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Occasionally, you are going to run into a problem. Simple rules problems are easy, as the answer is either right there in the book, or we can ask ADB.
The problems that this section addresses are problems with the running of a game. This may involve a Moderator, or one (or more) of the Players. Should it be a Player problem, the Moderator is primarily responsible for resolving it. Tardiness is covered in (PB9.212), but other problems may arise, and it is the Moderator who must attempt to work them out.
For Moderators who cannot (for whatever reason) resolve a Player conflict (besides the one where theyre trying to drill holes in each others ships), The Games Director should be contacted for further direction on how to proceed.
If you find that the Moderator of your game has gone absent, or you feel that (s)he is not running the game correctly or fairly, the first thing that you should do is to bring it to their attention. A lot of the time, the problem can be resolved by communicating it directly with the person involved, and has probably been caused by a lack of communication.
However, if that does not bring a resolution, it may be necessary to "go over their head". In this case, bring your problem up with the Games Director. The Games Director will try to work your problem out from both ends, and will hopefully be able to come up with a solution.
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