November  2020

Star Fleet Universe News


        Distant Armada Unity is now in print and unifies the previous Nova and Admiralty editions, so there will no longer be Starmada fans who cannot game together. The new rules preserve the best of both previous systems and add dynamic seeking weapons rules that do what seeking weapons are supposed to do: force the enemy to move out of key areas or shoot his way through a swam of them. 

        If you bought a PDF of either the Admiralty edition or Nova edition of Distant Armada through Warehouse 23, DriveThru RPG, or Wargame Vault, then your PDF library now contains the original older Nova or Admiralty edition you bought AND the new Unity edition we're giving you.

        Anyone who bought a hardcopy of Distant Armada Nova or Distant Armada Admiralty can get a free PDF copy by contacting us at If you want to replace your hardcopy Nova/Admiralty book with a hardcopy Unity book, we'll sell you one for our cost ($8, less than half price) plus shipping. Hardcopies of Nova/Admiralty books will no longer be available but you will be able to buy hard copies of the new Unity books from ADB, Inc.

        Star Fleet Marines: Counter-Punch has empire-specific counters for the Lyran Democratic Republic (LDR), Vudar, Paravians, Seltorians, Carnivons, and Jindarians. Each empire gets 140 counters for a total of 840 counters. These will be the first of these empires' counters for this game system.

        On close inspection, you will find that while the types of counters are the same for each empire, the art for the counters is empire-specific. These traditional-style counters are designed to be easily distinguishable on the modern-style maps that Star Fleet Marines contains.


        We released two books as PDFs as "early" releases. They will be released in paper format later. These are the Tholian Master Starship Book and Battleships Armada Unity. If you bought a PDF of either the Admiralty edition or Nova edition of Battleships Armada through Warehouse 23, DriveThru RPG, or Wargame Vault, then your PDF library now contains the original older Nova or Admiralty edition you bought AND the new Unity edition we're giving you.


        And then there are the older materials that have been released as PDFs. Captain's Log #30 has been newly released on DriveThru RPG and Wargame Vault; it was already available on Warehouse 23. Both Nexus #17 and Nexus #18 have been released on Warehouse 23, DriveThru RPG, and Wargame Vault. This completes the series for that title. Finally, Star Fleet Battles Commander's Edition, Supplement #2 has been released on Warehouse 23, DriveThru RPG, and Wargame Vault. The buyer is reminded that the first-generation X-ships were heavily revised for the Captain's Edition of Star Fleet Battles. The second-generation X-ships presented in Supplement #2 do not combine well with the ships in the later edition of SFB.

ADB Releases Ships for November 2020

        On November 2, 2020, ADB released a total of 40 new items to its shop on Shapeways with over 2,300 items available in total. Notably this month we released many 7000 scale sets for the Omega empires. Please note that all ships are available in both 3788 and 3125 scales, except when noted.
        The Federation starts with the Command Cruiser and Heavy Command Cruiser. These are available in both the Federation (gridded saucer) and Fed Classic (smooth saucer) styles.
        T he Klingons gain their B9B Fast Battleship. With more aztecking, it is also available as the B9K Refitted Fast Battleship. In the 7000 Scale, they have their Special Ships Collection which includes one each of the Klingon D5W, E7, F6, E6, E5, and E4.
        The Gorns gain more X-ships with the appearance of the Advanced Command Cruiser in both the regular and refitted versions.
        As if they didn't have enough ships carrying fighters, the Hydrans gain their Iron Duke Heavy Carrier.
       In the 7000 Scale, the Lyrans gain their Special Ships Collection. It includes a JagdPanther Light Cruiser, Lioness Heavy Cruiser, Mountain Lion Light Dreadnought, Top-Alleycat Heavy War Destroyer, Cave Jaguar War Dreadnought, and a King Jaguar New Heavy Cruiser.
        The Borak, neighbors of the Hydrans (according to Hydran disinformation, in reality, they were conquered by the Hydrans), gain their Dreadnought.
        The Omega Octant is well represented in the 7000 Scale collections. The Maesrons gain the Fleet Core Collection (one each of the dreadnought, heavy cruiser, light cruiser, and destroyer, along with two frigates), Fleet Builder Collection (one heavy cruiser, one light cruiser, two destroyers, and two frigates), and Battleship. The Koligahr Solidarity gains its Fleet Core Collection (one each of the dreadnought, heavy cruiser, destroyer, and Frigate-Killer, along with two patrol boats) and Fleet Builder Collection (one heavy cruiser, two destroyers, one Fighter-Killer, and two patrol boats). The Probr Revolution now has its Fleet Core Collection (one each of the dreadnought, heavy cruiser, light cruiser, and destroyer, along with two frigates) and Fleet Builder Collection (one heavy cruiser, one medium cruiser, one light cruiser, one destroyer, and two patrol boats). The Drex get their Fleet Core Collection (one each of the dreadnought, battlecruiser, battledestroyer, and Patroller, along with two battlefrigates), Fleet Builder Collection (one battlecruiser, two battledestroyers, one Hex Cruiser, and two battlefrigates), and Fleet Patrol Collection (three battlefrigates and three patrollers). The Sigvirions have their Fleet Core Collection (one each of the new heavy cruiser, command cruiser, Invasion Cruiser, and New Frigate, along with two Invasion Frigates) and Fleet Builder Collection (two New Frigates, two Escort Frigates, and two Invasion Cruisers). The Ymatrian Horde has its Fleet Core Collection (one each of the command cruiser, battlecruiser, heavy cruiser, and destroyer, along with two frigates), Fleet Builder Collection (heavy cruiser, destroyer leader, destroyer, frigate leader, and two frigates), and Fleet Patrol Collection (destroyer leader with two destroyers and frigate leader with two frigates). Finally, the Trobrin Empire has its Fleet Core Collection (one each of the heavy cruiser, torpedo cruiser, bolt cruiser, frigate leader, frigate, and Patroller), Fleet Command Collection (one each of the Deep Space Dreadnought, command cruiser, torpedo cruiser, and bolt cruiser along with two heavy cruisers), and Fleet Patrol Collection (frigate leader with two frigates, two Bolt Frigates, and a single Patroller).

Check all these out here:


        Our website,, continues to grow and improve. You are welcome to send us your requests, comments, and suggestions. Samantha Todd, our graphics director, continues to update the website, do covers for the new products, shut down pirate websites, help out around the company, and learn more about the game business.


        Jean continues to improve our page on Facebook, adding many new photos and other features.
        If you haven't seen the 1,000+ pieces of art in the albums, you should drop by and visit. You don't have to be a member of Facebook to see our page, but if you are, please become our friend so you can get information in your newsfeed.
        If you've already liked us on Facebook, but are not seeing our posts, then remember to check your new "Pages Feed" on the left menu. You can also go to our page and hover over the "Liked" button. Be sure that "Get Notifications" is checked.

        ADB has a Twitter feed. We are ADBInc_Amarillo. You'll find news as well as links to pictures. Check us out and retweet news of interest to your own followers. We're excited and our next goal is to get 200 followers. Help us reach that, please.

        StarFleetGames has taken its act to YouTube and we now have a YouTube channel. Our goal is to create a video for the new product releases during each month. We have "In the Box" videos to show you what you will see when you unpack your new game. We have also done "Spotlights" on a single product or product line. So pull up a chair and join us at the movies! Our newest uploads are:

Star Fleet Marines Part 1
Star Fleet Marines Part 2
ADB Late May 2011
Starline 2500 Miniatures Review
Star Fleet Battle Force in the box

        A customer asked about posting "tutorial videos" for our games. We like it when people do that (and even give commendation medals) but you need to have us check the videos to make sure you aren't violating something somehow (or that you didn't make a rules error). Doing such videos to make money is not cool. Please drop us an email before you post the videos.

        Our StarBlog has moved to a new URL and all links on websites have been changed to match. The new site is
        The blog covers all aspects of the company.


         Star Fleet Legions isn't a new game; it is all of you who play any of our Star Fleet Universe games.
         For a game universe that is 36 years old, it seems odd (but very gratifying) that the number of active players is growing, not diminishing. We can tell this by the number of people on the fan pages, the number of Rangers and battle groups, the number of new Starlist entries, and of course by the sales numbers.
         Starlist is growing by an average of 10 new entries and five updates per month. There are 1,240 active names on the list (plus overseas, Canada, and those who last contacted us in 1991-2004). Not on Starlist? Fill out your application here:
         Battle groups have been forming up left and right. We started with one in Tennessee. Now there are battle groups in California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, and Washington. We've gone international with groups in Canada, England, and Taiwan. Battle groups are doing demos, tournaments, and game days in stores and conventions. Do you have a group you game with? Join us here:
         How have these battle groups been forming? Usually through the hard work of a Ranger. Rangers run demos, start game days, contact conventions, reach out to stores, and promote Star Fleet Universe games. Do you want to be a Ranger? Start here:  

        This month we feature Battle Group Hampton Roads, headquartered in Hampton, Virginia. CO William Phillips reports they play Star Fleet Battles and Federation & Empire. They also enjoy attending gaming conventions. Read more here:

         Do you have a battle group? Be sure to report your activities here:

         Do you want to see if there's a battle group near you? Check out the map here:

Facebook Fan Pages

         If you are on Facebook, you have no doubt heard of ADB's page on Facebook. Did you know there are fan pages galore? Fan pages are groups that are started and administered by fans. They are independent of ADB, so we may not know about all of them. These are ones we know about that support the Star Fleet Universe:

So join us on Facebook and get a fix of your favorite game there, too!

        The Rangers are up, fully operational, and doing demos! There are currently 50 Rangers listed in our database with 30 of them having advanced past Ranger Recruit, meaning they've held at least one demo.
        Star Fleet Rangers are our front-line recruiters in introducing new people to our games. They are hard working, tireless promoters of the SFU. They go to conventions, stores, game clubs, and other public venues to show our games and to teach potential players some basics.
        Why should you be a Ranger? Well, one of the reasons is purely selfish -- you teach people to play your favorite games and "grow your own" opponents. With enough interested people you can form a battle group and even get in on playtesting if you want. You get your name in Captain's Log and awards on your plaque on the Wall of Honor. You even get Star Fleet Bucks which will help you with purchases from our storefront. Still, being able to play games face-to-face has to be one of the best reasons to do it.
        So visit our Ranger page here:
        Register and join the the Star Fleet Rangers!
        And there is exciting news for Rangers on Facebook! We've started up a closed group for Rangers to discuss ideas, best practices, and to simply hang out with serious enthusiasts. You must be on Jean's list of Rangers before you can become a member. Join it here:
Ambassador Badge

        Jean Sexton has succeeded in recruiting two ambassadors (Michael C. Baker and A. David Merritt) to carry the word of the Star Fleet Universe to other websites. They (and Jean) were awarded the first ever "Star Fleet Ambassador Badges" as well as appropriate medals for their service to date. These ambassadors do not just repeat press releases; they answer questions, encourage discussion, and help people find the relevant documents on our website. Contact Jean Sexton if you want to volunteer for ambassador duty.

        Take a journey with us to an ancient age, just one step up from carving game rules on clay tablets. The year 1973 was at the very dawn of the independent wargame publishing companies. Typesetting was done with a manual typewriter, print-on-demand meant the photocopier at the library, counters were printed on paper (and drawn by hand), page layout was done with scissors and cellophane tape, and two guys in a garage could turn out a wargame magazine that won two Origins Awards. The point was creativity, new ideas, and imagination. Production values would have to come later.
        That magazine was JagdPanther (Hunting Panther), created and run by the same Stephen V. Cole who later co-founded Task Force Games and then went on to found Amarillo Design Bureau. We found the ancient archives of this game company (which ran from 1973-1976, producing 15 magazines, about 50 games, hundreds of variants, and dozens of game reviews) and have placed them on Warehouse 23 so they are available to collectors. (Old issues have been selling on Ebay for over $100 each.) Issue #1, Issue #2, Issue #3, Issue #4, Issue #5, Issue #6, Issue #7, Issue #8, Issue #9, Issue #10, Issue #11, Issue #12, Issue #13, Issue #14 and Issue # 15 are uploaded.

Custom Decals for Starline ships

        Tenneshington Decals continues to provide custom decals for all currently produced Federation Starline 2500 miniatures.
        In addition to the legacy fleet and squadron box sets, decals for each of the ships are available as individual sheets, along with special sheets to detail any ship with additional window blocks, sensors, hatches, and even phaser scars.
        As with all of their products, the names on the ships are up to the customer and all sheets are custom-printed to order.
        *** Newly announced in November, decals sheets for Starline 2400 Federation miniatures are well into design, with decals for other empires in both Starline 2400 and Starline 2500 lines in development. ***

        For more information or to download the order sheet, check them out at Or if you prefer, email Will McCammon at: or Tony L. Thomas at:

        Jupiter IV Decals is a source of decals for the 2400 line and will do custom decals as well as all official SFB names. In the near future Jupiter IV will move into the 2500 line and will work to get every listed name on the Starfleet registry completed in both scales.
        Their website is:



Sapphire Star:

       The Sapphire Star 6 Tournament was a classic match-up of Andy Koch's WYN auxiliary battlecruiser against Seth Shimansky's Federation ship in the final. In a hard-fought battle, Andy Koch came out the victor. Congratulations! Steven Petrick was the judge for this tournament. With four different winners of the various six different Sapphire Star tournaments, we will be able to run a Sapphire Crown tournament.



        Due to the COVID-19 virus, many conventions have been cancelled. We encourage you to check out Star Fleet Battles Online where there is a free demo version. It is a good way to hang out with others who play Star Fleet Battles and Federation Commander. Check it out here:

        Star Fleet Battles games are held weekly in Tempe Arizona each Friday at Game Depot from 2:00 -7:00  pm. Eric Phillips is the person to contact. 

        Star Fleet  Battles games are held regularly in Indianapolis, Indiana at Family Time  Games. Anthony Harding is the contact person. For more information  see:

        Star Fleet  Battles games are  played regularly in Columbus, Ohio, on Sunday afternoons at the Soldiery. Lee Hanna is the contact person.

        Games are held in Spokane, Washington on an irregular basis. Contact them to see if  there's a game scheduled. They meet at The Gamer's Haven, 2114 N. Pines St., Suites 1  & 2,  Spokane Valley, WA 99206, (509) 443-5992

Download Transmissions

       HAILING FREQUENCIES: This is our newsletter and will let you know all the news for all our games. You can subscribe here. Have you missed an earlier newsletter? Click here to get caught up!

       COMMUNIQUE: This monthly magazine repeated much of the same information that Hailing Frequencies does. December 2019 was the last month it was published. Old issues can be downloaded from the Commander's Circle.

       COMMANDER'S CIRCLE: We continue to improve the Commander's Circle. All of the ships and scenarios are available as separate documents (the ships are organized by empire) so you can quickly see what is available. The FC Scenario Database and Master Ship Chart documents are also here. Our newest project was suggested by our players and is uploading low-toner Ship Cards. The Commander's Circle is the best place to find free additions to Federation Commander!


FC Forum Recent Posts

      The Federation Commander site and Forum continue to grow as more gamers continue to find them. All of our games currently have topics in the Forum. If you have any comments, questions, or requests for our Graphics Director, this is the place to let her know. Come see what the commotion is about and join the Federation Commander Forum now.
       We are very pleased to see the medals, honor bars, and ribbons awarded to players being incorporated into their signatures. It is exciting to see lots of interesting conversations about a wide variety of subjects. Get in on the activity!
       While for new players the Federation Commander Forum is a little easier to manage, the original (Discus-based) BBS is where most product development takes place. If you have a proposal you'd like to see worked on, don't forget to make sure it is mentioned here. It also has active F&E and SFB forums where players run campaigns, Rated Ace tournaments and other SFB tournaments are organized (most FC tournaments are organized on the Forum), SVC's "My Day" appears, along with current news and strategies dealing with Prime Directive, and each issue of Captain's Log is created. While less colorful (no avatars or sigs), it is a vital part of ADB, Inc.'s communications.



Mini of the Month
         Every month we will feature one or more of our miniatures. If you paint miniatures, submit pictures of your minis and they may be selected for the next Mini of the Month!

Daniel Bostwick painted this Andromedan Conquistador (3788 Scale, Fine Detail Plastic).

Help us pick the mini of the month on our page on Facebook. The mini with the most likes and shares will become the mini of the month. Vote for the ones you like!

New Releases


ACTA Federation Guided-Weapons Destroyer

You can look at Hailing Frequencies Extras here.

Click here to see our previous issues of Hailing Frequencies.


Recently Released

Distant Armada Unity, SKU 6134, $16.95
Gorn Master Starship Book
SKU 5436 $23.95
Captain's Log # 54
, SKU 5754, $24.95
Captain's Log # 54 SSDs, SKU 5754-2, $3.50
Captain's Log # 54 Supplement, SKU 5754-S, $4.00
GURPS Federation Revised 
SKU 8402, $24.95
GURPS Prime Directive Vol 1 SKU 8406, $29.95
GURPS Prime Directive Vol 2, SKU 8407, $29.95
GURPS Prime Directive Vol 1 & 2, SKU 8405, $49.95
FC Booster Pack #37, SKU 4237, $9.95
FC Booster Pack #38, SKU 4238, $9.95
Alien Armada Unity Starmada, SKU 6133, $16.95
Captain's Log # 53, SKU 5753, $24.95
Captain's Log # 53 SSDs, SKU 5753-2, $3.50
Captain's Log # 53 Supplement, SKU 5753-3, $1.00
F&E ISC War Chart Book, SKU 3210-4, $4.00
Kzinti Master Starship Book Stock #5435 $21.95
Romulan Armada Unity Stock #6132 $16.95
Scenario Log #2 Stock #4071 $6.95

To be released in 2020
FC Federation Epack #5
GURPS Klingons Revision
Star Fleet Universe Index
SFB Module R13
The rest of the Starmada Unity Edition
A new F&E module to be named later

       We’re now offering some of our miniatures and some new designs on Shapeways.
       You can check out the store here:

Click here and you can see all of the products we have avaliable as PDF and Ebooks.



Captain's Log #30
SFB Commander's Edition, Supplement #2 
Tholian Master Starship Book

Battleships Armada Unity
Nexus #18
Star Fleet Marines: Counter-Punch

Nexus #17
Captain's Log #54 Supplement

Federation Commander: LDR Ship Card Pack #2

Star Fleet Marines: Counter-Strike
Federation Commander: Lyran Ship Card Pack #2
Star Fleet Marines: Counter-Attack
Captain's Log #48

Captain's Log #48 Color SSDs
Federation Commander: Tholian Ship Card Pack #2
Federation Commander: Lost Counters Pack #1

Star Fleet Universe Coloring Book #3: More Starships

GURPS Federation Revised
Star Fleet Universe Coloring Book #2: Aliens and crew
Captain's Log #29
Captain's Log #47
Captain's Log #47 Color SSDs
Nexus #16
Nexus #15
Distant Armada Unity
A Call to Arms: Star Fleet, Book 2
Nexus #14
Nexus #13
Prime Time Newsletter #1-6


Captain's Log #30  (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
SFB Commander's Edition, Supplement #2  (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Tholian Master Starship Book  (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Battleships Armada Unity (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Nexus #18 (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Star Fleet Marines: Counter-Punch (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Nexus #17 (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #54 Supplement  (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Federation Commander: LDR Ship Card Pack #2 (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Star Fleet Marines: Counter-Strike (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Federation Commander: Lyran Ship Card Pack #2 (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Star Fleet Marines: Counter-Attack (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #48 ( DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #48 Color SSDs  (DriveThru RPG or  Wargame Vault)
Federation Commander: Tholian Ship Card Pack #2 (DriveThru RPG or  Wargame Vault)
Federation Commander: Lost Counters Pack #1 (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Star Fleet Universe Coloring Book #3: More Starships (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
GURPS Federation Revised (DriveThru RPG)
Star Fleet Universe Coloring Book #2: Aliens and Crew (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #29  (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #47  (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Captain's Log #47 Color SSDs  (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Nexus #16 (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Nexus #15 (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Distant Armada Unity (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Call to Arms: Star Fleet, Book 2 (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Nexus #14 (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Nexus #13 (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)
Prime Time Newsletter #1-4(DriveThru RPG)
A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Christmas (DriveThru RPG or Wargame Vault)

For the Glory of the Empire

Ask Admiral Vanaxilth


       Francois Lemay asks: On Turn #1, a ship has three ECM and two ECCM, and does not use reserve power to change electronic warfare levels. On Turn #2, it starts with zero ECM and six ECCM. On Impulse #5, it changes four ECCM to four ECM, using four batteries. Is this legal or does (D6.312) prevent this?
       William Wilson replies: Short answer: On Impulse #5 you could switch two circuits to ECM, but the others must wait until Impulse #8. Long answer:
       1. Circuits can only reverse polarity once every eight impulses, even over a turn break.
       2. Rule (D6.312) always applies, but it restricts only the actual output of the channel, not the power applied to it. If you apply the "wrong" power for the circuit, it stops working but will start working again once its cycle time is satisfied. If last turn you used battery power on Impulse #30 to switch ECM to ECCM, you can allocate for ECM during Energy Allocation, but you cannot actually use it until Impulse #6. You still have to announce what mode you allocated it in at the start of the turn (D6.32), even if it does not do anything yet.
       3. The same thing applies to batteries, which can also use rule (H7.132) (a better choice in most cases).
       4. Not powering a circuit does not count as switching the polarity. For example, suppose a given circuit was used for ECM on Turn #1. On Turn #2 it is not powered in Energy Allocation. Impulse #4, it could be powered as ECM using reserve power. On Impulse #8, another point of reserve power could be applied to switch it to ECCM.
       5. Each circuit is distinct and is switched independently.
       So, in the example you gave, during all of Turn #1, circuits #1-#3 are in ECM mode, circuits #4-#5 are in ECCM mode, and circuit #6 is off. On Impulse #1 of Turn #2, all circuits are in ECCM mode. Circuits #4-#5 are free to switch (they have been in ECCM mode since forever), but circuits #1-#3 and #6 cannot switch again until Impulse #8 of Turn #2. On Impulse #5 of Turn #2 you apply four points of battery power for ECM. Circuits #4-#5 switch, and two of the others (it does not matter which, let's say #3 and #6) are pending. On Impulse #8 of Turn #2 circuits #3 and #6 can switch to ECM. At this point, circuits #1-#2 are ECCM and free to switch, circuits #4-#5 are ECM and locked until Impulse #13 of Turn #2, and circuits #3 and #6 are ECM and locked until Impulse #16 of Turn #2.

       Pete DiMitri asks: I am watching a game of Star Fleet Battles, and one of the players is saying that he can allocate energy to electronic warfare and then not use it until later in the turn, in effect creating an ECM or ECCM pool for later use. Note that this is not a scout ship or a carrier that has an electronic warfare pool. It is a standard warship. I have never understood it to work this way. I did not think you could allocate energy to ECM and simply not declare or use it until later in the turn (unless it were an electronic warfare pool for a scout or carrier). So, are they correct that electronic warfare can be used this way?
       ANSWER: No, power allocated to electronic warfare must be announced during the Sensor Lock-On Phase (D6.32) at the beginning of the turn. To change electronic warfare levels during the turn would require the use of reserve power.

       Francois Lemay asks: A plasma torpedo, after accounting for phaser damage and distance traveled, hits its target and scores 15 points of damage. Due to the ECM shift, the Proximity of Detonation roll (D6.361) results in 50% damage. Is the damage applied rounded down to seven or rounded up to eight?
       ANSWER: By (A3.5), damage is rounded up to eight.
        Follow-up question: Let's say two plasma torpedoes (both at strength 15) hit the same target on the same impulse.
       ANSWER: The damage for each torpedo is calculated separately. If both are reduced to 50% by the (D6.361) roll, the total damage would be 16 points.

       Marc Elwinger asks: In a fleet action, it seems that a plasma empire can have one ship generate six ECCM, then the commander can transfer control of plasma torpedoes just before impact to that ship (assuming the range is less than 35 hexes). So that the plasma torpedoes would have nine points of ECCM (six from the ship and three built-in) canceling almost any ECM. After impact, they can just transfer control of more plasma torpedoes to that ship. This would negate all the ECM from a scout, fighters, fast patrol ships, scout fast patrol ship, electronic warfare fighter, extra electronic warfare pods, and a carrier's electronic warfare support, for an entire fleet. I am looking at fighting an Inter-Stellar Concordium carrier group and they will be able to launch 72 plasma torpedoes (12 on fighters, 56 on plasma-D torpedo racks and four on the carrier) on the first turn. Am I reading this right about the ECCM?
       Kommodore Ketrick replies: Legal tactic, however note that plasma-D torpedo racks can only launch one (1) torpedo per turn in "offensive" mode, that is launched at a unit larger than size class 5. And if used in offensive mode in a given turn, it cannot be used in defensive mode. So the 14 plasma-D racks in the Inter-Stellar Concordium carrier group can only launch, on Turn #1, 14 plasma-Ds, not 56, if they are operated in offensive mode. Note that when the tactic was first espoused in the late 1980s I believe, it was noted that the one ship selected to provide guidance (while generating maximum ECCM) could also be supported by a scout lending it additional ECCM. It was originally pointed out in a discussion of plasma tactics in Captain's Log #13, page 47, top of the right-hand column. It is an old tactic by this time.
       Admiral Vanaxilth adds: Note that most plasma-armed ships can only control a number of seeking weapons equal to their sensor rating, so the plasma player would need to carefully arrange the timing and maneuver of the plasma torpedoes to maximize the number of torpedoes that can benefit from the ship with the maxed-out ECCM.
       Gregory Flusche adds: I like to use either a scout or the largest ship present to guide the torpedoes with maximum ECCM, leaving the War Eagles or the gun line to use what little electronic warfare points they have for ECM.
       A. David Merrit adds: Just keep in mind that scouts cannot self-loan ECCM, only ECM.

       Glenn D. Faini asks: I do not understand this step in the Sequence of Play.
       All players secretly assign alternative ECM/ECCM strength.
       Is not that done in the Energy Allocation Phase when we assign power to the ECM and ECCM lines of the Energy Allocation Form? What exactly do we do in this step? And, what is meant by "alternative"?
       Kommodore Ketrick replies: Some units have built-in electronic warfare capabilities or can receive limited amounts of electronic warfare from some sources. An example is a gunboat/interceptor/small or medium ground base. These have two points of built-in ECCM and two points of built-in "swing points" which must be designated as either ECCM or ECM during the Sensor Lock-On Phase [see (K1.721)].
(End of Admiral Vanaxilth)


       Q: Does the Hydran MTG upgrade a MB to a BATS in the same way as the regular production tug or does it take two of them to perform the base upgrade? In simpler terms, is the MTG an LTT or a tug?
       A: It is a tug. It's nearly as big as a cruiser-based tug.

       Q: I found a reference in an expansion to tug missions AA and AB, but no reference to them in the 2010 rulebook.
       A: They were redesignated J3 and J4, respectively. When we update the expansions, that will get fixed.

       Q: Did the ability of theater transports (TTs) change in  F&E 2010 in so far as how they carry PDUs? Rule (539.72) of Strategic Operations states that a single theater transport can carry and deploy one PDU.
       A: Changes were made! In  F&E 2010 many previous rules were consolidated, updated, and even changed. Under (509.1-K1) groups of three theater transports can deliver a PDU (509.22). A re-study of the engineering showed that no single theater transport could manage the delivery and installation of a PDU.

       Q: If a colony is being established in a captured province, does the tug performing the mission count (430.22) as the province garrison?
       A: If the tug is performing any mission other than A, B, G, L, M, N, P, Q, R, or S, it cannot be counted as either a planetary or a provincial garrison.

       Q: Is there no limit on Klingon CVT production other than the number of TGA hulls and the EPs you can spend?
       A: None, although TGAs are limited to one per year and have many other uses. F&E is a game of choices and using all of your TGAs for this role means none available to do anything else.

       Q: Does the VHP overload Kzinti, Klingon, and Lyran LTTs under (517.41) because it uses the same rule (517.36)? Or is this not a weight issue? Rule (530.225) seems to indicate single weight but this implication of (517.36) (last sentence) and (517.41) (last sentence) seem to conflict with that concept.
       A: Looking at the SSDs for the VHP vs. the VAP shows that it is mostly cargo boxes and of the number that is similar to the VP pod instead of the VAP pod. The reference in (517.36) is for the ability of an LTT to carry the single VHP, not the weight restrictions of the VAP on a LTT in (517.41).

       Q: What if the Lyran tug borrows a Klingon VAP (or VHP) pod under rule (517.13), would rule (517.36) apply? Also, what if a Klingon tug borrows the Lyran KVP or KVH pods, does (517.36) still apply?
       A: Yes, in both situations.

       Q: It seems that the Lyran VHP cannot be mixed with other pods. Is this true?
       A: The VHP is, based on (517.36), a pod that cannot be mixed with other pods.

       Q: Can the Lyran VHP pod (530.23) be mounted with a borrowed Klingon VHP pod becoming Mission R+R and this would not overload the tug?
       A: Yes, the ability for the Klingons and Lyrans to share pods allows for this. Clever of them, wasn't it?

       Q: Does rule (517.36), specifically the part "The VHP pods in Advanced Operations use the same rule," apply to all VHP pods or just to the Klingon, Kzinti, and Lyran pods?
        A: It applies only to Klingon, Kzinti, and Lyran pods.

       Q: This rule gives the Lyrans a max limit of one VHP. The online OOB charts (711.3) gives a max limit of two Lyran VHPs. The online SITs (last updated two years ago) show a limit of one. Which is correct?
       A: This rule is correct, only one VHP for the Lyrans.
(End of F&E Q&A)


       Dear Aunt Jean, what news do you have for us? 

       A: We released the space tarantula in four scales so that you can use it in your games. Remember that for GURPS the starships do CDam, while regular weapons do Dam. Therefore it will take 100 times the damage if your adventurers were to encounter an adult space tarantula with no ship in view. However, since people are small compared to ships, the adventurers can quietly leave if they want to.

      Send questions to Jean at and she will answer as soon as she can.
(End of Ask Aunt Jean )

Cool Stuff on the Website

       In this section we will provide links to various web pages and items that we think you will find "cool".
       We have recently updated the look and design of the Rangers Page, check it out here: Rangers Page
       Here are links to various flyers you can use to advertise your Demos and Game Days: Ranger Resources
       Here are links to the new pages of Starline 2500 miniatures pictures.
       Starline 2500 Battleships page
       Starline 2500 Federation Miniatures
       Starline 2500 Klingon Miniatures
       Starline 2500 Romulan Miniatures
       Starline 2500
       Traveller Prime Directive
       Call to Arms Star Fleet

       We have also uploaded new Xander wallpapers to our Wallpapers section on the website: Wallpapers
       We have new images of our game Star Fleet Marines posted on our BBS topic page.


       These are the press releases we send to the wholesalers, retailers, and media. You can get on the mailing list for them by asking to add you to the list. (Obviously, they are free.) They are uploaded to the Star Fleet Alert page

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Captain Terry O'Carroll, HMAS New South Wales

       The most effective weapons fit out for the Orion Raider is a phaser-1 in the WPN box and phaser-1s replacing the drone racks. With this fit out, the Orion Raider can fire all of its phaser-1s and purchase 30 movement points without doubling its warp engines.
       When fighting a cruiser, the Orion Raider should maneuver to attack a rear shield at a minimum of Range 5. At this range, the phasers produce 28 points of damage on average, enough to do internal damage to most light cruisers. Keep attacking through the down shield, targeting weapons, until most of the enemy's weapons are gone, then you can safely approach more closely to finish off the enemy ship.
       If you achieve attack position and the enemy uses a high energy turn to bring his heavy weapons to bear, abandon your attack run and use the phaser energy for movement and evasive maneuvers. The combination of evasive maneuvers and Orion stealth will produce a +3 shift; at Range 5 or greater this will make the Orion Raider almost immune to damage.
(End of FC Tactic of the Month)

SFB Tactic of the Month
Captain David Zimdars, USS Montana

       The tactical considerations of how to best divide fire between impulses when a group of direct-fire weapons has enough crunch power to penetrate a single shield and score internal damage has been widely examined. The Mizia doctrine of separating such "penetrating" fire into multiple volleys to maximize the number of weapons hits is well established.
Conversely, the question arises of what is the best manner to spread the fire of weapons over impulses, turns, and shield facings when the initial volleys would not be expected to penetrate the target's shield. Considered in the context of the tournament game, for example, this is a relevant question for disruptor-armed ships, but applies to other types as well.
       The conventional wisdom is that "non-penetrating" fire should be concentrated on a single target shield, impulse after impulse and turn after turn. This would be the most efficient method to score Mizia volleys and accumulate internal damage against an opponent. The question is, though, just how likely is such a strategy to succeed? Perhaps against a novice opponent this plan would have a high likelihood to yield a favorable facing against the damaged shield turn after turn. However, highly skilled rated ace opponents may be expected to expertly avoid fire against weakened shields, spreading the fire from shield to shield.
        Consider, for example, the Klingon or Kzinti tournament command cruisers. They must score at least 35 damage points to breach an opponent's battery-reinforced front shield. At Range 9-15, both of these ships are nearly equivalent sabre dancers, yielding 6-16 damage points per turn of fire at this range. Such long-range fire will not be expected to penetrate a fresh shield.
       An initial oblique overloaded shot with these ships at Range 8 scores more damage, but penetration of a front shield is by no means guaranteed. The Klingon with its UIM, 48% of the time, will hit with four overloaded disruptors. Combined with five phaser-1s and two phaser-2s, the Klingon may score 37 points on average, which is a threat to score only a few points of internal damage. However, the Kzinti is almost no threat to score internal damage, as he will hit with four overloaded disruptors only 20% of the time, and even then, likely score only 32 points of damage against a shield combined with phasers.
       On the initial Turn #1 approach, both the Klingon and the Kzinti may (and will usually) only achieve a shot in the Ranges 6-15, as many opponents will try to avoid a definitive exchange at Range 4 or less. Putting aside case of the Klingon who might score a few points of internal damage with a Range 6-8 overloaded shot, lets first examine the situation of the Kzinti who is almost certainly guaranteed not to score internal damage with his Turn #1 shot. For the sake of argument, the Kzinti might reasonably score 12 points of damage with combined phasers and disruptors at Range 9-15 and 26 points of damage at Range 6-8. Should the Kzinti fire all of his Turn #1 weapons at a single shield or try to divide it amongst several in his initial volley?
       An answer may be found by considering the combined effect of the follow-on disruptor volleys in Turns #2, #3 and so on with the likelihood that the new damage can added to the pre-existing shield damage to increase the amount of internal damage scored in these following turns. If we reasonably assume most skilled opponents will be able to avoid fire striking a previously damaged shield when only one such shield has been hit; firing all of the turn's weapons on a single shield will have little effect beyond a mild restriction in maneuver in Turn #2. It may take until Turn #3 or even Turn #4 before a follow-on disruptor strike falls upon a previously damaged shield when facing a skilled opponent.
On the other hand, suppose the Kzinti successfully divides an overloaded Range 6-8 disruptor shot into two groups of 13 damage points; and thereby damages two front shields instead of only one. It will then be significantly more difficult for an opponent to protect two shields against a follow-on shot. A second Range 6-8 volley of 26 points of damage will cumulatively be the same as 39 points of damage scored, which now will yield internal damage. As a Turn #2 follow on shot may be much closer (less than Range 4), the Kzinti may wish to divide his Turn #1 fire onto the front three shields of the opponent. This will put nine points of damage on each shield and virtually guarantee nine more damage points compared to not spreading his fire at all.
       The comparison of dividing and not dividing among shields such non-penetrating priming fire is illustrated in the following tables. For heuristic purposes, the tables assume 27 damage points scored per turn. The strength of the front shields and the cumulative internal damage is shown per turn in the columns. Five batteries for reinforcement are spent to mitigate only the first volley of internal damage.
Here is a baseline approach, concentrating non-penetrating fire on sequential shields. In the first table, fire is concentrated sequentially onto different shields (due to defensive maneuver) on the first and every turn:
Turn Shield  
# #1 #2 #6 Internal Damage
1 3 30 30 0
2 3 3 30 0
3 3 3 3 0
4 0 3 3 19
5 0 0 3 19+24=43(etc.)

       In the second table, fire is divided evenly on the first turn, and concentrated on the weakest shield on each following turn:

Turn Shield  
# #1 #2 #6 Internal Damage
1 21 21 21 0
2 0 21 21 1
3 0 0 21 1+6=7
4 0 0 0 1+6+6=13
5 0 0 0 1+6+6+27=40(etc.)

       By spreading the non-penetrating fire on Turn #1 over three shields, two volleys of seven total points of internal damage are scored on Turns #2 and #3 versus none scored in the baseline approach. This may yield a significant material advantage with two Mizia strikes up to two turns earlier!
       For the example, division over three shields is shown, as hitting a damaged shield is virtually unavoidable. However, the method can be restricted to only two shields, while still increasing the odds of hitting a pre-damaged shield in Turn #2 (with the benefit of even more internal damage is scored). Dividing fire among all three front shields on Turn #1 may be difficult, but most opponents will turn so as to allow the division of fire on shields as it is presumed to be detrimental.
       The amount of damage scored after Turn #1 is conservative, as a Range 4 or less shot is more likely with significantly more damage scored. Dividing the damage is still beneficial for the close in follow-on shot, as that it is more likely to fall on a damaged shield.
       Returning to the question of the Klingon tournament command cruiser and the UIM Range 6-8 shot, it still may be beneficial to try to divide the fire when only one or two points of internal damage may be scored on the first Range 6-8 shot. Doing so may allow the Turn #2 follow on fire to be much more effective in generating internal damage, particularly if the opponent will be able to avoid a Range 4 or less shot on Turn #2.
       Just as in the penetrating Mizia strike, firing a portion of the available weapons at a shield to judge effect may be advantageous. If not enough damage is scored, fire can continue on the same shield, or be withheld until after a new shield comes to bear. However, unlike a traditional Mizia attempt, it is not as critical that the opponent not turn away between volleys.
(End of SFB Tactic of the Month)

F&E Strategy of the Month

       Previous tactical notes have identified the value of using a Prime Team on mission (522.44); from a cost recovery standpoint and using average die rolls, allocating a five-EP prime team to this mission will pay for itself in eight to 10 turns, and will result in increased income in four to five turns (relative to the base survey ships).
       Rule (542.0) provides two other options to the player: additional survey ships, and the heavy war destroyer survey module (HDWQ). Both options have an expense, so the question is, is the expense worth it? In every case, the increased income comes later in the warŠ when you are exhausted. All analyses are for a 34-turn General War, purchase the survey ships as new production and do not account for wounded or killed prime teams.
       The Lyrans have the choice first. They can expect to generate 332 additional EPs with their base survey (from 12 new provinces, five of them by Turn #10). Adding a prime team adds 46.5 EPs, so this is clearly profitable at marginal cost. Devoting one additional cruiser to survey duty on Turn #1 adds another 73.5 EPs (five provinces by Turn #7) and pays for itself and the prime team in 11 turns. For two (the second on Turn #2) add another 68 EPs (pays in 12 turns, five provinces by Turn #6). For three (built on Turn #4) add another 46.5 EPs (pays in 13 turns). HDWQ arrives too late, and never pays for itself, so do not bother. Is an extra 234.5 EPs worth three cruisers off the board from the first four turns (and a 53 EP expenditure)?
       The Klingons may also choose on Turn #1. They can expect to generate only 218 EPs (from nine new provinces, five by Turn #16). The Klingons must find new income in other ways. Adding a prime team adds 53 EPs. Devoting one additional cruiser on Turn #1 yields 88 EPs with breakeven on Turn #10 (five provinces by Turn #9). For two cruisers (the second on Turn #2), this adds 70 EPs, with breakeven on Turn #11 (the first five provinces by Turn #8). For three (built on Turn #4) +59.5 EPs, breakeven on Turn #12 (five provinces by Turn #7). HDWQ arrives too late and never pays for itself. Is an extra 270.5 EPs, or doubling your money, worth three D6s?
        The Kzintis need every cruiser, I mean carrier, but may depend on off-map income. They can expect to generate 332 EPs from 12 new provinces (five by Turn #10). Adding a prime team adds 46.5 EPs, but we already knew that. Devoting one additional cruiser on Turn #1: +73.5 EPs, breakeven on Turn #11 (five provinces by Turn #7). For two (the second on Turn #2) +68 EPs, breakeven on Turn #12 (five provinces by Turn #6). For three (the third on Turn #4) +46.5 EPs, breakeven on Turn #13. The HDWQ arrives too late and never pays for itself. 234.5 EPs, off-map and safe, for just three cruisers. That's just 53 EPs to generate 181.5 profit and almost double your survey income!
       The Hydrans are even more dependent on off-map income. They can expect to generate 292 EPs from 12 new provinces (five by Turn #12). Adding a prime team adds 40.5 EPs, so do it. Devoting one additional cruiser on Turn #3 (do not wait for the PGR on Turn #12): +66.5 EPs, breakeven on Turn #13 (five provinces by Turn #9). A second on Turn #4, assuming you can get it off-map of course, yields 59.5 EPs, breakeven on Turn #13 (five provinces by Turn #8). A third may be difficult to build and get off-map on Turn #6, but you can gain 41.5 EPs and break even on Turn #14 (five provinces by Turn #8). The HDWQ arrives too late and does not pay for itself, however, the LNHQ can survey on Turn #14 and does pay for itself (+24 if it is the only ship added). The LNHQ could save the Hydrans that third survey cruiser (and -22.5 EPs), but they still breakeven by Turn #15. Maximum survey adds 207.5 EPs to a Hydran economy normally scraping the barrel for 50 EPs. This is a great deal, and Coalition players should make every effort to stop this from happening.
       The Federation is the master of exploration. They can expect to generate an astounding 580 EPs from 19 new provinces (five by Turn #11) with seven SRs. Adding a prime team  gains 30.5 EPs and gets that fifth province by Turn #10, so this is a no-brainer. The Federation has many options. For example, what about the 3xCVL and COV? The Feds have already paid for their infrastructure, what if they send them right back out for survey? +196.5 EPs and fifth province by Turn #9, increased relative survey income on Turn #8! The HDWQ arrives too late and does not pay for itself (but could sub a CVL back on to the board). For 16 EP, the Feds could buy a COV on Turn #7: +44.5 EPs and breakeven by Turn #24. For another 16 EP COV on Turn #8 you get 37 EPs and breakeven on Turn #24. The third COV on Turn #10 yields 36 EPs and breakeven on Turn #24. Maximum effort the Federation generates +344.5 EPs from survey and +12 additional provinces, all for 53 EPs. They can sextuple their money!
       The Romulans can always use more income, but they have work to do on-map first. Once they get their empire sorted, they can send their three survey ships off-map and expect to generate 117 EPs from nine new provinces (five by Turn #23), income they will badly need since exhaustion strikes right when they start exploring off-map. The HDWQ still does not pay for itself, so ignore it. The prime team gambit is, as always, worthwhile for 20 EPs and brings the fifth province on Turn #21. Another SPS on Turn #11 should get out there at the right time (at a cost of 13 total EPs). This gains 31.5 EPs, breakeven on Turn #23, fifth province on Turn #20. The fifth SR, an SPS on Turn #12, yields 25.5 EPs, breakeven on Turn #25, fifth province on Turn #19. The sixth SR, another SPS on Turn #14 yields 24.5 EPs, breakeven on Turn #25, fifth province on Turn #18. Maximum surveying will generate 101.5 EPs from survey and six additional new provinces, all for 44 EPs. The Romulans have plenty of on-map space for colonies and on-map surveying, but the off-map area is completely safe (so long as the ISC are neutral).
        The Gorns do not want to find Paravians off-map, apparently. They can expect to generate all of 139 EPs from seven new provinces (five on Turn #26). The prime team does help for +33 EPs (and the fifth province on Turn #23). The HDWQ does not help and should be ignored. A third SR on Turn #12: +52 and breakeven on Turn #21 (fifth province on Turn #20). A fourth SR on Turn #14 means 41.5, with breakeven on Turn #22 (fifth province on Turn #19). The fifth SR on Turn #16 produces 30.5, with breakeven on Turn #24 (fifth province on Turn #18). Maximum surveying will generate +157 EPs from survey and seven additional new provinces, at a cost of 53 EPs. The Gorns can double their money, as well.
       Over the course of the General War, rules (522.0) and (542.0) will allow every empire to at least double their moneyŠ if they can spare the cruisers.
(End of F&E Strategy of the Month)

A Call To Arms: Star Fleet Tactic of the Month

       Are you tired of the enemy avoiding your heavy weapons arc, especially when you are flying a Gorn dreadnought, Romulan Condor, or Kzinti heavy battlecruiser or dreadnought? Make sure the enemy ship just happens to come into your firing arc instead of floundering around trying to get a more agile enemy into your sights. How can you accomplish this?
        Have another ship tractor your target and drag it into your heavy weapons firing arc! This, however, takes some advanced planning and positioning. You have to think a turn ahead to put the ship you need where you're going to need it, without the enemy realizing what you're doing.
       Ideally you want a ship that is significantly larger than the ship to be dragged (e.g., a Federation heavy cruiser versus Klingon D7 or D5). During the dragging ship's activation, which should be after the target ship has moved, have it use the Engage Tractor Beam! special action. Next, end your ship's movement within 2" of the ship to be tractored.
       The following turn, the tractored ship may roll to break the tractor when it is activated. It does this by making an opposed Crew Quality Check against the ship tractoring it. [See the rules for this procedure]. If the tractored ship fails to break free, it is meat on the table. Drag it in front of the ship that intends to fire at it or drag it to a point that the designated killer ship can get it into arc. Remember that you can only move if you have more starting damage points than
the enemy ship, and you can only move up to 6".
       As a final warning, be careful to not blow up the ship that was dragged, as the explosion can damage friendly ships - including the ship doing the tractoring. Also try to arrange your positioning so that the tractored ship cannot fire its heavy weapons at the ship that is tractoring it.
(End of A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Tactic of the Month)