From SFB Module -- Advanced Missions


    Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. welcomes the submission of new mate-rial for use in future Star Fleet Universe products.

    All submissions of new material are accepted ONLY under the following terms unless specifically agreed otherwise in writing in advance by ADB: All materials submitted immediately become the property of Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. and may be used, modified, expanded, or changed as ADB, Inc., in its sole judgment, sees fit. (It is not sufficient to claim an exemption to these rules within a submission; you must obtain an exemption first.) All materials used will be credited to the original author to the extent of his original submission. All claims of copyrights to material created from or for use with this product are invalid as they are "derivative" copyrights requiring our permission.

    All submissions (and any requests for exceptions to the rules) MUST include a stamped self-addressed envelope for use in sending you an evaluation of your material; the material itself cannot be returned. You should retain a complete copy of your material for your own use.

Here are a few comments and suggestions about the categories of material that could be submitted:

    Authors submitting material used in Captain's Log will be paid at standard rates set from time to time by ADB. Authors submitting other material used in a future product will receive a copy of that product or other compensation at the discretion of ADB. Subsequent development and/or re-use of the same material is not generally subject to further compensation. (Current rates are a free copy of the product for small items used in it such as a ship, story, scenario, or rule. Larger or multiple submissions are paid at $15 per page.)

    In cases where an author only suggested the idea, or where it was something relatively minor or obvious, published credit as the designer may be the only compensation offered.

    Authors warrant, by their submission, that it is entirely their own work and does not violate any copyrights or other rights. Authors will be held responsible for any such violation of rights.

TAKE NOTE! Submission of any material is considered to be acceptance of these terms without reservation, which are legally binding on all submissions not specifically exempted by the Bureau in advance and in writing.

For additional details, contact the Bureau.

Copyright © 1999-2004 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved

Updated 19 November 2004