612) See (D6.66).
(D6.623) The reference to (G24.18) should be to (G24.161).
(D6.63) Slightly contradicts the Sequence of Play as to the exact moment that fire control is switched. The Sequence of Play is correct (Initial Stage 6B1 of Impulse Activity Segment).
(D6.631) Note the exception to the cost in (D6.7).
(D6.64) Reference to (G13.13) should be to (G13.131). There is an extra space between "inactive" and "mode" the second time.
(D6.68) This also applies to fighters and shuttles. Also see (G2.23).
(D6.681) There is a partial exception in (G2.24).
(D6.682) A shuttle identified as a seeking weapon can be fired at; a shuttle not so identified cannot be fired at in this case.
(D6.73) If a ship is using low-power fire control, it cannot increase its rate of fire/launch by using passive fire control with other weapons. LPFC can be detected as such at all ranges. Reserve power can increase LPFC to normal active fire control under (D6.633).
(D7.12) Note that no adjustments in crew casualties (D7.21) are needed, despite the variable BP size.
(D7.13) However, see (G9.31).
(D7.18) Note that ships with poor crews (G21.141) have various penalties in boarding party combat. Ships with outstanding crews have various advantages shown in (G21.241).
(D7.21) It takes two BPs to make a crew unit.
(D7.21) Third paragraph: Each of the non-allied races would take casualties at the same rate. All would lose the first BP on the 50th point of internal damage, the second on the 60th point, and so on. The last two boarding parties for each "side" are protected by the first paragraph.
(D7.362) While one casualty point can be scored on a given control room (having no real effect), no more than one control room can have this damage applied at any given time. Any subsequent control room casualties, whether by voluntary or directed damage, must be scored on the same room until it is captured.
(D7.423) STEP 2B: In cases where BPs of various crew quality levels [i.e., (G21.141) and (G21.241)] are on one "side," resolve casualties caused by each force separately, then add the total.
(D7.45) The example violates the "beachhead" rules in (G8.322/3) and should read: During Turn #6, the three Federation ships send 13 boarding parties onto the ship. Of these, however, 10 are sent at the higher non-combat rates (G8.32) and cannot be used offensively. The other three combine with the seven survivors from the original wave to form a single group of 10 squads. The Klingons still have 4 boarding parties. At the end of Turn #6, the Federation rolls a "4" meaning he has scored four casualty points. The Klingons roll a "2" which is adjusted to a "3" by the security station, scoring only 1 casualty. The Federation player uses the Step 3 options to insist that the four casualty points be resolved by destroying two Klingon boarding parties; otherwise the Klingons could give up another control room. (This is a mistake on the Federation player's part since there are so few Klingon forces. If he had skipped step 3, the Klingons would have had to give up one control room and some of their remaining troops, or ALL of their remaining troops.) The Federation player gives up one Marine unit. The battle continues.
(D7.46) Boarding parties cannot destroy boxes on a unit unless that unit has been captured (D7.5). Rule (D16.0) might change this.
(D7.502) If a ship disengages with an ongoing boarding action still in effect, the scenario is extended aboard that ship until the boarding action is resolved.
(D7.51) Reference to (G9.431) should be to (G9.432). If the required guards are not provided, any excess unguarded enemy crew units can be formed into militia as per (D15.83). Prisoners cannot be executed; life support must be maintained. Militia can convert itself back into crew units, but marines cannot.
(D7.51) Unguarded crew units may voluntarily destroy one system box for every four crew units that are unguarded.
(D7.51) Until the skeleton crew arrives, the ship cannot move or operate any systems, except that life support will continue and the shields will remain at the same operating status as they were immediately prior to the capture (assuming power is available). No shield reinforcement can function without the skeleton crew. During Energy Allocation, continue the previous power to the shields (except reinforcement), allocate power to life support, to fire control (if it was operating immediately prior to capture), allocate power to recharge any batteries, and then leave the remainder of the power unallocated.
(D7.531) "The ship DROPS RELEASES control..." should be "the ship DROPS OR RELEASES..."
(D7.538) If a base is captured, the capturing player will learn the location of all command-detonated mines after the current scenario and before the next one.
(D7.539) The capturing player may destroy one box on the SSD of the captured unit for every five boarding parties or crew units that are not involved in guarding prisoners or operating the ship (D7.51).
(D7.54) To operate these systems requires the skeleton crew in (D7.51). AWR, APR, active fire control (needed for various non-weapon systems), and shields can be used. The capturing player cannot deactivate life support if this would result in casualties among the original crew on board. The capturing player begins controlling the ship on the Energy Allocation Phase that is at least 32 impulses from the point at which he has met the conditions of (D7.51) skeleton crew.
(D7.541) "...armed and used..." should be "...charged and used...". (D7.55) See (D7.541) for an exception regarding shuttles.
(D7.55) These items can be used on a captured ship in a subsequent scenario. Any fighter pilots or PF crews would be Green (J6.22).
(D7.551) These items (except for extra-galactic technology) can be used on a captured ship in a subsequent scenario.
(D7.553) Note that Andromedan, Tholian, or Seltorian specific technology is lost and cannot be reactivated. Other systems, such as aegis, can be restored as part of the conversion process.
(D7.60) ADD: If the shuttle has a BP aboard, then see (D7.836) and (D7.831). Fighters may not be boarded (J4.42); exception (D7.631).
(D7.602) If the "issue is in doubt" the shuttle cannot move or fire any weapons. It can drop chaff, but it cannot lay mines or control seeking weapons. It cannot take any other action unless specifically permitted by a rule.
(D7.62) This data is right; the chart elsewhere is wrong.
(D7.622) These booby traps can be voluntarily deactivated by the owning player prior to launch.
(D7.632) Reference to (D7.633) should be to (D7.6332).
(D7.634) Add "as in (J1.52)" after "cannot launch within 1/4 turn". (D7.821) Even if the transporter being used for a hit-and-run raid is destroyed by an enemy hit-and-run raid on the same impulse, a surviving boarding party still returns to its own ship, and is not stranded on the enemy ship.
(D7.824) In the first and third cases "target" should read "system".
(D7.831) The reference to (D7.8) would be clearer as (D7.81).
(D7.836) It is not possible to conduct an H&R attack on a shuttlecraft in flight. When enemy troops try to capture the shuttle, the guards provide a +1 die roll modifier for (D7.6).
(D7.8375) This does not apply to adjacent boxes covered by (D7.8374).
(D7.85) The reference to (G13.16) should be (G13.161).
(D7.86) "...(including all type..." should be "...(including all types..."
(D8.2-10) Note that external bays are each a single bay, so that it is possible for a Tholian Black Widow to have nine jammed shuttle bay doors in effect at a single time. Shuttles can still crash aboard (J1.612) a ship with jammed shuttle doors. It is not possible to crash out of such a bay because (J1.635) says that even enemy shuttles launch by the normal rules.
(D8.23) An Orion could still double his engines, although he would still only be able to move speed one.
(D8.23) When resolving power loss by (D22.0), all energy allocated to movement may be cancelled immediately.
(D8.31) The first roll to attempt to repair a critical hit can be made immediately at the end of the turn regardless of whether the hit occurred on Impulse #1 or Impulse #32 .
(D8.32) For a Legendary officer to repair fire control or maneuver critical hits he must be in a control box. Also see (G22.412). The rule about scoring casualties by hits on the previous duty station reflects that the "destroyed" box which the officer is repairing cannot be destroyed again (at least until he has repaired it).
(D9.21) "For each two units of energy allocated to damage control, THE DAMAGE SCORED TO one shield box may be erased..."
(D9.4) The reference to (D10.54) should be to (D10.544).
(D9.441) The term "completed" means that unfinished Continuous Damage Repairs remaining at the end of a battle are completed before using (D9.4).
(D9.443) All damaged shuttles are repaired between scenarios of a campaign and do not count against other repair limits or capabilities.
(D9.45) The reference to (D6.52) should be to (D6.522).
(D9.47) See also (G17.13).
(D9.76) Shield boxes repaired under this procedure do count as repaired systems, i.e., a ship with a damage control rating of four that repaired four shield boxes under this rule would not be able to repair any other systems.
(D9.99) Synopsis of Rules in Other Products. Add (D23.0) Shock. Change (D14.0) to Emergency Damage Repair.
(D10.262) There is an error; panels can be reduced to a lower level at any time, but there is an eight impulse delay between reducing them to a lower level and raising them back to the reinforced level.
(D10.27) Changes in the level of PA panels, are made in the Operate Shields Step of 6B7 Marines Activity Stage [exception, (D10.24)]. Within that step, panels may be deactivated or activated, reduced to standard level or raised to reinforced level. The list here provides the sequence by which this is done.
(D10.31) Andromedans cannot choose to begin a scenario with their panels already holding energy. If the panels of an Andromedan ship are not operating, they cannot be degraded, and they will not absorb any damage. They can still be destroyed on "drone" hits scored on the ship.
(D10.32) The degradation status of an Andromedan ship's panels is known whenever it appears on the map if not using (D17.0) Tactical Intelligence. If TacIntel is used, degradation status can be detected at Level I, the same level that the energy in the panels can be detected.
(D10.321) All damage received by a given panel bank during a single "Stage" combine their fractional damage points for purposes of rounding to calculate panel degradation.
(D10.3212) Correct gravity wave reference is (P9.311).
(D10.33) Leak points scored versus Andromedan units with armor are still scored against hull boxes, circumventing the armor. This is an effect of the way the PA panel system operates.
(D10.332) Reference to a D8 should be to a C8.
(D10.424) Power unable to return to batteries (D10.72) ignores step #1 but treats all panels on the ship equally under Step #3.
(D10.424-2) This step refers to an Energy Module in the hanger of the ship releasing the energy.
(D10.51) Unpowered or dropped PA panels can be destroyed by hit-andrun raids (D7.8). Active PA panels can be hit-and-run only if there are unpowered or dropped panels to transport through.
(D10.52) If the bank is degraded to 0%, transporters (including enemy transporters) can operate through it.
(D10.543) This rule is correct; (D14.23) is wrong.
(D10.546) Additional degradation scored on the panel under repair will also be cleared when the repair is completed. If the panel is destroyed while this form of repair is being performed all repair points applied to the panel are lost. In this latter case the ship is considered to have expended one of its (D9.76) repairs and a unit with repair systems (G17.0) to have expended one of its (G17.26) repairs.
(D10.55) Power in batteries that are destroyed is lost, not released. (D10.56) The level of degradation of Andromedan PA panels is always known; see (D10.32).
(D10.6) There are numerous errors in this example that will be corrected in a later printing.
(D10.715) Delete the comment "(or rather, never left them)". (D10.722) Only motherships can commit more than 1/5 point to transporters. Reserve power in excess of two points per transporter cannot be committed before the moment of use and is limited to the amount used.
(D10.724) Delete the comment "(or rather, never left them)".
(D12.13) The example refers to a D6V.
(D12.33) If no damage is taken until after the SP is launched, there can be no chain reaction in the case shown in the example due to (D12.301).
(D13.21) Aegis fire can be used versus any seeking weapon or shuttle within six hexes, the defensive nature is solely a reference to its limitation in engaging only small targets and it is not necessary for such a target to be approaching the aegis-equipped ship. This does include ECM drones escorting enemy warships.
(D13.23) Low-power fire control is not sufficient; see (D13.524).
(D13.24) Orions are allowed to have aegis only on special carrier escorts in mercenary units; see (R8.R7).
(D14.23) EDR CAN be used to repair PA Panels as per (D10.543).
(D14.31) This should read "five or less."
(D17.14) These restrictions and requirements apply only to probe drones used for Tactical Intelligence (D17.0).
(D17.215) Delete this rule.
(D17.25) Prolonged observation cannot affect targets at strategic ranges. Prolonged observation cannot affect units using hidden cloaking unless the unit has previously had a lock-on to the cloaked target.
(D17.3) The crosses on the chart are probe drones per (D17.14), not probes (G5.0) as shown on chart and in notes below. Probes per (D17.151) use the ship column.
(D17.4 Level B) Size of plasma should have a reference to (FP1.323) which defines warhead strength as a known item.
(D17.4 Level F) Reference (D17.19) should have been (D17.197) as this is the specific rule covering ADDs. The fighters detected on the balcony will be identified at Level H if the balcony can be seen at that point.
(D17.4 Level I) As the presence of drones or plasmas on scatter packs is not reported under this rule, except that fighters or MRS shuttles used as SPs will be reported as carrying whatever portion of their weapon loads they are actually equipped with. The presence of mine racks in Orion Option mounts can be determined. Degradation status of PA panels is known.
(D17.75) The +5 range modifier is added after multiplying the range by the appropriate coefficient.
(D18.16) If the surprised ship is destroyed, units may escape under catastrophic damage (D21.0), but all will be treated as unarmed (not even phasers can be fired until the shuttle spends a full turn in a friendly shuttle bay) and with no chaff or packs.
(D18.19) A temporal elevator cannot function until the base is released from surprise.
(D18.33) Reference to (G22.25) should have been (G21.25).
(D18.34) Reference to (G22.15) should have been (G21.15).
(D19.222) Tame boar cannot be used. Targets for wild boars cannot be closer than five hexes range.
(D19.311) Scenario (SH33.0) is in Module S1.
(D19.313) A space should separate "See(G19.46)..." in last sentence. (D20.21) This should refer to the "hidden unit" not the "cloaked unit".
(D21.31) Reference to (G8.11) should have been (G8.112).
(D21.3443) Reference to (D22.5) should have been (G22.5).
(D21.414) The units able to carry the largest numbers of crew units will have precedence in the escape procedure, e.g., all admin shuttles must escape before any fighters can escape.
(D21.56) Poor Crews should have the dagger mark.
(D23.12) Repairing a disruptor as a shorter-ranged version will not reduce the shock effects caused by that weapon.
(D23.242) "...from the batteries or power absorber panels..." should read "...from the batteries and/or power absorber panels..."
(D23.25) TYPO: 2nd line, the statement "...eithe rin the form..." should read "...either in the form...".
Copyright © 1991,1998 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved | Updated 30 August 1998 |