Many players have asked us to provide them with a list of what products have been updated, and how extensively they were revised. There is no good way to define the extent of revisions, but if you consult the on-line errata sheets you will get a good idea of what changes were fixed and how much you do or do not need the fixed versions.
Electronic vendors include Warehouse 23 (W23), DriveThru RPG (DTRPG), Wargame Vault (WV), DriveThru Fiction (DTF), DriveThru Comics (DTC), and Amazon (AMZ).
LIST REVISED 7 February 2024. NEXT UPDATE April 2024. If it is more than two months overdue, please email and ask Jean to take a look at it.


If you wish to print the Update List, there is a PDF of the catalog here: PDF UPDATE LIST


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5501 BASIC SET: First printed 1990. Rulebook revised (massively) 1994 and again (massively) 1999. SSD book revised 2000 (several serious changes). Map, counters, charts same as original printing. Most of those which have silver "now published by ADB" stickers are the 1999 version of the rulebook, but some 1994s had this sticker. Cover was replaced with new Geibel art in 2003 and the price was increased. The 1999 resurrection rulebook ran out of stock during 2005 and we began Kyocera-printing a new rulebook extracted from the SFB Master Rulebook. Counters ran out of stock in 2006 and were replaced with new counters done in the Fed Commander Style. In 2011, the SSD Book was revised again, notes added, updated to current Block 4N standards. In 2012, the Rulebook was bringing it up to the latest SFB Master Rulebook. The Rulebook is available on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5502 ADVANCED MISSIONS: First printed 1991. Rulebook (massively) revised 1999. SSD book revised (9 ships changed) 1994. Counters same as original. If it has a silver "now sold by ADB" sticker, it is the 1999 version. Cover was replaced with new Geibel art in 2003 and the price was increased. In 2012, the rulebook was (massively) revised to the Master Rulebook standards. In 2014, the SSD book was revised again, notes added, and updated to current Block 4N standards. The Rulebook is available on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
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5412 SFB MASTER RULEBOOK: First printed in 2005 including the rules (not scenarios, not annexes, and not ship descriptions). Revised twice, with “Revision A” and “Revision B” packs sold to customers. All versions have the latest revisions at time of release. Updated with Revision C in 2011 and Revision D in November 2012. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
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5430 SFB MASTER STARSHIP BOOK: A projected series of future products, including the ship description sections of all products to date. This was divided into separate books for each empire as the size of the books and scope of the project exceeded all reason. (Please note that this stock number does not exist as an individual title.)
5432 FEDERATION MASTER STARSHIP BOOK: Released August 2014, includes the ship descriptions (no SSDs) for all Federation ships and all generic ships in Federation service. Updated October 2014 with mostly cosmetic changes and released in paper. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5433 KLINGON MASTER STARSHIP BOOK: Released September 2015, includes the ship descriptions (no SSDs) for all Klingon ships and all generic ships in Klingon service. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5434 ROMULAN MASTER STARSHIP BOOK: Released November 2016, includes the ship descriptions (no SSDs) for all Romulan ships and all generic ships in Romulan service. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5435 KZINTI MASTER STARSHIP BOOK: Compiles the ship descriptions (no SSDs) for every Kzinti ship and all general ships in Kzinti service. Released in PDF May 2018. Updated and released in paper August 2018. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5436 GORN MASTER STARSHIP BOOK: Compiles the ship descriptions (no SSDs) for every Gorn ship and all general ships in Gorn service. Released in PDF July 2019. Revised and released in print in October 2019. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5437 THOLIAN MASTER STARSHIP BOOK: Compiles the ship descriptions (no SSDs) for every Tholian ship and all general ships in Tholian service. Released in PDF October 2020. Updated and released in print in February 2021. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5439 HYDRAN MASTER STARSHIP BOOK: Compiles the ship descriptions (no SSDs) for every Hydran ship and all general ships in Hydran service. A half-dozen preliminary copies were sold at Origins 2009. Released November 2014. Updated February 2015. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5441 LYRAN MASTER STARSHIP BOOK: Compiles the ship descriptions (no SSDs) for every Lyran ship and all general ships in Lyran service. Released in PDF April 2017. Updated and released in paper May 2017. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5444 LYRAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC MASTER STARSHIP BOOK: Compiles the ship descriptions (no SSDs) for every LDR ship and all general ships in LDR service. Released May 2017. Updated and released in paper July 2017. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
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???? SFB MASTER SCENARIO BOOK: A projected future product, including the scenario sections of all products to date.
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5422 MODULE G2 MASTER ANNEXES: Printed in Jan 2005. Officially obsolete and out-of-print. No revisions. This was replaced by G3 and G3A.
5423 MODULE G3 MASTER ANNEXES: Released Spring 2009. Some lost charts were printed in G3A. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5424 MODULE G3A MORE ANNEXES: Released Fall 2009. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5425 MODULE YG3 EARLY YEARS ANNEXES: Released October 2010. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
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5620 CADET TRAINING HANDBOOK: Printed in 1996. No revisions to date, although this product is itself a revision of the earlier Cadet Training Manual and the even earlier Introduction to SFB. Reprinted in 2022 as a perfect-bound book. It is available as an ebook (with a new cover) on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5622 MODULE T TOURNAMENT BATTLES: The new edition in 2000 is a total overhaul of the earlier versions. It has a new cover with ADB logos and would be all but impossible to mistake the older versions for the 2000 version. Product was virtually done over in 2012.
5624 MODULE TR: 64 Page, B&W cover, available through stores but few carry it. Printed 2001. No revisions.
5703 TACTICS MANUAL: First printed 1987. Captain’s Edition printed 1992 with major revisions. New edition in 2000 corrects several minor errors. The new 2000 edition has a different cover (CGI people standing around a hologram display). Available as an ebook on W23.
5715 CAMPAIGN DESIGNER’S HANDBOOK: First printed 1996. The 2000 re-printing changed only the publisher information page. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5716 GALACTIC CONQUEST RULEBOOK: 4th edition released spring 2009. 5th edition released October 2014. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
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5601 MODULE C1 NEW WORLDS I: First printed 1991. Rulebook seriously revised 1994. SSD book slightly revised 1999. If it has a silver "now sold by ADB" sticker, it is the new version. A new cover was done in 2002 and if it has the new cover (with ADB not TFG) it is the new version. New FC-style counters were done in 2007. Both the rulebook and SSD book were revised in 2015. The rulebook is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5602 MODULE C2 NEW WORLDS II: First printed 1991. Rulebook seriously revised 1994. SSD book slightly revised 1999. Rulebook and SSD book both updated in 2016. If it has 2016 edition on the cover, it is the new version.
5603 MODULE C3 NEW WORLDS III: First printed 1993. SSD book slightly updated in August 2004. The Rulebook and SSD book were revised in 2017. If it has 2016 edition on the cover, it is the new version. The rulebook is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5616 MODULE C4 FLEET TRAINING CENTERS: First printed 1995. No revisions.
5618 MODULE C5 MAGELLANIC CLOUD: First printed in 2005. Revised and updated 2006, ADB logos. There is an exchange system to get the updated books. The Rulebook is available on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5635 MODULE C3A ANDROMEDAN THREAT FILE: Released May 2011. No updates. The Rulebook is available on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5636 MODULE C6 LOST EMPIRES: Released September 2013. No updates. The Rulebook is available on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
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7101 MODULE E1 printed in 2000 and when it ran out we sold hundreds of photocopies. No revisions. Taken off sale in 2003 to be replaced in Module C5.
7102 PLAYTEST MODULE E2 TRIANGULUM GALAXY: 64 Page, B&W cover, available through stores but few carry it. Printed 2001. No revisions. Special Countersheet #1, a separate item, provides counters for this product. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
7103 PLAYTEST MODULE E3 THE BORAK STAR LEAGUE: Released spring 2012. No revisions. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
7104 PLAYTEST MODULE E4 PELADINE: Printed in 2011. Revised April 2020 to remove a bad link in the text. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
7105 MODULE E5 NORTH POLAR REPUBLIC: Released December 2020. Available in B&W in print and as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. Available in color only as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
7107 PLAYTEST MODULE R107 NICOZIANS: Issued in 2012 with a few SSDs and rules. No revisions. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5614 MODULE F1 JINDARIANS: The 1994 edition had a 48-page rulebook, 48-page SSD book, and 216 counters. During 2000-2002 we sold a few photocopies to those who wanted to complete their collections. These photocopies had original covers and counters, which were available in good supply. In April 2005, we released a new edition of F1 with a 52-page SSD book (added shipyard ships from CL16 and bombers) and a revised rulebook. The books say 2005 in several places and the original TFG cover has a silver ADB sticker.
5629 MODULE F2 THE VUDAR: Published in 2005. 108 counters, 48-page SSD book, 46-page rulebook, color cover has ADB logos. No revisions.
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5604 MODULE J FIGHTERS: First printed 1991. Rulebook seriously revised 1996. Rulebook revised again in 2020. SSD book also revised in 2020. The covers will indicate it is the 2020 edition. The rulebook is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5619 MODULE J2 ADVANCED FIGHTERS: first printed in 2002. No revisions.
5605 MODULE K FAST PATROL SHIPS: First printed 1991. Rulebook somewhat revised 2000. SSD book somewhat revised 2000. If it has a silver "now sold by ADB" sticker, it is the new version.
5615 MODULE M STAR FLEET MARINES: First printed 1995 as one large bound book with TFG logos (covered by silver sticker since 1999). Reprinted in Feb 2007 as two separate books in a loose folio cover; same art but ADB logos. A new rulebook was done in the Spring of 2007. The SSD book was updated in 2007 and again in 2010. The rulebook is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5704 MODULE S1 SCENARIO BOOK #1: First printed 1992. No revisions. The text was slightly re-arranged in the ebook version available on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5707 MODULE S2 SCENARIO BOOK #2: First printed 1994. No revisions.
5612 MODULE X1: THE X-SHIPS: First printed 1994. No revisions.
5631 MODULE X1R: Released in July 2008. No revisions. The rulebook is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5623 MODULE Y1 THE EARLY YEARS: First printed 2000. No revisions. Has ADB logos.
5632 MODULE Y2: Released in fall 2008. No revisions. The rulebook is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5634 MODULE Y3: Released September 2010. No revisions. The rulebook is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
0020 MODULE W SPACE BATTLE MAPS: First printed 2001. No revisions. Has ADB logos.
0025 HEX MAP PACK #1. Released in April 2018 as an epack only that is available in W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5625 MODULE A+ CAPTAIN’S YEOMAN: Replaced an earlier product known as Module A Battlecards. Module A+ Captain’s Yeoman had different components. It was printed in 2003. No revisions. Has ADB logos. Out of print March, 2019. Cards, cover, and charts are still available as spare parts.
4501 MODULE H1 MEGAHEX: large colorful 1” counters. Second version printed in November 2005 (320 counters and no map, used with the maps from Module W or Federation Commander). Its counters are used in Federation Commander. No revisions.
???? MODULE H1 MEGAHEX: large colorful 1” counters. First version was printed in about 1990 (it had 80 counters and a large-size map and a different stock number). Out of stock.
???? MODULE H2 MEGAHEX 2: an expansion of H1 printed in 1990 adding three sheets of counters. Out of print. The empires and ships covered by this product were incorporated into the 2005 version of H1.
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5606 MODULE R1 BASES & AUXILIARIES: First printed 1992. Rulebook updated to current standards in 2023. The Rulebook is available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD book revised in 2023 to Block 4N standards. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5607 MODULE R2: REINFORCEMENTS FOR FEDERATION, KZINTI, ANDRO, ORION: First printed 1992. SSD book revised 2012 to Block 4N standards. The Rulebook was updated in 2021, greatly expanding the ship descriptions. The Rulebook is available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5608 MODULE R3: REINFORCEMENTS FOR KLINGONS, LYRANS, HYDRANS, WYNS: First printed 1992. Rulebook revised 2000 with numerous changes. In 2017, the Rulebook was updated,
again. SSD book revised 2000 with several corrected errors and one changed ship. Countersheets replaced in late 2000 with new graphics. The 2000 edition has ADB logos. In 2012, the SSD book was revised to Block 4N standards. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV. It is available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. No external change to the print version’s cover, but the components have the updated dates.
5609 MODULE R4: REINFORCEMENTS FOR ROMULANS, GORNS, ISC, THOLIANS: First printed 1992. SSD book revised 2001. Some exist with silver ADB stickers with both the 1992 and 2001 SSDs. Rulebook revised 2002. SSD book revised to Block 4N standards July 2010. The rulebook is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5610 MODULE R5: BATTLESHIPS: First printed 1992. Rulebook seriously revised 1994. SSD book somewhat revised 1994. If it has the silver ADB sticker it is the new version, but many without this sticker are also new versions.
5617 MODULE R6: THE FAST WARSHIPS: First printed 1995. Rulebook somewhat revised 2000. Rulebook heavily revised October 2023. SSD book somewhat revised 2000. SSD book heavily revised in 2023. Countersheets replaced in 2000 with new graphics. If it has a silver "now sold by ADB" sticker, it is the 2000 version except for a few (170 actually) that were sold only by mail to people who knew it was the original version. If bought from a store and it has a 2023 sticker, it is the new 2023 version. The rulebook is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5621 MODULE R7: DREADNOUGHTS AT WAR: First printed 1999. No revisions. ADB logos.
5627 MODULE R8: SYSTEM DEFENSE COMMAND: First printed June 2004. No revisions. ADB logos.
5628 MODULE R9: THE SHIPS THAT NEVER WERE: First printed July 2004. No revisions. ADB logos.
5626 MODULE R10: THE NEW CRUISERS: First printed June 2003. No revisions. ADB logos.
5630 MODULE R11: SUPPORT SHIPS: First printed in 2007. No revisions. ADB logos. The rulebook is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5633 MODULE R12: UNUSUAL SHIPS: First printed in July 2010. No revisions. ADB logos. The rulebook is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5637 MODULE R4T – THE THOLIAN WILL: Released In PDF March, 2021. Updated in July, 2021. Print released July 2021. The Rulebook is available on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5638 MODULE R4J – SHADOW OF THE EAGLE: Released In PDF April 2021. Updated in September 2021. Print released September 2021. The Rulebook is available on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
???? MODULE R13: MORE SHIPS THAT NEVER WERE: A projected future product. No schedule has been set.
9101 KZINTI SSD PACK #1. Released in PDF form only May 2018 in either B&W or color. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
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5661 MODULE OMEGA 1 – THE OMEGA SECTOR: First printed 1999. No revisions. ADB logos.
5662 MODULE OMEGA 2 – OMEGA REINFORCEMENTS: First printed 2000. No revisions. ADB logos.
5663 MODULE OMEGA 3 - THE OMEGA WARS: First printed 2000. No revisions. ADB logos.
5664 MODULE OMEGA 4 - THE OMEGA REBELLION: First printed 2002. No revisions. ADB logos.
5665 MODULE OMEGA 5 - OMEGA FLOTILLAS: Released in April 2008. No revisions.
5666 MODULE OMEGA 6: A projected future product. No schedule has been set.
5667 MODULE OMEGA 7: A projected future product. No schedule has been set.
5660 OMEGA MASTER RULEBOOK: Released in 2007. Compiled, collated, and totally updated and revised rulebook covering all four Omega products. Updated in 2011 to include Omega 5. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
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3501 MODULE P1, playtest module: Released in 1991. Assorted stuff including Frax, Out of print.
3502 MODULE P2, playtest module: Released in 1991. X ships. Out of print. Became Module X1.
3503 MODULE P3, playtest module: Out of print. Scenarios that went into Modules S1 and S2 and other modules.
3504 MODULE P4, playtest module: Released in 1992. Marines, Out of print. Became Module M.
3505 MODULE P5, playtest module: LDR. Out of print. Rolled into Module C3.
5751 MODULE P6 THE GALACTIC SMORGASBORD: First printed 1995. Original production is out of stock, but we do have a reprint edition without the color cover. No revisions. Reprint edition given the stock number 7108 so as to not interfere with Captain’s Log #51. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5752 MODULE G1 MASTER ANNEXES: First printed 1996. No Revisions. Out of print; replaced by Master Annex book Module G2.
3551 MODULE D1: Veterans Master Ship Chart. Printed 1991. Out of print; replaced by Module G1.
3552 MODULE D2: Tournament Tactics. Printed 1992, Out of Print. The material was absorbed into Module T-2000.
3553 MODULE D3 BOOMS & SAUCERS: First printed 1993. No revisions. Available in print as a reprint edition with B&W covers. Available as an ebook in either B&W or color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Future products, not on formal schedule
MODULE C4R: Extra ships for simulator races
MODULE C4X: X-ships for simulator races.
Future product, not on formal schedule.
MODULE G1: Originally produced under stock #5752, this product was replaced by Module G2 (5422). It is no longer in print and will not be reprinted. Curiously, when printed (as the last TFG product for SFB) this was a flop, but the leftover copies in the warehouse when ADB took over became (three years later) an instant smash hit.
Future product, no release date scheduled.
Future products, not on schedule.
This playtest pack is sold out and was incorporated into Module C5. Stock #7101
5911 STAR FLEET BATTLE FORCE: card game first published 2001. Video box. ADB logos. No revisions.
Future expansions to SFBF; not on schedule.
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5006 FEDERATION & EMPIRE: First published in 1986. Rulebook seriously changed in 1989 and minor changes in 1990. Massive revision in 1993 to produce the Deluxe Edition, which had a new rulebook, a new map (nothing changed, it’s just nicer) and new charts, and new box art. The 2000 edition rulebook was added in September 2000; it has a new rulebook, a new ADB box, and a new chart book. If it has a TFG box, it is NOT the new edition. Those with ADB boxes might include the 1993 or 2000 rulebooks. All 1993s in distributor stocks were upgraded in Sept 2001. In March 2004, the ABCD counters were replaced by new sheets designated ONE and TWO. Sheet ONE contains the ships you are not likely to need extras of, while sheet TWO includes those you are likely to want to buy more of. In August 2006 sheets ONE and TWO were reprinted with corrected colors and a white diamond for the GSC as that marks survey ships. In Feb 2010, the new 2010 edition appeared, with new counters and a new 160-page rulebook. The 2010 Rulebook is available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
3201 F&E REINFORCEMENTS: Published 2004. In 2015 new countersheets printed for N+O, bringing that sheet up to 280 counters. Permanently out of stock, July 2019. Order counters as “spare parts.”
3203 FIGHTER OPERATIONS: Published 2004. Replaces Carrier War. Revised in 2016 with more counters. The rulebook is available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
3204 PLANETARY OPERATIONS: Published 2004. Heavily revised in 2021. 2021 edition includes two copies of Countersheet Three, the Depot Level Repair Chart, and a few copies of the Curtis Combat Calculation Chart. The rulebook is available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
3205 CARRIER WAR: Published 1993. No revisions. Discontinued 2004 and replaced by Fighter Operations.
3206 SPECIAL OPERATIONS: Published 1993. No revisions. Discontinued 2003 and absorbed into Combined Operations.
3207 COMBINED OPERATIONS: Published 2003. Highly revised in 2021. The rulebook is available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
3208 MARINE ASSAULT: Published 1995. No revisions. Discontinued 2003 and absorbed into Combined Operations.
3209 ADVANCED OPERATIONS: Originally published 2003. An “expanded edition” sold only by mail order had extra counters but was otherwise identical. The expanded edition has been discontinued. The rulebook was heavily revised in 2022 and is available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
3210 ISC WAR: Published 2011. No revisions. Chartbook and Rulebook available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
3211 STRATEGIC OPERATIONS: Published 2005. An “expanded edition” sold only by mail order had extra counters but was otherwise identical. The expanded edition has been discontinued. The rulebook was heavily revised in 2022 and is available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
3214 MINOR EMPIRES. Preliminary rulebook released in 2016 as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. Final edition released in May 2016 in print. Rulebook is available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
3216 TACTICAL OPERATIONS. Module was released in 2021. Rulebook is available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5718 F&E COMPENDIUM 1 & 2: This is a reprint of F&E articles from Captain’s Log #20 through Captain’s Log #40. The articles were not updated or edited and are the original text and graphics. The cover is printed B&W and the compendium comes in two volumes of 130 pages each just to make it easier to print and bind. No revisions. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5718-3 FEDERATION & EMPIRE COMPENDIUM PART 3: This is a compendium of the F&E section from every Captain’s Log from #41 to #50. These are unedited and not updated from the original date of publication. These start with the 2010 edition of the F&E Rulebook. No revisions. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5741-H HURRICANE SCENARIO. This is a compilation of the various sectors for the Hurricane. No revisions. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5020 ABOUT FEDERATION & EMPIRE: This booklet is designed to tell you more about the wide- ranging game that so many now enjoy. While you cannot play Federation & Empire with the information you will find here, you can make an informed choice about whether you would enjoy the game. No updates. Available only as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
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F&E NEBULOUS OPERATIONS: A cute title for rules that the designer doesn’t want to deal with right now, such as un-built Romulan KR variants.
2101 STAR FLEET MARINES: ASSAULT: Released 2012. No revisions.
2102 STAR FLEET MARINES: LAST STAND: Released 2013. No revisions.
2106 STAR FLEET MARINES BATTLE MANUAL: Released in PDF in March 2021. Available only as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
2107 STAR FLEET MARINES: COUNTER-ATTACK: Released 2020. No revisions. Available only as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
2108 STAR FLEET MARINES: COUNTER-STRIKE: Released 2020. No revisions. Available only as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
6100 STARMADA Admiralty Edition Core Rulebook. Done by Majestic Twelve Games and distributed by ADB, Inc. Released in fall 2009. Has MJ12 logos, lists ADB on back as the distributor. Bound book, color cover, no revisions. Taken off sale August 2017.
6101 KLINGON ARMADA, done by Majestic Twelve Games as a joint venture and released by ADB, Inc. in Fall 2009. Bound book, color cover, no revisions. Has MJ12 logos, lists ADB on back as the distributor. Nova edition with sticker on cover released in Summer 2012. 6131 KLINGON ARMADA UNITY, released in August 2017. Also available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. All versions taken off sale August 2017. Replaced by Klingon Armada Unity.
6102 ROMULAN ARMADA, done by Majestic Twelve Games as a joint venture and released by ADB, Inc. in April 2010. Some first printing books were found to be defective and used for staff reference, these have mailing labels stuck to the cover noting this. No defective copies were sold. Bound book, color cover, no revisions. Has MJ12 logos, lists ADB on back as the
distributor. Nova edition with sticker on cover released in Summer 2012. Both print editions taken off sale August 2017. Ebooks taken off sale September 2017. Replaced by Romulan Armada Unity.
6103 ALIEN ARMADA, Released Fall 2010, covers Tholians, Seltorians, and Orions. No revisions. Has MJ12 logos, lists ADB on back as the distributor. Nova edition with sticker on cover released in Fall 2012. Also available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. Both print versions taken off sale August 2017. Ebooks taken off sale June 2018. Replaced by Alien Armada Unity.
6104 DISTANT ARMADA, released Origins 2011, covers Hydrans, Lyrans, LDR, and WYN. Bound book, color cover, no revisions. Has MJ12 logos, lists ADB on back as the distributor. Nova edition with sticker on cover released in Fall 2012. Also available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. Both print versions taken off sale August 2017. Ebooks taken off sale February 2020. Replaced by Distant Armada Unity.
6105 BATTLESHIPS ARMADA, released in January 2013 for both Admiral and Nova editions. No revisions. Also available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. Both print versions taken off sale August 2017. Ebooks taken off sale October 2020. Replaced by Battleships Armada Unity.
6131 KLINGON ARMADA UNITY, released in August 2017. Also available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
6132 ROMULAN ARMADA UNITY, released in September 2017. Also available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
6133 ALIEN ARMADA UNITY, released in June 2018. Also available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
6134 DISTANT ARMADA UNITY, released February 2020. Also available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
6135 BATTLESHIPS ARMADA UNITY, released October 2020 as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
6175 STARMADA ADMIRAL LOG, released in 2015, pages from Captain’s Log that are about Starmada, including the Admiral version of the ship cards. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
6176 STARMADA NOVA LOG, released in 2015, pages from Captain’s Log that are about Starmada, including the Nova version of the ship cards. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
8001 GURPS PRIME DIRECTIVE: Third edition version printed in 2002. Sold off as fire sale in December 2004. Replaced in March 2005 with GPD4e (8401) using 4th Edition GURPS rules. The cover has 4th edition logos. Replaced in 2020 with the two-volume GURPS Prime Directive 4e, Revised (8405) below. This version is no longer available.
8003 GURPS KLINGONS: Printed 2003. Sold off as fire sale in December 2004. Replaced in March 2005 with GK4e (8403) using 4th Edition GURPS rules. This version is no longer available.
8010 AWAY TEAM LOG: PDF released August 2013 containing 144 pages of material from Captain’s Logs #30 through #48 of interest to RPG players. Hard copy released March 2014. Available as an ebook on W23 and DTRPG
8101 GURPS MODULE PRIME ALPHA: printed 2003. Out of print. No revisions. Available as an ebook on W23.
8201 GURPS-TRAVELLER G1 GUNBOAT DECK PLANS: printed 2004. In stock. No revisions. Available as an ebook on W23 and DTRPG.
8401 GURPS PRIME DIRECTIVE 4e: Revised for the fourth edition of GURPS. Released in early 2005. No revisions. Available as an ebook on W23. Taken off sale September 2019 as it was replaced with GURPS Prime Directive 4e, Revised.
8402 GURPS FEDERATION: Fourth edition GURPS rules; there was never a third edition. Released in May 2011. Revised May 2020. Available as an ebook on W23 and DTRPG.
8403 GURPS KLINGONS 4e: Released in March 2005, updating the original book to 4th edition. Revised in 2021 to reflect the changes in GURPS Prime Directive 4e, Revised. Available as an ebook on W23 and DTRPG.
8404 GURPS ROMULANS: Released in 2005; Fourth edition rules; there was never a third edition. Revised in April 2021 to reflect the changes in GURPS Prime Directive 4e, Revised. Available as an ebook on W23 and DTRPG.
8405 GURPS PRIME DIRECTIVE 4e, REVISED. Greatly expanded from the original 200 pages to 365 pages. More skills, more advantages, more information on some species, more rules on playing the game. Available as a one-volume ebook on Warehouse 23 and DriveThru RPG September 2019. Revised February 14, 2020.
8406 GURPS PRIME DIRECTIVE 4e, REVISED, VOLUME 1: Creating a Character. Available as an ebook on Warehouse 23 and DriveThru RPG September 2019. Revised and released in print on February 14, 2020.
8407 GURPS PRIME DIRECTIVE 4e, REVISED, VOLUME 2: Playing the Game. Available as an ebook on Warehouse 23 and DriveThru RPG September 2019. Revised and released in print on February 14, 2020.
GURPS FELINE EMPIRES: A projected future product.
GURPS GORNS: Future product, not yet scheduled.
GURPS ORION PIRATES: Future product, not yet scheduled.
GURPS STAR FLEET: Future product, not yet scheduled.
GURPS THOLIANS: A projected future product.
8701 PRIME DIRECTIVE d20: Released November 2005. Basically, the GURPS book above with the GURPS stuff replaced by d20 stuff. No revisions, but generally regarded as a bad design since the rules don’t work right. (Three different people edited the book simultaneously and just made a mess of it.) Badly needs to be done over.
8702 FEDERATION d20: Not on the schedule.
8703 KLINGONS d20: Released in August 2005: Conversion of GURPS book to d20. No revisions.
8704 ROMULANS d20: Released in September 2005: Conversion of GURPS book to d20. No revisions.
8705 GORNS d20: A projected future product.
8706 FELINE EMPIRES d20: A projected future product.
8707 THOLIANS d20: A projected future product.
8721 PRIME DIRECTIVE PD20M MODERN EDITION: A revision of 8701 to use the “modern” d20 rules. Released in the fall of 2008. Revised December 2008 to fix minor typos and add the Klingon aging table. Revised January 2010 to fix minor typos and the disruptor table. Available as an ebook on DTRPG and W23.
8722 FEDERATION PD20M: Released August 2010. No revisions. Available as an ebook on DTRPG and W23.
8723 KLINGONS PD20M: Re-edited for the modern rules set. Released Fall of 2009. Available as an ebook on DTRPG and W23.
8724 ROMULANS PD20M: to be re-edited for the modern rules, release in April 2012. Available as an ebook on DTRPG and W23.
8725 PRIME DIRECTIVE PD20M SUPPLEMENT: a supplement to the core rulebook. Released as an Early Bird PDF February 2017. Released in print with minor changes in March 2017. Updated the Deians in July 2019.
FELINE EMPIRES PD20M: Future product, not yet scheduled.
ORION PIRATES PD20M: Future product, not yet scheduled.
THOLIANS PD20M: Future product, not yet scheduled.
STAR FLEET PD20M: Future product, not yet scheduled.
GORNS PD20M: Future product, not yet scheduled.
FINAL FRONTIER #1 PD20M: Future product, not yet scheduled.
5801 PRIME DIRECTIVE (1st Edition): printed 1993. No revisions. Product line no longer supported. Available as an ebook on W23 and DTRPG.
5811 FEDERATION SOURCEBOOK (PD1): printed 1993. Out of print. No revisions. Product line no longer supported. Available as an ebook on W23 and DTRPG.
5803 PRIME ADVENTURES #1 (PD1): printed 1993. Out of print. No revisions. Product line no longer supported. Available as an ebook on W23 and DTRPG.
5806 UPRISING (PD1): printed 1993. No revisions. Product line no longer supported. Available as an ebook on W23 and DTRPG.
5802 GRADUATION EXERCISE (PD1): printed 1993. No revisions. Product line no longer supported. Available as an ebook on W23 and DTRPG.
5812 PRIME TIME NEWSLETTER #1-#6 (PD1): printed 1994. No revisions. Product line no longer supported. Available as an ebook on W23 and DTRPG.
8995 Planet Aldo: Sixteen page RPG booklet done for free RPG day. No revisions. In stock. Available as an ebook on W23.
8996 Dread Pirate Aldo: Sixteen page RPG booklet done for free RPG day. No revisions. In stock. Available as an ebook on W23.
8997 Starship Aldo: Sixteen page RPG booklet done for free RPG day. No revisions. In stock. Available as an ebook on W23.
Same background as GURPS PRIME DIRECTIVE but includes D6 stats and rules.
Stock #8731, $24.95
Waiting on writer to do them.
D6 FEDERATION Stock #8732
D6 KLINGONS Stock #8733
D6 ROMULANS Stock #8734
Waiting on writer to do them.
Future products, no current schedule
Waiting on writer to do them.
Open License, no current schedule
Open License, no current schedule
- - - - - - -
5701-5754 Captain’s Logs are never reprinted so revision status is irrelevant. The most recent issue is #54 (released September 2020). Older issues are available as reprints and on W23, DTRPG, and WV. From #38 on, the issues have a separate supplement that is available in print or as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5747 A special note should be made of issue #47. We printed 100 copies marked “Origins” at the bottom of page 1 and took them to the trade show. Unsold copies were then used for convention boxes. We corrected about a dozen minor typos and issued a new edition marked 20 June which were used for most orders.
3601 Stellar Shadow Journal #1, printed 2003, still in stock, no revisions. SSJ#2 was published as Captain’s Log #28. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
3030-3039: Star Fleet Times, released in packs of 5 issues. No revisions from the old files. These are also on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
5901 Star Fleet Missions (card game) was printed once and is out of stock; it has not been revised.
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4001 Klingon Border: Published in 2005. As of Feb 2006, the rulebook had been updated 3 times and players who bought an original rulebook or a revision 1-2-3 rulebook can get a revision 4 for $3 from spare parts. The Klingon C7 card had many mistakes and was replaced in March 2006. Cards 3-4-8-9-12 reprinted June 06 with minor graphic upgrades. Rulebook replaced with Revision Five in Spring 2009. Six cards were reprinted in Feb 2010 (Fed CA, CL, FF; Klingon D7, D6, F5). Revision Six Feb 2011.
4002 Romulan Border: Published July 2006. Rulebook “June 2506” is equal to Klingon Border Revision 4. Rulebook replaced with Revision Five in Spring 2009. Revision Six March 2011.
4006 Romulan Space: A copy of Romulan Border including only items not duplicated in Klingon Border. Rulebook replaced with Revision Five in Spring 2009. Revision Six March 2011.
4008 Klingon Space: A copy of Klingon Border including only items not duplicated in Romulan Border. As of this update, this product has never been formally released to stores, and it is not packed for retail, but some stores have special ordered it. Rulebook replaced with Revision Five in Spring 2009. Revision Six May 2011.
4003 Academy: A low-cost introductory version of the game. Rulebook replaced with Revision Five in Spring 2009. Revision Six March 2011. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4004 Graduation: A parts kit that turns a copy of Academy into a copy of Klingon Border. Rulebook replaced with Revision Five in Spring 2009. Revision Six March 2011.
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4101 Klingon Attack: Published in April 2006; Rulebook replaced with Revision Five in Spring 2009. Revision Six April 2011.
4102 Romulan Attack: Published Sept 2006, Rulebook replaced with Revision Five in Spring 2009. Revision Six 2011.
4103 Tholian Attack: Published Feb 2007, Rulebook replaced with Revision Five in Spring 2009. Revision Six 2011.
4104 Battleships Attack: Published July 2007, Rulebook replaced with Revision Five in Spring 2009. Revision Six 2011.
4105 Distant Kingdoms: Published Spring 2008. Rulebook replaced with Revision Five in Spring 2009. Revision Six 2011.
4106 Orion Attack: Published Fall 2008. Rulebook replaced with Revision Five in Spring 2009. Revision Six April 2011.
4107 Hydran Attack: Released Fall 2009. No revisions to date. Revision Six 2011.
4108 War & Peace: Released Summer 2010. Countersheet changed from 108 to 140 half-inch counters in Dec 2012.
4109 Transports Attacked: Released Summer 2011. No revisions to date.
4110 Reinforcements Attack: Released January 2013. No revisions to date.
???? Ancient Enemies: A possible future product with Paravians and Carnivons. No release date in sight.
Scheduled as the next FedComm product, Fall of 2015 or Spring of 2016.
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5310 Deluxe Space Battle Maps: released in February 2006 with maps from FCKB and FCKA. No revisions.
5308 Special Battle Map Pack: Has the asteroid maps from Battleships Attack and the gas giant maps from Distant Kingdoms. Released March 2007. No revisions.
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4200 Booster Pack Zero: Released in May 2006. No revisions. Virtually obsolete.
4201-3 Booster Packs 1-2-3: Associated with Klingon Border. Released March20 06. No revisions.
4204-6 Booster Packs 4-5-6: Associated with Klingon Attack. Released May 2006. No revisions.
4207-9 Booster Packs 7-8-9: Associated with Romulan Border. Released July 2006. No revisions.
4210-12 Booster Packs 10-11-12: Associated with Romulan Attack. Released October 2006. No revisions.
4213-5 Booster Packs 13-14-15: Associated with Tholian Border. Released March 2007. No revisions.
4216-8 Booster Packs 16-17-18: Associated with Battleships Attack. Released Summer 2007. No revisions.
4219-21 Booster Packs 19-20-21: Associated with Distant Kingdoms. Released Spring 2008. No revisions.
4222-24 Booster Packs 22-23-24: Associated with Orion Attack: Released Fall 2008. No revisions.
4225-27 Booster Packs 25-26-27: Associated with Hydran Attack: Released Fall 2009. No revisions.
4228-30 Booster Packs 28-29-30: Associated with War & Peace: released Fall 2010. No revisions.
4231-33 Booster Packs 31-32-33: Associated with Transports Attacked: released in Fall 2011.
4234-36 Booster Packs 34-35-36: Associated with Reinforcements Attack. Released Jan 2013. No revisions.
4237-38 Booster Packs 37-38. Released January 2020. No revisions.
4291 Booster Pack #91, ships of Franz Joseph, printed Jun 2009. No revisions.
4292 Booster Pack #92, Drone ships and escorts, printed February 2010. No revisions.
4007 Line of Battle: booster pack for battleship cards. Released January 2009. No revisions.
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4020 Federation Commander Reference Rulebook: Fourth edition released only to staff. Fifth edition released Spring 2009. Sixth edition released 2011. No revisions. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4021 Briefing #1: Released February 2008. No revisions. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4022 Briefing #2: MIDDLE YEARS. Released Spring 2009. Available as an ebook (in color, in seven parts) on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4023 Briefing #3: A projected future product. Associated with Federation Admiral.
4070 Scenario Log. Released September 2015. A compilation of scenarios that appeared in Captain’s Log #32-#50, newly edited to be consistent. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4071 Scenario Log #2. Released September 2017. A compilation of scenarios that appeared in Communique #1-#85, newly edited to be consistent. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
- - - - - - -
These are released as ebooks as indicated.
4801 Federation Commander: Frax Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4802 Federation Commander: Frax Ship Card Pack #2. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4803 Federation Commander: Frax Ship Card Pack #3. Available online at W23. DTRPG, and WV.
4804 Federation Commander: Klingon Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4805 Federation Commander: Federation Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4806 Federation Commander: Romulan Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4807 Federation Commander: Kzinti Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4808 Federation Commander: Gorn Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4810 Federation Commander: Tholian Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4811 Federation Commander: Orion Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4812 Federation Commander: Hydran Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4813 Federation Commander: Andromedan Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4814 Federation Commander: Lyran Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4815 Federation Commander: WYN Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, STRPG, and WV.
4816 Federation Commander: ISC Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4817 Federation Commander: LDR Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4818 Federation Commander: Vudar Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4819 Federation Commander: Battle Tug Ship Card Pack #1. Available online at W23.
4820 Federation Commander: Federation Ship Card Pack #2. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4821 Federation Commander: Klingon Ship Card Pack #2. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4822 Federation Commander: Klingon Ship Card Pack #3. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4823 Federation Commander: Romulan Ship Card Pack #2. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4824 Federation Commander: Romulan Ship Card Pack #3. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4826 Federation Commander: Federation Ship Card Pack #3. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4827 Federation Commander: Lost Empires Preview Ship Card Pack. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4828 Federation Commander: Federation Ship Card Pack #4. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4829 Federation Commander: Klingon Ship Card Pack #4. Revised once to fix duplicate ships that were in the original, so more ships were added as a one-time deal. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4830 Federation Commander: North Polar Ship Card Pack. Updated December 2019 to include 11 ships and scenarios. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4831 Federation Commander: Romulan Ship Card Pack #4. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4832 Federation Commander: Tholian Ship Card Pack #2. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4833 Federation Commander: Lyran Ship Card Pack #2. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4834 Federation Commander: LDR Ship Card Pack #2. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
4835 Federation Commander: Klingon Ship Card Pack #5. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
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4809 Omega Playtest Pack for Federation Commander: Done by Gary Carney, released as a PDF (on W23, DTRPG, and WV) and in 2014 as a hard copy.
4825 Magellanic Playtest Pack for Federation Commander: Done by Gary Carney, released as a PDF (on W23, DTRPG, and WV) and as a hard copy in 2014.
- - - - - - -
4851 Federation Commander: Lost Counters Pack #1: Contains “missing” counters with counters for the ships from Communique #133-#168 (our free newsletter), Captain's Log #53, as well as Boosters #37 and #38. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
9400 SHIP PACK FOR 2018 APRIL FOOL’S SHIPS was released April 2018 as an epack on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MP 30000 A CALL TO ARMS: STAR FLEET BOOK 1 was released as a hardback in 2011. It has been revised as A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Basic edition Book 1.2 and released as an ebook on DTRPG and WV. It was revised through Revision F. In May 2016, it was withdrawn from sale as it was completely replaced by the Deluxe edition. In April 2016, the preliminary version of the Deluxe edition was released as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. It was updated in May. That version was released as a print book also in May.
Out-of-date products that went with the original release of ACTASF: A Call to Arms Journal; Fleet Update #1; and Reference Cards for the Federation, Gorns, Klingons, and Romulans.
A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Book 1.2 Ship Roster Card Packs. Available on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
30001-C Civilian ship roster card pack for ACTASF. On Revision 5.
30001-Chris Christmas ship roster card pack for ACTASF.
30001-F Federation ship roster card pack for ACTASF. On Revision 5.
30001-G Gorn ship roster card pack for ACTASF. On Revision 4.
30001-K Klingon ship roster card pack for ACTASF. On Revision 5.
30001-O Orion ship roster card pack for ACTASF. On Revision 3.
30001-R Romulan ship roster card pack for ACTASF. On Revision 5.
30001-T Tholian ship roster card pack for ACTASF. On Revision 3.
30001-Z Kzinti ship roster card pack for ACTASF. On Revision 4.
M 30002 A CALL TO ARMS: STAR FLEET, VOLUME 2 Available on W23, DTRPG, and WV. Early Bird edition released September, 2019. Revised edition uploaded January, 2020. Revised again for print, February, 2021. Released in print, February, 2021. Print and PDF revised in July 2021 to update a trait used by Seltorian ships. Those pages are marked Revision W. Range Attenuation X should have been Damage Attenuation X/Y.
M 30003 A CALL TO ARMS: STAR FLEET, REINFORCEMENTS ONE Available on W23, DTRPG, and WV. Early Bird edition released June 2021. The PDFrevised in July 2021 to update a trait used by Seltorian ships. Those pages are marked Revision W. Range Attenuation X should have been Damage Attenuation X/Y.
2201 FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE: STAR FLEET JOURNAL #1 was released as a trade paperback in 2007. In 2015 it was re-edited and re-released as an 8.5x11 paperback, an ebook, and a Kindle book. It is available in print and as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, WV, DTF, and AMZ.
CB001 STAR FLEET UNIVERSE COLORING BOOK #1: STARSHIPS was released in 2016 as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, WV, and DTC.
CB002 STAR FLEET UNIVERSE COLORING BOOK #2: ALIENS AND CREW was released in 2020 as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, WV, and DTC.
CB003 STAR FLEET UNIVERSE COLORING BOOK #2: MORE STARSHIPS was released in 2020 as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, WV, and DTC.
5001 MERCHANTS OF THE FEDERATION: Playtestable prototype released in PDF in August 2019 on W23,DTRPG, WV, and DriveThru Cards.
Subspace News #1: Playtest early years Hydrans for Module Y1. On the website for downloads. No revisions.
Subspace News #2: Playtest Frax submarines for Module C4. On the website for download. No revisions.
Subspace News #3: Playtest Flivvers for module C4. On the website for downloads. No revisions.
Subspace News #4: Playtest alliance maulers for module R9. On the website for downloads. No revisions.
Subspace News #5: Playtest stuff for Triangulum Galaxy used in Module E2. On the website for downloads. No revisions.
Mail order bonus #1: Playtest X-ships used in Module X1. On the website for downloads. No revisions.
Mail order bonus #2: Playtest Y-ships used in Module Y1. On the website for downloads. No revisions.
This was a magazine published by Steve Cole under his earlier company. All fifteen issues have been reprinted and are available by hard copy and in PDF form on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
This was a magazine published by Task Force Games. All 18 issues have been released as PDFs on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Pack of six Zocchi clear plastic stands, Stock #0014, (sold out, not available in future)
Plastic stand (Armada) for miniature, Stock #0016 (no longer available)
Bag of plastic parts, Stock# 0209Z, (sold out, not available in future)
The Peladine ships are out of stock and the casting house that made them does not return phone calls.
Fed Fleet Box #2 (DN, CA, SC, DD, TG) Stock #0201 (No longer available, replaced by 4381 Squadron Box #91)
Fed Dreadnought (Zocchi Plastic) Stock #0202 (This ship is no longer available except in Squadron Box 91.)
Fed Dreadnought (Zocchi Plastic-Cloaked) Stock #0202C NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Fed Heavy Cruiser (CA) (Zocchi Plastic) Stock #0204Z (This ship is no longer available except in Squadron Box 91.)
Fed Heavy Cruiser (CA) (Zocchi Plastic-Cloaked) Stock #0204C NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Fed Scout+Destroyer (Zocchi Plastic) Stock #0206Z (This ship is no longer available except in Squadron Box 91.)
Fed Tug (Zocchi Plastic): Stock #0208 (This ship is no longer available except in Squadron Box 91.)
Fed Tug (Cloaked): Stock #0208ZC NO LONGER AVAILABLE
Gorn Heavy Cruiser (old design), Stock #0602 No longer available.
Gorn Destroyer (old design), Stock #0607 No longer available.
Gorn Light Cruiser (old design), Stock #0608 No longer available.
Gorn Dreadnought (old design), Stock #0609 No longer available.
5201 Dice Set 1, sold out.
5202 Dice Set 2, sold out.
Stock #5300. Out of stock. No word on a possible restock.
Stock #5305. Out of stock. No word on a possible restock.
5401, $7.95 Out of Stock.

Copyright © 1991-2024 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved Updated 29 August 2015