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These rules are designed to handle large scenarios. A large scenario is one in which 5 or more players are involved. These games present specific problems for a moderator and players, particularly of time. While the standard PBEM rules are designed to simulate a face-to-face game as much as electronically possible, these rules sacrifice some flexibility on order to gain greater playability. With many people involved in a scenario, the game tends to drag due to turn-around time, a lot of things happening on the board, and lots of breaks. These rules provide a faster game by modifying the rules for breaks and enhancing the rules for standard and conditional orders.
These rules can also be used in games that have large fleets controlled by just a few players (i.e., 5+ ships per side in a two player game).
The Squadron Rules defined here have no correlation to the Squadron Scale Ship Diagrams in Federation Commander. The word “squadron” used here refers to the grouping of the ships being used, not the Scale of the Ship Diagrams. These rules can be used for either Squadron Scale or Fleet Scale.
The Squadron Rules are not required for any game. It is up to the moderator to decide if these rules will be in force in his game.
The Squadron Rules differ slightly from normal Federation Commander PBEM rules in that each turn will be run in 1-Impulse increments. Every impulse, the action will break, and there will be NO other break conditions. The particulars are spelled out below.
(11FC3) SOPs:
SOPs in Squadron Rules fall into two categories; INITIAL SOPs (those submitted at the start of EACH turn), and 1-IMPULSE SOPs (those submitted every impulse).
When the Moderator posts a Sitrep, he should put a deadline for new SOPs on the post. All players should get their new SOP to the moderator by the deadline. Unlike the regular PBEM rules, there is no grace period and no warning period in Squadron Rules.
In order to keep the game moving, the moderator will process SOPs on a strict schedule. This will eliminate the situation of nine players waiting for a tenth player to submit a new SOP. If a new SOP is not received prior to the deadline, the moderator should continue the game using the player's current SOP and Standing Orders. He should NOT extend a grace period or deal out hull box penalties.
Extensions will not be granted in Squadron Rules. If you are going to be out for an extended period of time, have someone else on your side handle your ship until you return. If in a free-for-all, take what precautions you can, and hope you're still there when you return.
If a player had not responded by end of turn, the moderator should make other arrangements for that player's ship. (Hand it off to another player on the same side, or perhaps have it self-destruct.) If a player returns after two weeks and discovers that in the interim his ship has been destroyed, he has no recourse.
Because the game is large and players are forced to plan ahead carefully, we suggest that moderators run no more than 2 posts per week, and to be sensitive to the fact that many Federation Commander players do so via work E-mail addresses and may not be able to get SOPs done on weekends.
In Squadron Rules games, players do not specify break conditions at all. Instead, an automatic break occurs after every impulse. At each break, all players have the opportunity to modify and resubmit their SOPs. The 1-impulse breaks are the only breaks in the game. There are no player-defined breaks, and no automatic breaks of any kind. [This section modifies (6FC5) BREAK CONDITIONS.]
Because there are no breaks other than the 1-impulse breaks, the ability to define and carry out Conditional Orders (6FC6) is of paramount importance in Squadron Rules games. However, because a break occurs every impulse, you need only worry about those events which you suspect may occur within that limited time span. (Note: The Squadron Rules do specify that the initial SOP should cover through the end of the current turn. This is so that the turn can be completed in the event a player drops out or disappears mid-turn, or does not get a new SOP to the moderator within a given time limit.) In most cases, the number of significant events that can happen in such a short period is limited, reducing the need for all-encompassing conditional orders.
Standing Orders are a special class of Conditional Orders. The are submitted once at the beginning of the game. These orders are designed to cover many common situations that occur in the game. They define actions that will be taken in response to a situation, regardless of whether a conditional order has been issued. Conditional Orders (and the SOP) can override Standing Orders by player request. The following Standing Orders form will help new players define standing orders for their ships. Gxx T.im RAC Standing Orders NAME / E-MAIL SHIP Use of Reserve Power for Shield Reinforcement: ___ Never ___ If doing so will preserve a shield box ___ If I take over ____ internals ___ Any time I take damage If I am tractored, I will use up to ___ points of reserve power to fight
As you can see, the Standing Orders cover a lot of the events that can occur and run their course within an impulse. This sheet is designed as a guideline. You are encouraged to add your own Standing Orders for situations specific to your game.
Damage allocation will be handled using the PBEM Default Damage Allocation system (8FC) unless otherwise specified in Conditional or Standing orders.
Copyright © 2006 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved | Updated 15 November 2006 |