November 2012

Star Fleet Universe News

THE BIG NEWS this month is the scheduled release of Reinforcements Attack in the next few weeks. Also to be released then will be Boosters 34, 35, 36, as well as the Nova Edition of Distant Armada and Alien Armada, along with both Nova and Admiral editions of Battleships Armada.

Counters for Star Fleet Marines: Last Stand and Reinforcements Attack.

Hydran Commando Hydran Heavy Weapons ISC DNl

In other news this month, the second annual Platinum Hat International Online SFB tournament is well into the third round with 75% of the games played. More information is below in the tournament section, but you can always find the most up-to-date information on the BBS:

WEBSITE: Our website,, continues to grow and improve. You are welcome to send us your requests, comments, and suggestions. Joel Shutts, our graphics director, continues to update the website, do covers for the new products, shut down pirate websites, help out around the company, and learn more about the game business. One of our newest pages is for Starline 2500 where we display photos and 3d renders of the new starships.

FACEBOOK: Jean continues to improve our page on Facebook, adding many new photos and other features.
If you haven't seen the 1,000+ pieces of art in the albums, you should drop by and visit. You don't have to be a member of Facebook to see our page, but if you are, please become our friend so you can get information in your newsfeed.

If you've already liked us on Facebook, but are not seeing our posts, then remember to check your new "Pages Feed" on the left menu. You can also go to our page and hover over the "Liked" button. Be sure that both "Show in News Feed" and "Get Notifications" are checked.

VIDEOS: StarFleetGames has taken its act to YouTube and we now have a YouTube channel. Our goal is to create a video for the new product releases during each month. We have "In the Box" videos to show you what you will see when you unpack your new game. We have also done "Spotlights" on a single product or product line. So pull up a chair and join us at the movies! Our newest uploads are:

Star Fleet Marines Part 1
Star Fleet Marines Part 2
ADB Late May 2011
Starline 2500 Miniatures Review

STARBLOG: Our StarBlog has moved to a new URL and all links on websites have been changed to match. The new site is
The blog covers all aspects of the company.

AMBASSADORS: Jean Sexton has succeeded in recruiting two ambassadors (Michael C. Baker and A. David Merritt) to carry the word of the Star Fleet Universe to other websites. They (and Jean) were awarded the first ever "Star Fleet Ambassador Badges" as well as appropriate medals for their service to date. These ambassadors do not just repeat press releases; they answer questions, encourage discussion, and help people find the relevant documents on our website. Contact Jean Sexton if you want to volunteer for ambassador duty.
Ambassador Badge

Take a journey with us to an ancient age, just one step up from carving game rules on clay tablets. The year 1973 was at the very dawn of the independent wargame publishing companies. Typesetting was done with a manual typewriter, print-on-demand meant the photocopier at the library, counters were printed on paper (and drawn by hand), page layout was done with scissors and cellophane tape, and two guys in a garage could turn out a wargame magazine that won two Origins Awards. The point was creativity, new ideas, and imagination. Production values would have to come later.

That magazine was JagdPanther (Hunting Panther), created and run by the same Stephen V. Cole who later co-founded Task Force Games and then went on to found Amarillo Design Bureau. We found the ancient archives of this game company (which ran from 1973-1976, producing 15 magazines, about 50 games, hundreds of variants, and dozens of game reviews) and are now placing them on e23 so they are available to collectors. (Old issues have been selling on Ebay for over $100 each.) Issue #1, Issue #2, Issue #3, and Issue #4 are already there and further issues are being prepared for upload.

Custom Decals for Starline ships

Tenneshington Decals recently added a new decal set product, designed to work with the Starline 2500 Squadron Box #7 (Federation Reinforcements). This is in addition to their existing products, associated to the Squadron Box #1 and Federation Fleet Box.

The new decal set includes complete markings for a DN(G) dreadnought, BC(H) battlecruiser, NCA new heavy cruiser, NCL new light cruiser, and a DW war destroyer, along with bonus banners, windows, and other useful graphics.

Individual decal sheets for those ships are also now offered as well.

They have just released a new sheet of "windows" which can be used to detail any ship.

As with all their products, the names on the ships are up to the customer and all sheets are custom-printed to order.

For more information or to download the order sheet, check us out at Or if you prefer, email Will McCammon at: or Tony L. Thomas at:

Demo Promo Pic


      Rated Ace Tournament 38 is now complete. Congrats to Jason Gray on his win in the Gorn tournament cruiser. Much thanks to Judge Peter Bakija who kept this one moving along.

      Rated Ace Tournament 39 is rocketing along. Barely on our radar last month, this tournament has seen round 1 completed and three of the games in round 2 played. Judge Paul Scott is riding herd on this tournament. Good luck to you all!

      Andromedan Playtest Tournament has been restarted. Peter Bakija anticipates it picking up after some of the intense tournaments wind down.

      Fall 2012 FCOL Tournament format is now underway and Round 1 is complete. Jim Dauphinais is the judge and is keeping this one moving.

      NetKill Patrol is down to the finals for the third quarter. Jon Taylor, Josh Driscol, and John P. Rigley are in the elimination round after Josh won patrol (and a three-month extension of his SFBOL subscription). NetKill for the fourth quarter is also underway. Richard Sherman maintains the statistics that makes this possible.

      The Platinum Hat 2012 International Online SFB tournament has six of the eight round 3 games played. Judge Peter Bakija and Tournament Marshall Steven Petrick are keeping this moving.

      The 2-on-2 Tournament 2012 is looking for a new judge as the original organizer had Real Life interfere with gaming.

      A GURPS Prime Directive campaign in motion on the Federation Commander Forum. Check out the Donjebruche Campaign here: The GM is Jeff Johnson.


Please send information to Jean via the email in her BBS profile, PM on the Mongoose or Federation Commander forums, or Message on Facebook. If you want convention support, please contact Mike Sparks at Your convention must meet a few simple requirements (one of which is being held in the United States due to shipping costs) which are here:

Council of Five Nations has wound up. There were 25 SFB players in attendance. The final game was between Steve McCann flying a 11g1 WYN and Peter Bakija flying a Gorn and Peter pulled off a two-turn win. Ken Kazinski was the judge.

Fall-In was held November 3, 2012 in Lancaster Pennsylvania. A two-part ACTA:SF scenario was run by Bill Stec. Bill reports that a good time was had by all.

FOY Con, is being held November 10-11 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin in the Metropolis Resort in Eau Claire. Definitely scheduled are games of ACTASF; other SFU games are possible.

Eclectic Games in Reading, UK are holding an A Call To Arms: Star Fleet tournament at their store on the 24th November. There is a £10 entry fee. Their number is 0118 959 8250, and their website is if anyone has questions.

In Fayetteville, Georgia, there will be an ACTA:SF game on November 24, starting at 12 noon. Everything will be provided, likely 2000+ points per side based on attendance projected Treefort Games 150 Banks Xing Fayetteville, GA 30214 770.719.3400

Mongoose Publishing has just announced there will be an A Call to Arms: Star Fleet tournament, specially designed to stretch your tactical abilities at Mongoose HQ on January 12, 2013. Stay tuned for more information.

Games and demos are being run in Spokane, Washington. They meet every Thursday (may move to Friday) at 2:00 pm and play till 9:00 pm, games open to start every time. You can find them at The Gamers Haven, 2114 N. Pines St, Suites 1 & 2, Spokane Valley, WA 99206, (509) 443-5992

Games and demos are being run in Jacksonville, Florida. They start at 6:00pm and play till 11:00 pm, There will always be ACTASF games open to play or you can learn ACTASF every Friday. Contact Ray at Suncoast Comics 5509 Roosevelt Blvd. Jacksonville Florida 32244 904.771.2776

Nashcon 2013 will be held May 24-25, 2013 at Cool Springs / Franklin Embassy Suites. Tony L. Thomas will be running the latest revision of The Battle For Kh'rtis Rock – a massive scenario involving over 60 Federation and Klingon ships (with a battle station and some civilian units through in case 60 ships isn't a large enough number!). In addition, a three round ACTASF tournament will be played on Saturday 25. Contact Tony ( with any questions concerning this event

Games and demos are being run in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. OKC WarS has games of ACTASF run by James Kerr. You can find them at Hampton Inn Midwest City 1833 Center Dr Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73110-2810 or contact them through email:

Download Transmissions

HAILING FREQUENCIES: This is our newsletter and will let you know all the news for all our games. You can subscribe here. Have you missed an earlier newsletter? Click here to get caught up!

COMMUNIQUE: The latest Communique brings you more Ship Cards, scenarios, and more news from the Star Fleet Universe! It can be downloaded from the Commander's Circle.

COMMANDER'S CIRCLE: We continue to improve the Commander's Circle. All of the ships and scenarios are available as separate documents (the ships are organized by empire) so you can quickly see what is available. The FC Scenario Database and Master Ship Chart documents are also here. Our newest project was suggested by our players and is uploading low-toner Ship Cards. The Commander's Circle is the best place to find free additions to Federation Commander!

FC Forum Recent Posts

The Federation Commander site and Forum continue to grow as more gamers continue to find them. All of our games currently have topics in the Forum. If you have any comments, questions, or requests for our Graphics Director, this is the place to let him know. Come see what the commotion is about and join the Federation Commander Forum now.

We are very pleased to see the medals, honor bars, and ribbons awarded to players being incorporated into their signatures. It is exciting to see lots of interesting conversations about a wide variety of subjects. Get in on the activity!

While for new players the Federation Commander Forum is a little easier to manage, the original (Discus-based) BBS is where most product development takes place. If you have a proposal you'd like to see worked on, don't forget to make sure it is mentioned here. It also has active F&E and SFB forums where players run campaigns, Rated Ace tournaments and other SFB tournaments are organized (most FC tournaments are organized on the Forum), SVC's "My Day" appears, along with current news and strategies dealing with Prime Directive, and each issue of Captain's Log is created. While less colorful (no avatars or sigs), it is a vital part of ADB, Inc.'s communications.

F&E Strategy of the Month

     The Romulans are unique in that they have an off-map area which does not include a base. This means that they cannot use Strategic Movement to get there, or store Economic Points off the map. The old way to solve this problem was to build an operations base as soon as possible and send it off map. This provided a repair facility for the survey ship doing high-risk survey (542.27) and a Strategic Movement Point. Rules changes in F&E 2010 allowed you to build a single mobile base there instead of sending an operational base, but the operational base may still be your best bet because it doesn't tie up a rare tug to build it.
     If you do get cut off from your off-map base, you can use a blockade-runner to collect and return the money to your main grid in a manner similar to what the Kzintis do with WYN trade. While this may or may not have an effect on the General War scenario(s), it is definitely something to consider for the ISC War.
(End of F&E Strategy of the Month)


Throughout the month our graphics director places on the website various cards called Demotivationals. These are like postcards with an image and a phrase that is often used for humor.
These are the Demotivationals for the month of October:
Great Empires

To see our previous Demotivationals click here.

Mini of the Month
Every month we will feature one or more of our miniatures that has been painted by a fan. If you paint miniatures, submit pictures of your minis and they may be selected for the next Mini of the Month!

Starline 2500 Klingon D7
Tony l. Thomas

Klingon D7's

New Releases

Communique #83 has been posted to the Commander's Circle.

Recently Released
Captain's Log #45, Stock #5745, $24.95, 144 pages!
Klingon Armada Nova Edition, Stock #6101N, $16.95
Romulan Armada Nova Edition, Stock #6102N, $16.95
Star Fleet Marines Assault, Stock #2101, $34.95
Starmada Nova Edition rulebook, Stock #6120N, $16.95
Starline 2500 Romulan Fleet Box, Stock #30008, $149.99 (JV-Mongoose)
Starline 2500 Squadron Box 6 Kzintis, Stock #30010, $29.99 (JV-Mongoose)
Starline 2500 Gorn Fleet Box, Stock #30016, $149.99 (JV-Mongoose)

To be released during Fall 2012
A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Reference Cards, Stock #30001, $14.99
Alien Armada Nova Edition, Stock #6103, $16.95
Distant Armada Nova Edition, Stock #6104, $16.95 .
Federation Commander: Reinforcements Attack, Stock # 4110, $29.95
Starmada: Battleship Armada, Stock #6105, $16.95

To be released during November 2012
Federation Commander Booster Pack 34 Escorts, Stock #4234, $9.95
Federation Commander Booster Pack 35 Cops & Raiders, Stock #4235, $9.95
Federation Commander Booster Pack 36 Heavies, Stock #4236, $9.95

To be released in 2013

Traveller Prime Directive Core Rulebook, TBA
Tribbles vs Klingons.
Captain's Log #46, Stock #5746, $TBA (January)
A Call to Arms Star Fleet #2,
BattleFleets, TBA (JV-Mongoose)
Federation Admiral, Stock #4080, $TBA

PDF SALES: ADB, Inc. continues its relationship with Steve Jackson Games and their e23 Warehouse. We chose e23 because they have a philosophy that agrees with ours -- our customers are honest and honorable and wouldn't aid people who want to steal our products. Furthermore, we know from experience how devastating a computer crash can be and want our customers to know that they don't have to worry about the loss of their e-products bought through e23. What do we have there? We have created a new page that allows easy access to our PDFs for sale on e23. From here you can see what we currently have posted and have links to those products.

Star Fleet Times #41-45
Jagdpanther Issue #4
Starmada Distant Armada Nova Edition
Starmada Alien Armada Nova Edition
Captain's Log #26
PD One: Federation Sourcebook 1994
Star Fleet Times #36-#40
Captain's Log #25
PD One: Prime Directive Core Book 1993
Star Fleet Times #31-#35

PD One: Federation Sourcebook 1994
PD One: Prime Directive Core Book 1993 
Introduction to the Star Fleet Universe
Prime Directive PD20M
Klingons PD20 Modern
Federation PD20 Modern
Romulans PD20 Modern

Star Fleet Fiction


     Firnx took one look around at the crowded interior of the Fi-Con and realized that there was no way the over-burdened patrol boat was going to be able to make it back to the DNS group without a serious failure of the ship's life support systems. He made his way through a crowd of moaning wounded being treated by a medic to the small ship's cockpit. He had to ease by several stiff and heavy bodies lying in the passageway whose normal, healthy colors had been replaced with a deep shade of black.
     "Can we link up with one of the cargo boats and transfer some of these people?" Firnx asked.
     "Negative," the Fi-Con commander said. "Another Seltorian ship is due here in minutes. We can get away easily enough, but not if we stop. The cargo boats are already running, and it will take too long to link up, slow down, and dock. Maybe we can do that after we break contact."
     "Then we need to get a message to the Commodore that explains our situation," he said to the Fi-Con commander.
     "My sensor technician just encoded and transmitted a request for help. We should have an answer back soon."
     "Good work." He turned around and left. I'm just in the way here, Firnx thought. Maybe I can help with the wounded.

     "Commodore, we have messages from both raid groups. Should I feed them to your command console as soon as they finish decoding?"
     Arrax looked over at the communications tech. The Tholian was a technical officer that had almost finished its Turn service. He thought he could detect a hint of nervousness in the other being. This sometimes happened when one was near the end of his military obligation, but he did not think it would affect the civilian's work.
     "No need for that; just read them to me."
     "Group One reports that the picket has been driven off with heavy damage, with the loss of one patrol boat and some casualties on the Patrol Leader. The special strike group reports mission success, but they have lost a Fi-Con, and have many dead and wounded from it that are being carried on board the other boats. They request that someone meet them to take the extra personnel off. Otherwise, they do not think they will be able to make it back."
     Arrax thought for a moment. We have to stay here in order to meet the returning patrol boats, he mused. But I do not want to abandon the survivors of the other raid. He looked at the tactical view screen, at the other ships that he had with him. He didn't like dividing his forces, but he had no choice. Which ship to send? Neither the FCR nor his specialty-built escort corvettes were what he considered expendable. In the end, he chose to send the FCR.
     "Tell the strike group that they will have to make it to our territory, and suggest that they link up to transfer passengers when out of the battle area. Send the FCR to meet them, but warn its commander not to go beyond ... this point." He indicated a map location that was still within Tholian space. He paused for a second. "Tell them to hurry up. Time is getting short."
(Continue reading here)

Ask Admiral Growler
      Tim Kinnaird asks: Rule (FP8.43), concerning calculation of damage by plasma bolts, says:
      ". . . Retain fractions throughout the calculation, then drop all remaining fractions before applying any damage."
      The rule goes on to say:
      "Bolts . . . cannot be combined to avoid losing fractional warhead points."
      Two sentences butted up to each other that seem to be saying two exactly opposite things.
      1. For example, two plasma-F torpedoes are bolted in a single volley at Range 8 and both hit. Do they score 14 or 15 points of damage?
      2. If the answer is 14 (commonly held as correct) then in what circumstances are fractions "retained throughout the calculation"?
      ANSWER: It may be sloppy writing, but 14 points is the correct answer, and the two sentences are not "exactly opposite" in context. You cannot combine the fractional points of any warheads resulting from bolts.

      Peter D. Bakija asks: I was flying a Gorn tournament cruiser and my opponent was flying a Romulan tournament Kestrel. My opponent has an enveloped plasma-S torpedo armed in launcher A. On Impulse #28, I score a few points of internal damage and my opponent takes a torpedo Damage Point on his armed launcher A. Due to (FP1.72), a destroyed plasma launcher can be held without power over a turn break, if that turn break happens within the eight impulses allowed to launch a plasma from a destroyed launcher. Does this pertain to enveloping plasma torpedoes as well, i.e., if a launcher with an armed enveloping plasma torpedo is destroyed on Impulse #28, can it be held over the turn break and get launched on Impulse #2 of the next turn?
      ANSWER: Rule (FP1.71) does not provide an override to the restrictions of enveloping plasma torpedoes and shotgun plasma torpedoes. If such torpedoes could be created during the turn through reserve power there would be a case, but an enveloping plasma torpedo or shotgun torpedo must be launched by the end of the turn in which it was armed. The destruction of the launcher does not change that status. Note that plasma-R torpedoes form an exception because they can (and often are) armed in mid-turn using reserve power to complete a weapon held by rolling delay.
      Chris Proper asks a follow-up question: Rule (FP1.961) allows for a held torpedo to be upgraded with reserve power, but the resulting torpedo cannot be held past the end of the turn. Could such a torpedo use (FP1.72) to launch during the subsequent turn?
      ANSWER:  Rule (FP1.961) says it cannot be held past the end of the turn.
(End of Ask Growler )


     Q: Does the Hydran MTG upgrade a MB to a BATS in the same way as the regular production tug or does it take two of them to perform the base upgrade? In simpler terms, is the MTG an LTT or a tug?
     A: It is a tug. It's nearly as big as a cruiser-based tug.
     Q: I found a reference in an expansion to tug missions AA and AB, but no reference to them in the 2010 rulebook.
     A: They were redesignated J3 and J4, respectively. When we update the expansions, that will get fixed.
     Q: Did the ability of theater transports (TTs) change in  F&E 2010 in so far as how they carry PDUs? Rule (539.72) of Strategic Operations states that a single theater transport can carry and deploy one PDU.
     A: Changes were made! In  F&E 2010 many previous rules were consolidated, updated, and even changed. Under (509.1-K1) groups of three theater transports can deliver a PDU (509.22). A re-study of the engineering showed that no single theater transport could manage the delivery and installation of a PDU.
     Q: If a colony is being established in a captured province, does the tug performing the mission count (430.22) as the province garrison?
     A: If the tug is performing any mission other than A, B, G, L, M, N, P, Q, R, or S, it cannot be counted as either a planetary or a provincial garrison.
(End of F&E Q&A)


     Q: I was reading the Kzinti history and am confused by this passage: "...produce a new litter of children every year. Some females have given birth to over 20 offspring. A colony of a thousand mated couples can grow to a million inhabitants in a few decades." To clarify, is that 20 offspring in one litter?

     A: Kzinti females have three to four offspring per litter, 20 in a lifetime of childbearing.

     If you want more information, check out this page:

     Send questions to Jean at and SVC will decide which one Jean will answer next.
(End of Ask Aunt Jean )

Cool Stuff on the Website

In this section we will provide links to various web pages and items that we think you will find "cool".
Here is a links to our new page about our new upcoming game:
Tribbles vs Klingons
Here are links to the new pages of Starline 2500 miniatures pictures.
Starline 2500 Battleships page
Starline 2500 Federation Miniatures
Starline 2500 Klingon Miniatures
Starline 2500 Romulan Miniatures
Star Fleet Command
Starline 2500
Traveller Prime Directive
Call to Arms Star Fleet

We have also uploaded new Xander wallpapers to our Wallpapers section on the website.

We have new images of our next game Star Fleet Marines posted on our BBS topic page.


These are the press releases we send to the wholesalers, retailers, and media. You can get on the mailing list for them by asking to add you to the list. (Obviously, they are free.) They are uploaded to the Star Fleet Alert page

Alert 120910 FC Reinforcements Attack (Adobe Reader Required)
Alert 120718 Captain's Log #45 (Adobe Reader Required)
Alert 120626 Platinum Hat (Adobe Reader Required)
Alert 120327 Starmada (Adobe Reader Required)
Alert 120227 Marines (Adobe Reader Required)
Alert 120123 Romulans PD20M (Adobe Reader Required)
Alert 111129 CL44 (Adobe Reader Required)
Alert 110830 OMRB (Adobe Reader Required)
Alert 110615 Mongoose (Adobe Reader Required)
Alert 110504 GURPS Fed & C3A
(Adobe Reader Required)

FC Tactic of the Month

Many players of Federation Commander think of the plasma-F torpedo as inferior to the other "big" plasma launchers (G, S, and R). This is perhaps a holdover from Star Fleet Battles, where the plasma-F torpedo is not as powerful as it is in Federation Commander. Players often see the plasma-F torpedo simply as "padding" to protect the larger plasma launchers from damage.
     However, if we take a closer look at this excellent weapon, we will see why, at least on Gorn, Orion, and Federation ships, it can be better, when receiving damage, to "lose" a larger plasma torpedo launcher instead of automatically disabling a plasma-F torpedo launcher. The carronade function is the real heart of this tactical article. If you are flying a Romulan ship, which cannot have the carronade function, you need read no further.
     Here are the three main reasons why a captain should seriously consider disabling a larger plasma torpedo launcher when receiving damage, instead of blindly applying the traditional "plasma-F torpedoes are for padding" approach used by most players.
     o 1. Plasma-F torpedoes have no holding cost.
     o 2. You can use the carronade function.
     o 3. The plasma-F torpedo is more flexible than the plasma-G torpedo in terms of tactical choices.
     o 4. And ... you can use the carronade function.
(FC Tactic of the Month continues here)

SFB Tactic of the Month

     Attacking a large base (base station or above) can be tricky because of the power of phaser-4s. However, if you are willing to take some damage on the way in, a good way to deal with the base and tremendously amplify your damage is to use T-bombs.
     Charge the base and, at Range 3 or less to the target hex, place as big a stack of T-bombs as you can in an empty hex adjacent to the base. Preferably, transport the mines by dropping a shield that does not directly face the base. Set the mines to detonate for any size class, radius one. Then use launched shuttlecraft and/or drones to blow your own mines, thereby punching a hole in the base's shield. Because the base can only rotate slowly, you time the explosions to occur so that you will have at least several subsequent impulses to fire through the base's now down shield. Additionally, because of how mines detonate, you are likely only going to set off some of the mines. That means you can achieve two separate volleys of damage per impulse, which will quickly strip the base of weapons. Depending on the forces involved, you could strip the base of weapons in just one turn, and thereby suffer only one blast from the base for your efforts.
(SFB Tactic of the Month continues here)


Starline 2500 Lyran Light Cruiser
See the other images here.

Orion OK6

Chef Steve on his trip at the Wolf Sanctuary

Chef Steve