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The EAFs used in PBEM SFB are similar to the paper ones youre used to, with the obvious difference that they are "electronic" here. You submit your EAF to the Moderator. The example below is the preferred form, but other forms can be worked out with your Moderator.
Keep in mind that, while you need to submit your EAF via E-mail, you may fill it out using a word processor. Of course, the form is more easily read using a non-proportional font.
Note that you must submit a separate EAF for each ship you control that requires an EAF.
Also, an effort should be made by each Player to double check their EAFs (and SOPs) for errors. Some will probably slip by, but these will be minimized by careful attention on the Players parts. This is to minimize the number of times the Moderator has to stop the game in order to get a clarification of some illegal action taken by one of the Players.
Each Player is required to keep track of their own EAF. This is true for all the forms used in PBEM SFB. The Moderator will also keep records in case something happens to your files, but you must still keep copies for yourself. This is to avoid repeated requests for copies of your last EAF, which would be an unnecessary hassle for the Moderator.
Also, the EAF form included here makes it necessary to keep only the latest copy, as all turns are kept track of (as in the paper version) on one form.
Whichever form you end up using, you MUST keep a record of your EAF for the entire game. (This also applies to the Moderator) At the end of the game, your opponent can request a review of your EAFs in order to resolve a problem, so you (and your Moderator) must have them available.
If an opponent DOES request to review your EAF, however, the Moderators copy is the official one.
The format of the EAF is identical to the paper version in content. As far as the layout, the blank form included here is the preferred layout to use.
The Subject Line is the "Title" of the message. This is what is visible when you look at the list of messages, and is also what you can key on when "searching" for a specific type of message. As such, its important that you include certain information here so that your Moderator can find your EAFs and SOPs without any trouble.
The Format of the Subject Line is as follows: RAC TYP
Gxx = Game Number. (i.e., HR4011, 02SFA117, A0310, etc: - You will be given this by the Games Director.) Do NOT include the "G", and ensure you use two digits. = Turn & Impulse. (i.e., Turn 3, Impulse 18 = 3.18)
RAC = Three letter Race designation. (i.e., HYD, ROM, KZI, FED) You do not need to list a race for Sitreps.
TYP = Form Type. (i.e., SOP, EAF, Sitrep)
For example:
The Heading of the EAF is another one of the differences of the PBEM version. This section is at the top of the form, and is used by the Moderator to quickly identify certain game information.
The Format of the Heading is as follows: RAC TYP (See above.)
For your SPEED PLOT, show (for each ship) your speed for each impulse of the upcoming turn. For example:
KR: IMP 1-9 = Speed 12 / IMP 10-24 = Speed 18 / IMP 25-32 = Speed 15.
While some of this info is also available in the subject line (up at the top of the message), it makes it easier for the Moderator to keep track of everything if the heading contains all of the above info. This way, if the Moderator "cuts & pastes" the info into a word processor, the necessary info will go right along with it.
EAF Heading Example:
Below is an example of a completed EAF. The form has been trimmed down to show just turn 1. Also, the Heavy weapons have been labeled for the specific ship, and a "Cloak" line has been added, as the ROM ship needed one.
You may use the following blank form for your own EAF. Just "Copy & Paste" it to your word processor, or to your E-mail software.
Please note that you may have to change it slightly for your specific ship. (Or, in the case of Andromedans, you may have to change it extensively.) You should always at least add the names of your heavy weapons, and add things that may require energy for your ship that are not listed here. (i.e., cloak, web, etc.)
Copyright © 1996-1999, 2005 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved | Updated 15 November 2006 |