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An Energy Allocation “form” will be required for each ship. This form will list the unit’s baseline speed for the current turn, and any energy expenditures that need to be made during the Energy Allocation (pre-loading/loading photon torpedoes, shield regeneration, tractor beams carried over into the new turn, etc.).

Also, an effort should be made by each player to double check their Energy Allocation (and SOPs) for errors. Some will probably slip by, but these will be minimized by careful attention on the players’ parts. This is to minimize the number of times the moderator has to stop the game in order to get a clarification of some illegal action taken by a player.

(5FC1) ENERGY ALLOCATION REQUIREMENTS: Each player is required to keep track of their own Energy Allocation. This is true for all the forms used in Federation Commander PBEM. The moderator will also keep records in case something happens to your files, but you must still keep copies for yourself. This is to avoid repeated requests for copies of your last Energy Allocation, which would be an unnecessary hassle for the moderator.

(5FC2) FORMAT: While there is no “official” form for Energy Allocation, there are a couple things that can be done to make the moderator’s job a bit easier.
(5FC2a) SUBJECT LINE: The Subject Line is the "Title" of the message. This is what is visible when you look at the list of messages, and is also what you can key on when "searching" for a specific type of message. As such, it’s important that you include certain information here so that your moderator can find your Energy Allocation and SOPs without any trouble. The format of the Subject Line is as follows:

Gxx T.im RAC TYP


Gxx = Game Number (i.e., FC0001 - You will be given this by the Games Director.)

T.im = Turn & Impulse. (i.e., Turn 3, Impulse 6 = 3.6)

RAC = Race designation. This can be spelled out or abbreviated (i.e., FED, Klingon, Kzin, etc.).

TYP = Form Type. (i.e., SOP, Energy Allocation, SITREP)

For example:

FC0001 2.0 Orion Energy Allocation

(5FC2b) HEADING: The Heading is the section at the top of the form and is used by the Moderator to quickly identify certain game information. The format of the Heading is as follows:

Gxx T.im RAC TYP (see above)
YOUR NAME & ADDRESS (i.e., Christopher Pike / cpike@somewhere.new)

While some of this info is also available in the subject line (up at the top of the message), it makes it easier for the Moderator to keep track of everything if the heading contains all of the above info. This way, if the Moderator "cuts & pastes" the info into a word processor, the necessary info will go right along with it.

Energy Allocation Heading Example:

FC0001 3.0 Klingon Energy Allocation
Ardak Kumerian / kumerian_ardak@redfleet.deepspaceforces.kl
C7: Baseline Speed 24

(5FC3) ENERGY USED: The rest of the form shows energy available at the start of the turn, items that have energy applied at the beginning of the turn, and energy remaining for use during the rest of the turn. For example (Squadron Scale Federation CA):

Total Energy Tokens: 40 (4 batteries)

Baseline Speed 16: 16 tokens

Load Photon (A): 2 tokens

Load Photon (B): 2 tokens

Tractor Beam: 1 token

Remaining Energy Tokens: 19 tokens

(5FC4) EXAMPLE: Below is an example of a completed Energy Allocation (in Squadron Scale):

FC0001 2.0 FED Energy Allocation
Phillip Kosnet / pkosnet@starfleetnavy.ufp.mil
CA: Baseline Speed 16

Total Energy Tokens: 40 (4 batteries)
Baseline Speed 16: 16 tokens
Load Photon (A): 2 tokens
Load Photon (B): 2 tokens
Tractor Beam: 1 token
Remaining Energy Tokens: 19 tokens

(5FC5) MULTIPLE SHIPS: If a player is controlling multiple ships, they can be combined on the same Energy Allocation. For example (in Squadron Scale):

FC0001 2.0 FED Energy Allocation
Phillip Kosnet / pkosnet@starfleetnavy.ufp.mil
DNG: Baseline Speed 16
CA: Baseline Speed 16

Total Energy Tokens: 65 (6 batteries)
Baseline Speed 16: 24 tokens
Load Photon (A): 2 tokens
Overload Photon (A): 4 tokens (+8)
Load Photon (B): 2 tokens
Overload Photon (B): 4 tokens (+8)
Hold Photon (C): 1 token
Hold Photon (D): 1 token
Hold Photon (E): 1 token
Hold Photon (F): 1 token
Regeneration Shield #2: 6 tokens (regenerate 3 boxes)
Remaining Energy Tokens: 19 tokens

Total Energy Tokens: 40 (4 batteries)
Baseline Speed 16: 16 tokens
Load Photon (A): 2 tokens
Load Photon (B): 2 tokens
Tractor Beam: 1 token
Remaining Energy Tokens: 19 tokens

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Copyright © 2006 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved Updated 15 November 2006