From SFB Module -- Advanced
Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. welcomes
the submission of new mate-rial for use in future Star Fleet Universe products.
All submissions of new material are
accepted ONLY under the following terms unless specifically agreed otherwise in
writing in advance by ADB: All materials submitted immediately become the
property of Amarillo Design Bureau, Inc. and may be used, modified, expanded, or
changed as ADB, Inc., in its sole judgment, sees fit. (It is not sufficient to
claim an exemption to these rules within a submission; you must obtain an
exemption first.) All materials used will be credited to the original author to
the extent of his original submission. All claims of copyrights to material
created from or for use with this product are invalid as they are "derivative"
copyrights requiring our permission.
All submissions (and any requests for
exceptions to the rules) MUST include a stamped self-addressed envelope for use
in sending you an evaluation of your material; the material itself cannot be
returned. You should retain a complete copy of your material for your own use.
Here are a few comments and suggestions about the
categories of material that could be submitted:
- General: Getting something published is easy and
difficult. Good stuff goes to the head of the line. We get lots of
submissions and have an extensive backlog of material. Persistence,
preparation, and presentation all pay off. The more you know about SFB, the
better your chances. Do not assume that we have never thought of something
just because we never printed it. We may have it on file already.
- Hint: NEVER waste money sending something by Express.
It will get treated the same way and (if approved) published the same time
if you send it first class.
- Format: TYPE (computer dot matrix ok), single or
double space, one side of plain white 8.5x11 inch paper. Use a dark ribbon;
if we can't read it we can't use it. Put your name and address on every
page. (And Your Email address if you have one.) If it's a multi-page
submission, put the title on every page.
- Email: Submissions by Email take a bit of
preparation. Do not send numerous files (or a single large file) without
asking. Send one small file first to see if we can read the format. Remember
that ADB Inc. uses ONLY Macintosh computes, and some file formats may
require translation or will only work if sent in ASCII text format.
Generally speaking, small items, questions, term papers, and the like should
be sent as email, not attachments.
- Hint: NEVER contact the Bureau and ask us what we
want you to create. If we knew we wanted it, we would have already assigned
it to someone on staff or done it ourselves. The most important thing you
have to offer is an idea we never thought of, but which makes us say "why
didn't we think of that?"
- Scenarios: We can always use scenarios, and these are
the easiest submission to have success with, but even then it's tough. We
have an A-Pile and a B-Pile. The A-Pile is about 5% of the total (300
scenarios are on file for consideration) and will be used first. Getting
into the A-Pile is simple. You should follow the format, create a scenario
that has a unique twist (not just "two ships met in X terrain and fought a
battle" or the ever popular "and this was the first time this class of ship
was seen in battle"), and create a battle that fits into the established
universe AND adds something to it. Do not submit scenarios including new
ships, weapons, or technology you created; indicate in such submissions that
you have a scenario if the submission is accepted.
- Term Papers: These should cover a tactic, not a play
aid or rules proposal. We reject duplicates of published papers and material
in the Tactics Manual, as well as anything illegal or unworkable. The rest
are sent out to the Tactics Board in batches and graded; the papers with the
highest grades go into Captain's Log. See Captain's Log for more
- Articles for Captain's Log can cover anything. Give
us a try!
- Hint: Combining questions and submissions (on
separate sheets in the same envelope) is acceptable, but will often delay
the process. If we have to go to the staff to work out an answer, the
evaluation of your submission will be delayed. If we have to take time to
evaluate a submission, the answers to your questions will take longer to
reach you. Send two reply envelopes to avoid this. If we can return
everything at once, we'll put your other envelope in the Purple File for the
next time.
- Play aids: Draw or type it out as best you can, or
simply tell us what you had in mind.
- Fiction: This is tough, and easy. You see, we have
dozens of stories on file, but VERY few of them are in condition to be
published. They all contain flaws, errors, poor writing, or other problems
which ADB will have to fix before they can be printed. If, just if, someone
happened to submit a story that we did NOT have to do over again, it would
go to the front of the pile. What kind of problems are these story-killers?
Inventing a new ship. Inventing a new weapon. (They have to be approved
before the story is written.) Doing something that is impossible under the
rules of SFB. (Mr. Petrick delights in going through a story line by line
and tracing out what happened on the hex map and SSD. If he finds something
that is in the story but which cannot possibly happen in SFB, the story goes
to the bottom of the pile and/or back to the author for revision.) Do your
research. If your story can only happen in a certain year, do not use
technology invented in later years. The most important thing, however, is a
good story, with interesting people and an intriguing plot, which is well
told. Stories should fit within the established game universe. You might try
to add something to the background. The danger is that if you add nothing,
it's just another story. If you add something, it may be something other,
unpublished, background may contradict, and it could have to be re-written.
We can't give you a list of every unpublished item on file, but we can
answer specific questions about whether a particular concept would create a
- Rules: New rules are hard to sell, mostly because the
game already has so many. You should probably try a query first.
- Hint: Watch the BBS and Captain's Log for the
production schedule. It's a waste of time to send in material for a product
that isn't going to be done within the next year. Such material goes into
the file unread, and the only evaluation you are likely to get is a note of
which file we put it in. We are currently filing material for sublight
battles, operational movement, second-generation X-ships, and all new races
unread and unevaluated.
- Ships: It's hard to come up with something here. The
game has 1000 ships with another 50 or 75 on file and already approved.
Still, it does happen, and you are welcome to try. Draw your SSD neatly on
graph paper (or use your favorite graphics program). Some ships that are not
accepted: captured/converted ships, use of foreign technology, excessive
weapons or power, new races. There is one particular category that deserves
note: the Obvious Variant, e.g., sticking special sensors on the only basic
hull type of a given race not already used as a scout. While such a ship may
be published, it generally is not credited to any specific one of the dozens
of gamers who suggested it.
- New Races: These are not being accepted for
consideration and will be filed unread. We do not expect to consider new
races in the foreseeable future except under our Stellar Shadows program of
non-historical material, and in such cases the designer must pay for
printing the product (in exchange for a share of its profits).
- Hint: We are always getting material with a note
saying that the author knows it cannot be used but that he would appreciate
it if we would have an evaluation done and send it back. Sorry, but we are
having enough trouble getting new products on the market without stopping to
evaluate something we already know can never be published.
- Product ideas relating to the Star Fleet Universe
background but not to SFB or F&E will be considered.
- Software: We are not currently considering computer
Authors submitting material used in
Captain's Log will be paid at standard rates set from time to time by ADB.
Authors submitting other material used in a future product will receive a copy
of that product or other compensation at the discretion of ADB. Subsequent
development and/or re-use of the same material is not generally subject to
further compensation. (Current rates are a free copy of the product for small
items used in it such as a ship, story, scenario, or rule. Larger or multiple
submissions are paid at $15 per page.)
In cases where an author only suggested
the idea, or where it was something relatively minor or obvious, published
credit as the designer may be the only compensation offered.
Authors warrant, by their submission,
that it is entirely their own work and does not violate any copyrights or other
rights. Authors will be held responsible for any such violation of rights.
TAKE NOTE! Submission of any material is considered
to be acceptance of these terms without reservation, which are legally binding
on all submissions not specifically exempted by the Bureau in advance and in
For additional details, contact the Bureau.
Copyright ©
Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved |
19 November 2004 |