Stock #0020, $13.95
Huge map with 1.25 inch hexes usable with miniatures or megahex counters.
Hex Map Packs are only available as PDFs from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
HEX MAP PACK #1, Stock #0025, $2.95
Note: see Squadron Boxes (4300+) and Border Boxes (4400+) under Federation Commander for more of the same ships in different packages/assortments.
Shapeways note: Many of our ships have versions in either the Omni Scale (fighters, gunboats, monsters, etc.) or 3788 Scale. These versions may not match exactly as we took the opportunity to add detail or to fix known problems with sizing or other details.
Pack of six metal stands (plastic bases), Stock #0011, $9.95
B10 heavy metal stand, Stock #0013, $3.95
Sensor dishes (five on a bar), Stock #0018, $3.00
SFB Cruiser Box #1 (Federation, Kzinti, Gorn, Tholian, Hydran, and ISC command cruisers), Stock #0031, $55.95
SFB Cruiser Box #2 (Klingon, Romulan FH, Romulan WE, Orion, Lyran, and Andromedan ships), Stock #0032, $49.95
Kit Bash Pack #1, Stock #0041, $15.00 (Out of stock, no restock date set)
Kit Bash Pack #2, Stock #0042, $15.00(Out of stock, no restock date set)
Kit Bash Pack #3, Stock #0043, $15.00 (Out of stock, no restock date set)
Drones (pack of six), Stock #0051, $24.95
Plasma torpedoes (R, 2xS, 4xF), Stock #0052, $24.95
Shuttlecraft (pack of 12), Stock #0061, $35.95 Omni Scale set of six available
Federation F18 fighters (pack of 12), Stock #0062, $49.95 Omni Scale set of six available
Klingon Z-Y fighters (pack of 12), Stock #0063, $49.95 Omni Scale set of six available
Romulan Gladiator fighters (pack of 12), Stock #0064, $49.95 Omni Scale set of six available
Kzinti TAAS fighters (pack of 12), Stock #0065, $35.95 Omni Scale set of six available
Tholian Spider fighters (pack of 12), Stock #0067, $35.95 Omni Scale set of six available
Hydran Stinger fighters (pack of 12), Stock #0069, $49.95 Omni Scale set of six available
Juggernaut, metal, 4.375” long, Stock #0080, $29.95 Omni Scale Available
Planet killer, Stock #0081, $24.95 Omni Scale Available
Moray eel of space, Stock #0083, $9.95 Omni Scale Available
Bases & Freighters Fleet Box (SB, BATS, LF, SF, FT, Police), Stock #0100, $59.95
Starbase, Stock #0101, $17.95
Battle station, Stock #0102, $10.95 Omni Scale Available
Base station, Stock #0103, $9.95 Omni Scale Available
Convoy (large and small freighter), Stock #0105, $19.95
Armed priority transport, Stock #0108, $6.95
Cops & Robbers (Federation police, free trader, Orion LR), Stock #0109, $17.95
Free Trader, Stock #0109-1, $6.95
Federation Express fast courier, Stock #0111, $6.95
Large and small auxiliaries, Stock #0113, $24.95
Large ore carrier, Stock #0123, $16.95
Mobile base, Stock #0124, $9.95
Commercial platform, Stock #0129, $6.95
Planetary defense monitor, Stock #0122, $7.95 Omni Scale Available
Auxiliary weapons bars (pair), Stock #0131, $3.95
Class-II large freighter, Stock #0132, $12.95 Omni Scale Available
Class-III jumbo freighter, Stock #0133, $13.95 Omni Scale Available
Class IV heavy freighter, Stock #0134, $19.95 Omni Scale Available
One-pod belly pack, Stock #0135, $4.00
Two-pod belly pack, Stock #0136, $9.00
Death probe, Stock #0189, $8.95 Omni Scale Available
Space boar, Stock #0198, $9.95
Federation Fleet Box (BC, NCA, NCL, CL, FF), Stock #0200, $39.95
Federation Fleet Box #3 (SCS, BB, HDW, DW, GSC, CA), Stock #0203, $61.95
Federation Fleet Box #4 (DNH, CS, DDL, FBB, SC), Stock #0210, $39.95
Federation Carrier Group Box (CVS, NCL, FF, 12 fighters), Stock #0214, $69.95
- - - - -
Federation heavy cruiser (CA), Stock #0204, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation old light cruiser (CL), Stock #0205, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation command cruiser (CC), Stock #0211, $8.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation CC saucer, Stock #0211-1, $5.00
Federation police ship, Stock #0212, $6.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation fast cruiser and survey cruiser, Stock #0216, $15.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Federation survey cruiser, Stock #0216-1, $8.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation fast cruiser, Stock #0216-2, $8.00 Available on Shapeways
Federation new light cruiser (NCL) and frigate (FF), Stock #0218, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Federation NCL, Stock #0218-1, $9.50 Available on Shapeways
Federation frigate, Stock #0218-2, $7.00 Available on Shapeways
Federation frigate squadron (3xFF), Stock #0225, $19.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Federation scout and fast destroyer (DDF), Stock #0227, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Federation scout, Stock #0227-2, $8.50 Available on Shapeways
Federation fast destroyer (DDF), Stock #0227-3, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation destroyer (drone) (DDG) and destroyer (plasma) (DDL), Stock #0228, $14.95
Federation strike carrier (CVS), Stock #0229, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation strike cruiser, Stock #0231, $10.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation space control ship, Stock #0232, $11.95
Federation battlecruiser, Stock #0233 $11.50 Available on Shapeways
Federation light tactical transport (LTT), Stock #0238, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation old heavy cruiser, Stock #0239, $8.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation battle frigate, Stock #0250, $9.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation dreadnought (DNG), Stock #0261, $16.95 Available on Shapeways as the Guided Weapons Dreadnought
Federation war destroyer, Stock #0265, $10.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation battleship, Stock #0273, $22.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation new heavy cruiser (NCA), Stock #0277, $10.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation heavy war destroyer, Stock #0285, $14.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation heavy dreadnought (DNH) and fast dreadnought (DNL), Stock #0292, $21.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Federation heavy dreadnought (DNH), Stock #0292-1, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation DNL, Stock #0292-2, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation fast carrier, Stock #0296, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation new fast cruiser, Stock #0298, $13.95 Available on Shapeways
Federation operational carrier (CVO), Stock #0299, $24.95 Available on Shapeways
Klingon Fleet Box (C8, T7, D7, D5, F5), Stock #0300, $59.95
Klingon B10 Battleship Box (B10, E4, E5, F6, E7), Stock #0301, $39.95 (This IS Klingon fleet box 2)
Klingon Fleet Box #3 (C7, D6M, D7V, D5W, D6S), Stock #0302, $49.95
Klingon Carrier Group Box (D7V, D5, F5, 12 fighters), Stock #0315, $69.95
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Klingon C8 dreadnought, Stock #0303, $17.95 Available on Shapeways
Klingon D7 battlecruiser (one piece), Stock #0304, $9.95 Available on Shapeways
Klingon F5 Squadron (3xF5), Stock #0306, $19.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Klingon T7 tug with two pods, Stock #0307, $24.95 Available on Shapeways
Klingon cargo pod, Stock #0307-2, $7.95
Klingon B10 battleship, Stock #0317, $29.95 Available on Shapeways
Klingon B10 Battleship boom section, Stock #0317-2, $9.95 Available on Shapeways
Klingon D5 and F5, Stock #0323, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Klingon D5 war cruiser, Stock #0323-1, $8.50 Available on Shapeways
Klingon F5 (one), Stock #0323-2, $7.00 Available on Shapeways
Klingon D7K, Stock #0331, $13.95 Available on Shapeways
Klingon D6M mauler, Stock #0333, $7895 Available on Shapeways
Klingon D7V strike carrier, Stock #0344, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Klingon D6S heavy scout (also used for D6E, D7E, D6P, D6D), Stock #0347, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Klingon E4 escort and F6 Frignaut, Stock #0364, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Klingon F6 Frignaut, Stock #0364-1, $8.50 Available on Shapeways
Klingon E4 escort, Stock #0364-2, $7.00 Available on Shapeways
Klingon E5 escort and E7 cruiser, Stock #0365, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Klingon E5 escort, Stock #0365-1, $7.00 Available on Shapeways
Klingon E7 cruiser, Stock #0365-2, $8.50 Available on Shapeways
Klingon C7 heavy battlecruiser, Stock #0372, $16.95 Available on Shapeways
Klingon B9 fast battleship, Stock #0385, $24.95 Available on Shapeways
Klingon D5W heavy cruiser, Stock #0389, $9.95 Available on Shapeways
Klingon C5 light dreadnought, Stock #0394, $15.95 Available on Shapeways
Klingon F5W Squadron (pack of 3), Stock #0397, $19.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Klingon F5W (one), Stock #0397-1, $7.00 Available on Shapeways
Klingon Warrior, Stock #0399, $6.95
Romulan Fleet Box (Condor, FireHawk/RoyalHawk, SparrowHawk, SkyHawk, SeaHawk), Stock #0400, $39.95
Romulan Fleet Box #2 (Vulture, War Eagle, Hawk, Falcon, Snipe), Stock #0401, $39.95
Romulan Carrier Group Box (FH, SP, SK, 18 fighters), Stock #0405, $69.95
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Romulan War Eagle and Snipe, Stock #0403, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Romulan War Eagle (Warbird, War Eagle, King Eagle are same mini), Stock #0403-1, $8.50 Available on Shapeways, King Eagle is a separate mini
Romulan Snipe, Stock #0403-2, $7.00 Available on Shapeways
Romulan Condor, Stock #0406, $15.95 Available on Shapeways
Romulan SparrowHawk, Stock #0414, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Romulan SkyHawk and SeaHawk, Stock #0421, $10.95 Available separately on Shapeways
Romulan SkyHawk, Stock #0421-1, $5.95 Available on Shapeways
Romulan SeaHawk, Stoc #04212, $5.50 Available on Shapeways
Romulan FireHawk (also used for RoyalHawk), Stock #0438, $8.95 Available on Shapeways, Royal Hawk is a separate mini
Romulan Hawk and Falcon, Stock #0446, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Romulan BattleHawk, Stock #0446-1, $7.00 Available on Shapeways
Romulan Falcon mauler, Stock #0466-2, $8.50 Available on Shapeways
Romulan King Condor battleship, Stock # 0481, $24.95 Available on Shapeways
Romulan Shrike light dreadnought, Stock # 0493, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
Romulan Vulture, Stock #0494, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
Kzinti Fleet Box (DN, BC, DW, FF, TG), Stock #0500, $39.95
Kzinti Carrier Group Box (CVS, MEC, DWE, 12 fighters), Stock #0501, $59.95
- - - - -
Kzinti battlecruiser (also used for BC, CA, CS), Stock #0503 $8.95 Available on Shapeways
Kzinti CVE and destroyer (DD), Stock #0510, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Kzinti light cruiser (CL, also used for the CVE), Stock # 0510-1, $8.50 Available on Shapeways
Kzinti destroyer (DD, also used for PFT, DDE, and DDV), Stock #0510-2, $7.00 Available on Shapeways
Kzinti tug with 2 pods, Stock #0512, $10.95 Available on Shapeways
Kzinti pod, Stock #0512-2, $3
Kzinti medium cruiser (CM), Stock #0519, $8.95 Available on Shapeways
Kzinti dreadnought, Stock #0542, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
Kzinti heavy battlecruiser (also used for CVS), Stock #0543, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Kzinti war destroyer (DW) and frigate (FF, also used for FFK, FFE, FFH), Stock #0544, $14.95 Available on Shapeways
Kzinti war destroyer (DW), Stock #0544-1, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Kzinti frigate (FF, also used for FFK, FFE, FFH), Stock #0544-2, $7.50 FFK only available on Shapeways
Kzinti battleship (BB), Stock #0557, $18.95 Available on Shapeways
Kzinti new heavy cruiser (NCA), Stock # 0562, $13.95. Available on Shapeways
Kzinti light raiding dreadnought (DNL), Stock #0573, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
Gorn Fleet Box (DN, BC, CL, TG, DD), Stock #0600, $39.95
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Gorn light cruiser and destroyer, Stock #0603, $16.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Gorn light cruiser (also used for HDD), Stock #0603-1, $9.95 Available on Shapeways
Gorn destroyer, Stock #0603-2, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Gorn tug (also used for HDT) with pod, Stock #0605, $9.95 Available on Shapeways
Gorn pod, Stock #0605-2, $3.00
Gorn dreadnought, Stock #0611, $15.95 Available on Shapeways
Gorn battle destroyer, Stock #0617, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Gorn battlecruiser (also used for medium cruiser), Stock #0619, $12.95 Available on Shapeways, Medium Cruiser is a separate mini
Gorn heavy battlecruiser, Stock #0640, $14.95 Available on Shapeways
Gorn battleship, Stock #0647, $19.95 Available on Shapeways
Gorn light dreadnought, Stock #0662, $12.95 Available on Shapeways
Gorn DNC Dreadnought-Cruiser, Stock #0698, out of stock. Available on Shapeways
Gorn BDX advanced battle destroyer, Stock #0699, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Tholian Fleet Box (NDN, NCA, DN, CA, CW, PC), Stock #0700, $39.95 Available on Shapeways separately
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Tholian Neo-Tholian light cruiser (NCL) and destroyer (DD), Stock #0704, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Tholian DD (with photons), Stock #0704-1, $7.50 Available on Shapeways
Neo-Tholian NCL, Stock #0704-2, $8.50 Available on Shapeways
Tholian dreadnought, Stock #0705-1, $8.95 Available on Shapeways
Tholian Neo-Tholian cruiser (NCA) and cruiser (CA), Stock #0706, $15.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Tholian TK5, Stock #0717, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Tholian war cruiser (CW) and patrol corvette (PC), Stock #0719, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Tholian PC, Stock #0719-2, $7.50 Available on Shapeways
Neo-Tholian battleship, Stock #0760, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
Neo-Tholian dreadnought, Stock #0762-1, $9.95 Available on Shapeways
Neo-Tholian destroyer and frigate, Stock #0771, $12.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Neo-Tholian heavy dreadnought, Stock #0774, $10.95 Available on Shapeways
Orion Fleet Box (BC, CA, SAL, BR, CR, LR), Stock #0800, $39.95
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Orion Raiders (BR, LR, CR), Stock #0802, $19.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Orion Raider Cruiser, Stock #0802-1, $7.00 Available on Shapeways
Orion Light Raider, Stock #0802-2, $7.00 Available on Shapeways
Orion Battle Raider, Stock #0802-3, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Orion Heavies (BC, CA, SAL), Stock #0803, $22.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Orion heavy cruiser, Stock #0803-1, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Orion Salvage Cruiser, Stock #0803-2, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Orion battlecruiser, Stock #0803-3, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Orion Slaver, Stock #0805, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Orion Double Raider, Stock #0814, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Orion OK6 heavy cruiser, Stock #0815, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Orion war destroyer, Stock #0818-1, $7.00 Available on Shapeways
Orion dreadnought: Stock #0826, $9.95 Available on Shapeways
Hydran Fleet Box (DN, CA, CW, DD, DW, FF), Stock #0900, $39.95
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Hydran Ranger Cruiser, Stock #0902, $9.95 Available on Shapeways
Hydran destroyer and frigate, Stock #0903, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Hydran Lancer destroyer, Stock #0903-1, $8.50 Available on Shapeways
Hydran Hunter frigate, Stock #0903-2, $7.00 Available on Shapeways
Hydran Paladin dreadnought, Stock #0904, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
Hydran Pegasus light cruiser, Stock #0912, $9.95 Available on Shapeways
Hydran pallet, Stock #0921-1, $3.00
Hydran Gendarme police cutter, Stock #0939, $5.95 Available on Shapeways
Hydran Overlord heavy battlecruiser, Stock #0943, $8.95 Available on Shapeways
Hydran war cruiser and war destroyer Stock #0949, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Hydran Mongol war cruiser, Stock #0949-1, $8.50 Available on Shapeways
Hydran Buffalo Hunter war destroyer, Stock #0949-2, $7.00 Available on Shapeways
Hydran Monarch battleship, Stock #0955, $13.95 Available on Shapeways
Hydran Mohawk new heavy cruiser (NCA), Stock # 0961, $9.95 Available on Shapeways
Hydran Liege light dreadnought, Stock #0982, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
Andromedan Fleet Box (Dom, Int, Conq, Python, 3xCobra), Stock #1000, $67.95
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Andromedan Dominator, Stock #1002, $19.95 Available on Shapeways
Andromedan Intruder and 3 satellites, Stock #1003, $32.95 Intruder and Cobra available on Shapeways
Andromedan Cobra, Stock #1003-2, $5.00 Available on Shapeways
Andromedan Terminator, Stock #1006, $5.95 Available on Shapeways
Andromedan Conquistador and Python, Stock #1008, $16.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Andromedan Conquistador, Stock #1008-1, $10.95 Available on Shapeways
Andromedan Python, Stock #1008-2, $7.00 Available on Shapeways
Lyran Fleet Box (DN, CA, CW, DD, DW, FF, Pallets), Stock #1100, $49.95
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Lyran Lion dreadnought, Stock #1102, $10.95 Available on Shapeways
Lyran Tiger heavy cruiser, Stock #1104, $8.95 Available on Shapeways
Lyran destroyer (DD) and frigate (FF), Stock #1106, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Lyran war cruiser (CW) and war destroyer (DW), Stock #1113, $17.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Lyran war cruiser, Stock #1113-1, $10.95 Available on Shapeways
Lyran tug with two pallets, Stock #1116, $12.95 Available on Shapeways
Lyran pallet, Stock #1118-1, $2.00 Available on Shapeways
Lyran Sabertooth Tiger mauler, Stock #1121, $13.95 Available on Shapeways
Lyran light cruiser (CL) and battlecruiser (BC), Stock #1136, $15.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Lyran light cruiser, Stock #1136-2, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
Lyran Cave Lion battleship, Stock #1147, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
Lyran new heavy cruiser, Stock #1152, $8.95 Available on Shapeways
Lyran light dreadnought, Stock #1163, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
WYN Fleet Box (Four Fish ships: CA, CW, DW, FF, and two auxiliaries: small, large), Stock #1200, $57.95
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WYN Shark heavy cruiser, Stock #1227, $12.95 Available on Shapeways
WYN warships (Fish: CW, DW, FF), Stock #1223, $27.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Large and small auxiliaries, Stock #0113, $15.95
ISC Fleet Box (DN, CA, CL, DD, 2xFF), Stock #1300, $44.95
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ISC dreadnought, Stock #1302, $13.95 Available on Shapeways
ISC heavy cruiser and frigate, Stock #1306, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
ISC light cruiser and destroyer, Stock #1309, $14.95 Available on Shapeways separately
ISC Gunline Pack (2xDD and 3xFF), Stock #1317, $19.95 Available on Shapeways separately
ISC fleet tug with pods, Stock #1322, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
ISC battleship, Stock #1344, $13.95 Available on Shapeways
Seltorian Fleet Box: See Squadron Box #13, Stock #4313, $49.95
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Seltorian dreadnought, Stock #1502, $16.95 Available on Shapeways
Seltorian heavy battlecruiser, Stock #1503, $16.95 Available on Shapeways
Seltorian heavy cruiser, Stock #1504, $14.95 Available on Shapeways
Seltorian Warships (CL, DD, FF), Stock #1505, $21.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Seltorian light dreadnought and new heavy cruiser, Stock #1525, $22.95 New Heavy Cruiser is available on Shapeways
Seltorian battlewagon, Stock #1526, $19.95
Vudar Fleet Box: See Squadron Box #28, Stock #4328, $39.95
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Vudar dreadnought, Stock #1705, $14.95 Available on Shapeways
Vudar heavy cruiser, Stock #1707, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
Vudar Warships (CW, DW, FW), Stock #1709, $26.95 Available on Shapeways separately
Vudar war cruiser, Stock #1709-1, $10.95 Available on Shapeways
Vudar war destroyer, Stock #1709-2, $8.95 Available on Shapeways
Vudar war frigate, Stock #1709-3, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
STAR FLEET MARINES: ASSAULT, Stock #2101, $34.95
First module in the series, ground combat in the Star Fleet Universe. Each counter is a squad. Sequence of play includes opportunity fire and pinning enemy units.
Second module in the series. Adds new rules (external passengers, outposts, fighting your way into bases), new units (ground weapons vehicles, heavy shuttles, ground bombardment shuttles), new terrain (cliffs, depressions, higher hills), and 11 new scenarios.
Contains all the published for Star Fleet Marines and the scenarios from Assault and Last Stand. A2do includes material from Captain’s Log and newsletters. Only available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
These are released as epacks as indicated
STAR FLEET MARINES: COUNTER-ATTACK, Stock #2107, $1.50 Has empire-specific counters for the Federation, Klingons, Romulans, Kzintis, Gorns, and Tholians. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
STAR FLEET MARINES: COUNTER-STRIKE, Stock #2108, $1.50 Has empire-specific counters for the ISC, Orion Pirates, Hydrans, Andromedans, Lyrans, and WYNs. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
STAR FLEET MARINES: COUNTER-PUNCH, Stock #2109, $1.50 Has empire-specific counters for the Lyran Democratic Republic (LDR), Vudar, Paravians, Seltorians, Carnivons, and Jindarians. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
This anthology was released as a trade paperback in 2007. In 2015 it was re-edited and re-released as an 8.5x11 paperback, an ebook, and a Kindle book. It is available in print and as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, WV, DTF, and AMZ.
BATTLE DAMAGE: CODE RED, Stock #T3001, $2.95.
This is a play aid for Star Fleet Battles, Designer’s Edition. While the cards do not reflect the actual damage your ship would receive if using the Damage Alllocation Chart, some players have found this an interesting, faster addition to play. It is available only as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION & EMPIRE; see Stock #5006 for core game.
F&E REINFORCEMENTS, Stock #3201, $29.95
Five extra sheets of counters (over 1000 pieces) including the new sheet TWO from F&E2K4, the new sheet R+S available nowhere but in Reinforcements, the new 280-counter sheet N+O (2015) from Advanced Operations, sheet VV from Fighter Operations, and sheet MM from Combined Operations. Permanently out of stock, July 2019. Order counters as “spare parts.”
F&E FIGHTER OPERATIONS, 2016, Stock #3203, $34.95
Flexible carrier groups and much more. Includes carriers from SFB modules J2 and R10. Updated in 2016. Sector B map, two copies of Countersheet I+J, Coulntersheet G+G, Countersheet V+V, plus rulebook. Rulebook available separately in print from ADB or as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
F&E PLANETARY OPERATIONS 2021, Stock #3204. $24.95
Covers advanced raids, Marine major generals, Tholian webs, depot level repair, planetary repair docks, conversion during repair, rapid combat repair, colonies, advanced deficit spending, trade with WYN Cluster, minor and medium shipyards, production overrides, allowable substitutions, police flagships, police carriers, espionage & sabotage, megafighters, resistance movements, and much more. Revised in 2021. Includes two copies of Countersheet Three, the Depot Level Repair Chart, and a few copies of the Curtis Combat Calculation Chart. Rulebook available separately in print from ADB or as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
F&E COMBINED OPERATIONS 2021, Stock #3207, $29.95
Commando units and many other rules. Revised in 2021.
Rulebook available separately in print from ADB or as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
F&E ADVANCED OPERATIONS, Stock #3209, $39.95
X-ships, PF mech links, and dozens of new ships. New for 2015, sheet N+O has 280 counters. Rulebook available separately in print from ADB or as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
F&E ISC WAR, Stock #3210. $47.95
The final empire comes to F&E with this massive product, released in June 2011.
ISC ships, Y186 orders of battle for all empires, one grand scenario, one regional scenario, and two ideas for other scenarios.
Six sheets of die-cut counters.
Rulebook available separately in print from ADB or as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Chartbook available separately in print from ADB or as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
F&E STRATEGIC OPERATIONS, Stock #3211. $24.95
Hospital ships to un-devastate planets. Sector bases to bolster defenses. Operational bases to move the fight toward the enemy. Small transports to move around small things (money, people, etc.). Dozens of new ship types. Engineers to build defenses. Survey ships to find money. Diplomat that make deals that could delay war or just make money! And give it all a spin in the new scenario Maelstrom! Three sheets of double-sided counters, plus rulebook.
Rulebook available separately in print from ADB or as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
F&E MINOR EMPIRES, Stock #3214. $36.95
Introducing the Lyran Democratic Republic, the Vudar Enclave, and the Seltorian Tribunal to Federation & Empire! And there are five new scenarios to explore. Three copies of Countersheet Five, one copy of Countersheet Six, three depot charts, three fleet charts, plus rulebook. Rulebook available separately in print from ADB or as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
F&E TACTICAL OPERATIONS, Stock #3216. $45.95
X-maulers, war cruiser leaders, war destroyer leaders, light gunboat tenders, and stellar fortresses make their appearance. There are also new shipyard functions and flexible command points. In addition, there are four new scenarios to explore. The module includes three copies of Countersheet Tango and one copy of Countersheet Oscar, plus the rulebook. Rulebook available separately in print from ADB or as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
SFB MODULE D3 BOOMS AND SAUCERS, Stock #3553, $6.00 for B&W Reprint edition, no color cover
$4.95 B&W ebook edition on W23, DTRPG, and WV
$7.50 color ebook edition on W23, DTRPG, and WV
Scenarios and SSDs dealing with separated Klingon booms, Federation saucers, and Neo-Tholian rear hulls.
STELLAR SHADOW JOURNAL #1, Stock #3601, $9.95
Everything that couldn’t happen just did in this shadow of the universe. Heavy PFs, the Peladine Republic, the original Federation “flatbed” CVA, the warp gyroscope, and more. Also includes impossible material for F&E and Prime Directive.
Stellar Shadow Journal #2 was published as Captain’s Log #28.
Also available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
The first element in a new starship combat game system. Designed for fast and easy play with a minimum of rules. Think of the old SFB pocket game but without all of its mistakes and unfinished concepts. Fewer impulses, simpler energy allocation, faster damage resolution, less record keeping, all add up to faster action. Full-color 1” counters. Boosters 1-2-3 have ships for Klingon Border.
A standalone “second entry point” with complete rules, mounted maps, counters, 16 full-color ship cards, and six map panels. Boosters 7-8-9 have ships for Romulan Border.
A complete FCKB rulebook, a paper map, four ships, a special set of counters, and reference cards. Basically, a low-cost way to try out the game system.
Available as an ebook with a hex map page, along with PDFs of the ships, counters, and reference card from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Everything from Klingon Border that is not in Academy. Basically, allows players who started with Academy to “get even” with Klingon Border and then easily add further products.
Everything from Romulan Border that is NOT duplicated in Klingon Border.
Extra copies of battleship ship cards and three new scenarios.
Everything from Klingon Border that is NOT duplicated in Romulan Border.
Complete guide to tactics for Federation Commander.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
The long-awaited sixth edition (also known as Revision Six) book including all of the rules from all of the products, fully updated. (This does not include scenarios or ship descriptions.)
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
64-page book with 24 scenarios, master ship chart, six new ships, index of scenarios, scenario writer’s guide.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
- - - - -
FC: Briefing #1 Loose SSDs, Stock #4021-2, $1.20
96-page book covering the Middle Years. 72 ships (black and white, not laminated), 10 scenarios, master ship chart, tactics guide.
Available as an ebook (broken into seven sections with color ships) from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
A compilation of the scenarios that appeared in Captain’s Log #32-#50, newly edited to be consistent.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
A compilation of the scenarios that appeared in Communique #1-#85, newly edited to be consistent.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
16 new full-color ship cards, scenarios, 40 one-inch and 108 half-inch counters. Boosters 4-5-6 have ships for Klingon Attack.
16 new full-color ship cards, scenarios, 40 one-inch and 108 half-inch counters. Boosters 10-11-12 have ships for Romulan Attack.
16 new full-color ship cards, scenarios, 40 one-inch and 108 half-inch counters. Boosters 13-14-15 have ships for Tholian Attack.
8 new full-color double-size battleship cards, scenarios, 40 one-inch and 108 half-inch counters. Boosters 16-17-18 have ships for Battleships Attack.
16 new full-color ship cards, plus two double-size battleship cards, scenarios, 40 one-inch and 108 half-inch counters. Boosters 19-20-21 have ships for Distant Kingdoms.
16 new full-color ship cards, plus four sheets of play-aid cards, seven scenarios, 40 one-inch and 108 half-inch counters. Boosters 22-23-24 have ships for Orion Attack.
Includes more ships for Hydrans, Lyrans, and WYNs (basically “Distant Kingdoms II”). 16 new full-color ship cards, seven scenarios, 40 one-inch and 140 half-inch counters, plus 40 more one-inch counters to match Boosters 91-92 and Transports Attacked. Boosters 25-26-27 have ships for Hydran Attack.
New empires (Vudar, ISC, Andromedan) with rules for weapons and technology. 16 new full-color ship cards, one double-size battleship card, seven scenarios, 40 one-inch and 140 half-inch counters. Boosters 28-29-30 have ships for War & Peace.
New ships (tugs and light transports). 16 new full-color ship cards, scenarios, and rules for pods. Boosters 31-32-33 have ships for Transports Attacked.
New ships for all empires. Includes 15 new full-color ships, a battle station, the sun snake, and two cards for small ground bases. 40 one-inch and 140 half-inch counters. Eight new scenarios. Boosters 34-35-36 have ships for Reinforcements Attack.
These include seven or eight ship cards, including one or two new ships.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #1, Stock #4201, $19.95, Federation Task Force
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #2, Stock #4202, $19.95, Klingon Harassment Squadron
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #3, Stock #4203, $19.95, Border Patrols and Mercenaries
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #4, Stock #4204, $19.95, Federation Response Force
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #5, Stock #4205, $9.95, Klingon Aggressor Squadron
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #6, Stock #4206, $9.95, Kzinti Reinforcements
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #7, Stock #4207, $9.95, Federation Reinforcements
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #8, Stock #4208, $9.95, The Battle of Tekezeal
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #9, Stock #4209, $9.95, Romulan 3rd Star Legion
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #10, Stock #4210, $19.95, The Battle of Zulu Station
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #11, Stock #4211, $9.95, Gorn Assault Force
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #12, Stock #4212, $29.95, Romulan 4th Star Legion
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #13, Stock #4213, $9.95, Battle of the Hook
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #14, Stock #4214, $9.95, Assault on Base Station Three
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #15, Stock #4215, $9.95, Raid on Base Station Four
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #16, Stock #4216, $19.95, Alliance Dreadnoughts
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #17, Stock #4217, $9.95, Gods of War
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #18, Stock #4218, $9.95, Titans of the Stars
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #19, Stock #4219, $9.95, Lyrans Trap Hydran Raiders
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #20, Stock #4220, $9.95, Hydran First Fleet
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #21, Stock #4221, $9.95, Lyrans vs. WYNs
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #22, Stock #4222, $9.95, Lyrans, Hydrans, & Pirates
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #23, Stock #4223, $9.95, Romulans, Gorns, & Pirates
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #24, Stock #4224, $9.95, Orion Armada
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #25, Stock #4225, $9.95, Lyran Fire Squadron
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #26, Stock #4226, $9.95, Hydran Second Fleet
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #27, Stock #4227, $9.95, Battle without Hope
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #28, Stock #4228, $9.95, Freedom Force
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #29, Stock #4229, $9.95, ISC Peacekeepers
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #30, Stock #4230, $9.95, The Invasion Begins
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #31, Stock #4231, $9.95, Rapid Delivery
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #32, Stock #4232, $9.95, Heavy Load
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #33, Stock #4233, $9.95, Special Delivery
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #34, Stock #4234, $9.95, Fleet Escorts
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #35, Stock #4235, $9.95, Cops and Raiders
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #36, Stock #4236, $9.95, The Heavies
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #37, Stock #4237, $19.95
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #38, Stock #4238, $19.95
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #91, Stock #4291, $9.95, Ship cards that match the Zocchi miniatures in Squadron Box #91 (this squadron box is out of production)
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BOOSTER #92, Stock #4292, $9.95, Drone Ships & Escorts
This is not a traditional booster like the others, but is a preview of future modules. It includes only six ships (Lyran, Hydran, ISC, WYN, Gorn, Romulan) and a set of playtest rules.
These include five (or more) pewter starships from the Starline 2400 range matching the ship cards in the various products.
Six ships. Lyran Tiger cruiser, Hydran Dragoon, Romulan War Eagle, Gorn battlecruiser, ISC Star Cruiser, WYN Black Shark CA. Matches the ships in Booster Zero.
Five Federation ships. Includes battlecruiser, dreadnought, heavy cruiser, old light cruiser, frigate. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Klingon Border.
Five Klingon ships. Includes C8, C7, D7, D6, F5. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Klingon Border.
Seven ships. Includes Kzinti battle cruiser, frigate; Orion Raider; battle station; Tholian patrol corvette; large freighter, small freighter. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Klingon Border.
Six ships. Includes Federation BCJ; police ship, two Free Traders; Kzinti NCA; Tholian destroyer. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Klingon Attack.
Six ships. Includes Klingon D5, D5W, E4; Orion Light Raider (two), Salvage Cruiser. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Klingon Attack.
Five Kzinti ships. Includes dreadnought, heavy battlecruiser, light cruiser, medium cruiser, war destroyer. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Klingon Attack.
Five Federation ships. Includes dreadnought, battlecruiser, new heavy cruiser, war destroyer, new light cruiser. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Romulan Border.
Five ships. Includes Gorn dreadnought, battlecruiser, destroyer; mobile base, Armed Priority Transport. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Romulan Border.
Five Romulan ships. Includes Condor, War Eagle, Kestral KR, BattleHawk, SkyHawk. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Romulan Border.
Five ships. Includes Federation strike cruiser, battle frigate; ore carrier; Gorn light cruiser; Romulan Snipe. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Romulan Attack.
Five Gorn ships. Includes medium cruiser, strike cruiser, heavy battlecruiser, heavy destroyer, battle destroyer. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Romulan Attack.
Five Romulan ships. Includes KF5R destroyer, KC9R dreadnought, King Eagle, FireHawk, SparrowHawk. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Romulan Attack.
Six Seltorian ships. Includes dreadnought, heavy battlecruiser, heavy cruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, frigate. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Tholian Attack.
Five Neo-Tholian ships. Includes dreadnought, heavy cruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, frigate. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Tholian Attack.
Five ships. Includes Tholian heavy cruisers (two); dreadnought, war cruiser; base station. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Tholian Attack.
Five dreadnoughts! Federation light and heavy dreadnoughts. Neo-Tholian heavy dreadnought. Kzinti light dreadnought and dreadnought. Matches the ships in Booster #16.
Five dreadnoughts! Hydran dreadnought and light dreadnought. Klingon C5 light dreadnought. Lyran light dreadnought and dreadnought. Matches the ships in Booster #17.
Five dreadnoughts! Romulan Condor and Shrike dreadnoughts, Romulan KC9R dreadnought, Gorn light dreadnought and dreadnought. Matches the ships in Booster #18.
Five Lyran ships. Includes dreadnought, heavy battlecruiser, heavy cruiser, destroyer, frigate. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Distant Kingdoms.
Five Hydran ships. Includes dreadnought, heavy battlecruiser, heavy cruiser, destroyer, frigate. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Distant Kingdoms.
Five ships. Includes WYN war cruiser, war destroyer, auxiliary battlecruiser; Lyran war cruiser, Hydran war cruiser. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Distant Kingdoms.
Five ships. Includes Orion Battle Raider and war destroyer; large Q-ship; Lyran military police; Hydran Gendarme police ship. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Orion Attack.
Five ships. Includes Orion battlecruiser and Double Raider; small Q-ship; Gorn police frigate; Romulan SeaHawk police frigate.
Matches ships in Federation Commander: Orion Attack.
Five ships. Includes WYN war cruiser, war destroyer, auxiliary battlecruiser; Lyran war cruiser; Hydran war cruiser. Matches ships in Federation Commander: Orion Attack.
Five ships. Includes Lyran new cruiser, light cruiser, war destroyer; Klingon F5W, WYN Barracuda frigate. Matches Federation Commander: Hydran Attack.
Five Hydran ships. Includes heavy cruiser, war cruiser, new heavy cruiser, two war destroyers. Matches Federation Commander: Hydran Attack.
Five ships. Includes Hydran Pegasus, destroyer, frigate; WYN auxiliary cruiser; Kzinti frigate. Matches Federation Commander: Hydran Attack.
Five Vudar ships. Includes dreadnought, heavy cruiser, war cruiser, war destroyer, war frigate. Matches ships in Federation Commander: War & Peace.
Five ISC ships. Includes dreadnought, heavy cruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, frigate. Matches ships in Federation Commander: War & Peace.
Seven Andromedan ships. Includes Intruder heavy cruiser, Conquistador light cruiser, Python destroyer, four Cobra frigates. Matches ships in Federation Commander: War & Peace.
The five famous Zocchi Plastic ships: Federation dreadnought, heavy cruiser, destroyer, scout, tug. Matches ships in Booster #91. No longer available as of April 3, 2019.
Each contains 24 miniatures (except for Border Box #6 which has 10 miniatures), matching ships for a set of boosters for a product. Combining a border box and the three associated squadron boxes will provide one miniature for all 40 counters in the associated product.
Two each of Federation heavy cruisers, light cruisers, and frigates; four Klingon cruisers and two frigates; two each of Kzinti cruisers and frigates; a Tholian cruiser and patrol ship; and an Orion Raider. Matches ships in Boosters #1-#3.
Klingon D7 (paint as an FD7) and two each of the D5, D5W, and E4; Federation police ship and fast cruiser; Kzinti BC (paint as a BCF) and two each of the new heavy cruiser, medium cruiser, war destroyer, and light destroyer; Orion LR and SAL; two Tholian destroyers; and two Free Traders. Matches ships in Boosters #4-#6.
Two each of the Federation NCA, NCL, and DW; tow each of the Gorn battlecruisers and destroyers; Romulan Royal Hawk and NovaHawk; two each of the Romulan BattleHawk, SkyHawk, War Eagle, and Kestrel; and four armed priority transports. Matches ships in in Boosters #7-#9.
Federation new fast cruiser, and two each of the strike cruiser and battle frigate; Gorn fast battlecruiser and medium cruiser, two each of the Gorn battle destroyer, heavy destroyer, and light cruiser; Romulan Fast FireHawk and two each of the SparrowHawk, KF5R, King Eagle, Snipe, and FireHawk. Matches ships in Boosters #10-#12.
One Seltorian CA, NCA, and DNL; two Seltorian CLs and DDs; three Seltorian FFs; two Tholian CWs, NCAs, NCLs, and NDDs; and three Tholian NFFs and WTs. Matches ships in Boosters #13-#15.
Nine battleships and a starbase. Battleships are the Federation Mars-class, Klingon B10, Romulan King Condor, Kzinti Supercat, Gorn Godzilla, Neo-Tholian Warhammer, Hydran Monarch, Lyran Care Lion, and the Seltorian Battlewagon. Matches ships in Battleships Attack and Line of Battle.
Three Lyran CAs (use one for a CC and the other for a CF) and two each of the CW, DD, and FF; three Hydran CAs (use one for a CC and the other for a CF), two each of the Mongol, Knight, and Cuirassier, and one Mohawk; WYN heavy cruiser and war destroyer and three auxiliary battlecruisers. Matches ships in Boosters #19-21.
Three Orion Free Traitors; two each of the Orion Battle Raiders, war destroyers, Double Raiders, and Slavers, one of the Orion DN, OK6, and CA; large and small Q-ship; two Hydran Gendarmes, two Lyran MPs, two Gorn frigates, and two Romulan SeaHawks. Matches ships in Boosters #22-#24.
Four Hydran DWs; two each of the Hydran CA, NCA, DD, and FF; Hydran CW; two each of the Lyran NCA and DW; Lyran CL, CW, and BC; Klingon F5W and D5W; small auxiliary; and WYN FF. Matches ships in Boosters #25-#27.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BORDER BOX #10, Stock #4410, $149.95
Two each of the ISC CA, CL, DD, and FF; two each of the Vudar CA, CL, DD, and FW; three each of the Andromedan Python and Cobra; and an Andromedan Intruder and Conquistador. Matches Boosters #28-#30.
These are released as ebooks as indicated.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: FRAX SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4801, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: FRAX SHIP CARD PACK #2, Stock #4802, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: FRAX SHIP CARD PACK #3, Stock #4803, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: KLINGON SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4804, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: FEDERATION SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4805, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: ROMULAN SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4806, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: KZINTI SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4807, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: GORN SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4808, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: THOLIAN SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4810, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: ORION SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4811, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: HYDRAN SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4812, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: ANDROMEDAN SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4813, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: LYRAN SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4814, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: WYN SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4815, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: ISC SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4816, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: LDR SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4817, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: VUDAR SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4818, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: BATTLE TUG SHIP CARD PACK #1, Stock #4819, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: FEDERATION SHIP CARD PACK #2, Stock #4820, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: KLINGON SHIP CARD PACK #2, Stock #4821, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: KLINGON SHIP CARD PACK #3, Stock #4822, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: ROMULAN SHIP CARD PACK #2, Stock #4823, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV. FEDERATION COMMANDER: ROMULAN SHIP CARD PACK #3, Stock #4824, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: FEDERATION SHIP CARD PACK #3, Stock #4826, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: LOST EMPIRES PREVIEW SHIP CARD PACK, Stock #4827, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: FEDERATION SHIP CARD PACK #4, Stock #4828, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: KLINGON SHIP CARD PACK #4, Stock #4829, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: NORTH POLAR SHIP CARD PACK, Stock #4830, Free. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: ROMULAN SHIP CARD PACK #4, Stock #4831, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: THOLIAN SHIP CARD PACK #2, Stock #4832, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: LYRAN SHIP CARD PACK #2, Stock #4833, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: LDR SHIP CARD PACK #2, Stock #4834, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION COMMANDER: KLINGON SHIP CARD PACK #5, Stock #4835, $5.00. Available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV
Black and white version of the online playtest pack. It includes a dozen new weapons, background for five new empires, and two typical ships each for the Maesron Alliance, Trobin Empire, and Probr Revolution. There is a ship each for the Iridani Questors and the Federal Republic of Aurora.
Also available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Black and white version of the online playtest pack. It includes rules for combat, weapons, systems, terrain, and ships. There are scenarios to test your skills. It includes cruisers from the Baduvai, Eneen, and Maghadim empires. There are destroyers from the Baduvai, Eneen, Maghadim, Uthiki, and Jumokians. It has a short essay on tactics.
Also available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
A PDF countersheet (in both 1" and half inch) with counters for the ships from Communique #133-#168 (our free newsletter), Captain's Log #53, as well as Boosters #37 and #38. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE H1: MEGAHEX, Stock #4501, $49.95
320 one-inch full-color, die-cut counters for use in Star Fleet Battles or Federation Commander. Ted Geibel artwork.
FEDERATION SPACE, Stock #5005, $12 Available as an ebook only on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Note: Stock #5005 was listed in error by Games Quarterly as the F&E2K edition; no such item exists, and the correct number for all versions of F&E is #5006.
FEDERATION & EMPIRE (2010 edition), Stock #5006, $99.95
Revised and updated rules, eliminating carrier group counters and using the flexible group building rules from Fighter Ops.
Strategic companion game to SFB; players rule mighty galactic empires. Each player must collect taxes, buy ships from shipyards, pay for special combat bonuses, organize fleets, seek out the enemy, and hammer him into submission! While huge, the game system is relatively simple. F&E has a lot of bang for the buck, with rulebook, chart book, double map, and 2,100 counters.
Rulebook available separately in print from ADB or as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Chart Book available separately in print from ADB or as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
ABOUT FEDERATION & EMPIRE, Stock #5020, Free ebook
This booklet is designed to tell you more about the wide-ranging game that so many now enjoy. While you cannot play Federation & Empire with the information you will find here, you can make an informed choice about whether you would enjoy the game. Available only as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
This boardgame is a trading game for two-to-five players that is based in the Star Fleet Universe. It is only available as a PDF through W23, DTRPG, WV, and DriveThru Cards.
DELUXE SPACE BATTLE MAPS, Stock #5310, $84.95
Eight mounted 8.5x11 map panels with 1.25” hexes on one side and 0.625” inches on the other side. Two panels have (different) planets. Maps are in full color (NASA photos).
These are compilations of data from all of the existing products.
Updated in 2012, this is a 466-page compilation of the RULES from most SFB products. It does not include annexes, scenarios, or ship descriptions.
Updated in 2009, this includes all the annexes from the Alpha Octant (except for Annex #5).
Also available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Even more annexes, tables, and charts for Star Fleet Battles. Includes Annex #5, master table of contents, carrier escort table, scenario index, and much more.
Also available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Combined and updated annexes for Modules Y1, Y2, and Y3.
Also available online at W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Released in August 2014, this includes the description for every Federation ship in Star Fleet Battles, including X-ships, Y-ships, and specialized R1 units. Each ship is illustrated. Does not include SSDs. Updated with primarily cosmetic changes in October 2014.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Released in September 2015, this includes the description for every Klingon ship in Star Fleet Battles, including X-ships, Y-ships, and specialized R1 units. Each ship is illustrated. Does not include SSDs.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Released in November 2016, this includes the description for every Romulan ship in Star Fleet Battles, including X-ships, Y-ships, and specialized R1 units. Each ship is illustrated. Does not include SSDs.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Released in May 2018, this includes the description for every Kzinti ship in Star Fleet Battles, including X-ships, Y-ships, and specialized R1 units. Each ship is illustrated. Does not include SSDs.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
GORN MASTER STARSHIP BOOK, Stock #5436, $23.95
Released in July 2019, this includes the description for every Gorn ship in Star Fleet Battles, including X-ships, Y-ships, and specialized R1 units. Each ship is illustrated. Does not include SSDs.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Released in October 2020, this includes the description for every Tholian ship in Star Fleet Battles, including X-ships and specialized R1 units. (When the Tholians arrived in the Milky War Galaxy, they were already functioning at the technological standard for the late Middle Years, so there are no Y-ships.) Each ship is illustrated. PDFs were updated and the print version was released in February 2021. Does not include SSDs.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Released in November 2014, this includes the description for every Hydran ship in Star Fleet Battles, including X-ships, Y-ships, and specialized R1 units. Each ship is illustrated. Does not include SSDs. Updated in February 2015.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Released in April 2017, this includes the description for every Lyran ship in Star Fleet Battles, including X-ships, Y-ships, and specialized R1 units. Each ship is illustrated. Does not include SSDs. Updated in June 2017.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Released in May 2017, this includes the description for every LDR ship in Star Fleet Battles, including X-ships and specialized R1 units (The LDR wasn't in existence for the Early Years, so there are no Y-ships). Each ship is illustrated. Does not include SSDs. Updated in July 2017.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
See also Stock #5670 Omega Master Rulebook.
Command a starship! What you saw on the screen, you can do for yourself. Basic Set is the foundation of the Star Fleet Battles (SFB) game system. Includes Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Kzinti, Gorn, Tholian, and Orion ships and rules. Basic rules on combat, maneuver, weapons, energy allocation, etc. Scenarios send you into the most deadly battles of space combat.
Rulebook available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
ADVANCED MISSIONS, Stock #5502, $49.95
While Basic Set forms the foundation of SFB, Advanced Missions is the core of the game system. Includes more ships. Plus advanced rules such as erratic maneuvers, speed changes, docking, tactical intelligence, passive fire control, catastrophic damage, maulers, advanced drone construction, and more. Plus scenarios and campaigns.
Rulebook available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE C1: NEW WORLDS I, Stock #5601, $20.95
Now that you know how to drive a starship, let’s go looking for some new worlds to explore and conquer! Module C1 includes the Lyrans (allied to the Klingons), Hydrans (allied to the Kzintis), and WYNs (in their neutral enclave). Dozens of new ships along with new technology (expanding spheres, fusion beams, hellbore cannons, Gatling phasers, and Stinger fighters) are included.
Rulebook available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE C2: NEW WORLDS II - 2016, Stock #5602, $28.95
More new empires, worlds, and technology! The ISC threaten both the Gorns and the Romulans (and everyone else) with their plasmatic pulsars. Neo-Tholian ships arrive to keep the Tholian Holdfast together with their web-casters. And the totally devastating Andromedan Invaders sweep across the galaxy with technology (tractor-repulsors, power absorbers) no one else can understand.
Rulebook available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE C3: NEW WORLDS III - 2017, Stock #5603, $32.95
Adds new empires to the Star Fleet Universe, including the Lyran Democratic Republic (Lyran rebels with Gatling phasers) and the Seltorians (who traveled here from their own galaxy to hunt Tholians). The WYN Cluster gets an entire new fleet of deadly “fish” ships. More Andromedan ships are included (as if you needed any more of these deadly enemies). Their new bases will soon colonize your space.
Rulebook available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE J: FIGHTERS, Stock #5604, $19.95
Fly through the Star Fleet Universe as “top phaser” with a selection of deadly fighters and massive carriers. Rules for escorts, reloading, and special shuttles are included, along with scenarios and campaigns. Revised in 2020. Rulebook available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE K: FAST PATROL SHIPS, Stock #5605, $19.95
As deadly as they are fast, a pack of PFs can carve a cruiser into scrap metal in three turns flat! Packing the punch of a destroyer on a hull smaller than a frigate, PFs roar across the galaxy on engines just one turn of the wrench short of exploding.
MODULE R1: BASES & AUXILIARIES, Stock #5606, $22.95
Adds more bases and ships for use by all of the empires, plus updated annexes and new scenarios. Rulebook and SSD book revised in 2023.
Rulebook available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
More ships for the Federation, Kzintis, Andromedans, and Orions, including many new scenarios. Rulebook revised in 2021; SSD book revised in 2016. Rulebook available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
More ships for the Klingons, Lyrans, Hydrans, and WYNs, including many new scenarios.
Rulebook available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
More ships for the Romulans, ISC, Gorns, and Tholians, including many new scenarios.
Rulebook available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE R5: BATTLESHIPS, Stock #5610, $18.95
The most massive and devastating ships ever to trek through the galaxy blast their way onto your game board in this massive expansion. Includes scenarios.
MODULE X1: THE X-SHIPS, Stock #5612, $19.95
The X-ships are as close to “magic” as you can get in science fiction. Their electronic systems are so advanced and can do so much more than other ships that these might as well be flown by Ancient Gods. And now, YOU can fly them.
MODULE F1: THE JINDARIANS, Stock #5614, $15.95
The wandering gypsies of the Star Fleet Universe. In space for over 100,000 years, they saw the Old Kings come and go and frankly didn’t care much one way or the other. They ignore borders and move their huge hollow asteroid starships from system to system, mining and trading.
MODULE M: STAR FLEET MARINES, Stock #5615, $21.95
Star Fleet Marines, the toughest hombres in outer space. They will fight anywhere: on the decks of your ship, in the jungles of an alien planet, or inside an enemy starbase. Includes rules and scenarios, plus boarding party combat diagrams.
Rulebook available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Is space combat against the Klingons and Romulans too boring? Then take your chances against ships that can fly sideways, ships that fire wire-guided plasma torpedoes, ships that move in three directions, armored ships with rotating weapons turrets, and ships that can be rebuilt into any combat type. Module C4 includes some of the most innovative new ship designs and technology in all SFB.
MODULE R6: THE FAST WARSHIPS, Stock #5617, $29.95
More ships for most empires, including many new scenarios. Rulebook and SSD book updated in 2003. Rulebook available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE C5: MAGELLANIC CLOUD, Stock #5618, $26.95
The Magellanic Cloud has been mentioned in SFB for 20 years; it was the island galaxy that the Andromedan Invaders captured before they moved on to our Milky Way. This product includes five new empires, a dozen new weapons and systems, and a host of scenarios reflecting their own wars before the Andromedans used them for a speed bump. The Rulebook is available on W23, DTRPG, and WV. The SSD book is available as a B&W print “spare part,” or as an ebook in either B&W or in color on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE J2: ADVANCED FIGHTERS, Stock #5619, $21.95
Patrol carriers, scout carriers, interdiction carriers, area control ships, new fighters, fast heavy fighters, new rules (drogues, plasma-K, type-H drones).
CADET TRAINING HANDBOOK, Stock #5620, Reprint edition available from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE R7: DREADNOUGHTS AT WAR, Stock #5621, $18.95
You thought dreadnoughts were boring? Think again! Here we present heavy dreadnoughts, light dreadnoughts, early dreadnoughts, dreadnought variants, stellar domination ships, and battleship carriers. Plus scenarios and a campaign.
MODULE T: TOURNAMENT WARS 2012, Stock #5622, $24.95
Updated for 2012, this special pack includes the rules, ships, counters, and map needed for the famous SFB tournaments.
Rulebook available and SSD book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE Y1: THE EARLY YEARS, Stock #5623, $25.95
Decades before the time of Star Fleet Battles, the wars between the Klingons, Federation, and Romulans had already begun. Learn to fight the early versions of ships and technology, and meet the Carnivon and Paravian empires.
With this 64-page booklet and a copy of Basic Set, you have all of the rules you need to play in SFB tournaments. (You would also need Module T for the tournament ships and procedures.)
MODULE A+, Stock #5625, $22.95 (no longer available: cover, charts, and cards available as spare parts – countersheets are sold out)
Includes impulse cards, sequence of play cards, command cards, special counters for play aids, and many other play aids. Includes one of three functionally identical countersheets which are different colors.
Expanded Version (Stock #5625-X, $29.95) has all three countersheets. (no longer available).
MODULE R10: THE NEW CRUISERS, Stock #5626, $19.95
Variants of NCAs and some other ships.
Sector bases, huge auxiliaries, national guard ships, and many other new units.
Impossible variants (and a few that happened). Light X-dreadnoughts, war dreadnoughts, medium dreadnoughts, National Guard PFTs, and much more.
MODULE F2: THE VUDAR, Stock #5629, $17.95.
The only Klingon subject race that successfully rebelled and set up their own empire. Or did they?
MODULE R11: SUPPORT SHIPS, Stock #5630, $23.95
Over 100 new ships to support your fleets in their wars of conquest.
Rulebook available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
92 new X-ships and seven new X-bases. Includes counters and scenarios.
Rulebook available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
120-page SSD book, 100-page rulebook, 216 counters. Includes nine-scenario campaign for the Usurper War. Includes 25 new ships and 5 new weapons for Early Years ISC.
Rulebook available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE R12: UNUSUAL SHIPS, Stock #5633, $27.95
Includes dozens of new ships and many scenarios.
Rulebook available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE Y3: EARLY YEARS III, Stock #5634, $27.95
100 new Early Years ships including early battleships, warp-refitted command cruisers, warp driven dreadnoughts, and so much more.
Rulebook available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD Book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
What if the Andromedans’ technology had advanced as the Alpha Octant’s did? Oh, the horror!
Rulebook available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE C6: LOST EMPIRES, Stock #5636, $38.95
What if the Carnivons has survived to the General War? What if the Paravians had built an empire? Find out here what those histories would have looked like.
Rulebook available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE R4T: THE THOLIAN WILL, Stock #5637, $23.95
Even more ships for The Tholian Will. From ships used in their home galaxy to new concepts found in the Milky Way Galaxy, you will find them here.
Rulebook available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE R4J: SHADOW OF THE EAGLE, Stock #5638, $17.95
Romulans got warp! Five alternate histories where the Romulans get warp power along with the rest of the empires, and the ships they would have developed.
Rulebook available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV. SSD book available in B&W and in color as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE OMEGA 1: THE OMEGA SECTOR, Stock #5661, $24.95
Beyond the Void, Behind the ISC, lies... OMEGA! A new sector of the galaxy with 11 new empires, 24 new weapons, and 18 new wars.
More ships, bases, and fighters for the original 11 Omega empires.
MODULE OMEGA 3: THE OMEGA WARS, Stock #5663, $21.95
Six more new empires with dozens of new ships and weapons.
Four more new empires!
MODULE OMEGA 5: OMEGA FLOTILLAS, Stock #5665, $24.95
Gunboats, escorts, space control ships, captor mines, and new fighters.
OMEGA MASTER RULEBOOK 2011, Stock #5670, $48.00
Compiled, collated, and totally updated and revised rulebook covering all five Omega products.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
SFB TACTICS MANUAL, Stock #5703, $14.95
A complete newly updated primer on everything you need to know to fly a starship to victory! Weapons, maneuvers, energy management, and much more is provided for every empire. This is the 2000 edition.
Available as an ebook from W23.
MODULE S1: SCENARIO BOOK #1, Stock #5704, $5.00
Scenario Book #1 includes 50 scenarios and 2 campaigns portraying the glory of victory and the shame of defeat.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #1 Classic Reprint, Stock #3004, $7.50. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #2 Classic Reprint, Stock #3008, $7.50. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #3 Classic Reprint, Stock #3010, $7.50. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #4 Classic Reprint, Stock #3012, $8.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #5 Classic Reprint, Stock #3026, $7.50. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #6 Classic Reprint, Stock #3027, $7.50. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #7 Classic Reprint, Stock #3028, $7.50. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #8 Classic Reprint, Stock #5701, $11.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #9 Classic Reprint, Stock #5702, $11.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #10 Classic Reprint, Stock #5705, $11.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #11 Classic Reprint, Stock #5706, $11.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE S2: SCENARIO BOOK #2, Stock #5707, $5.00
Scenario Book #2 includes another 51 dramatic battles, plus the Survey Ship Campaign.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #12 Classic Reprint, Stock #5708, $11.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #13 Classic Reprint, Stock #5709, $11.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #14 Classic Reprint, Stock #5710, $11.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #15 Classic Reprint, Stock #5711, $11.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #16 Classic Reprint, Stock #5712, $15.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #17 Classic Reprint, Stock #5713, $13.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #18 Classic Reprint, Stock #5714, $15.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. ================================
Build your own galaxy and run a campaign in it. Technology, economics, construction, supply, intelligence, it’s all covered. There are several options for each rule so you can customize your galaxy.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Stock #5716, $19.95
This manual is intended for use with the Galactic Conquest campaign engine for Star Fleet Battles. With some work, you could use it to build your own campaign.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
FEDERATION & EMPIRE COMPENDIUM 1 & 2, Stock #5718, $25.00
This is a compendium of the F&E section from every Captain’s Log from #20 to #40. These are unedited and not updated from the original date of publication. These predate the 2010 edition of the F&E Rulebook.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
This is a compendium of the F&E section from every Captain’s Log from #41 to #50. These are unedited and not updated from the original date of publication. These start with the 2010 edition of the F&E Rulebook.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #19, Stock #5719, $14.95
Kzinti History of the General War.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #20, Stock #5720, $14.95
Three monster stories with scenarios.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #21, Stock #5721, $14.95
Nine scenarios, 18 new ships.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN’S LOG #22, Stock #5722, $14.95
Special feature on the Klingon C7 heavy battlecruisers. Update for the expansions for Federation & Empire.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #23, Stock #5723, $14.95
Special issue on X-ships.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #24, Stock #5724, $16.95
Flashpoint Mantor: History of the Second Fed-Kzinti War.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #25, Stock #5725, $16.95
Return of the Hood, scenarios, tactics, new ships, etc.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #26, Stock #5726, $16.95
Gorns and Romulans scramble to rescue the destroyer Kishawk bearing valuable records and supplies; plus scenarios, tactics, new ships, etc.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #27, Stock #5727, $16.95
Andromedans, Feds, Romulans, and Gorns battle for Rimworld; plus scenarios, tactics, new ships, etc.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #28, Stock #5728, $16.95
Special Stellar Shadows issue with 50 new ships including General War Paravians; plus scenarios, tactics, new ships, etc.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #29, Stock #5729, $16.95
Gorns raid Romulan warp labs in a mission of vital importance; plus scenarios, tactics, new ships, etc.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #30, Stock #5730, $16.95
Klingons deal with Orion pirates near the WYN Cluster. Klingon gunboats battle Kzintis and their own chain of command. Plus scenarios, tactics, new ships, etc.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #31, Stock #5731, $16.95
More stories from the Day of the Eagle.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #32, Stock #5732, $16.95
Special Federation Commander issue. Also includes more Vudar ships for SFB.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #33, Stock #5733, $18.95
Includes return of the Juggernaut.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #34, Stock #5734, $18.95
For the Good of the Empire.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #35, Stock #5735, $18.95
Duty, Honor, Empire
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #36, Stock #5736, $18.95
Web of Deceit
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #37, Stock #5737, $18.95
The Magnificent Panzers: Two Federation frigates fight a running battle for survival against an invading Romulan squadron.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #38, Stock #5738, $19.95
Doomward and the Vortex: A hole in space opens to another galaxy or perhaps another universe. The cruiser Doomward is swept into the maelstrom and has to find its way home.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #39, Stock #5739, $19.95
A Klingon X-ship, on a raid behind Federation lines, suffers a breakdown, but completes repairs just as the Federation skirmish line trying to hunt them down closes in.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #40, Stock #5740, $19.95
A Federation X-ship carrier with F-111 fighters confronts the Space Manta, a monster never seen before. Can it survive long enough to report to Star Fleet Headquarters?
Commo: Ten questions, awards, After Action, Input Guide, Why, Proposals Board.
Fed Commander: Three scenarios, six new ships, SFG rules, Victory at Origins, Command Notes.
SFB: Six new scenarios, eight new ships, Starswarm monster, S8 update, Victory at Origins, Term Papers.
Venues: Starfleet Command links, Warlord, SFBOL, SFB PBEM, iPhone Games, Galactic Conquest universes 4 and 5, Terrain Cards for Star Fleet Battle Force.
Starmada: example, new scenario, four new ships, tactics.
F&E: tactics, why, proposals board, Q&A.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #41, Stock #5741, $19.95
Story: Igenous, Stones and Glass Colonies
Six Snapshots. Fiction story You Do Not Have To Die
Development of simulator empire heavy superiority fighters.
Class history of Fed survey ships.
Input guide on semicolons and dashes.
FC Command at Origins, three scenarios, frax submarines.
SFB: 5 scenarios, two light battleships, Juggernaut fleet.
Victory at Origins, Banshees, Singers, Battle Groups.
F&E notes on 2010, Sector A of Hurricane.
Two new ships for Starmada.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
F&E Hurricane (all sectors) is available separately in print and as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #42, Stock #5742, $19.95
Wings over Arcturia
The usual features including fiction.
SFB: five scenarios, two fast battleships, Early Years simulators, Victory at Origins, Eel vs. Gunboats example, more.
FC: Tholian pinwheels, three scenarios, two Omega playtest ships, Hydran Anarchist, Command at Origins
F&E: Three sectors of Hurricane.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #43, Stock #5743, $19.95
A Measure of Fear
The usual features including two fiction stories, five snapshots, class history of Fed fast raiders (part 2), crew roster of a Fed FFG.
SFB: five scenarios, Victory On Line, Metamorph, Battle Group, more.
FC: Penal ships, ground bases, three scenarios
F&E: Q&A, Rules & Rulings, Auxiliary Ships rules
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #44, Stock #5744, $19.95
A Call to Arms
Introducing A Call to Arms: Star Fleet.
The usual features including fiction.
SFB: Jumbo fighters, Space boars, Brothers of the Anarchist, etc.
FC: Battle Tugs, Three scenarios, tactics, Command at Origins
F&E: Q&A, Rules & Rulings, Eastern Marches Scenario
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #45, Stock #5745, $24.95
Race to Confrontation.
First of the expanded 144-page issues.
The usual features including fiction.
SFB: Neo-Tholians
FC: War Cruiser Scouts, two scenarios, tactics papers, drone tactics
F&E: Q&A, Rules & Rulings, Seltorian playtest information
ACTASF: Scouts, Special Orders
STARMADA: New scenario.
MARINES: Playtest rules, Q&A
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #46, Stock #5746, $24.95
For Duty, All Things
The usual features including fiction.
SFB: 7 scenarios, 12 new ships, 14 battle groups, term papers, database, proposals, Q&A, tactics, etc.
FC: 3 scenarios, 4 war destroyer leaders, 6 battle groups, tactics.
F&E: Lyran Democratic Republic, Q&A, tactics.
ACTASF: 14 new ships, 1 new scenario, tactics.
STARMADA: 2 new battleships for both Nova and Admiral.
Marines: tactics
Other: SFBF cards, Warlord, Galactic Conquest.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #47, Stock #5747, $24.95
Into the Eagle’s Nest
The usual features including fiction.
SFB: 5 scenarios, 12 new ships, 19 battle groups, term papers, database, proposals, Q&A, tactics, etc.
FC: 3 scenarios, 4 Federation plasma variants, 7 battle groups, tactics.
F&E: Vudar Enclave, Q&A, tactics.
ACTASF: 8 new ships, How to Play ACTASF, tactics.
STARMADA: 4 new ISC ships for both Nova and Admiral.
Marines: organizations for the Magellanic Cloud
Other: SFBF cards, Warlord, Galactic Conquest.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #48, Stock #5748, $24.95
The Battle with Tribbles
The usual features including fiction, conventions, Rangers, Awards, Why?, etc.
SFB: 6 scenarios, 12 new ships, 18 battle groups, term papers, database, proposals, Q&A, tactics, etc.
FC: 3 scenarios, 2 Carnivon ships, 2 Paravian ships, 8 battle groups, tactics. Rules for Carnivons and Paravians
F&E: Paravians, Q&A, tactics.
ACTASF: Preview of new edition, Planet Killer (first monster in ACTASF), tactics.
STARMADA: 7 new ships for both Nova and Admiral.
Marines: Rescue on Farak scenario
Other: SFBF Vudar cards, Warlord, Galactic Conquest.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #49, Stock #5749, $24.95. Released August 2014.
The usual features including fiction, conventions, Rangers, Awards, Why?, etc.
SFB: 6 scenarios, 16 new ships, 17 battle groups, and more.
FC: 5 scenarios, 4 new ships, fleet repair dock rules, and more.
F&E: A new scenario, Q&A, tactics, and new ships.
ACTASF: The Juggernaut, tactics, list of changes in the new revision.
Starmada: Rules for the Vudar and four new ships.
Marines: A new scenario for four players,
Other: SFBF Paravians, Prime Directive survey of planet Adanerg, Galactic Conquest.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #50, Stock #5750, $24.95
Day of the Dragon: How the Gorns joined the General War.
Space Spider: A new monster for SFB and FC.
Star Fleet Battles: 16 new ships, four new scenarios.
Omega: The Zosman Marausers with SSDs and SFB rules.
Federation Commander: A new empire (Peladine) and four scenarios.
F&E: Romulan Civil War scenario with playtest counters.
A Call to Arms: Star Fleet: Moray eel and four new Klingon ships.
Star Fleet Marines: A new scenario.
And all of the usual features: update, monster special rules, Paravian brothers of the Anarchist, and much more.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #51, Stock #5751, $24.95
Night Hounds: The Romulans hire a cargo ship for a special delivery.
Voyages of Discovery: The starship Sakharov leaves the Magellanic Cloud to go to the Omega Octant.
Star Fleet Battles: Eight new X-ships, six new Romulan ships, two new Omega ships, and four new scenarios.
Federation Commander: A new empire (Borak) and three scenarios.
F&E: The Carnivons join the General War.
A Call to Arms: Star Fleet: Five new ships, all armed freighters.
And all of the usual features: update, monster (Space Manta) special rules, Hydran brothers of the Anarchist, new Q’Naabian profile and stats for Prime Directive, and much more.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #52, Stock #5752, $24.95
Escape from Xylad: An Orion Crime Team kidnaps a major crook and has to escape.
The hidden history of the Federation’s heavy cruisers.
Star Fleet Battles: Six new Romulan ships, three new Lyran ships, new gunboats, two new Omega ships, two new Zosman shipsand five new scenarios.
Federation Commander: Ground combat rules, four new commando ships, and three scenarios.
F&E: The Middle Years rules and scenario.
A Call to Arms: Star Fleet: Five new ships, including three from the new WYN Fleet.
And all of the usual features: update, monster (wild alunda) special rules, Battle of the Bulge for Star Fleet Marines, new Rovilian profile and stats for Prime Directive, and much more.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #53, Stock #5753, $24.95
Practice to Deceive: Klingons decide to clean out a nest of spies on Adanerg in the Neutral Zone.
Space trucks, customizing civilian ships, ISC background.
Star Fleet Battles: A new general ship, two new Federation ships, four new Gorn ships, four new LDR ships, and four Omegan ships. Three new scenarios and Platinum Victory.
Federation Commander: Preview of X-rules with four new ships to support them, along with five scenarios.
F&E: Revised rules for special raids and scenario.
A Call to Arms: Star Fleet: Two new ships and an update on the release schedule.
And all of the usual features: update, monster (mind-control plants) special rules, wild animal packs for Star Fleet Marines, new planetary survey for Prime Directive, and much more.
CAPTAIN'S LOG #54, Stock #5754, $24.95
Return of the Darwin: After the Darwin discovers the secret behind the Andromedans’ rapid travel it is sucked into a time rift. Can they get back in time so save the galaxy from a dark future?
Ground tanks, Klingon Office of Strategic Deception disinformation, Andromedan Rapid Transit Network.
Star Fleet Battles: Four new Kzinti ships, two new Romulan ships, two new Neo-Tholian ships, Federation corvette, Lyran Cheetah-S, two new Orion ships, and four new Omega Paravian ships. Seven new scenarios, two Sapphire Victory articles.
Federation Commander: Preview of rules for gunboats with four new ships to support them, along with five scenarios and two new ships.
F&E: New rules for shipyards and balance factors and a new scenario.
A Call to Arms: Star Fleet: Two new ships and a new scenario.
And all of the usual features: update, monster (space tarantula) special rules, a new scenario for Star Fleet Marines, new planetary survey for Prime Directive, and much more.
CL#38 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5738-S, $5.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#39 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5739-S, $5.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#40 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5740-S, $5.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#41 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5741-S, $5.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#42 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5742-S, $5.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#43 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5743-S, $5.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#44 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5744-S, $5.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV
CL#45 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5745-S, $1.00; new format, only 8 pages, just notes, convention reports. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#46 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5746-S, $1.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#47 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5747-S, $1.50. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#48 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5748-S, $1.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#49 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5749-S, $1.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#50 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5750-S, $3.50. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#51 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5751-S, $1.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#52 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5752-S, $1.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#53 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5753-S, $2.95. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
CL#54 SUPPLEMENTAL FILE, Stock #5753-S, $1.00. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE P6 THE GALACTIC SMORGASBORD, Stock #7108, $7.95 Reprint edition
First printed 1995. Original production is out of stock, but we do have a reprint edition without the color cover. No revisions. Available as an ebook on W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Available as an ebook from W23 and DTRPG.
Available as an ebook from W23 and DTRPG.
Available as an ebook from W23 and DTRPG.
Available as an ebook from W23 and DTRPG.
Available as an ebook from W23 and DTRPG.
Available as an ebook from W23 and DTRPG.
STAR FLEET BATTLE FORCE, Stock #5911, $22.95
At last, an exciting SFB card game in the tradition of naval card games. Players use their ship cards to fire weapon cards at the enemy. Special cards cover damage control, electronic warfare, scatter packs, overloads, and Klingon Mutiny!
UNCUT CARD SHEET FOR SFBF, Stock #5911-9, $18.00
Limited number available, an uncut sheet of all 132 cards.
Printed on cardstock, square corners, blank backs. Three Hydran and three Lyran ships.
STARMADA Admiral Edition Core Rulebook, Stock #6100
Done by Majestic 12, which sells it as a PDF, we helped them get this excellent game into distribution. Taken off sale August 2017.
STARMADA Nova Edition Core Rulebook, Stock #6120
Done by Majestic 12, we helped them get this excellent game into distribution. Taken off sale August 2017.
The rules and chart necessary to bring Klingon, Federation, Tholian, Kzinti, and Orion pirate ships into Starmada.
All versions taken off sale August 2017. Replaced by Klingon Armada Unity.
Stock #6101, Admiral Edition
Stock #6101-N, Nova Edition
The rules and chart necessary to bring Federation, Romulan, and Gorn pirate ships into Starmada.
Print version taken off sale August 2017. Ebooks taken off sale September 2017. Replaced by Romulan Armada Unity.
Stock #6102, Admiral Edition
Stock #6102-N, Nova Edition
The rules and chart necessary to bring Tholian, Orion Pirate, Seltorian, and Neo-Tholian ships into Starmada.
Print version taken off sale August 2017. Ebooks taken off sale June 2018. Replaced by Alien Armada Unity.
Stock #6103, Admiral Edition
Stock #6103-N, Nova Edition
The rules and chart necessary to bring Hydran, Lyran, WYN, and LDR ships into Starmada.
Print version taken off sale August 2017. Ebooks taken off sale. Replaced by Distant Armada Unity.
Stock #6104, Admiral Edition
Stock #6104-N, Nova Edition
Ships from FC Battleships Attack, Boosters 16-18, Transports Attacked, Boosters 31-33.
Print version taken off sale August 2017. Ebooks taken off sale. To be replaced by Battleships Armada Unity.
Stock #6105, Admiral Edition
Stock #6105-N, Nova Edition
STARMADA RULES ANNEX, Stock #6125. Taken off sale August 2017.
The rules and chart necessary to bring Klingon, Federation, Tholian, Kzinti, and Orion pirate ships into Starmada. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Stock #6131, $16.95
The rules and chart necessary to bring Federation, Romulan, and Gorn pirate ships into Starmada. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Stock #6132, $16.95
The rules and chart necessary to bring Tholian, Orion Pirate, Seltorian, and Neo-Tholian ships into Starmada. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. Final version released June 2019.
Stock #6133, $16.95
The rules and chart necessary to bring Hydran, Lyran, WYN, and LDR ships into Starmada. Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. Final version released October 2020.
Stock #6134, $16.95
Ships from FC Battleships Attack, Boosters 16-18, Transports Attacked, Boosters 31-33. Final version released September 2021.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Stock #6135, $16.95
The pages from Captain’s Log that are on Starmada, including the Admiral version of the ship cards.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Stock #6175
The pages from Captain’s Log that are on Starmada, including the Nova version of the ship cards.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Stock #6176
KLINGON CLOISONNE PIN, Stock #6502, $5.00
ROMULAN CLOISONNE PIN, Stock #6503, $5.00
MODULE E2: TRIANGULUM GALAXY, Stock #7102, $10.00
Designed by Francois Angers of New Galaxy Games. Includes three empires as a preview of this new galaxy. Playtest.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE E3: BORAK STAR LEAGUE, Stock #7103, $14.95
Designed by Jeremy Gray, this product covers a forgotten empire in the Hydran outback. Their ability to build starships was destroyed by the Hydrans before the Federation knew they were there. This is basically a what-if module. Playtest.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
MODULE E4: THE PELADINE, Stock #7104, $12.95
Designed by Jessica Orsini, this book contains SSDs and rules for the Peladine Republic, which was conquered by the Lyrans before it could actually build the ships in the module. This is basically a what-if module. Playtest.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
Contains rules, ship descriptions, scenarios, and SSDs for the ships of the North Polar Republic, a whimsical gift from ADB to its customers. Playtest. Also available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV. Available in color only as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
This tiny empire consists of beings who are the size of a grain of sand and who live on a neutron star. Playtest.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
AWAY TEAM LOG, Stock #8010, $24.95
This 144-page book compiles material of interest to RPG players (fiction, background, technology) from various issues of Captain’s Log, saving RPG players hundreds of dollars in the cost of products containing mostly non-RPG material.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
KLINGON G1 GUNBOAT DECK PLANS, Stock #8201, $16.95
Done as GURPS hexes on one side and Traveller squares on the other side, these deck plans are big enough you can actually move miniatures around on them for inside-the-ship combat.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
GURPS: FEDERATION 4th edition, Stock #8402, $24.95
Planetary surveys, starships, the Prime Directive, the Federation government, everything you ever wanted to know about that gang of good guys who think they need to save the universe! Revised May 2020.
Available as an ebook from W23 and DTRPG.
GURPS: KLINGONS 4th edition, Stock #8403, $24.95
Everything you ever wanted to know about the Empire of Steel. Government, how the emperor is selected, why there are always three princes, why the empress is not always the wife of the emperor but sometimes his daughter or sister, the military nobility, military academies, the difference between warriors and civilians, the warrior colonies, military ranks and promotion, military awards and decorations, the Knights Paladins (the emperor’s personal inspectors and auditors), Klingon religions (you thought that 30 billion Klingons all went to the same church?), the intelligence services that spend most of their time spying on each other, data on dozens of Klingon ships, and much more. Revised 2021.
Available as an ebook from W23 and DTRPG.
GURPS: ROMULANS 4th edition, Stock #8404, $24.95
Everything you ever wanted to know about those distant cousins of the Vulcans. The royal family, the role of the praetor, the great houses and how they wheel and deal in the back hallways of the palace, the role of the Intendance Department, intelligence services and praetorian teams, colony planets, the previously unknown suppressed species along the galactic rim, the development of the cloaking device, and much more. Revised 2021.
Available as an ebook from W23 and DTRPG.
GURPS: PRIME DIRECTIVE 4e, Revised, Volume 1 and Volume 2: Stock #8405, $49.95
Role-playing on the final frontier! Join Star Fleet as a naval officer, scientist, or Marine, or join up with a few shady characters on your own Free Trader. Licensed by Steve Jackson Games.
This is a stand-alone product and does not require GURPS Basic Set to play. Other books require either GPD4e or GBS4e.
Available as an ebook from W23 and DTRPG. Print version consists of a copy of v. 1 and v. 2.
GURPS: PRIME DIRECTIVE 4e, Revised, Volume 1: Creating a Character, Stock #8406, $29.95
Role-playing on the final frontier! Join Star Fleet as a naval officer, scientist, or Marine, or join up with a few shady characters on your own Free Trader. Licensed by Steve Jackson Games.
This book has all the information about how to create a character. Equipment, weapons, the rules to play the game, ships, SFU background, and weapons are in Volume 2.
Available in print and as an ebook from W23 and DTRPG.
GURPS: PRIME DIRECTIVE 4e, Revised, Volume 2: Playing the Game, Stock #8407, $29.95
Role-playing on the final frontier! Join Star Fleet as a naval officer, scientist, or Marine, or join up with a few shady characters on your own Free Trader. Licensed by Steve Jackson Games.
This book has the information on equipment, weapons, the rules to play the game, ships, SFU background, and weapons. The information needed to create a character are in Volume 1.
Available in print and as an ebook from W23 and DTRPG.
PLANET ALDO, Stock #8995, $3.00
This 16-page RPG adventure includes rules for d20 and GURPS. It was written for Free RPG Day and later made available to other customers. In this solitaire adventure (set up to follow the numbers, if you take the left door, see Paragraph 39) involves an ancient temple on a planet with no (current) native population. The adventure was copied from Module Prime Alpha.
Available as an ebook from W23.
DREAD PIRATE ALDO, Stock #8996, $3.00
This 16-page RPG adventure includes rules for PD20M and GURPS. It was written for Free RPG Day and later made available to other customers. In this adventure (copied from Prime Directive Federation), a team exploring a new planet is kidnapped by pirates who force them to do research to support criminal operations.
Available as an ebook from W23.
STARSHIP ALDO, Stock #8997, $3, released 2011, includes rules for d20 and GURPS
This 16-page RPG adventure includes rules for PD20M and GURPS. It was written for Free RPG Day and later made available to other customers. In this adventure (written new for the product) a group of post-war ex-veterans come upon a wrecked starship (floor plans and die rolls determining what they find). On the side of the ship you can see the letters “aldo” and think that this might be the freighter Geraldo Rivera, the naval auxiliary Aguinaldo, or the luxury liner Waldorf Astoria.
Available as an ebook from W23.
PRIME DIRECTIVE PD20, Stock #8701, $24.95
Same background as GURPS PRIME DIRECTIVE but includes d20 stats and rules. This product requires D&D, 3rd edition basic rules to be used.
KLINGONS PD20, Stock #8703, $24.95
Everything you ever wanted to know about the Empire of Steel. Government, how the emperor is selected, why there are always three princes, why the empress is not always the wife of the emperor but sometimes his daughter or sister, the military nobility, military academies, the difference between warriors and civilians, the warrior colonies, military ranks and promotion, military awards and decorations, the Knights Paladins (the emperor’s personal inspectors and auditors), Klingon religions (you thought that 30 billion Klingons all went to the same church?), the intelligence services that spend most of their time spying on each other, data on dozens of Klingon ships, and much more.
ROMULANS PD20, Stock #8704, $24.95
Everything you ever wanted to know about those distant cousins of the Vulcans. The royal family, the role of the praetor, the great houses and how they wheel and deal in the back hallways of the palace, the role of the Intendance Department, intelligence services and praetorian teams, colony planets, the previously unknown suppressed species along the galactic rim, the development of the cloaking device, and much more.
PRIME DIRECTIVE PD20M, Stock #8721, #24.95
Same background as GURPS PRIME DIRECTIVE but is based on d20 Modern stats and rules. This product requires d20 Modern Roleplaying Core Rules to be used.
Available as an ebook from DTRPG and W23.
FEDERATION PD20M, Stock #8722, $24.95
Planetary surveys, starships, the Prime Directive, the Federation government, everything you ever wanted to know about that gang of good guys who think they need to save the universe!
Available as an ebook from DTRPG and W23.
KLINGONS PD20M, Stock #8723, $24.95
Everything you ever wanted to know about the Empire of Steel. Government, how the emperor is selected, why there are always three princes, why the empress is not always the wife of the emperor but sometimes his daughter or sister, the military nobility, military academies, the difference between warriors and civilians, the warrior colonies, military ranks and promotion, military awards and decorations, the Knights Paladins (the emperor’s personal inspectors and auditors), Klingon religions (you thought that 30 billion Klingons all went to the same church?), the intelligence services that spend most of their time spying on each other, data on dozens of Klingon ships, and much more.
Available as an ebook from DTRPG and W23.
ROMULANS PD20M, Stock #8724, $24.95
Everything you ever wanted to know about those distant cousins of the Vulcans. The royal family, the role of the praetor, the great houses and how they wheel and deal in the back hallways of the palace, the role of the Intendance Department, intelligence services and praetorian teams, colony planets, the previously unknown suppressed species along the galactic rim, the development of the cloaking device, and much more.
Available as an ebook from DTRPG and W23.
Goes with the core rulebook. To that it adds three species from the Federation, two species from the Klingon Empire, and five species from the Inter-Stellar Concordium. Also adds the Seltorian Tribunal, Jindarians, Andromedan Invaders, Carnivons, and Paravians. Includes unified weapons charts and a unified index for all the PD20 Modern books.
Available as an ebook from DTRPG and W23.
Only available as PDFs in B&W and in color from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
KZINTI SSD PACK #1, Stock #9101, $1.95
This contains information across all the games for ships released on April Fool’s Day. The packs are only available as PDFs from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
APRIL FOOL’S SHIP PACK 2018, Stock #9400, $2.95
Contains line drawings of Federation, Klingon, Romulan, and Tholian starships, suitable for coloring.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, DTC, and WV.
Contains line drawings of people and crew in the Star Fleet Universe, suitable for coloring. Art by Dale McKee.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, DTC, and WV.
Contains line drawings of Kzinti, Lyran, Hydran, and Orion Pirate starships, suitable for coloring.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, DTC, and WV.
These products are done under our joint venture with Mongoose Publishing Ltd.
A CALL TO ARMS: STAR FLEET, VOLUME 1, Stock # MP 30000, $5.00, hardback.
This has been replaced by volume 1.2. Currently on fire sale.
A CALL TO ARMS: STAR FLEET, VOLUME 1.2, Stock # M 30001, $29.95 (Deluxe edition).
This is a new game system designed for fast play with large fleets. Each ship gets only one chance to move and fire each turn. Record keeping is minimized, so a ship that is destroyed before it was that ship’s turn to fire just never gets to fire.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Book 1.2 Ship Roster Card Packs
30001-C Civilian ship roster card pack for ACTASF, $2.95
30001-Chris Christmas Ship Roster Pack, Free
30001-F Federation ship roster card pack for ACTASF, $4.95
30001-G Gorn ship roster card pack for ACTASF, $4.95
30001-K Klingon ship roster card pack for ACTASF, $4.95
30001-O Orion ship roster card pack for ACTASF, Free
30001-R Romulan ship roster card pack for ACTASF, $4.95
30001-T Tholian ship roster card pack for ACTASF, $2.95 (Pay What You Want)
30001-Z Kzinti ship roster card pack for ACTASF, $4.95
A CALL TO ARMS: STAR FLEET, VOLUME 2, Stock # M 30002, $29.95 (Deluxe edition).
More ships and more empires for the A Call to Arms: Star Fleet system.
Available in print and also available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
A CALL TO ARMS: STAR FLEET, REINFORCEMENTS ONE, Stock # M 30003, $29.95 (Deluxe edition).
More ships and more empires for the A Call to Arms: Star Fleet system.
Available as an ebook from W23, DTRPG, and WV.
These are done at a larger scale than the 2400s and with more detail under a joint venture with Mongoose Publishing LTD.
Shapeways note: Many of our ships have versions in either the Omni Scale (fighters, gunboats, monsters, etc.) or 3125 Scale. These versions may not match exactly as we took the opportunity to add detail or to fix known problems with sizing or other details.
M-2500, Set of six stands for Starline 2500 miniatures, $9.95
M 31000, Federation Frigate, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 31001, Federation Light Cruiser, $13.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 31002, Federation Dreadnought, $23.95 Available on Shapeways as the Guided Weapons Dreadnought
M 31003, Federation Heavy Cruiser, $14.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 31004, Federation Battlecruiser, $18.95 Available on Shapeways
M 31005, Federation New Heavy Cruiser, $15.95 Available on Shapeways
M 31006, Federation New Light Cruiser, $13.95 Available on Shapeways
M 31007, Federation War Destroyer, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
M 31008, Federation Battle Frigate, $8.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 31009, Federation Strike Cruiser, $11.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 31010, Federation Police Cutter, $6.95 Available on Shapeways
M 31011, Federation Command Cruiser, $15.95 Available on Shapeways
M 31013, Federation Fast Cruiser, $14.95 Available on Shapeways
M 31014, Federation New Fast Cruiser, $19.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 31015, Federation Transfer Sheet #1 (decals), $9.95
M 31016, Federation Heavy Command Cruiser, $16.95 Available on Shapeways
M 31017, Federation Battleship, $29.95 Available on Shapeways
M 31018, Federation Light Dreadnought, $22.95 Available on Shapeways
M 32000, Klingon C8 Dreadnought, No longer available. Available on Shapeways
M 32001, Klingon D7 Battlecruiser, $22.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 32002, Klingon C7 Heavy Cruiser, $22.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 32003, Klingon F5 Frigate, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
M 32004, Klingon D6 Heavy Cruiser, $22.95 Available on Shapeways
M 32005, Klingon D5W Heavy Cruiser, $14.95 Available on Shapeways
M 32006, Klingon E4 Light Frigate, $6.95 Available on Shapeways
M 32007, Klingon D5 War Cruiser, $16.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 32008, Klingon FD7 Fast Cruiser, $18.95 Available on Shapeways
M 32009, Klingon F5W War Destroyer, $9.50 Available on Shapeways
M 32010, Klingon E5, $5.95 Available on Shapeways
M 32011, Klingon F6 Frignaught, $8.95 Available on Shapeways
M 32012, Klingon SD7 Strike Cruiser, $18.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 33000, Romulan Condor, No longer available Available on Shapeways
MP 33001, Romulan SkyHawk, $5.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 33002, Romulan BattleHawk, $5.95 Available on Shapeways
M 33003, Romulan War Eagle, $8.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 33004, Romulan FireHawk/NovaHawk, $18.95 Available on Shapeways individually as separate minis
M 33005, Romulan SparrowHawk, $14.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 33006, Romulan King Eagle (1 piece), $10.95 Available on Shapeways
M 33006-2, Romulan Queen Eagle, $10.95
M 33006-3, Romulan King Eagle (3 pieces), $10.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 33007, Romulan Snipe, $5.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 33008, Romulan FastHawk, $16.95 Available on Shapeways
M 33009, Romulan RoyalHawk, $18.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 34000, Orion Salvage Cruiser, $9.50 Available on Shapeways
M 34001, Orion Light Raider, $5.95 Available on Shapeways
M 34002, Orion Raider, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 34003, Orion OK6 Converted Cruiser, $18.95 Available on Shapeways
M 34004, Orion War Destroyer, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
M 34005, Orion Battle Raider, $10.95 Available on Shapeways
M 34006, Orion Heavy Cruiser, $8.95 Available on Shapeways
M 34007, Orion Battlecruiser, $9.50 Available on Shapeways
M 34008, Orion Heavy Battlecruiser, $10.95 Available on Shapeways
M 34009, Orion Dreadnought, $10.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 35000, Kzinti Dreadnought, $39.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 35001, Kzinti Heavy Battlecruiser, $22.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 35002, Kzinti Light Cruiser, $13.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 35003, Kzinti Medium Cruiser, $18.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 35004, Kzinti War Destroyer, $14.95 Available on Shapeways
M 35005, Kzinti New Heavy Cruiser, $18.95 Available on Shapeways
M 35006, Kzinti Frigate, $5.95 Available on Shapeways
M 35007, Kzinti Battlecruiser, $23.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 35008, Kzinti Fast Cruiser, $19.95 Available on Shapeways as the Fast Battlecruiser
M 36000, Gorn Dreadnought, $29.95 Available on Shapeways
M 36001, Gorn Battlecruiser, $12.95 Available on Shapeways
M 36002, Gorn Destroyer, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
M 36003, Gorn Light Cruiser, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
MP 36004, Gorn Heavy Battlecruiser, $17.95 Available on Shapeways
M 36005, Gorn Heavy Destroyer, $8.95 Available on Shapeways
M 36006, Gorn Battle Destroyer, $7.95 Available on Shapeways
M 36007, Gorn Medium (Strike) Cruiser, $12.95 Available on Shapeways
M 36008, Gorn Fast Battlecruiser, $16.95 Available on Shapeways
Most general ships and monsters are sold as Starline 2400s as they cannot be in scale with either the Starline 2400 or Starline 2500 miniatures. These are specific to the Starline 2500 line.
M 37001, Armed Priority Transport, $4.95
M 37006, Free Trader, $6.50
MP 37007, Shuttles (pack of 6), $10.95 Available on Shapeways
M 38000, Tholian Destroyer, $12.95 Available on Shapeways
No prices are listed due to the variety of materials available.
3788 Scale (1/3788) is the classic scale that makes the USS Enterprise three inches long. Ships in this scale complement the metal Starline 2400 series. They also match the original Zocchi miniatures.
3125 Scale (1/3125) provides larger ships that some gamers prefer. Ships in this scale complement the metal Starline 2500 Series.
7000 Scale (1/7000) is used for a new series of smaller ships (Elite Scale) allowing you to play on a smaller table or use more ships in a single battle. It is designed so the ship’s base fits in a half-inch hex.
2500 Scale (1/2500) is the new Prestige range used for one-on-one tabletop battles.
285 Scale (1/285) is used primarily for small ships (fighters, bombers, shuttles, etc.) or vehicles (tanks, armored personnel carriers, etc.). It also matches the 6mm scale that many ground combat games use now. Many of the ships can also be found in Omni Scale where they are much smaller and less detailed but good for use with larger starships.
Omni Scale is a range of miniatures that cannot be done in either of the above scales because they would be too big (a starbase would be bigger than a dinner plate) or too small (fighters would be smaller than the head of a pin). Some "General" cargo ships are done in Omni Scale to reduce cost as cargo ships are really big compared to warships.
Versatile Plastic is a white nylon plastic. It is inexpensive but grainy, so some small details can be less obvious. It can be dyed in about eight colors, but those are tumbled before dying to improve the smoothness of the surface. The tumbling tends to break sprued items off, so those are only offered in the basic white. Some people like to get an empire’s ships in the empire’s “color,” cutting down on the need to paint them. However, some ships have parts that are too thin to print in this material.
Multi Jet Fusion Plastic (PA12) is HP’s nylon plastic. It comes in either grey or black and has a slightly grainy surface. It isn’t as brittle as Fine Detail Plastic. Pricing is between Versatile Plastic and Fine Detail Plastic.
Detail Plastic is an acrylic material that is cured in a UV process. It comes in two levels of smoothness: Tan Fine and Clear Ultra Fine. Minis in this material show excellent detail but can have some “frosting” where the support material was. It is the material we recommend if you are looking for display models. It is brittle, so care needs to be taken not to drop it.
285 Andromedan Legionnaire Tanks
285 Federation A-10 “Warthog” Fighter
285 Federation A-20 “Avenger” Heavy Fighter
285 Federation B-1 Strike Bomber
285 Federation E3 Heavy SWAC Shuttle
285 Federation F-4 Ground-Based Fighter
285 Federation F-12 Fast Fighter
285 Federation F-14 “Tomcat” Fighter
285 Federation F-15 “Eagle” Fighter
285 Federation F-16 “Falcon” Fighter
285 Federation F-18 “Hornet” Fighter
285 Federation F-101C Voodoo Heavy Fighter
285 Federation F-111 Heavy Drone Fighter
285 Federation Ground Assault Shuttle
285 Federation Heavy Assault Shuttle
285 Federation M190 Tanks (contains four M190 tanks)
285 Federation M3 Ground Combat Vehicles (contains four M3 Ground Combat Vehicles)
285 Federation M4 Armored Personnel Vehicles (contains four M4 Armored Personnel Vehicles)
285 Federation M5 CPVs and M8 CEVs (contains two M5 Command Vehicles and two M8 Combat Engineer Vehicles)
285 Federation M6 Ground Assault Vehicles (contains four M6 Ground Assault Vehicles)
285 Federation M7 Ground Weapons Vehicles (contains four M7 Ground Weapons Vehicles)
285 Federation M8 Combat Engineer Vehicles see 285 Federation M5 CPVs and M8 CEVs
The Frax are a simulator empire.
285 Frax Demon-3 Strike Fighter
285 General Administrative Shuttle
285 General Ground Cargo Trucks (contains four standard cargo trucks)
285 General Scatter-Pack Shuttle
285 Gorn G-8 “Lizard Local Defense Fighter
285 Gorn G-10 “Dragon” Fighter
285 Gorn G-12 “Chimera” Fast Fighter
285 Gorn G-18K “Serpent” Fighter
285 Gorn G-18KA “Serpent” Fighter
285 Gorn Shenyang G-7 Fighter
285 Gorn SSikg Tanks
285 Hydran Stinger-2 Fighter
285 Hydran Stinger-H Fighter
285 Klingon Kral-A GAVs (contains four Kral-A Ground Assault Vehicles)
285 Klingon Kral-D ADVs (contains four Kral-D Air Defense Vehicles, sometimes referred to as SAMs for the missiles they carry)
285 Klingon Kral-Es and Kral-Cs (contains two Kral-E Combat Engineer Vehicles and two Kral-C Command Vehicles)
285 Klingon Kral G-CGVs (contains four Kral-G Ground Combat Vehicles)
285 Klingon Kral-P APVs (contains four Kral-P Armored Personnel Vehicles)
285 Klingon Kral-W GWVs (contains four Kral-W Ground Weapons Vehicles)
285 Klingon Kraz’Nik Tanks (contains four Kraz’Nik Tanks, also called Ground Combat Tanks)
285 Klingon Z-1 “Zoran” Fighter
285 Klingon Z-H “Zerhon” Heavy Fighter
285 Klingon Z-KB Fast Heavy Fighter
285 Klingon Z-Y Fighter
285 Kzinti Heavy Bomber
285 Kzinti Large Attack Shuttle Fighter (LAS)
285 Kzinti Large Fast Attack Shuttle Killer
285 Kzinti TAAS Fighter
285 Kzinti Tigerpaw Tanks
285 Lyran Armored Personnel Vehicles (APVs) (contains four armored personnel vehicles)
285 Lyran Ground Combat Vehicles (GCVs) (contains four ground combat vehicles)
285 Lyran Tanks (contains four Lyran tanks)
285 Monster Starswarm
285 Romulan Cassowary-A GAVs (contains four Cassowary-A Ground Assault Vehicles)
285 Romulan Cassowary-Es and Cassowary-Cs (contains two Cassowary-E Combat Engineer Vehicles and two Cassowary-C Command Vehicles)
285 Romulan-Cassowary-G GCVs (contains four Cassowary-G Ground Combat Vehicles)
285 Romulan Cassowary-P APVs (contains four Cassowary-P Armored Personnel Vehicles)
285 Romulan Cassowary-T Tanks (contains four Cassowary-T Ground Combat Tanks)
285 Romulan Cassowary-W GWVs (contains four Cassowary-W Ground Weapons Vehicles)
285 Romulan Gladiator-D Superiority Fighter
285 Romulan Gladiator-III-K Assault Fighter
285 Romulan Tribune-D Heavy Fighter
285 Tholian Spider-H Bomber
285 Tholian Spider-I Fighter
285 Tholian Spider-II Fighter
285 Tholian Spider-IIP Fighter
285 Tholian Spider-III Fighter
285 Tholian Spider-IV Heavy Assault Fighter
285 Tholian Spider-IVS Heavy Assault FIghter
285 Tholian Spider-V Fast Heavy Fighter
285 Tholian Spider-VS Fast Heavy Fighter
2500 Federation Heavy Cruiser (CAR)
2500 Gorn Allosaurus Buck Battlecruiser
2500 Gorn Allosaurus Buck+ Battlecruiser
2500 Hydran Lord Marshal Command Cruiser
2500 Klingon D7K Refitted Battlecruiser
2500 Lyran Tiger Heavy Cruiser (CA)
2500 Neo-Tholian Light Cruiser (NCL)
See also 2500 Tholian
2500 Romulan War Eagle
2500 Tholian Patrol Corvette
See also 2500 Neo-Tholian
The Alunda Host is an Omega empire.
3125 Alunda Devourer Destroyer
3125 Alunda Huntship
3125 Alunda Tracker Frigate
3125 Andromedan Cobra Destroyer see also 3125 Andromedan Viper and Cobra
3125 Andromedan Cobra Destroyers (2) (contains two Cobras)
3125 Andromedan Cobra Destroyers (3) (contains three Cobras)
3125 Andromedan Concretor Monitor (CRR)
3125 Andromedan Conquistador Light Cruiser
3125 Andromedan Courier Scout
3125 Andromedan Dominator Dreadnought
3125 Andromedan Eel Scout
3125 Andromedan Gun Sled
3125 Andromedan Gun Sleds (3) (contains three gun sleds)
3125 Andromedan Heavy Cobra (COB-H)
3125 Andromedan Heavy Mamba (MAM-H)
3125 Andromedan Heavy Viper (VIP-H)
3125 Andromedan Immobilator Monitor (IMB)
3125 Andromedan Intruder Cruiser
3125 Andromedan Krait Cruiser (KRA)
3125 Andromedan Mamba Heavy Destroyer
3125 Andromedan Mobile Operations Sled (MOS)
3125 Andromedan Python Satellite Ship
3125 Andromedan Terminator Mauler
3125 Andromedan Viper and Cobra (contains one Cobra destroyer and one Viper frigate)
3125 Andromedan Viper Frigate see also 3125 Andromedan Viper and Cobra
3125 Andromedan Viper Frigates (2) (contains two Vipers)
3125 Andromedan Viper Frigates (3) (contains three Vipers)
3125 Andromedan X-Ship X-Conquistador
The Arachnid Worlds of Unions is a Triangulum Galaxy empire found in SFB Module E2.
3125 Arachnid Basilisk Scout (SC)
3125 Arachnid Behemoth Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Arachnid Cockatrice Destroyer (DD)
3125 Arachnid Dragon Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Arachnid Gryphon Frigate (FF)
3125 Arachnid Wyvern Light Cruiser (CL)
The Baduvai Imperium is in the Lesser Magellanic Cloud. (SFB Module C5)
3125 Baduvai Battle Frigate (FFB)
3125 Baduvai Destroyer (DD)
3125 Baduvai Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Baduvai Improved Frigate (FFI)
3125 Baduvai Light Cruiser (CL)
3125 Baduvai Strike Cruiser (CS)
The Bolosco Merchant Guilds are an Omega empire.
3125 Bolosco Exchanger
3125 Bolosco Guild Cruiser
3125 Bolosco Merchant Cruiser
3125 Borak Assault Cruiser (CAC)
3125 Borak Battlecruiser (BC)
3125 Borak Carrier (CV)
3125 Borak Destroyer (DD)
3125 Borak Destroyer Leader (DDL)
3125 Borak Destroyer Scout (DDS)
3125 Borak Destroyers (2) (contains two destroyers)
3125 Borak Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Borak Fast Destroyer (DDF)
3125 Borak Frigate (FF)
3125 Borak Frigates (2) (contains two frigates)
3125 Borak Gunship
3125 Borak Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Borak Light Cruiser/War Cruiser (CL/CW)
3125 Borak Strike Carrier (CVS)
3125 Borak War Cruiser see 3125 Borak Light Cruiser/War Cruiser
3125 Carnivon Command Cruiser (CC)
3125 Carnivon Destroyer (DD)
3125 Carnivon Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Carnivon Early Command Cruiser (YCC)
3125 Carnivon Early Wolf Heavy Cruiser (YCA)
3125 Carnivon Frigate (FF)
3125 Carnivon Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Carnivon Light Cruiser (CL)
3125 Carnivon Police Corvette (POL) see also 3125 Carnivon Police Squadron
3125 Carnivon Police Flagship (FLG) see also 3125 Carnivon Police Squadron
3125 Carnivon Police Squadron (contains two police corvettes and one police flagship)
The Chlorophon Association is an Omega empire.
3125 Chlorophon Birch Destroyer
3125 Chlorophon Great Oak Heavy Cruiser
3125 Chlorophon White Pine Frigate
The Drex Unity is an Omega empire.
3125 Drex Battlecarrier (BCV)
3125 Drex Battlecruiser
3125 Drex Battledestroyer
3125 Drex Battlefrigate
3125 Drex Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Drex Hex Cruiser
3125 Drex Patroller
The Eneen Protectorate is in the Lesser Magellanic Cloud. (SFB Module C5)
3125 Eneen Corvette (CT)
3125 Eneen Corvettes (2) (contains two Corvettes)
3125 Eneen Destroyer (DD) see also 3125 Eneen Upgraded Destroyer
3125 Eneen Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Eneen Light Cruiser (CL)
3125 Eneed Upgraded Destroyer see also 3125 Eneen Destroyer (DD)
Fed Classic is a style of the Federation ships. It doesn’t have the gridlines on the saucer. This is to allow any decals to go on more easily. Not all ships have grid lines (Police Cutters are an example) and those are only available in Federation style.
3125 Fed Classic Battle Carrier (BCV)
3125 Fed Classic Battle Frigate (FFB)
3125 Fed Classic Battle Frigate Scout (FBS)
3125 Fed Classic Battle Tug
3125 Fed Classic Battlecruiser
3125 Fed Classic Battleship (BB)
3125 Fed Classic Bismarck BCF Battlecruiser
3125 Fed Classic Burke-Class Frigate (FFG)
3125 Fed Classic Command Cruiser (CC)
3125 Fed Classic Command War Destroyer see also 3125 Fed Classic War Destroyer Collection
3125 Fed Classic Corvette (VT)
3125 Fed Classic Destroyer (DD)
3125 Fed Classic Destroyer Escort (DE)
3125 Fed Classic Destroyer Escort-R (DER)
3125 Fed Classic Destroyer Leader (DDL)
3125 Fed Classic Dreadnought see 3125 Fed Classic Guided Weapons Dreadnought (DNG) and 3125 Fed Classic Plasma Dreadnought (DNF)
3125 Fed Classic Dreadnought Tug (unofficial ship, FC ship card here:
3125 Fed Classic Fast Carrier (CVF)
3125 Fed Classic Fast Cruiser
3125 Fed Classic Fast Destroyer (DDF)
3125 Fed Classic Fast Fleet Scout (CFS)
3125 Fed Classic Flatbed Operational Carrier
3125 Fed Classic Fleet Tug with No Pods
3125 Fed Classic Fleet Tug with One Pod
3125 Fed Classic Fleet Tug with Two Pods
3125 Fed Classic Fralli Heavy Cruiser
3125 Fed Classic Galactic Survey Cruiser
3125 Fed Classic Guided Weapons Destroyer
3125 Fed Classic Guided Weapons Dreadnought (DNG)
3125 Fed Classic Heavy Carrier (CVA)
3125 Fed Classic Heavy Command Cruiser (CB)
3125 Fed Classic Heavy Cruiser (CAR)
3125 Fed Classic Heavy Dreadnought
3125 Fed Classic Heavy Drone Cruiser
3125 Fed Classic Heavy War Destroyer (HDW)
3125 Fed Classic Improved Police Cutter (IPL) see 3125 Federation Improved Police Cutter (IPL)
3125 Fed Classic Light Command Cruiser see also 3125 Fed Classic New Light Cruiser Collection
3125 Fed Classic Light Cruiser
3125 Fed Classic Light Dreadnought
3125 Fed Classic Light Dreadnought Carrier (DVL)
3125 Fed Classic Light Survey Cruiser (CLS)
3125 Fed Classic Light Tactical Transport
3125 Fed Classic LTT with Battle Pod
3125 Fed Classic LTT with Carrier Pod
3125 Fed Classic Medium Cruiser (CM)
3125 Fed Classic Middle Years Destroyer DDM (DDM)
3125 Fed Classic New Command Cruiser (NCC)
3125 Fed Classic New Fast Cruiser (NCF)
3125 Fed Classic New Fast Light Cruiser
3125 Fed Classic New Heavy Cruiser (NCA)
3125 Fed Classic New Heavy Scout (NHS)
3125 Fed Classic New Light Cruiser see also 3125 Fed Classic New Light Cruiser Collection
3125 Fed Classic New Light Cruiser Collection (contains two New Light Cruisers, a New Scout Cruiser, and a Light Command Cruiser)
3125 Fed Classic New Scout Cruiser see also 3125 Fed Classic New Light Cruiser Collection
3125 Fed Classic Old Heavy Cruiser
3125 Fed Classic Old Survey Cruiser
3125 Fed Classic Plasma Dreadnought (DNF)
3125 Fed Classic Police Corvette see 3125 Federation Police Corvette (COR)
3125 Fed Classic Police Cutter (Callaghan) see 3125 Federation Police Cutter (Callaghan)
3125 Fed Classic Police Cutter (Masterson) see 3125 Federation Police Cutter (Masterson)
3125 Fed Classic Federation Police Destroyer (PDD) see 3125 Federation Police Destroyer (PDD)
3125 Fed Classic Police Flagship (FLG)
3125 Fed Classic Police Frigate (Callaghan) see 3125 Federation Police Frigate (Callaghan)
3125 Fed Classic Police Frigate (Masterson) see 3125 Federation Police Frigate (Masterson)
3125 Fed Classic Priority Transport, No Pods
3125 Fed Classic Priority Transport, One Pod
3125 Fed Classic Scout
3125 Fed Classic Scout Frigate (FFS)
3125 Fed Classic Strike Carrier (CVS)
3125 Fed Classic Strike Cruiser
3125 Fed Classic Tug with a Starliner Pod
3125 Fed Classic Tug with Carrier Pod
3125 Fed Classic War Destroyer see also 3125 Fed Classic War Destroyer Collection
3125 Fed Classic War Destroyer Collection (contains two War Destroyers, a War Destroyer Scout, and a Command War Destroyer)
3125 Fed Classic War Destroyer Scout see also 3125 Fed Classic War Destroyer Collection
3125 Fed Classic War Dreadnought (DNW)
3125 Fed Classic X-Ship Command Cruiser (CX)
Federation is the classic style of Federation ships. It has gridlines on the saucer. For a smooth saucer, see Fed Classic.
3125 Federation Battle Carrier (BCV)
3125 Federation Battle Frigate (FFB)
3125 Federation Battle Frigate Scout (FBS)
3125 Federation Battle Tug
3125 Federation Battlecruiser
3125 Federation Battleship (BB)
3125 Federation Bismarck BCF Battlecruiser
3125 Federation Burke-Class Frigate (FFG)
3125 Federation Command Cruiser (CC)
3125 Federation Command War Destroyer see also 3125 Federation War Destroyer Collection
3125 Federation Corvette (VT)
3125 Federation Destroyer (DD)
3125 Federation Destroyer Escort (DE)
3125 Federation Destroyer Escort-R (DER)
3125 Federation Destroyer Leader (DDL)
3125 Federation Dreadnought see 3125 Federation Guided Weapons Dreadnought (DNG) and 3125 Federation Plasma Dreadnought (DNF)
3125 Federation Dreadnought Tug (unofficial ship, FC ship card here:
3125 Federation Fast Carrier (CVF)
3125 Federation Fast Cruiser
3125 Federation Fast Destroyer (DDF)
3125 Federation Fast Fleet Scout (CFS)
3125 Federation Flatbed Operational Carrier
3125 Federation Fleet Tug with No Pods
3125 Federation Fleet Tug with One Pod
3125 Federation Fleet Tug with Two Pods
3125 Federation Fralli Heavy Cruiser
3125 Federation Galactic Survey Cruiser
3125 Federation Guided Weapons Destroyer
3125 Federation Guided Weapons Dreadnought (DNG)
3125 Federation Heavy Carrier (CVA)
3125 Federation Heavy Command Cruiser (CB)
3125 Federation Heavy Cruiser (CAR)
3125 Federation Heavy Dreadnought
3125 Federation Heavy Drone Cruiser
3125 Federation Heavy War Destroyer (HDW)
3125 Federation Improved Police Cutter (IPL)
3125 Federation Light Command Cruiser see also 3125 Federation New Light Cruiser Collection
3125 Federation Light Cruiser
3125 Federation Light Dreadnought
3125 Federation Light Dreadnought Carrier (DVL)
3125 Federation Light Survey Cruiser (CLS)
3125 Federation Light Tactical Transport
3125 Federation LTT with Battle Pod
3125 Federation LTT with Carrier Pod
3125 Federation Medium Cruiser (CM)
3125 Federation Middle Years Destroyer DDM (DDM)
3125 Federation New Command Cruiser (NCC)
3125 Federation New Fast Cruiser (NCF)
3125 Federation New Fast Light Cruiser
3125 Federation New Heavy Cruiser (NCA)
3125 Federation New Heavy Scout (NHS)
3125 Federation New Light Cruiser see also 3125 Federation New Light Cruiser Collection
3125 Federation New Light Cruiser Collection (contains two New Light Cruisers, a New Scout Cruiser, and a Light Command Cruiser)
3125 Federation New Scout Cruiser see also 3125 Federation New Light Cruiser Collection
3125 Federation Old Heavy Cruiser
3125 Federation Old Survey Cruiser
3125 Federation Plasma Dreadnought (DNF)
3125 Federation Police Corvette (COR)
3125 Federation Police Cutter (Callaghan)
3125 Federation Police Cutter (Masterson)
3125 Federation Police Destroyer (PDD)
3125 Federation Police Flagship (FLG)
3125 Federation Police Frigate (Callaghan)
3125 Federation Police Frigate (Masterson)
3125 Federation Priority Transport, No Pods
3125 Federation Priority Transport, One Pod
3125 Federation Scout
3125 Federation Scout Frigate (FFS)
3125 Federation Strike Carrier (CVS)
3125 Federation Strike Cruiser
3125 Federation Tug with a Starliner Pod
3125 Federation Tug with Carrier Pod
3125 Federation War Destroyer see also 3125 Federation War Destroyer Collection
3125 Federation War Destroyer Collection (contains two War Destroyers, a War Destroyer Scout, and a Command War Destroyer)
3125 Federation War Destroyer Scout see also 3125 Federation War Destroyer Collection
3125 Federation War Dreadnought (DNW)
3125 Federation X-Ship Command Cruiser (CX)
Franz Joseph Federation is the style of Federation ships that is strictly based on the drawings of Franz Joseph as found in his Star Fleet Technical Manual. His estate does get royalties from the sales of these ships.
3125 Franz Joseph Federation Destroyer (DD)
3125 Franz Joseph Federation Dreadnought
3125 Franz Joseph Federation Heavy Cruiser
3125 Franz Joseph Federation Scout
3125 Franz Joseph Federation Tug with No Pods
3125 Franz Joseph Federation Tug with One Pod
3125 Franz Joseph Federation Tug with Two Pods
3125 Franz Joseph Federation Tug with a Starliner Pod
The Frax are a simulator empire and currently not available in the 3125 Scale.
3125 General Augmented Commercial Platform
3125 General Commercial Platform with Pods
3125 General Communications Station (Type A)
3125 General Communications Station (Type B)
3125 General Fleet Repair Dock (FRD) see also empire-specific fleet docks from these empires: Hydran
3125 General SAM Station
For the Gorn Confederation, the + indicates a refitted version with aztecking.
3125 Gorn Alectosaurus Light Dreadnought
3125 Gorn Alectosaurus+ Light Dreadnought
3125 Gorn Allosaurus Buck Battlecruiser (BC)
3125 Gorn Allosaurus Buck+ Battlecruiser (BC)
3125 Gorn Battle Destroyer Scout
3125 Gorn Battle Destroyer Scout+
3125 Gorn Brontosaurus Fleet Tug (1 Pod)
3125 Gorn Brontosaurus Fleet Tug (2 Pods)
3125 Gorn Brontosaurus+ Fleet Tug (1 Pod)
3125 Gorn Brontosaurus+ Fleet Tug (2 Pods)
3125 Gorn Bubble Dreadnought
3125 Gorn Carnosaurus Destroyer (DD)
3125 Gorn Carnosaurus+ Destroyer (DD)
3125 Gorn Carnosaurus-P Gunboat/PF Tender
3125 Gorn Carnosaurus-P+ Gunboat/PF Tender
3125 Gorn Carnosaurus-S Scout (SC)
3125 Gorn Carnosaurus-S+ Scout (SC+)
3125 Gorn Ceratosaurus Battle Destroyer
3125 Gorn Ceratosaurus+ Battle Destroyer
3125 Gorn Compsognathus Frigate (FF)
3125 Gorn Compsognathus+ Frigate (FF)
3125 Gorn Compsognathus-B Battle Frigate
3125 Gorn Compsognathus-B+ Battle Frigate
3125 Gorn Destroyer-Battlecruiser
3125 Gorn Destroyer-Battlecruiser+
3125 Gorn Double-Wing Destroyer (DDW)
3125 Gorn Double-Wing Destroyer+ (DDW+)
3125 Gorn Dreadnought-Cruiser (DNC)
3125 Gorn Dreadnought-Cruiser+ (DNC+)
3125 Gorn Epanterias Medium Cruiser (CM)
3125 Gorn Epanterias+ Medium Cruiser (CM)
3125 Gorn Epanterias-K Strike Cruiser
3125 Gorn Epanterias-K+ Strike Cruiser
3125 Gorn Fast Battlecruiser (BF)
3125 Gorn Fast Battlecruiser+ (BF+)
3125 Gorn Godzilla Battleship (BB)
3125 Gorn Godzilla Battleship+ (BB+)
3125 Gorn Heavy Battlecruiser (BCH)
3125 Gorn Heavy Battlecruiser+ (BCH+)
3125 Gorn Heavy Destroyer Dreadnought
3125 Gorn Heavy Destroyer Dreadnought+
3125 Gorn Heavy Destroyer Scout
3125 Gorn Heavy Destroyer Scout+
3125 Gorn Heavy Medium Cruiser (HCM)
3125 Gorn Heavy Medium Cruiser+ (HCM+)
3125 Gorn Light Gunboat/PF Tender
3125 Gorn Light Gunboat/PF Tender+
3125 Gorn Medium Dreadnought (DNM)
3125 Gorn Medium Dreadnought+ (DNM+)
3125 Gorn Megalosaurus Light Cruiser (CL)
3125 Gorn Megalosaurus+ Light Cruiser (CL)
3125 Gorn Megalosaurus-S Large Scout
3125 Gorn Megalosaurus-S+ Large Scout
3125 Gorn Neo-Command Cruiser
3125 Gorn Neo-Command Cruiser+
3125 Gorn Refitted Bubble Dreadnought
3125 Gorn Stegosaurus Heavy Destroyer
3125 Gorn Stegosaurus+ Heavy Destroyer
3125 Gorn Troodon Destroyer-Cruiser
3125 Gorn Troodon+ Destroyer-Cruiser
3125 Gorn Tyrannosaurus-H Heavy Dreadnought
3125 Gorn Tyrannosaurus-H+ Heavy Dreadnought
3125 Gorn Tyrannosaurus Rex Dreadnought
3125 Gorn Tyrannosaurus Rex+ Dreadnought
3125 Gorn Velociraptor Fast Battlecruiser see 3125 Gorn Fast Battlecruiser (BF) or 3125 Gorn Fast Battlecruiser+ (BF+)
3125 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Battle Destroyer
3125 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Battle Destroyer+
3125 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Command Cruiser
3125 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Command Cruiser+
3125 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Destroyer (DDX)
3125 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Destroyer+ (DDX+)
3125 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Frigate (FFX)
3125 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Frigate+ (FFX+)
3125 Gorn X-Ship X-Light Cruiser (HDX)
3125 Gorn X-Ship X-Light Cruiser+ (HDX+)
The Helgardian Protectorate is a Triangulum Galaxy empire found in SFB Module E2.
3125 Helgardian Avenger Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Helgardian Defender Destroyer (DD)
3125 Helgardian Guardian Light Cruiser (CL)
3125 Helgardian Liberator Frigate (FF)
3125 Helgardian Protector Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Helgardian Spotter Scout (SC)
3125 Helgardian Vanguard Cruiser (C)
The Hivers are an Omega empire.
3125 Hiver Battlecruiser (BC)
3125 Hiver Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Hiver Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Hiver Heavy Dreadnought (DNH)
3125 Hydran Antelope Hunter DW Escort
3125 Hydran Apache Medium Command Cruiser
3125 Hydran Baron Light Command Cruiser
3125 Hydran Buffalo Hunter War Destroyer see also 3125 Hydran War Destroyers (2, Mixed)
3125 Hydran Buffalo Hunter War Destroyers, 2 (contains two Buffalo Hunter war destroyers)
3125 Hydran Buffalo Scout (DWS)
3125 Hydran Caravan Battle Tug
3125 Hydran Caravan Fleet Tug
3125 Hydran Cavalier Interdiction Carrier
3125 Hydran Chasseur New Scout Cruiser
3125 Hydran Cheyenne New Heavy Cruiser
3125 Hydran Comanche Medium Command Cruiser
3125 Hydran Cossack Medium Carrier
3125 Hydran Count Destroyer Leader
3125 Hydran Crusader Frigate Leader
3125 Hydran Cuirassier Frigate see also 3125 Hydran Frigates (2, Mixed)
3125 Hydran Cuirassier Frigates (2) (contains two Cuirassier frigates)
3125 Hydran Demon Hunter Heavy War Destroyer
3125 Hydran Destroyers (2, Mixed) (contains two destroyers: one Knight and one Lancer)
3125 Hydran Dragoon Cruiser
3125 Hydran Escort Hunter
3125 Hydran Escort Lancer
3125 Hydran Fleet Repair Dock (FRD)
3125 Hydran Frigates (2, Mixed) (contains two frigates: one Cuirassier and one Hunter)
3125 Hydran Gendarme Police Frigate
3125 Hydran Gendarme Police Frigates (2) (contains two Gendarme police frigates)
3125 Hydran Grenadier Local Defense Cruiser
3125 Hydran Heavy Gendarme & Police Carrier (contains one Heavy Gendarme police destroyer and one Police Carrier)
3125 Hydran Heavy Gendarme Police Destroyer see also 3125 Hydran Heavy Gendarme & Police Carrier
3125 Hydran Heavy Mauler Cruiser (CAM)
3125 Hydran Horseman Light Cruiser
3125 Hydran Horsemaster Gunboat/PF Tender
3125 Hydran Hun Fast Medium Cruiser
3125 Hydran Hunter Frigate see also 3125 Hydran Frigates (2, Mixed)
3125 Hydran Hunter Frigates (2) (contains two Hunter frigates)
3125 Hydran Inspector and Police Carrier (contains one Inspector police flagship and one Police Carrier)
3125 Hydran Inspector Police Flagship (INS) see also 3125 Hydran Inspector and Police Carrier
3125 Hydran Iron Duke Heavy Carrier
3125 Hydran Iroquois New Heavy Cruiser
3125 Hydran Kiowa War Dreadnought
3125 Hydran Knight Destroyer see also 3125 Hydran Destroyers (2, Mixed)
3125 Hydran Knight Destroyers (2) (contains two Knight destroyers)
3125 Hydran Lancer Destroyer see also 3125 Hydran Destroyers (2, Mixed)
3125 Hydran Lancer Destroyers (2) (contains two Lancer destroyers)
3125 Hydran Liege Light Dreadnought
3125 Hydran Light Gunboat/PF Tender (FDW)
3125 Hydran Lion Hunter War Destroyer Leader
3125 Hydran Lord Admiral Hvy Command Cruiser (CHA)
3125 Hydran Lord Cardinal Hv Command Cruiser (CHC)
3125 Hydran Lord Commander Command Cruiser (LC) (also called Lord Commander Early Command Cruiser)
3125 Hydran Lord Marshal Command Cruiser
3125 Hydran Medium Mauler Cruiser (CMM)
3125 Hydran Mohawk New Heavy Cruiser
3125 Hydran Mohawk-V Medium Carrier
3125 Hydran Monarch Battleship (BB)
3125 Hydran Mongol Medium Cruiser
3125 Hydran Mongol-H Heavy Medium Cruiser
3125 Hydran Mule Light Tactical Transport
3125 Hydran New Escort Cruiser
3125 Hydran Outrider Survey Ship
3125 Hydran Overlord Battlecruiser
3125 Hydran Overmind Battle Control Ship
3125 Hydran Overseer Battle Carrier
3125 Hydran Paladin Dreadnought
3125 Hydran Pegasus Carrier
3125 Hydran Pegasus Gunboat/PF Tender
3125 Hydran Pegasus Light Cruiser
3125 Hydran Pegasus Scout (PGS)
3125 Hydran Picador Minesweeper
3125 Hydran Police Carrier (GNV) see also 3125 Hydran Heavy Gendarme & Police Carrier or 3125 Hydran Inspector and Police Carrier
3125 Hydran Ranger Cruiser
3125 Hydran Rhino Hunter War Destroyer see also 3125 Hydran War Destroyers (2, Mixed)
3125 Hydran Rhino Hunter War Destroyers, 2 (contains two Rhino Hunter war destroyers)
3125 Hydran Saracen Frigate Leader
3125 Hydran Scythian Escort Carrier
3125 Hydran Sioux Division Control Ship
3125 Hydran Tartar Medium Cruiser
3125 Hydran Tartar-H Heavy Medium Cruiser
3125 Hydran Templar Early Dreadnought (DNE)
3125 Hydran Thoroughbred Fast Cruiser
3125 Hydran Traveler Light Cruiser
3125 Hydran Trooper New Light Carrier
3125 Hydran Uhlan Patrol Carrier
3125 Hydran Voltiguer Local Defense Frigate
3125 Hydran War Destroyers (2, Mixed) (contains two war destroyers: one Buffalo Hunter and one Rhino Hunter)
3125 Hydran Warrior Destroyer Leader
3125 Hydran X-Ship Cavalier-X Carrier (CAVX)
3125 Hydran X-Ship Dragoon-X Heavy Cruiser
3125 Hydran X-Ship Knight-X Destroyer (KNX)
3125 Hydran X-Ship Lancer-X Destroyer (LNX)
3125 Hydran X-Ship Mongol-X Medium Cruiser (MNX)
3125 Hydran X-Ship Ranger-X Heavy Cruiser
3125 Hydran X-Ship Tartar-X Medium Cruiser (TRX)
Inter-Stellar Concordium see ISC
The Iridani Questors are an Omega empire.
3125 Iridani Barque-B
3125 Iridani Brigantine
3125 Iridani Caravel-B
3125 Iridani Clipper
3125 Iridani Clipper and Galleon (contains one Clipper and one Galleon)
3125 Iridani Galleon-B see also 3125 Iridani Clipper and Galleon
3125 Iridani Man-O-War
3125 Iridani Sloop
3125 Iridani Sloop and Yawl (contains one Sloop and one Yawl)
3125 Iridani Supply Dock
3125 Iridani Tugboat
3125 Iridani Yawl-B see also 3125 Iridani Sloop and Yawl
3125 ISC Battleship (BB)
3125 ISC Contingency Destroyer (DDC)
3125 ISC Destroyer (DD)
3125 ISC Dreadnought (DN)
3125 ISC Fleet Tug
3125 ISC Frigate (FF)
3125 ISC Gunboat/PF Tender (PFT)
3125 ISC Heavy Cruiser see 3125 ISC Star Cruiser
3125 ISC Heavy Scout (HSC)
3125 ISC Heavy War Cruiser (HCW)
3125 ISC Light Battle Transport
3125 ISC Light Cruiser (CL)
3125 ISC Light Gunboat/PF Tender (DDP)
3125 ISC Light Tactical Transport (LTT)
3125 ISC Scout (SC)
3125 ISC Star Cruiser (CA)
3125 ISC System Defense Destroyer
3125 ISC System Defense Frigate (NFF)
3125 ISC War Destroyer (DW)
3125 ISC War Cruiser (CW)
3125 ISC X-Ship X-Command Cruiser (CCX)
3125 Jindarian Destroyer (DD)
3125 Jindarian Frigate (FF)
3125 Jindarian Frigates (2) (contains two frigates)
3125 Jindarian Heavy Strike Cruiser (HCS)
3125 Jindarian Heavy War Destroyer (HDW)
3125 Jindarian Light Strike Cruiser
3125 Jindarian Medium Strike Cruiser (MCS)
3125 Jindarian War Destroyer (DW)
For Klingons, the “K” at the end of the designation (B10K, B8K, etc.) indicates that it has aztecking, which some people prefer over the smooth original versions. Exceptions: C8B has two aztecked versions, the C8K and C8L; D7L is the aztecked version of the D7C; FWL is the aztecked version of the FWC.
3125 Klingon B10B Battleship
3125 Klingon B10B Battleship Kit (multi-part)
3125 Klingon B10B Boom
3125 Klingon B10K Battleship
3125 Klingon B10K Battleship Kit (multi-part)
3125 Klingon B10K Boom
3125 Klingon B10P Stellar Exploitation Ship
3125 Klingon B10S Space Control Ship
3125 Klingon B10T Emergency Battleship
3125 Klingon B10TK Emergency Battleship
3125 Klingon B10V Heavy Carrier
3125 Klingon B10VK Refitted Heavy Carrier
3125 Klingon B8 Combined Dreadnought
3125 Klingon B8K Combined Dreadnought
3125 Klingon B9B Fast Battleship
3125 Klingon B9K Refitted Fast Battleship
3125 Klingon C10 Heavy Dreadnought
3125 Klingon C10K Refitted Heavy Dreadnought
3125 Klingon C5 Light Dreadnought
3125 Klingon C5K Refitted Light Dreadnought
3125 Klingon C7B Heavy Battlecruiser
3125 Klingon C7K Heavy Battlecruiser
3125 Klingon C7VB Battle Carrier
3125 Klingon C7VK Refitted Battle Carrier
3125 Klingon C8B Dreadnought
3125 Klingon C8K Refitted Dreadnought
3125 Klingon C8L Dreadnought (Alternative)
3125 Klingon C8S Space Control Ship
3125 Klingon C8VB Heavy Carrier
3125 Klingon C8VK Refitted Heavy Carrier
3125 Klingon D5B War Cruiser see also 3125 Klingon D5B War Cruiser Collection
3125 Klingon D5B War Cruiser Collection (contains two D5B War Cruisers, a D5S Scout Cruiser, and a D5L War Cruiser Leader)
3125 Klingon D5H Light Tactical Transport
3125 Klingon D5HK Light Tactical Transport
3125 Klingon D5K Refitted War Cruiser see also 3125 Klingon D5K War Cruiser Collection
3125 Klingon D5K War Cruiser Collection (contains two D5K Refitted War Cruisers, a D5SK Refitted Scout Cruiser, and a D5LK Refitted War Cruiser Leader)
3125 Klingon D5L War Cruiser Leader see also 3125 Klingon D5B War Cruiser Collection
3125 Klingon D5LK War Cruiser Leader see also 3125 Klingon D5K War Cruiser Collection
3125 Klingon D5S Scout Cruiser see also 3125 Klingon D5B War Cruiser Collection
3125 Klingon D5SK Refitted Scout Cruiser see also 3125 Klingon D5K War Cruiser Collection
3125 Klingon D5W New Heavy Cruiser
3125 Klingon D5WD Drone Bombardment Cruiser
3125 Klingon D5DWK Drone Bombardment Cruiser
3125 Klingon D5WK Refitted New Heavy Cruiser
3125 Klingon D6B Heavy Cruiser
3125 Klingon D6D Drone Cruiser
3125 Klingon D6DK Refitted Drone Cruiser
3125 Klingon D6K Refitted Heavy Cruiser
3125 Klingon D6M Mauler Cruiser
3125 Klingon D6MK Refitted Mauler Cruiser
3125 Klingon D6P Gunboat/PF Tender
3125 Klingon D6S Heavy Scout Cruiser
3125 Klingon D6SK Refitted Heavy Scout Cruiser
3125 Klingon D7B Battlecruiser
3125 Klingon D7C Command Cruiser
3125 Klingon D7E Survey Cruiser
3125 Klingon D7EK Refitted Survey Cruiser
3125 Klingon D7K Refitted Battlecruiser
3125 Klingon D7L Command Cruiser
3125 Klingon D7VB Strike Carrier
3125 Klingon D7VK Refitted Strike Carrier
3125 Klingon D7W Heavy Command Cruiser
3125 Klingon D7WK Heavy Command Cruiser
3125 Klingon E3 Escort
3125 Klingon E4 Escort
3125 Klingon E4S Scout
3125 Klingon E5 Battle Corvette
3125 Klingon E6 Battle Escort
3125 Klingon E7 Heavy Cruiser
3125 Klingon F5 Frigate see also 3125 Klingon F5-Based Frigate Collection
3125 Klingon F5-Based Frigate Collection (contains the F5L Frigate Leader, F5S Scout Frigate, and two F5 Frigates)
3125 Klingon F5B Frigate
3125 Klingon F5K Refitted Frigate
3125 Klingon F5L Frigate Leader see also 3125 Klingon F5-Based Frigate Collection
3125 Klingon F5LB Frigate Leader
3125 Klingon F5LK Refitted Frigate Leader
3125 Klingon F5S Scout Frigate see also 3125 Klingon F5-Based Frigate Collection
3125 Klingon F5SB Scout Frigate
3125 Klingon F5SK Refitted Scout Frigate
3125 Klingon F5T Transport, No Pods
3125 Klingon F5T Transport, One Pod
3125 Klingon F5TK Transport, No Pods
3125 Klingon F5TK Transport, One Pod
3125 Klingon F5W War Destroyer
3125 Klingon F5WB War Destroyer
3125 Klingon F5WK Refitted War Destroyer
3125 Klingon F6 Battle Frigate
3125 Klingon F6B Battle Frigate
3125 Klingon F6K Refitted Battle Frigate
3125 Klingon F6S Battle Frigate Scout
3125 Klingon F6SB Battle Frigate Scout
3125 Klingon F6SK Battle Frigate Scout
3125 Klingon FD7 Fast Battlecruiser
3125 Klingon FD7K Fast Battlecruiser
3125 Klingon FWC War Destroyer Leader
3125 Klingon FWCB War Destroyer Leader
3125 Klingon FWL War Destroyer Leader
3125 Klingon G2 Police Cutter see also 3125 Klingon ISF Police Collection
3125 Klingon G2C Police Leader see also 3125 Klingon ISF Police Collection
3125 Klingon G6 Heavy Police Ship see also 3125 Klingon ISF Police Collection
3125 Klingon HF5 Heavy War Destroyer
3125 Klingon HD5 Heavy War Cruiser
3125 Klingon HD5K Refitted Heavy War Cruiser
3125 Klingon HF5 K-Refit Heavy War Destroyer
3125 Klingon HF5B Heavy War Destroyer
3125 Klingon ISF Police Collection (contains a G6 heavy police ship, a G2C police leader, and two G2 police ships)
3125 Klingon SD7B Unrefitted Strike Cruiser
3125 Klingon SD7K Strike Cruiser
3125 Klingon SparrowHawk Light Cruiser (RKL)
3125 Klingon SparrowHawk+ Light Cruiser RKL
3125 Klingon T7B Fleet Tug
3125 Klingon T7K Refitted Fleet Tug
3125 Klingon WB10 Super Battleship
3125 Klingon WB10P Super Domination Ship
3125 Klingon WB10V Super Heavy Carrier
3125 Klingon WC10 Battleship
3125 Klingon WC10K Refitted Battleship
3125 Klingon WD5 War Dreadnought
3125 Klingon WD5K Refitted War Dreadnought
3125 Klingon X-Ship D7XB Battlecruiser
3125 Klingon X-Ship D7XK Battlecruiser
3125 Klingon X-Ship F5X Frigate
3125 Klingon X-Ship F5XK Frigate
The Kolighahr Solidarity is an Omega empire.
3125 Koligahr Destroyer (DD)
3125 Koligahr Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Koligahr Early Gunboat Tender (PSP)
3125 Koligahr Fighter Killer
3125 Koligahr Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Koligahr Patrol Boat
3125 Koligahr Patrol Scout
3125 Koligahr Short Carrier
3125 Kzinti Battle Control Ship (BCS)
3125 Kzinti Battle Frigate (BFF)
3125 Kzinti Battlecruiser (BC)
3125 Kzinti Battleship (BB)
3125 Kzinti Battleship Carrier (BBV)
3125 Kzinti Command Cruiser (CC)
3125 Kzinti Destroyer (DD)
3125 Kzinti Destroyer Leader (DDL)
3125 Kzinti Division Control Ship (DCS)
3125 Kzinti Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Kzinti Drone Bombardment Destroyer
3125 Kzinti Drone Cruiser
3125 Kzinti Drone Frigate
3125 Kzinti Early Frigate (YFF)
3125 Kzinti Escort Frigate (EFF)
3125 Kzinti Fast Battlecruiser (BF)
3125 Kzinti FFK Frigate (C-9 Refit)
3125 Kzinti Frigate (FF)
3125 Kzinti Frigate Transport (FFT)
3125 Kzinti Heavy Battlecruiser (BCH)
3125 Kzinti Heavy Carrier (CVA)
3125 Kzinti Heavy Command Cruiser (CCH)
3125 Kzinti Heavy Dreadnought (DNH)
3125 Kzinti Heavy Frigate
3125 Kzinti Heavy Medium Cruiser
3125 Kzinti Heavy War Destroyer (HDW)
3125 Kzinti Killer Escort Frigate (FKE)
3125 Kzinti Light Cruiser (CL)
3125 Kzinti Light Dreadnought (DNL)
3125 Kzinti Light Gunboat/PF Tender
3125 Kzinti Medium Cruiser (CM)
3125 Kzinti Medium Dreadnought (DNM)
3125 Kzinti Medium Drone Cruiser (MDC)
3125 Kzinti Medium Gunboat/PF Tender
3125 Kzinti Medium Scout Cruiser (MSC)
3125 Kzinti Medium Tactical Transport
3125 Kzinti Needle Tender (PFT)
3125 Kzinti New Command Cruiser (NCC)
3125 Kzinti New Drone Bombardment Cruiser
3125 Kzinti New Fast Cruiser (NCF)
3125 Kzinti New Gunboat/PF Ship Tender (NPF)
3125 Kzinti New Heavy Cruiser (NCA)
3125 Kzinti New Heavy Scout Cruiser (NSC)
3125 Kzinti Police Corvette (POL) see also 3125 Kzinti Police Cutter & Police Corvette
3125 Kzinti Police Cutter (CU)
3125 Kzinti Police Cutter & Police Corvette (contains one police cutter and one police corvette)
3125 Kzinti Police Flagship (FLG)
3125 Kzinti Scout Destroyer (DDS)
3125 Kzinti Scout Drone Frigate (SDF)
3125 Kzinti Scout Drone War Destroyer (SDW)
3125 Kzinti Scout Frigate
3125 Kzinti Space Control Ship (SCS)
3125 Kzinti Super Space Control Ship
3125 Kzinti Tri-Maran
3125 Kzinti Tug with Two Pods
3125 Kzinti War Destroyer (DW)
3125 Kzinti War Destroyer Leader (DWL)
3125 Kzinti War Destroyer Scout (DWS)
3125 Kzinti War Destroyer Transport (DWT)
3125 Kzinti War Dreadnought (DNW)
3125 Kzinti X-Ship Battlecruiser (BCX)
3125 Kzinti X-Ship Command Cruiser (CCX)
3125 Kzinti X-Ship Frigate (FKX)
3125 Kzinti X-Ship Heavy War Destroyer (HDWX)
3125 Kzinti X-Ship Light Cruiser (CMX)
3125 Kzinti X-Ship New Heavy Cruiser (NAX)
3125 Kzinti X-Ship Scout Drone Frigate (FDX)
The LDR has the plain versions of the Lyran ships. For a fancier, aztecked version, see the 3125 Lyrans. If you want smaller versions, see the base version of the 3788 Lyran ships or the 7000 scale Lyran ships.
3125 LDR Battlecruiser (BC)
3125 LDR Cargo Pallets see 3125 Lyran Cargo Pallets
3125 LDR Cave Lion Battleship (BB)
3125 LDR Combat Pallet Collection see 3125 Lyran Combat Pallet Collection
3125 LDR Destroyer (DD)
3125 LDR Dreadnought Mauler
3125 LDR Escort War Cruiser
3125 LDR Fast Cruiser
3125 LDR Firecat Battle Control Ship
3125 LDR Fleet Battle Tug
3125 LDR Fleet Carrier Tug
3125 LDR Frigate (FF)
3125 LDR Frigate Scout (FFS)
3125 LDR Frigates (2) (contains two frigates)
3125 LDR Heavy Carrier
3125 LDR Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 LDR Heavy Cruiser Mauler
3125 LDR Heavy Destroyer (HDD)
3125 LDR Heavy Dreadnought
3125 LDR Heavy Dreadnought Kit (multi-part)
3125 LDR Heavy Frigate (HFF)
3125 LDR Heavy War Cruiser (CWH)
3125 LDR Heavy War Cruiser (CWH) Kit (multi-part)
3125 LDR Heavy War Destroyer (HDW)
3125 LDR Java Tiger Heavy Command Cruiser
3125 LDR Light Carrier
3125 LDR Light Cruiser (CL)
3125 LDR Light Dreadnought (DNL)
3125 LDR Light Tactical Transport (LTT)
3125 LDR Lion Dreadnought (DN)
3125 LDR Lioness Heavy Cruiser
3125 LDR Local Defense Cruiser (LCA)
3125 LDR Local Defense Frigate (LFF)
3125 LDR Military Police Corvette see also 3125 LDR MP and Police Corvettes (3)
3125 LDR Military Police Corvettes (2) (contains two military police corvettes)
3125 LDR Minesweeper (MS)
3125 LDR Mountain Lion (DND)
3125 LDR MP and Police Corvettes (3) (contains one military police corvette and two police corvettes)
3125 LDR Multi-Role Light Cruiser
3125 LDR New Division Control Ship
3125 LDR New Fast Cruiser (NCF)
3125 LDR New Gunboat/PF Tender (NPF)
3125 LDR New Heavy Cruiser (NCA)
3125 LDR Panthercat-E Light Escort Cruiser
3125 LDR Panthercat-S Light Scout Cruiser
3125 LDR Panthercat-V Light Carrier (CLV)
3125 LDR PF/Gunboat Tender
3125 LDR Police Corvette (POL) see also 3125 LDR MP and Police Corvettes (3)
3125 LDR Police Corvettes (2) (contains two police corvettes)
3125 LDR Police Flagship
3125 LDR Prairie Lion Survey Cruiser (SRV
3125 LDR Scout (SC)
3125 LDR Siberian Lion Space Control Ship
3125 LDR Transport (No Pallets/Pods)
3125 LDR Transport Tug
3125 LDR Transport Tug (Klingon Pods)
3125 LDR War Cruiser (CW)
3125 LDR War Cruiser Mauler
3125 LDR War Cruiser Scout (CWS)
3125 LDR War Destroyer (DW)
3125 LDR War Destroyer Escort (DWE)
3125 LDR War Destroyer Scout (DWS)
3125 LDR War Dreadnought (DNW)
3125 LDR War Dreadnought (DNW) Kit (multi-part)
3125 LDR War PF/Gunboat Tender
3125 LDR X-Ship Advanced War Cruiser (CWX)
3125 LDR X-Ship Battlecruiser-X (BCX)
3125 LDR X-Ship Command Cruiser (CCX)
3125 LDR X-Ship War Destroyer (DWX)
These are the aztecked versions of the Lyran ships. For the plain versions, see the 3125 LDR ships.
3125 Lyran Abyssinian Police Flagship
3125 Lyran Alleycat War Destroyer (DW)
3125 Lyran Alleycat-E War Destroyer Escort
3125 Lyran Black Cheetah Heavy Frigate
3125 Lyran Black Leopard Heavy Destroyer
3125 Lyran Caracal Military Police Corvette see 3125 Lyran Refitted Military Police Corvette or 3125 Lyran Military Police Corvettes (2) or 3125 Lyran Refitted MP & Police Corvettes (3)
3125 Lyran Cargo Pallets
3125 Lyran Cave Jaguar War Dreadnought
3125 Lyran Cave Jaguar War Dreadnought Kit (multi-part)
3125 Lyran Cave Lion Battleship (BB)
3125 Lyran Cheetah Frigate (FF)
3125 Lyran Cheetah Frigates (2) (contains two frigates)
3125 Lyran Combat Pallet Collection (contains a single battle pallet and a single carrier pallet)
3125 Lyran Cougar Battle Tug
3125 Lyran Cougar Carrier Tug
3125 Lyran Desert Lion Light Dreadnought
3125 Lyran Dreadnought Mauler
3125 Lyran Firecat Battle Control Ship
3125 Lyran Forest Lion Heavy Dreadnought
3125 Lyran Forest Lion Heavy Dreadnought Kit (multi-part)
3125 Lyran Frigate Scout (FFS)
3125 Lyran JagdPanther Light Cruiser
3125 Lyran Jaguar War Cruiser (CW)
3125 Lyran Jaguar-E Escort War Cruiser
3125 Lyran Jaguar-H Heavy War Cruiser
3125 Lyran Jaguar-H Heavy War Cruiser Kit (multi-part)
3125 Lyran Java Tiger Heavy Command Cruiser
3125 Lyran King Jaguar New Heavy Cruiser
3125 Lyran King-Jaguar-D New Division Control Ship see 3125 Lyran New Division Control Ship
3125 Lyran King Jaguar-F New Fast Cruiser
3125 Lyran King Jaguar-P New Gunboat Tender
3125 Lyran Leopard Destroyer (DD)
3125 Lyran Leopard-M Minesweeper (MS)
3125 Lyran Light Tactical Transport (LTT)
3125 Lyran Lion Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Lyran Lioness Heavy Cruiser (CAL)
3125 Lyran Local Defense Cruiser (LCA)
3125 Lyran Local Defense Frigate (LFF)
3125 Lyran Manx Police Corvette see 3125 Lyran Refitted Manx Police Corvette
3125 Lyran Military Police Corvette see 3125 Lyran Refitted Military Police Corvette
3125 Lyran Military Police Corvettes (2) (contains two Refitted Military Police Corvettes)
3125 Lyran Mountain Lion (DND)
3125 Lyran New Division Control Ship
3125 Lyran Ocelot Scout (SC)
3125 Lyran Panther Light Cruiser (CL)
3125 Lyran Panther-E Light Escort Cruiser
3125 Lyran Panther-S Light Scout Cruiser
3125 Lyran Panther-V Light Carrier (CLV)
3125 Lyran Prairie Lion Survey Carrier (SRV
3125 Lyran PF/Gunboat Tender
3125 Lyran Puma Transport Tug
3125 Lyran Puma Transport Tug (No Pallets/Pods)
3125 Lyran Puma Transport Tug (K Pods)
3125 Lyran Refitted Manx Police Corvette see also 3125 Lyran Refitted MP and Police Corvettes (3)
3125 Lyran Refitted Manx Police Corvettes (2) (contains two Refitted Manx Police Corvettes)
3125 Lyran Refitted Military Police Corvette see also 3125 Lyran Military Police Corvettes (2) or 3125 Lyran Refitted MP and Police Corvettes (3)
3125 Lyran Refitted MP and Police Corvettes (3) (contains one Refitted Military Police Corvette and two Refitted Manx Police Corvettes)
3125 Lyran Refitted Saber-Tooth Tiger
3125 Lyran Refitted Single-Tooth Jaguar
3125 Lyran Running Tiger Fast Cruiser
3125 Lyran Saber-Tooth Tiger Mauler Cruiser see 3125 Lyran Refitted Saber-Tooth Tiger
3125 Lyran Serval War Cruiser Scout
3125 Lyran Siberian Lion Space Control Ship
3125 Lyran Siberian Tiger Carrier
3125 Lyran Single-Tooth Jaguar War Mauler see 3125 Lyran Refitted Single-Tooth Jaguar
3125 Lyran Tiger Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Lyran Top-Alleycat Heavy War Destroyer
3125 Lyran War Destroyer Scout (DWS)
3125 Lyran War PF/Gunboat Tender
3125 Lyran Wildcat Battlecruiser (BC)
3125 Lyran X-Ship Advanced Destroyer (DWX)
3125 Lyran X-Ship Advanced Light Cruiser
3125 Lyran X-Ship Command Cruiser (CCX)
3125 Lyran X-Ship Wildcat-X Battlecruiser
3125 Lyran Yaguarundi Light Carrier
The Maesron Alliance is an Omega empire. See also 3125 Vulpa.
3125 Maesron Battleship (BB)
3125 Maesron Bombardment Cruiser
3125 Maesron Destroyer (DD)
3125 Maesron Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Maesron Early Gunboat Tender (PFT)
3125 Maesron Frigate (FF)
3125 Maesron Frignaught
3125 Maesron Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Maesron Light Cruiser (CL)
3125 Maesron Missile Scout
3125 Maesron Strike Carrier (CVS)
3125 Monster Space Tarantula
3125 Neo-Tholian Battleship (NBB)
3125 Neo-Tholian Battleship (Original)
3125 Neo-Tholian Battleship Carrier
3125 Neo-Tholian Destroyer
3125 Neo-Tholian Dreadnought
3125 Neo-Tholian Frigate
3125 Neo-Tholian Heavy Carrier (NCVA)
3125 Neo-Tholian Heavy Command Cruiser
3125 Neo-Tholian Heavy Cruiser (NCA)
3125 Neo-Tholian Heavy Destroyer
3125 Neo-Tholian Heavy Dreadnought
3125 Neo-Tholian Heavy Frigate
3125 Neo-Tholian Light Cruiser (NCL)
3125 Neo-Tholian Medium Cruiser
3125 Neo-Tholian Space Control Ship
3125 Neo-Tholian Stellar Domination Ship
3125 Neo-Tholian Strike Carrier (NCV)
3125 Neo-Tholian Survey Cruiser
3125 Neo-Tholian Tug (NTG) with 1 Pod
3125 Neo-Tholian Tug (NTG) with 2 Pods
3125 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Destroyer (NDX)
3125 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Frigate (NFX)
3125 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Heavy Cruiser (NCX)
3125 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Heavy Destroyer (NHDX)
3125 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Heavy Frigate (NHFX)
3125 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Large Heavy Cruiser (NHX)
3125 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Light Cruiser (NLX)
3125 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Medium Cruiser (NMX)
See also 3125 Tholian
The North Polar empire is found in SFB Module E5, Federation Commander: North Polar Ship Card Pack, and A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Christmas Ship Roster Pack.
3125 North Polar Candy Cane Light Cruiser
3125 North Polar Candy Sprite Destroyer
3125 North Polar Candy Stick Missile DD
3125 North Polar Candy Stripe Scout
3125 North Polar Commando Cruiser
3125 North Polar Gingerbread Attack Cruiser
3125 North Polar Sleigh Medium Cruiser
3125 North Polar Snow Command Cruiser
3125 North Polar Snowman Dreadnought
3125 North Polar Snowman, Back Snowball
3125 North Polar Snowman, Front Snowball
3125 North Polar Snowman, Middle Snowball
3125 North Polar Star Strike Cruiser
3125 North Polar Tree Heavy Cruiser
The Old Galaxy Pirates are an M81 Galaxy empire
3125 Old Galaxy Pirates Pirate Raider
3125 Orion Battle Raider (BR)
3125 Orion Battle Raiders (2) (contains two Battle Raiders)
3125 Orion Battlecruiser (BC)
3125 Orion Double Raider
3125 Orion Double Raider Cruiser
3125 Orion Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Orion Gunboat/PF Tender (PFT)
3125 Orion Heavy Battle Raider
3125 Orion Heavy Battlecruiser (BCH)
3125 Orion Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Orion Heavy Fleet Transport, Federation
3125 Orion Heavy Fleet Transport, Klingon
3125 Orion Heavy Fleet Transport, Lyran
3125 Orion Heavy War Destroyer (HDW)
3125 Orion Light Cruiser (CR)
3125 Orion Light Cruisers (2) (contains two light cruisers)
3125 Orion Light Gunboat/PF Tender (DWP)
3125 Orion Light Raider (LR)
3125 Orion Light Raider Scout
3125 Orion Light Raiders (2) (contains two Light Raiders)
3125 Orion Medium Raider
3125 Orion OK6 Cruiser
3125 Orion OK6 K-Refit Cruiser
3125 Orion Patrol Carrier (CVP)
3125 Orion Salvage Cruiser
3125 Orion Salvage Tug with Freighters
3125 Orion Slaver Freighter
3125 Orion Strike Cruiser (CS)
3125 Orion War Destroyer (DW)
3125 Orion War Destroyer Scout (DWS)
3125 Orion X-Ship Battle Raider (BRX)
3125 Orion X-Ship Heavy Cruiser (CX)
3125 Orion X-Ship Raider Cruiser (CRX)
3125 Orion X-Ship Salvage Cruiser-X (SAX)
3125 Orion X-Ship Strike Cruiser-X (CSX)
3125 Orion X-Ship War Destroyer (DWX)
3125 Paravian Frigate (FF)
3125 Paravian Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Paravian Raid Mothership (RMS)
3125 Paravian War Cruiser (CW)
3125 Paravian War Destroyer (DW)
3125 Peladine Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Peladine Light Cruiser (CL)
The Probr Revolution is an Omega empire.
3125 Probr Brass Frigate (FF)
3125 Probr Bronze Destroyer (DD)
3125 Probr Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Probr Gunboat Tender (PFT)
3125 Probr Iron Light Cruiser (CL)
3125 Probr Logistics Base
3125 Probr Medium Cruiser (CM)
3125 Probr Steel Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Romulan BattleHawk Destroyer
3125 Romulan BattleHawk Destroyers (2) (contains two BattleHawk destroyers)
3125 Romulan ChickenHawk Gunboat/PF Tender
3125 Romulan Condor Dreadnought
3125 Romulan Condor+ Dreadnought
3125 Romulan DemonHawk Dreadnought
3125 Romulan Falcon Mauler
3125 Romulan Fast SparrowHawk Light Cruiser
3125 Romulan Fast SparrowHawk+ Light Cruiser
3125 Romulan FastHawk-K Fast Heavy Cruiser
3125 Romulan FastHawk-K+ Fast Heavy Cruiser
3125 Romulan FireHawk-B Carrier (FHB)
3125 Romulan FIreHawk-B+ Carrier (FHB+)
3125 Romulan FireHawk-C Scout Survey Ship
3125 Romulan FireHawk-C+ Scout Survey Ship
3125 Romulan FireHawk-K Heavy Cruiser
3125 Romulan FireHawk-K+ Heavy Cruiser
3125 Romulan FireHawk-M Heavy Escort Cruiser (FHM)
3125 Romulan FireHawk-M+ Hvy Escort Cruiser (FHM+)
3125 Romulan FlameHawk Mauler
3125 Romulan FlameHawk+ Mauler
3125 Romulan Freight Eagle
3125 Romulan GryphonHawk Heavy War Cruiser
3125 Romulan GryphonHawk+ Heavy War Cruiser
3125 Romulan Heavy Condor Dreadnought
3125 Romulan JayHawk Battle Frigate
3125 Romulan K10R Battleship
3125 Romulan K10R (Smooth)
3125 Romulan K5R Frigate
3125 Romulan K9R Dreadnought
3125 Romulan K9R Dreadnought (Smooth)
3125 Romulan KCR Heavy Battlecruiser
3125 Romulan KCR Heavy Battlecruiser, Smooth
3125 Romulan KDR War Cruiser
3125 Romulan KDR War Cruiser (Smooth)
3125 Romulan KE5 Escort
3125 Romulan KE7 Medium Cruiser
3125 Romulan KillerHawk Super Heavy Cruiser
3125 Romulan KillerHawk+ Super Heavy Cruiser
3125 Romulan King Condor Battleship
3125 Romulan King Eagle Command Cruiser
3125 Romulan KR Heavy Cruiser
3125 Romulan KR Heavy Cruiser (Smooth)
3125 Romulan KRC Command Cruiser
3125 Romulan KRC Command Cruiser (Smooth)
3125 Romulan KRM Mauler Cruiser
3125 Romulan KRM Mauler Cruiser (Smooth)
3125 Romulan KRT Fleet Tug with Klingon Pods
3125 Romulan KRT Fleet Tug with Romulan Pods
3125 Romulan MegaHawk Dreadnought
3125 Romulan MegaHawk+ Dreadnought
3125 Romulan NovaHawk-K Command Cruiser
3125 Romulan NovaHawk-K+ Command Cruiser
3125 Romulan OmniHawk Light Dreadnought
3125 Romulan OmniHawk+ Light Dreadnought
3125 Romulan Peregrine New Mauler Cruiser
3125 Romulan Peregrine+ New Mauler Cruiser
3125 Romulan Pioneer Eagle
3125 Romulan RoyalHawk-K Command Cruiser
3125 Romulan RoyalHawk-K+ Command Cruiser
3125 Romulan SaberHawk Heavy War Destroyer
3125 Romulan Scout Eagle
3125 Romulan Screech Owl Heavy Scout
3125 Romulan SeaHawk-A Frigate
3125 Romulan Shrike Light Dreadnought
3125 Romulan Shrike+ Light Dreadnought
3125 Romulan SkyHawk Destroyer Collection (contains two SkyHawk-A Destroyers, a SkyHawk-F Scout, and a SkyHawk-L Destroyer Leader)
3125 Romulan SkyHawk-A Destroyer see also 3125 Romulan SkyHawk Destroyer Collection
3125 Romulan SkyHawk-F Scout (SKF) see also 3125 Romulan SkyHawk Destroyer Collection
3125 Romulan SkyHawk-L Destroyer Leader see also 3125 Romulan SkyHawk Destroyer Collection
3125 Romulan Snipe Frigate
3125 Romulan Snipe Frigates (2) (contains two Snipe frigates)
3125 Romulan Snipe-B Battle Frigate
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk Gunboat Tender (SparrowHawk-E)
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk Gunboat Tender+ (SparrowHawk-E+)
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-A Light Cruiser
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-A+ Light Cruiser
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-B Carrier (SPB)
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-B+ Carrier (SPB+)
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-C Scout Cruiser
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-C+ Scout Cruiser
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-F Mauler Cruiser
3125 Romulan Sparrowhawk-F+ Mauler Cruiser
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-H Cargo Transport
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-H+ Cargo Transport
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-J Assault Cruiser
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-J+ Assault Cruiser
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-T 1-Pod Transport
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-T 2-Pod Transport
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-T+ 1-Pod Transport
3125 Romulan SparrowHawk-T+ 2-Pod Transport
3125 Romulan SuperHawk-K Command Cruiser
3125 Romulan SuperHawk-K+ Command Cruiser
3125 Romulan Vulture Dreadnought
3125 Romulan War Eagle
3125 Romulan War Eagles (2) (contains two War Eagles)
3125 Romulan X-Ship BattleHawk-X Destroyer
3125 Romulan X-Ship BattleHawk-X Destroyers (contains two BattleHawk-X Destroyers)
3125 Romulan X-Ship King Eagle-X (KEX)
3125 Romulan X-Ship SparrowHawk-AX
The Ryn Enclave is an Omega empire.
3125 Ryn Destroyer (DD)
3125 Ryn Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Ryn Frigate (FF)
3125 Ryn Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Seltorian Destroyer (DD)
3125 Seltorian Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Seltorian Escort Destroyer (DDE) see also 3125 Seltorian Light Carrier Group, 3125 Seltorian Strike Carrier Group
3125 Seltorian Fast Cruiser (CF)
3125 Seltorian Fast Light Cruiser (CLF)
3125 Seltorian Frigate (FF)
3125 Seltorian Gunboat/PF Tender
3125 Seltorian Heavy Battlecruiser (BCH)
3125 Seltorian Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Seltorian Heavy Destroyer (HDD)
3125 Seltorian Light Carrier (DDV)
3125 Seltorian Light Carrier Group [contains one light carrier (DDV) and one escort destroyer (DDE)]
3125 Seltorian Light Cruiser (CL)
3125 Seltorian Light Dreadnought
3125 Seltorian Light Escort Cruiser (CLE) see also 3125 Seltorian Strike Carrier Group
3125 Seltorian New Heavy Cruiser (NCA)
3125 Seltorian New Heavy Scout Cruiser
3125 Seltorian New Light Cruiser (NCL)
3125 Seltorian New Strike Carrier (NVS)
3125 Seltorian Scout (SC)
3125 Seltorian Strike Carrier (CVS)
3125 Seltorian Strike Carrier Group [contains one strike carrier (CVS), one light escort cruiser (CLE), and one escort destroyer (DDE)]
3125 Seltorian Survey Cruiser (SR)
The Sigvirion Expansion is an Omega empire.
3125 Sigvirion Command Cruiser
3125 Sigvirion Infestation Scout Cruiser
3125 Sigvirion Escort Frigate
3125 Sigvirion Invasion Cruiser
3125 Sigvirion Invasion Frigate
3125 Sigvirion Light Mobile Base
3125 Sigvirion New Frigate
3125 Sigvirion New Heavy Cruiser
The Singer Protectorate is an Omega empire.
3125 Singer Destroyer (DD)
3125 Singer Frigate (FF)
3125 Singer Heavy Cruiser (CA)
The Souldra are an Omega empire.
3125 Souldra Banshee Destroyer (DD)
3125 Souldra Ghost Heavy Carrier
3125 Souldra Spectre Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Souldra Wraith Light Cruiser
For more 3125 Scale Tholian ships, see 3125 Neo-Tholian
3125 Tholian Battleship (BB)
3125 Tholian Battleship Carrier (BBV)
3125 Tholian Black Widow
3125 Tholian Cargo Patrol Corvette with Pod
3125 Tholian Combat Tug
3125 Tholian Command Cruiser (CC)
3125 Tholian Crown of Tholia
3125 Tholian Cruiser (C)
3125 Tholian CW Pinwheel Stand Topper
3125 Tholian DD Pinwheel Stand Topper
3125 Tholian Destroyer (DD)
3125 Tholian Destroyer Carrier (DDV)
3125 Tholian Destroyer Leader (DDL)
3125 Tholian Destroyer Pinwheel
3125 Tholian Destroyer Scout (DDS)
3125 Tholian Destroyers (3) (contains three destroyers)
3125 Tholian Disruptor-Armed Patrol Corvette
3125 Tholian DPW Dreadnought
3125 Tholian Dreadnought-Carrier
3125 Tholian Gunboat (PF) Tender w/ Gunboats
3125 Tholian Heavy Carrier (CVA)
3125 Tholian Heavy Command Cruiser (CCH)
3125 Tholian Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Tholian Heavy Dreadnought (DH)
3125 Tholian Heavy Fighter Carrier (CVH)
3125 Tholian Heavy War Cruiser (CWH)
3125 Tholian Heavy War Destroyer (HDW)
3125 Tholian Heavy War Destroyer (PF Tender)
3125 Tholian Improved Police Destroyer (PDD+)
3125 Tholian Improved Police War Destroyer (PDW+)
3125 Tholian Light Tactical Transport wwith Pod
3125 Tholian New Heavy Cruiser (CAN)
3125 Tholian Patrol Corvette (PC)
3125 Tholian Patrol Corvette Pinwheel
3125 Tholian Patrol Corvettes (3) (contails three patrol corvettes)
3125 Tholian PC Pinwheel Stand Topper
3125 Tholian Phaser Heavy Cruiser (CPA)
3125 Tholian Pocket Battleship
3125 Tholian Pocket Battleship with Gunboats
3125 Tholian POL Pinwheel Stand Topper
3125 Tholian Police Carrier
3125 Tholian Police Cutter (POL)
3125 Tholian Police Cutter Pinwheel
3125 Tholian Police Destroyer (PDD)
3125 Tholian Police Destroyer Carrier (PDV)
3125 Tholian Police Destroyer Leader (PDL)
3125 Tholian Police Destroyer Scout (PDS)
3125 Tholian Police War Destroyer (PDW)
3125 Tholian Police War Destroyer Carrier (PWV)
3125 Tholian Police War Destroyer Leader (PWL)
3125 Tholian Police War Destroyer Scout (PWS)
3125 Tholian Scout (SC)
3125 Tholian Scout Carrier (CSV)
3125 Tholian Space Control Ship (DNS)
3125 Tholian Stellar Domination Ship (SDS)
3125 Tholian TK5 Destroyer
3125 Tholian War Cruiser (CW)
3125 Tholian War Cruiser Carrier (CWV)
3125 Tholian War Cruiser Heavy (HCW)
3125 Tholian War Cruiser Leader (CWL)
3125 Tholian War Cruiser Pinwheel
3125 Tholian War Cruiser Scout (CWS)
3125 Tholian War Cruisers (3) (contains three war cruisers)
3125 Tholian War Gunboat Tender (PFW)
3125 Tholian Web Caster Command Cruiser
3125 Tholian Web Caster Heavy Cruiser
3125 Tholian X-Ship Command Cruiser (CCX)
3125 Tholian X-Ship Destroyer (DDX)
3125 Tholian X-Ship Heavy Cruiser (CAX)
3125 Tholian X-Ship Patrol Corvette (PCX)
3125 Tholian X-Ship Patrol Corvettes (3) (contains three X-Ship Patrol Corvettes)
3125 Tholian X-Ship War Cruiser (CWX)
The Trobrin Empire is an Omega empire.
3125 Trobrin Bolt Frigate
3125 Trobrin Command Cruiser (CC)
3125 Trobrin Deep Space Dreadnought (DSN)
3125 Trobrin Diamond Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Trobrin Frigate Leader (FFL)
3125 Trobrin Patroller
3125 Trobrin Refitted Gunboat Tender (PFT+)
3125 Trobrin Sapphire Frigate (FF)
3125 Trobrin Sapphire Frigate Scout (FFS)
3125 Trobrin Small Station
3125 Trobrin Torpedo Cruiser (CT)
3125 Trobrin White Diamond Bolt Cruiser
The Vari Combine is an Omega empire.
3125 Vari Frigate (FF)
3125 Vari Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Vari Heavy Frigate
3125 Vari Wing Cruiser
3125 Vudar Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Vudar Heavy Battlecruiser (BCH)
3125 Vudar Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Vudar Heavy War Destroyer
3125 Vudar War Cruiser (CW)
3125 Vudar War Destroyer (DW)
3125 Vudar War Destroyer Scout (DWS)
3125 Vudar War Frigate (FW)
The Vulpa were part of the Maesron Alliance, one of the Omega empires.
3125 Vulpa Blockade Runner
The Worb Technocracy is an Omega empire.
3125 Worb Dreadnought (DN)
3125 Worb Frigate (FF)
3125 Worb Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Worb Heavy Destroyer
3125 Worb Light Destroyer
3125 Worb Medium Destroyer
3125 Worb Scout (SC)
3125 WYN (Kzinti) Frigate (ZFF)
3125 WYN (Kzinti-Built) War Destroyer
3125 WYN Barracuda Frigate (FF)
3125 WYN Barracuda Frigates (2) (contains two Barracuda frigates)
3125 WYN Carcharodon Heavy Cruiser “Great White Shark”
3125 WYN Carcharodon Heavy Cruiser Kit
3125 WYN Green Shark Strike Carrier (CVS)
3125 WYN Grey Shark Dreadnought (DN)
3125 WYN Grey Shark Dreadnought Kit (multi-part)
3125 WYN Light Tactical Transport, Klingon
3125 WYN Light Tactical Transport, Kzinti
3125 WYN Mako Destroyer (DD)
3125 WYN Mako-Scout (DWS)
3125 WYN Orca War Cruiser (CW)
3125 WYN Orca-F Fast War Cruiser (CWF)
3125 WYN Orca-H Heavy War Cruiser (HCW)
3125 WYN Orca-V Light Carrier (CVL)
3125 WYN Pocket Battlecruiser
3125 WYN Pocket Battleship (PBB)
3125 WYN Pocket Battleship (PBB) Kit
3125 WYN Tigershark Heavy Battlecruiser
3125 WYN X-Ship Great White Shark X-Cruiser (CAX)
The Ymatrian Horde is an Omega empire.
3125 Ymatrian Battleaxe Battlecruiser
3125 Ymatrian Broadsword Strike Carrier
3125 Ymatrian Cutlass Destroyer (DD) see also 3125 Ymatrian Destroyer Squadron
3125 Ymatrian Dagger Frigate (FF) see also 3125 Ymatrian Frigate Squadron
3125 Ymatrian Destroyer Squadron (contains two Cutlass destroyers and a Rapier Destroyer leader)
3125 Ymatrian Double-Axe Command Cruiser
3125 Ymatrian Frigate Squadron (contains two Dagger frigates and a Poniard frigate leader)
3125 Ymatrian Ponaird Frigate Leader see also 3125 Ymatrian Frigate Squadron
3125 Ymatrian Rapier Destroyer Leader see also 3125 Ymatrian Destroyer Squadron
3125 Ymatrian Supply Point
3125 Ymatrian War Axe Heavy Cruiser (CA)
The Zosman Mauraders are a pirate syndicate in the Omega Octant.
3125 Zosman Destroyer (DD)
3125 Zosman Frigate (FF)
3125 Zosman Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3125 Zosman Light Cruiser (CL)
The Alunda Host is an Omega empire.
3788 Alunda Devourer Destroyer
3788 Alunda Huntship
3788 Alunda Tracker Frigate
3788 Andromedan Cobra Destroyer see also 3788 Andromedan Viper and Cobra
3788 Andromedan Cobra Destroyers (2) (contains two Cobras)
3788 Andromedan Cobra Destroyers (3) (contains three Cobras)
3788 Andromedan Concretor Monitor (CRR)
3788 Andromedan Conquistador Light Cruiser
3788 Andromedan Courier Scout
3788 Andromedan Dominator Dreadnought
3788 Andromedan Eel Scout
3788 Andromedan Gun Sled
3788 Andromedan Gun Sleds (3) (contains three gun sleds)
3788 Andromedan Heavy Cobra (COB-H)
3788 Andromedan Heavy Mamba (MAM-H)
3788 Andromedan Heavy Viper (VIP-H)
3788 Andromedan Immobilator Monitor (IMB)
3788 Andromedan Intruder Cruiser
3788 Andromedan Krait Cruiser (KRA)
3788 Andromedan Mamba Heavy Destroyer
3788 Andromedan Mobile Operations Sled (MOS)
3788 Andromedan Python Satellite Ship
3788 Andromedan Terminator Mauler
3788 Andromedan Viper and Cobra (contains one Viper frigate and one Cobra destroyer)
3788 Andromedan Viper Frigate see also 3788 Andromedan Viper and Cobra
3788 Andromedan Viper Frigates (2) (contains two Vipers)
3788 Andromedan Viper Frigates (3) (contains three Vipers)
3788 Andromedan X-Ship X-Conquistador
The Arachnid Worlds of Unions is a Triangulum Galaxy empire found in SFB Module E2.
3788 Arachnid Basilisk Scout (SC)
3788 Arachnid Behemoth Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Arachnid Cockatrice Destroyer (DD)
3788 Arachnid Dragon Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Arachnid Gryphon Frigate (FF)
3788 Arachnid Wyvern Light Cruiser (CL)
The Baduvai Imperium is in the Lesser Magellanic Cloud. (SFB Module C5)
3788 Baduvai Battle Frigate (FFB)
3788 Baduvai Destroyer (DD)
3788 Baduvai Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Baduvai Improved Frigate (FFI)
3788 Baduvai Light Cruiser (CL)
3788 Baduvai Strike Cruiser (CS)
The Bolosco Merchant Guilds are an Omega empire.
3788 Bolosco Exchanger
3788 Bolosco Guild Cruiser
3788 Bolosco Merchant Cruiser
3788 Borak Assault Cruiser (CAC)
3788 Borak Battlecruiser (BC)
3788 Borak Carrier (CV)
3788 Borak Destroyer (DD)
3788 Borak Destroyer Leader (DDL)
3788 Borak Destroyer Scout (DDS)
3788 Borak Destroyers (2) (contains two destroyers)
3788 Borak Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Borak Fast Destroyer (DDF)
3788 Borak Frigate (FF)
3788 Borak Frigates (2) (contains two frigates)
3788 Borak Gunship
3788 Borak Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Borak Light Cruiser/War Cruiser (CL/CW)
3788 Borak Strike Carrier (CVS)
3788 Borak War Cruiser see 3788 Borak Light Cruiser/War Cruiser
The Canadi’ens are a simulator empire.
3788 Canadi’en Maple Leaf Heavy Cruiser
3788 Carnivon Command Cruiser (CC)
3788 Carnivon Destroyer (DD)
3788 Carnivon Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Carnivon Early Command Cruiser (YCC)
3788 Carnivon Early Wolf Heavy Cruiser (YCA)
3788 Carnivon Frigate (FF)
3788 Carnivon Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Carnivon Light Cruiser (CL)
3788 Carnivon Police Corvette (POL) see also 3788 Carnivon Police Squadron
3788 Carnivon Police Flagship (FLG) see also 3788 Carnivon Police Squadron
3788 Carnivon Police Squadron (contains two police corvettes and one police flagship)
The Chlorophon Association is an Omega empire.
3788 Chlorophon Birch Destroyer
3788 Chlorophon Great Oak Heavy Cruiser
3788 Chlorophon White Pine Frigate
The Drex Unity is an Omega empire.
3788 Drex Battlecarrier (BCV)
3788 Drex Battlecruiser
3788 Drex Battledestroyer
3788 Drex Battlefrigate
3788 Drex Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Drex Hex Cruiser
3788 Drex Patroller
The Eneen Protectorate is in the Lesser Magellanic Cloud. (SFB Module C5)
3788 Eneen Corvette (CT)
3788 Eneen Corvettes (2) (contains two Corvettes)
3788 Eneen Destroyer (DD) see also 3788 Eneen Updraded Destroyer
3788 Eneen Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Eneen Light Cruiser (CL)
3788 Eneen Upgraded Destroyer see also 3788 Eneen Destroyer
Fed Classic is a style of the Federation ships. It doesn’t have the gridlines on the saucer. This is to allow any decals to go on more easily. Not all ships have grid lines (Police Cutters are an example) and those are only available in Federation style.
3788 Fed Classic Battle Carrier (BCV)
3788 Fed Classic Battle Frigate (FFB)
3788 Fed Classic Battle Frigate Scout (FBS)
3788 Fed Classic Battle Tug
3788 Fed Classic Battlecruiser
3788 Fed Classic Battleship (BB)
3788 Fed Classic Bismarck BCF Battlecruiser (BCF)
3788 Fed Classic Burke-Class Frigate (FFG)
3788 Fed Classic Command Cruiser (CC)
3788 Fed Classic Command War Destroyer see also 3788 Fed Classic War Destroyer Collection
3788 Fed Classic Corvette (VT)
3788 Fed Classic Destroyer (DD)
3788 Fed Classic Destroyer Escort (DE)
3788 Fed Classic Destroyer Escort-R (DER)
3788 Fed Classic Destroyer Leader (DDL)
3788 Fed Classic Dreadnought see 3788 Fed Classic Guided Weapons Dreadnought (DNG) and 3788 Fed Classic Plasma Dreadnought (DNF)
3788 Fed Classic Dreadnought Tug (unofficial ship, FC ship card here:
3788 Fed Classic Fast Carrier (CVF)
3788 Fed Classic Fast Cruiser
3788 Fed Classic Fast Destroyer (DDF)
3788 Fed Classic Fast Fleet Scout (CFS)
3788 Fed Classic Flatbed Operational Carrier
3788 Fed Classic Fleet Tug with No Pods
3788 Fed Classic Fleet Tug with One Pod
3788 Fed Classic Fleet Tug with Two Pods
3788 Fed Classic Fralli Heavy Cruiser
3788 Fed Classic Frigate Collection with Corvettes see 3788 Scale Federation Frigate Coll. with Corvettes
3788 Fed Classic Galactic Survey Cruiser
3788 Fed Classic Guided Weapons Destroyer
3788 Fed Classic Guided Weapons Dreadnought
3788 Fed Classic Heavy Carrier (CVA)
3788 Fed Classic Heavy Command Cruiser (CB)
3788 Fed Classic Heavy Cruiser (CAR)
3788 Fed Classic Heavy Dreadnought
3788 Fed Classic Heavy Drone Cruiser
3788 Fed Classic Heavy War Destroyer (HDW)
3788 Fed Classic Improved Police Cutter (IPL) see 3788 Federation Improved Police Cutter (IPL)
3788 Fed Classic Light Command Cruiser see also 3788 Fed Classic New Light Cruiser Collection
3788 Fed Classic Light Cruiser
3788 Fed Classic Light Dreadnought
3788 Fed Classic Light Dreadnought Carrier (DVL)
3788 Fed Classic Light Survey Cruiser (CLS)
3788 Fed Classic Light Tactical Transport
3788 Fed Classic LTT with Battle Pod
3788 Fed Classic LTT with Carrier Pod
3788 Fed Classic Medium Cruiser (CM)
3788 Fed Classic Middle Years Destroyer DDM (DDM)
3788 Fed Classic New Command Cruiser (NCC)
3788 Fed Classic New Fast Cruiser (NCF)
3788 Fed Classic New Fast Light Cruiser
3788 Fed Classic New Heavy Cruiser (NCA)
3788 Fed Classic New Heavy Scout (NHS)
3788 Fed Classic New Light Cruiser (NCL) see also 3788 Fed Classic New Light Cruiser Collection
3788 Fed Classic New Light Cruiser Collection (contains two New Light Cruisers, a New Scout Cruiser, and a Light Command Cruiser)
3788 Fed Classic New Scout Cruiser see also 3788 Fed Classic New Light Cruiser Collection
3788 Fed Classic Old Heavy Cruiser
3788 Fed Classic Old Survey Cruiser
3788 Fed Classic Plasma Dreadnought (DNF)
3788 Fed Classic Police Corvette (COR) see 3788 Federation Police Corvette (COR)
3788 Fed Classic Police Cutter (Callaghan) see 3788 Federation Police Cutter (Callaghan)
3788 Fed Classic Police Cutter (Masterson) see 3788 Federation Police Cutter (Masterson)
3788 Fed Classic Police Destroyer (PDD) see 3788 Federation Police Destroyer (PDD)
3788 Fed Classic Police Flagship (FLG)
3788 Fed Classic Police Frigate (Callaghan) see 3788 Federation Police Frigate (Callaghan)
3788 Fed Classic Police Frigate (Masterson) see 3788 Federation Police Frigate (Masterson)
3788 Fed Classic Priority Transport, No Pods
3788 Fed Classic Priority Transport, One Pod
3788 Fed Classic Scout
3788 Fed Classic Scout Frigate (FFS)
3788 Fed Classic Strike Carrier (CVS)
3788 Fed Classic Strike Cruiser
3788 Fed Classic Tug with a Starliner Pod
3788 Fed Classic Tug with Carrier Pod
3788 Fed Classic War Destroyer see also 3788 Fed Classic War Destroyer Collection
3788 Fed Classic War Destroyer Collection (contains two War Destroyers, a War Destroyer Scout, and a Command War Destroyer)
3788 Fed Classic War Destroyer Scout see also 3788 Fed Classic War Destroyer Collection
3788 Fed Classic War Dreadnought (DNW)
3788 Fed Classic X-Ship Command Cruiser (CX)
Federation is the classic style of Federation ships. It has gridlines on the saucer. For a smooth saucer, see Fed Classic.
3788 Federation Battle Carrier (BCV)
3788 Federation Battle Frigate (FFB) see also 3788 Federation Frigate Coll. with Corvettes
3788 Federation Battle Frigate Scout (FBS)
3788 Federation Battle Tug
3788 Federation Battlecruiser
3788 Federation Battleship (BB)
3788 Federation Bismarck BCF Battlecruiser (BCF)
3788 Federation Burke-Class Frigate (FFG) see also 3788 Federation Frigate Coll. with Corvettes
3788 Federation Command Cruiser (CC)
3788 Federation Command War Destroyer see also 3788 Federation War Destroyer Collection
3788 Federation Corvette (VT) see also 3788 Federation Frigate Coll. with Corvettes
3788 Federation Destroyer (DD)
3788 Federation Destroyer Escort (DE)
3788 Federation Destroyer Escort-R (DER)
3788 Federation Destroyer Leader (DDL)
3788 Fed Classic Dreadnought see 3788 Federation Guided Weapons Dreadnought (DNG) and 3788 Federation Plasma Dreadnought (DNF)
3788 Federation Dreadnought Tug (unofficial ship, FC ship card here:
3788 Federation Fast Carrier (CVF)
3788 Federation Fast Cruiser
3788 Federation Fast Destroyer (DDF)
3788 Federation Fast Fleet Scout (CFS)
3788 Federation Flatbed Operational Carrier
3788 Federation Fleet Tug with No Pods
3788 Federation Fleet Tug with One Pod
3788 Federation Fleet Tug with Two Pods
3788 Federation Fralli Heavy Cruiser
3788 Federation Frigate Coll. with Corvettes (contains the Battle Frigate, Scout Frigate, two Burke-class Frigates, and two Corvettes)
3788 Federation Galactic Survey Cruiser
3788 Federation Guided Weapons Destroyer
3788 Federation Guided Weapons Dreadnought
3788 Federation Heavy Carrier (CVA)
3788 Federation Heavy Command Cruiser (CB)
3788 Federation Heavy Cruiser (CAR)
3788 Federation Heavy Dreadnought
3788 Federation Heavy Drone Cruiser
3788 Federation Heavy War Destroyer (HDW)
3788 Federation Improved Police Cutter (IPL)
3788 Federation Light Command Cruiser see also 3788 Federation New Light Cruiser Collection
3788 Federation Light Cruiser
3788 Federation Light Dreadnought
3788 Federation Light Dreadhought Carrier (DVL)
3788 Federation Light Survey Cruiser (CLS)
3788 Federation Light Tactical Transport
3788 Federation LTT with Battle Pod
3788 Federation LTT with Carrier Pod
3788 Federation Medium Cruiser (CM)
3788 Federation Middle Years Destroyer DDM (DDM)
3788 Federation New Command Cruiser (NCC)
3788 Federation New Fast Cruiser (NCF)
3788 Federation New Fast Light Cruiser
3788 Federation New Heavy Cruiser (NCA)
3788 Federation New Heavy Scout (NHS)
3788 Federation New Light Cruiser (NCL) see also 3788 Federation New Light Cruiser Collection
3788 Federation New Light Cruiser Collection (contains two New Light Cruisers, a New Scout Cruiser, and a Light Command Cruiser)
3788 Federation New Scout Cruiser see also 3788 Federation New Light Cruiser Collection
3788 Federation Old Heavy Cruiser
3788 Federation Old Survey Cruiser
3788 Federation Plasma Dreadnought (DNF)
3788 Federation Police Corvette (COR)
3788 Federation Police Cutter (Callaghan)
3788 Federation Police Cutter (Masterson)
3788 Federation Police Destroyer (PDD)
3788 Federation Police Frigate (Callaghan)
3788 Federation Police Frigate (Masterson)
3788 Federation Police Flagship (FLG)
3788 Federation Priority Transport, No Pods
3788 Federation Priority Transport, One Pod
3788 Federation Scout
3788 Federation Scout Frigate (FFS) see also 3788 Federation Frigate Coll. with Corvettes
3788 Federation Strike Carrier (CVS)
3788 Federation Strike Cruiser
3788 Federation Tug with a Starliner Pod
3788 Federation Tug with Carrier Pod
3788 Federation War Destroyer see also 3788 Federation War Destroyer Collection
3788 Federation War Destroyer Collection (contains two War Destroyers, a War Destroyer Scout, and a Command War Destroyer)
3788 Federation War Destroyer Scout see also 3788 Federation War Destroyer Collection
3788 Federation War Dreadnought (DNW)
3788 Federation X-Ship Command Cruiser (CX)
The Flivvers are a simulator empire.
3788 Flivver Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Flivver Frigate (FF) see also 3788 Flivver War Destroyer and Frigate
3788 Flivver Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Flivver Heavy Cruiser and War Cruiser
3788 Flivver War Cruiser (CW) see also 3788 Flivver Heavy Cruiser and War Cruiser
3788 Flivver War Cruiser and War Destroyer
3788 Flivver War Destroyer (DW) see also 3788 Flivver War Cruiser and War Destroyer
3788 Flivver War Destroyer and Frigate (contains a war destroyer and a frigate)
3788 Flivver War Destroyer Scout (DWS)
Franz Joseph Federation is the style of Federation ships that is strictly based on the drawings of Franz Joseph as found in his Star Fleet Technical Manual. His estate does get royalties from the sales of these ships.
3788 Franz Joseph Federation Destroyer (DD)
3788 Franz Joseph Federation Dreadnought
3788 Franz Joseph Federation Heavy Cruiser
3788 Franz Joseph Federation Scout
3788 Franz Joseph Federation Tug with No Pods
3788 Franz Joseph Federation Tug with One Pod
3788 Franz Joseph Federation Tug with Two Pods
3788 Franz Joseph Federation Tug (Starliner)
The Frax are a simulator empire.
3788 Frax Battleship (BB)
3788 Frax Command Cruiser (CC)
3788 Frax Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Frax Frigate (FF)
3788 Frax Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Frax Missile Destroyer
3788 Frax Police Corvette (POL)
3788 Frax Submarine Destroyer
3788 Frax Submarine Frigate
3788 Frax Submarine Light Cruiser
3788 Frax Submarine Missile Cruiser
3788 Frax Submarine War Cruiser (SCW)
3788 Frax War Cruiser (CW)
3788 Frax War Cruiser Carrier
3788 Frax War Cruiser Scout (CWS)
3788 Frax War Destroyer (DW)
3788 Frax War Destroyer Carrier
3788 Frax War Drone Destroyer (DWD)
3788 Frax X-Ship X-Command Cruiser (CCX)
3788 General Augmented Commercial Platform
3788 General Commercial Platform with Pods
3788 General Communications Station (Type A)
3788 General Communications Station (Type B)
3788 General Fleet Repair Dock (FRD) see also empire-specific fleet docks from these empires: Hydran
3788 General SAM Station
For the Gorn Confederation, the + indicates a refitted version with aztecking.
3788 Gorn Alectosaurus Light Dreadnought
3788 Gorn Alectosaurus+ Light Dreadnought
3788 Gorn Allosaurus Buck Battlecruiser (BC)
3788 Gorn Allosaurus Buck+ Battlecruiser (BC)
3788 Gorn Battle Destroyer Scout
3788 Gorn Battle Destroyer Scout+
3788 Gorn Brontosaurus Fleet Tug (1 Pod)
3788 Gorn Brontosaurus Fleet Tug (2 Pods)
3788 Gorn Brontosaurus+ Fleet Tug (1 Pod)
3788 Gorn Brontosaurus+ Fleet Tug (2 Pods)
3788 Gorn Bubble Dreadnought
3788 Gorn Carnosaurus Destroyer (DD)
3788 Gorn Carnosaurus+ Destroyer (DD)
3788 Gorn Carnosaurus-P Gunboat/PF Tender
3788 Gorn Carnosaurus-P+ Gunboat/PF Tender
3788 Gorn Carnosaurus-S Scout (SC)
3788 Gorn Carnosaurus-S+ Scout (SC+)
3788 Gorn Ceratosaurus Battle Destroyer
3788 Gorn Ceratosaurus+ Battle Destroyer
3788 Gorn Compsognathus Frigate (FF)
3788 Gorn Compsognathus+ Frigate (FF)
3788 Gorn Compsognathus-B Battle Frigate
3788 Gorn Compsognathus-B+ Battle Frigate
3788 Gorn Destroyer-Battlecruiser
3788 Gorn Destroyer-Battlecruiser+
3788 Gorn Double-Wing Destroyer (DDW)
3788 Gorn Double-Wing Destroyer+ (DDW+)
3788 Gorn Dreadnought-Cruiser (DNC)
3788 Gorn Dreadnought-Cruiser+ (DNC+)
3788 Gorn Epanterias Medium Cruiser (CM)
3788 Gorn Epanterias+ Medium Cruiser (CM)
3788 Gorn Epanterias-K Strike Cruiser
3788 Gorn Epanterias-K+ Strike Cruiser
3788 Gorn Fast Battlecruiser (BF)
3788 Gorn Fast Battlecruiser+ (BF+)
3788 Gorn Godzilla Battleship (BB)
3788 Gorn Godzilla+ Battleship (BB+)
3788 Gorn Heavy Battlecruiser (BCH)
3788 Gorn Heavy Battlecruiser+ (BCH+)
3788 Gorn Heavy Destroyer Dreadnought
3788 Gorn Heavy Destroyer Dreadnought+
3788 Gorn Heavy Destroyer Scout
3788 Gorn Heavy Destroyer Scout+
3788 Gorn Heavy Medium Cruiser (HCM)
3788 Gorn Heavy Medium Cruiser+ (HCM+)
3788 Gorn Light Gunboat/PF Tender
3788 Gorn Light Gunboat/PF Tender+
3788 Gorn Medium Dreadnought (DNM)
3788 Gorn Medium Dreadnought+ (DNM+)
3788 Gorn Megalosaurus Light Cruiser (CL)
3788 Gorn Megalosaurus+ Light Cruiser (CL)
3788 Gorn Megalosaurus-S Large Scout
3788 Gorn Megalosaurus-S+ Large Scout
3788 Gorn Neo-Command Cruiser
3788 Gorn Neo-Command Cruiser+
3788 Gorn Refitted Bubble Dreadnought
3788 Gorn Stegosaurus Heavy Destroyer
3788 Gorn Stegosaurus+ Heavy Destroyer
3788 Gorn Troodon Destroyer-Cruiser
3788 Gorn Troodon+ Destroyer-Cruiser
3788 Gorn Tyrannosaurus Rex Dreadnought
3788 Gorn Tyrannosaurus Rex+ Dreadnought
3788 Gorn Tyrannosaurus-H Heavy Dreadnought
3788 Gorn Tyrannosaurus-H+ Heavy Dreadnought
3788 Gorn Velociraptor Fast Battlecruiser see 3788 Gorn Fast Battlecruiser (BF) or 3788 Gorn Fast Battlecruiser+ (BF+)
3788 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Battle Destroyer
3788 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Battle Destroyer+
3788 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Command Cruiser
3788 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Command Cruiser+
3788 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Destroyer (DDX)
3788 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Destroyer+ (DDX+)
3788 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Frigate (FFX)
3788 Gorn X-Ship Advanced Frigate+ (FFX+)
3788 Gorn X-Ship X-Light Cruiser (HDX)
3788 Gorn X-Ship X-Light Cruiser+ (HDX+)
The Helgardian Protectorate is a Triangulum Galaxy empire found in SFB Module E2.
3788 Helgardian Avenger Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Helgardian Defender Destroyer (DD)
3788 Helgardian Guardian Light Cruiser (CL)
3788 Helgardian Liberator Frigate (FF)
3788 Helgardian Protector Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Helgardian Spotter Scout (SC)
3788 Helgardian Vanguard Cruiser (C)
The Hivers are an Omega empire.
3788 Hiver Battlecruiser (BC)
3788 Hiver Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Hiver Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Hiver Heavy Dreadnought (DNH)
3788 Hydran Antelope Hunter DW Escort
3788 Hydran Apache Medium Command Cruiser
3788 Hydran Baron Light Command Cruiser
3788 Hydran Buffalo Hunter War Destroyer see also 3788 Hydran War Destroyers (2, Mixed)
3788 Hydran Buffalo Hunter War Destroyers, 2 (contains two Buffalo Hunter war destroyers)
3788 Hydran Buffalo Scout (DWS)
3788 Hydran Caravan Battle Tug
3788 Hydran Caravan Fleet Tug
3788 Hydran Cavalier Interdiction Carrier
3788 Hydran Chasseur New Scout Cruiser
3788 Hydran Cheyenne New Heavy Cruiser
3788 Hydran Comanche Medium Command Cruiser
3788 Hydran Cossack Medium Carrier
3788 Hydran Count Destroyer Leader
3788 Hydran Crusader Frigate Leader
3788 Hydran Cuirassier Frigate see also 3788 Hydran Frigates (2, Mixed)
3788 Hydran Cuirassier Frigates (2) (contains two Cuirassier frigates)
3788 Hydran Demon Hunter Heavy War Destroyer
3788 Hydran Destroyers (2, Mixed) (contains two destroyers: one Knight and one Lancer)
3788 Hydran Dragoon Cruiser
3788 Hydran Escort Hunter
3788 Hydran Escort Lancer
3788 Hydran Fleet Repair Dock (FRD)
3788 Hydran Frigates (2, Mixed) (contains two frigates: one Cuirassier and one Hunter)
3788 Hydran Gendarme Police Frigate
3788 Hydran Gendarme Police Frigates (2)
3788 Hydran Grenadier Local Defense Cruiser
3788 Hydran Heavy Gendarme & Police Carrier (contains one Heavy Gendarme Police Destroyer and one Police Carrier)
3788 Hydran Heavy Gendarme Police Destroyer see also 3788 Hydran Heavy Gendarme & Police Carrier
3788 Hydran Heavy Mauler Cruiser (CAM)
3788 Hydran Horseman Light Cruiser
3788 Hydran Horsemaster Gunboat/PF Tender
3788 Hydran Hun Fast Medium Cruiser
3788 Hydran Hunter Frigate see also 3788 Hydran Frigates (2, Mixed)
3788 Hydran Hunter Frigates (2) (contains two Hunter frigates)
3788 Hydran Inspector and Police Carrier (contains one Inspector police flagships and one Police Carrier)
3788 Hydran Inspector Police Flagship (INS) see also 3788 Hydran Inspector and Police Carrier
3788 Hydran Iron Duke Heavy Carrier
3788 Hydran Iroquois New Heavy Cruiser
3788 Hydran Kiowa War Dreadnought
3788 Hydran Knight Destroyer see also 3788 Hydran Destroyers (2, Mixed)
3788 Hydran Knight Destroyers (2) (contains two Knight destroyers)
3788 Hydran Lancer Destroyer see also 3788 Hydran Destroyers (2, Mixed)
3788 Hydran Lancer Destroyers (2) (contains two Lancer destroyers)
3788 Hydran Liege Light Dreadnought
3788 Hydran Light Gunboat/PF Tender (FDW)
3788 Hydran Lion Hunter War Destroyer Leader
3788 Hydran Lord Admiral Hvy Command Crusier (CHA)
3788 Hydran Lord Cardinal Hv Command Cruiser (CHC)
3788 Hydran Lord Commander Command Cruiser (LC) (also called Lord Commander Early Command Cruiser)
3788 Hydran Lord Marshal Command Cruiser
3788 Hydran Medium Mauler Cruiser (CMM)
3788 Hydran Mohawk New Heavy Cruiser
3788 Hydran Mohawk-V Medium Carrier
3788 Hydran Monarch Battleship (BB)
3788 Hydran Mongol Medium Cruiser
3788 Hydran Mongol-H Heavy Medium Cruiser
3788 Hydran Mule Light Tactical Transport
3788 Hydran New Escort Cruiser
3788 Hydran Outrider Survey Ship
3788 Hydran Overlord Battlecruiser
3788 Hydran Overmind Battle Control Ship
3788 Hydran Overseer Battle Carrier
3788 Hydran Paladin Dreadnought
3788 Hydran Pegasus Carrier
3788 Hydran Pegasus Gunboat/PF Tender
3788 Hydran Pegasus Light Cruiser
3788 Hydran Pegasus Scout (PGS)
3788 Hydran Picador Minesweeper
3788 Hydran Police Carrier (GNV) see also 3788 Hydran Heavy Gendarme & Police Carrier or 3788 Hydran Inspector and Police Carrier
3788 Hydran Ranger Cruiser
3788 Hydran Rhino Hunter War Destroyer see also 3788 Hydran War Destroyers (2, Mixed)
3788 Hydran Rhino Hunter War Destroyers, 2 (contains two Rhino Hunter war destroyers)
3788 Hydran Saracen Frigate Leader
3788 Hydran Scythian Escort Carrier
3788 Hydran Sioux Division Control Ship
3788 Hydran Tartar Medium Cruiser
3788 Hydran Tartar-H Heavy Medium Cruiser
3788 Hydran Templar Early Dreadnought (DNE)
3788 Hydran Thoroughbred Fast Cruiser
3788 Hydran Traveler Light Cruiser
3788 Hydran Trooper New Light Carrier
3788 Hydran Uhlan Patrol Carrier
3788 Hydran Voltiguer Local Defense Frigate
3788 Hydran War Destroyers (2, Mixed) (contains two war destroyers: one Buffalo Hunter and one Rhino Hunter)
3788 Hydran Warrior Destroyer Leader
3788 Hydran X-Ship Cavalier-X Carrier (CAVX)
3788 Hydran X-Ship Dragoon-X Heavy Cruiser
3788 Hydran X-Ship Knight-X Destroyer (KNX)
3788 Hydran X-Ship Lancer-X Destroyer (LNX)
3788 Hydran X-Ship Mongol-X Medium Cruiser (MNX)
3788 Hydran X-Ship Ranger-X Heavy Cruiser
3788 Hydran X-Ship Tartar-X Medium Cruiser (TRX)
Inter-Stellar Concordium see ISC
The Iridani Questors are an Omega empire.
3788 Iridani Barque-B
3788 Iridani Brigantine
3788 Iridani Caravel-B
3788 Iridani Clipper
3788 Iridani Clipper and Galleon (contains one Clipper and one Galleon)
3788 Iridani Galleon-B see also 3788 Iridani Clipper and Galleon
3788 Iridani Man-O-War
3788 Iridani Sloop
3788 Iridani Sloop and Yawl (contains one Sloop and one Yawl)
3788 Iridani Supply Dock
3788 Iridani Tugboat
3788 Iridani Yawl-B see also 3788 Iridani Sloop and Yawl
3788 ISC Battleship (BB)
3788 ISC Contingency Destroyer (DDC)
3788 ISC Destroyer (DD)
3788 ISC Dreadnought (DN)
3788 ISC Fleet Tug
3788 ISC Frigate (FF)
3788 ISC Gunboat/PF Tender (PFT)
3788 ISC Heavy Cruiser see 3788 ISC Star Cruiser
3788 ISC Heavy Scout (HSC)
3788 ISC Heavy War Cruiser (HCW)
3788 ISC Light Battle Transport
3788 ISC Light Cruiser (CL)
3788 ISC Light Gunboat/PF Tender (DDP)
3788 ISC Light Tactical Transport (LTT)
3788 ISC Scout (SC)
3788 ISC Star Cruiser (CA)
3788 ISC System Defense Destroyer
3788 ISC System Defense Frigate (NFF)
3788 ISC War Cruiser (CW)
3788 ISC War Destroyer (DW)
3788 ISC X-Ship X-Command Cruiser (CCX)
3788 Jindarian Destroyer (DD)
3788 Jindarian Frigate (FF)
3788 Jindarian Frigates (2) (contains two frigates)
3788 Jindarian Heavy Strike Cruiser (HCS)
3788 Jindarian Heavy War Destroyer (HDW)
3788 Jindarian Light Strike Cruiser
3788 Jindarian Medium Strike Cruiser (MSC)
3788 Jindarian War Destroyer (DW)
For Klingons, the “K” at the end of the designation (B10K, B8K, etc.) indicates that it has aztecking, which some people prefer over the smooth original versions. Exceptions: C8B has two aztecked versions, the C8K and C8L; D7L is the aztecked version of the D7C; FWL is the aztecked version of the FWC.
3788 Klingon B10B Battleship
3788 Klingon B10B Battleship Kit (multi-part)
3788 Klingon B10B Boom
3788 Klingon B10K Battleship
3788 Klingon B10K Battleship Kit (multi-part)
3788 Klingon B10K Boom
3788 Klingon B10P Stellar Exploitation Ship
3788 Klingon B10S Space Control Ship
3788 Klingon B10T Emergency Battleship
3788 Klingon B10TK Emergency Battleship
3788 Klingon B10V Heavy Carrier
3788 Klingon B10VK Refitted Heavy Carrier
3788 Klingon B8 Combined Dreadnought
3788 Klingon B8K Combined Dreadnought
3788 Klingon B9B Fast Battleship
3788 Klingon B9K Refitted Fast Battleship
3788 Klingon C10 Heavy Dreadnought
3788 Klingon C10K Heavy Dreadnought
3788 Klingon C5 Light Dreadnought
3788 Klingon C5K Refitted Light Dreadnought
3788 Klingon C7B Heavy Battlecruiser
3788 Klingon C7K Heavy Battlecruiser
3788 Klingon C7VB Battle Carrier
3788 Klingon C7VK Refitted Battle Carrier
3788 Klingon C8B Dreadnought
3788 Klingon C8K Refitted Dreadnought
3788 Klingon C8L Dreadnought (Alternative)
3788 Klingon C8S Space Control Ship
3788 Klingon C8VB Heavy Carrier
3788 Klingon C8VK Refitted Heavy Carrier
3788 Klingon D5B War Cruiser see also 3788 Klingon D5B War Cruiser Collection
3788 Klingon D5B War Cruiser Collection (contains two D5B War Cruisers, a D5S Scout Cruiser, and a D5L War Cruiser Leader.)
3788 Klingon D5H Light Tactical Transport
3788 Klingon D5HK Light Tactical Transport
3788 Klingon D5K Refitted War Cruiser see also 3788 Klingon D5K War Cruiser Collection
3788 Klingon D5K War Cruiser Collection (contains two D5K Refitted War Cruisers, a D5SK Refitted Scout Cruiser, and a D5LK Refitted War Cruiser Leader)
3788 Klingon D5L War Cruiser Leader see also 3788 Klingon D5B War Cruiser Collection
3788 Klingon D5LK War Cruiser Leader see also 3788 Klingon D5K War Cruiser Collection
3788 Klingon D5S Scout Cruiser see also 3788 Klingon D5B War Cruiser Collection
3788 Klingon D5SK Refitted Scout Cruiser see also 3788 Klingon D5K War Cruiser Collection
3788 Klingon D5W New Heavy Cruiser
3788 Klingon D5WD Drone Bombardment Cruiser
3788 Klingon D5WDK Drone Bombardment Cruiser
3788 Klingon D5WK Refitted New Heavy Cruiser
3788 Klingon D6B Heavy Cruiser
3788 Klingon D6D Drone Cruiser
3788 Klingon D6DK Refitted Drone Cruiser
3788 Klingon D6K Refitted Heavy Cruiser
3788 Klingon D6M Mauler Cruiser
3788 Klingon D6MK Refitted Mauler Cruiser
3788 Klingon D6P Gunboat/PF Tender
3788 Klingon D6S Heavy Scout Cruiser
3788 Klingon D6SK Refitted Heavy Scout
3788 Klingon D7B Battlecruiser
3788 Klingon D7C Command Cruiser
3788 Klingon D7E Survey Cruiser
3788 Klingon D7EK Refitted Survey Cruiser
3788 Klingon D7K Refitted Battlecruiser
3788 Klingon D7L Command Cruiser
3788 Klingon D7VB Strike Carrier
3788 Klingon D7VK Refitted Strike Carrier
3788 Klingon D7W Heavy Command Cruiser
3788 Klingon D7WK Heavy Command Cruiser
3788 Klingon E3 Escort
3788 Klingon E4 Escort
3788 Klingon E4S Scout
3788 Klingon E5 Battle Corvette
3788 Klingon E6 Battle Escort
3788 Klingon E7 Heavy Cruiser
3788 Klingon F5 Frigate see also 3788 Klingon F5-Based Frigate Collection
3788 Klingon F5-Based Frigate Collection (contains the F5L Frigate Leader, F5S Scout Frigate, and two F5 Frigates)
3788 Klingon F5K Refitted Frigate
3788 Klingon F5L Frigate Leader see also 3788 Klingon F5-Based Frigate Collection
3788 Klingon F5LK Refitted Frigate Leader
3788 Klingon F5S Scout Frigate see also 3788 Klingon F5-Based Frigate Collection
3788 Klingon F5SK Refitted Scout Frigate
3788 Klingon F5T Transport, No Pods
3788 Klingon F5T Transport, One Pod
3788 Klingon F5TK Transport, No Pods
3788 Klingon F5TK Transport, One Pod
3788 Klingon F5W War Destroyer
3788 Klingon F5WK Refitted War Destroyer
3788 Klingon F6 Battle Frigate
3788 Klingon F6K Refitted Battle Frigate
3788 Klingon F6S Battle Frigate Scout
3788 Klingon F6SK Battle Frigate Scout
3788 Klingon FD7 Fast Battlecruiser
3788 Klingon FD7K Fast Battlecruiser
3788 Klingon FWC War Destroyer Leader
3788 Klingon FWL War Destroyer Leader
3788 Klingon G2 Police Cutter see also 3788 Klingon ISF Police Collection
3788 Klingon G2C Police Leader see also 3788 Klingon ISF Police Collection
3788 Klingon G6 Heavy Police Ship see also 3788 Klingon ISF Police Collection
3788 Klingon HD5 Heavy War Cruiser
3788 Klingon HD5K Refitted Heavy War Cruiser
3788 Klingon HF5 Heavy War Destroyer
3788 Klingon HF5 K-Refit Heavy War Destroyer
3788 Klingon ISF Police Collection (contains a G6 heavy police ship, a G2C police leader, and two G2 police ships)
3788 Klingon SD7B Unrefitted Strike Cruiser
3788 Klingon SD7K Strike Cruiser
3788 Klingon SparrowHawk Light Cruiser (RKL)
3788 Klingon SparrowHawk+ Light Cruiser RKL
3788 Klingon T7B Fleet Tug
3788 Klingon T7K Refitted Fleet Tug
3788 Klingon WB10 Super Battleship
3788 Klingon WB10P Super Domination Ship
3788 Klingon WB10V Super Heavy Carrier
3788 Klingon WC10 Battleship
3788 Klingon WC10K Refitted Battleship
3788 Klingon WD5 War Dreadnought
3788 Klingon WD5K Refitted War Dreadnought
3788 Klingon X-Ship D7XB Battlecruiser
3788 Klingon X-Ship D7XK Battlecruiser
3788 Klingon X-Ship F5X Frigate
3788 Klingon X-Ship F5XK Frigate
The Kolighahr Solidarity is an Omega empire.
3788 Koligahr Destroyer (DD)
3788 Koligahr Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Koligahr Early Gunboat Tender (PSP)
3788 Koligahr Fighter Killer
3788 Koligahr Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Koligahr Patrol Boat
3788 Koligahr Patrol Scout
3788 Koligahr Short Carrier
3788 Kzinti Battle Control Ship (BCS)
3788 Kzinti Battle Frigate (BFF)
3788 Kzinti Battlecruiser (BC)
3788 Kzinti Battleship (BB)
3788 Kzinti Battleship Carrier (BBV)
3788 Kzinti Command Cruiser (CC)
3788 Kzinti Destroyer (DD)
3788 Kzinti Destroyer Leader (DDL)
3788 Kzinti Division Control Ship (DCS)
3788 Kzinti Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Kzinti Drone Bombardment Destroyer
3788 Kzinti Drone Cruiser
3788 Kzinti Drone Frigate
3788 Kzinti Early Frigate (YFF)
3788 Kzinti Escort Frigate (EFF)
3788 Kzinti Fast Battlecruiser (BF)
3788 Kzinti FFK Frigate (C-9 Refit)
3788 Kzinti Frigate (FF)
3788 Kzinti Frigate Transport (FFT)
3788 Kzinti Heavy Battlecruiser (BCH)
3788 Kzinti Heavy Carrier (CVA)
3788 Kzinti Heavy Command Cruiser (CCH)
3788 Kzinti Heavy Dreadnought (DNH)
3788 Kzinti Heavy Frigate (FH)
3788 Kzinti Heavy Medium Cruiser
3788 Kzinti Heavy War Destroyer (HDW)
3788 Kzinti Killer Escort Frigate (FKE)
3788 Kzinti Light Cruiser (CL)
3788 Kzinti Light Dreadnought (DNL)
3788 Kzinti Light Gunboat/PF Tender
3788 Kzinti Medium Cruiser (CM)
3788 Kzinti Medium Dreadnought (DNM)
3788 Kzinti Medium Drone Cruiser (MDC)
3788 Kzinti Medium Gunboat/PF Tender
3788 Kzinti Medium Scout Cruiser (MSC)
3788 Kzinti Medium Tactical Transport
3788 Kzinti Needle Tender (PFT)
3788 Kzinti New Command Cruiser (NCC)
3788 Kzinti New Drone Bombardment Cruiser
3788 Kzinti New Fast Cruiser (NCF)
3788 Kzinti New Gunboat/PF Ship Tender (NPF)
3788 Kzinti New Heavy Cruiser (NCA)
3788 Kzinti New Heavy Scout Cruiser (NSC)
3788 Kzinti Police Corvette (POL) see also 3788 Kzinti Police Cutter & Police Corvette
3788 Kzinti Police Cutter (CU)
3788 Kzinti Police Cutter & Police Corvette
3788 Kzinti Police Flagship (FLG)
3788 Kzinti Scout Destroyer (DDS)
3788 Kzinti Scout Drone Frigate (SDF)
3788 Kzinti Scout Drone War Destroyer (SDW)
3788 Kzinti Scout Frigate
3788 Kzinti Space Control Ship (SCS)
3788 Kzinti Super Space Control Ship
3788 Kzinti Tri-Maran
3788 Kzinti Tug with Two Pods
3788 Kzinti War Destroyer (DW)
3788 Kzinti War Destroyer Leader (DWL)
3788 Kzinti War Destroyer Scout (DWS)
3788 Kzinti War Destroyer Transport (DWT)
3788 Kzinti War Dreadnought (DNW)
3788 Kzinti X-Ship Battlecruiser (BCX)
3788 Kzinti X-Ship Command Cruiser (CCX)
3788 Kzinti X-Ship Frigate (FKX)
3788 Kzinti X-Ship Heavy War Destroyer (HDWX)
3788 Kzinti X-Ship Light Cruiser (CMX)
3788 Kzinti X-Ship New Heavy Cruiser (NAX)
3788 Kzinti X-Ship Scout Drone Frigate (FDX)
For 3788 LDR ships use the base version of Lyran ships.
For most Lyran ships, the refitted version has the aztecking that some painters like. (Exceptions: The Cave Lion Battleship is aztecked while the unrefitted version is not.)
3788 Lyran Abyssinian Police Flagship
3788 Lyran Alleycat War Destroyer (DW)
3788 Lyran Alleycat-E War Destroyer Escort
3788 Lyran Black Cheetah Heavy Frigate (HFF)
3788 Lyran Black Leopard Heavy Destroyer (HDD)
3788 Lyran Caracal Military Police Corvette see also 3788 Lyran Military Police Corvettes (2)
3788 Lyran Cargo Pallets
3788 Lyran Cave Jaguar War Dreadnought
3788 Lyran Cave Jaguar War Dreadnought Kit (multi-part)
3788 Lyran Cave Lion Battleship (BB)
3788 Lyran Cheetah Frigate (FF)
3788 Lyran Cheetah Frigates (2) (contains two frigates)
3788 Lyran Combat Pallet Collection (contains a single battle pallet and a single carrier pallet)
3788 Lyran Cougar Battle Tug
3788 Lyran Cougar Carrier Tug
3788 Lyran Desert Lion Light Dreadnought
3788 Lyran Dreadnought Mauler
3788 Lyran Firecat Battle Control Ship
3788 Lyran Forest Lion Heavy Dreadnought
3788 Lyran Forest Lion Heavy Dreadnought Kit (multi-part)
3788 Lyran Frigate Scout (FFS)
3788 Lyran JagdPanther Light Cruiser
3788 Lyran Jaguar War Cruiser (CW)
3788 Lyran Jaguar-E Escort War Cruiser
3788 Lyran Jaguar-H Heavy War Cruiser
3788 Lyran Java Tiger Heavy Command Cruiser
3788 Lyran King Jaguar New Heavy Cruiser
3788 Lyran King-Jaguar-D New Division Control Ship see 3788 Lyran New Division Control Ship
3788 Lyran King Jaguar-F New Fast Cruiser
3788 Lyran King Jaguar-P New Gunboat Tender
3788 Lyran Leopard Destroyer (DD)
3788 Lyran Leopard-M Minesweeper (MS)
3788 Lyran Light Tactical Transport (LTT)
3788 Lyran Lion Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Lyran Lioness Heavy Cruiser (CAL)
3788 Lyran Local Defense Cruiser (LCA)
3788 Lyran Local Defense Frigate (LFF)
3788 Lyran Manx Police Corvette
3788 Lyran Military Police Corvette see 3788 Lyran Caracal Military Police Corvette
3788 Lyran Military Police Corvettes (2) (contains two Caracal Military Police Corvettes)
3788 Lyran Mountain Lion (DND)
3788 Lyran MP and Police Corvettes (3) (contains one Caracal Military Police Corvette and two Manx Police Corvettes)
3788 Lyran New Division Control Ship
3788 Lyran Ocelot Scout (SC)
3788 Lyran Panther Light Cruiser (CL)
3788 Lyran Panther-E Light Escort Cruiser
3788 Lyran Panther-S Light Scout Cruiser
3788 Lyran Panther-V Light Carrier (CLV)
3788 Lyran PF/Gunboat Tender
3788 Lyran Prairie Lion Survey Carrier (SRV)
3788 Lyran Puma Transport Tug
3788 Lyran Puma Transport Tug (K Pods)
3788 Lyran Puma Transport Tug (No Pallets/Pods)
3788 Lyran Refitted Abyssinian
3788 Lyran Refitted Alleycat War Destroyer
3788 Lyran Refitted Alleycat-E
3788 Lyran Refitted Battle Control Ship
3788 Lyran Refitted Black Cheetah (HFF)
3788 Lyran Refitted Black Leopard (HDD)
3788 Lyran Refitted Caracal see 3788 Lyran Refitted Military Police Corvette
3788 Lyran Refitted Cave Jaguar
3788 Lyran Refitted Cave Jaguar Kit (multi-part)
3788 Lyran Refitted Cheetah Frigate
3788 Lyran Refitted Cheetah Frigates (2) (contains two frigates)
3788 Lyran Refitted Desert Lion
3788 Lyran Refitted Dreadnought Mauler
3788 Lyran Refitted Frigate Scout (FFS)
3788 Lyran Refitted Heavy Dreadnought
3788 Lyran Refitted Heavy Dreadnought Kit (multi-part)
3788 Lyran Refitted JagdPanther
3788 Lyran Refitted Jaguar War Cruiser
3788 Lyran Refitted Jaguar-E
3788 Lyran Refitted Jaguar-H
3788 Lyran Refitted Java Tiger
3788 Lyran Refitted King Jaguar see 3788 Lyran Refitted New Heavy Cruiser
3788 Lyran Refitted King Jaguar-D (NDS)
3788 Lyran Refitted King Jaguar-F (NCF)
3788 Lyran Refitted King Jaguar-P (NPF)
3788 Lyran Refitted Leopard Destroyer
3788 Lyran Refitted Leopard-M Minesweeper (MS)
3788 Lyran Refitted Lion Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Lyran Refitted Lioness Heavy Cruiser
3788 Lyran Refitted Local Defense Cruiser (LCA)
3788 Lyran Refitted Local Defense Frigate
3788 Lyran Refitted Manx Police Corvette see also 3788 Lyran Refitted MP & Police Corvettes, 3
3788 Lyran Refitted Manx Police Corvettes, 2 (contains two Manx Police Corvettes)
3788 Lyran Refitted Military Police Corvette see also 3788 Lyran Refitted MP Corvettes (2) or 3788 Lyran Refitted MP & Police Corvettes, 3
3788 Lyran Refitted Mountain Lion (DND)
3788 Lyran Refitted MP & Police Corvettes, 3 (contains one Refitted Military Police Corvette and two Refitted Manx Patrol Corvettes)
3788 Lyran Refitted MP Corvettes (2) (contains two Refitted Military Police Corvettes)
3788 Lyran Refitted New Division Control Ship see 3788 Lyran Refitted King Jaguar-D (NDS)
3788 Lyran Refitted New Heavy Cruiser (Refitted King Jaguar)
3788 Lyran Refitted Ocelot Scout
3788 Lyran Refitted Panther Light Cruiser
3788 Lyran Refitted Panther-E (CLE)
3788 Lyran Refitted Panther-S (CLS)
3788 Lyran Refitted Panther-V Light Carrier
3788 Lyran Refitted PF/Gunboat Tender
3788 Lyran Refitted Prairie Lion (SRV)
3788 Lyran Refitted Running Tiger
3788 Lyran Refitted Saber-Tooth Tiger
3788 Lyran Refitted Serval War Cruiser Scout
3788 Lyran Refitted Siberian Tiger Carrier
3788 Lyran Refitted Single-Tooth Jaguar
3788 Lyran Refitted Space Control Ship
3788 Lyran Refitted Tiger Heavy Cruiser
3788 Lyran Refitted Top-Alleycat
3788 Lyran Refitted War Destroyer Scout
3788 Lyran Refitted War PF/ Gunboat Tender
3788 Lyran Refitted Wildcat Battlecruiser
3788 Lyran Refitted Yaguarundi Light Carrier
3788 Lyran Running Tiger Fast Cruiser
3788 Lyran Saber-Tooth Tiger Mauler Cruiser
3788 Lyran Serval War Cruiser Scout
3788 Lyran Siberian Lion Space Control Ship
3788 Lyran Siberian Tiger Carrier
3788 Lyran Single-Tooth Jaguar War Mauler
3788 Lyran Tiger Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Lyran Top-Alleycat Heavy War Destroyer
3788 Lyran Unrefitted Cave Lion Battleship
3788 Lyran War Destroyer Scout (DWS)
3788 Lyran War PF/Gunboat Tender
3788 Lyran Wildcat Battlecruiser (BC)
3788 Lyran X-Ship Advanced Destroyer (DWX)
3788 Lyran X-Ship Advanced Light Cruiser
3788 Lyran X-Ship Command Cruiser (CCX)
3788 Lyran X-Ship Refitted Advanced Destroyer (DWX) see 3788 Lyran X-Ship Refitted Destroyer (DWX)
3788 Lyran X-Ship Refitted Advanced Light Cruiser see 3788 Lyran X-Ship Refitted Light Cruiser
3788 Lyran X-Ship Refitted Command Cruiser
3788 Lyran X-Ship Refitted Destroyer (DWX)
3788 Lyran X-Ship Refitted Light Cruiser
3788 Lyran X-Shp Refitted Wildcat-X (BCX)
3788 Lyran X-Ship Wildcat-X Battlecruiser
3788 Lyran Yaguarundi Light Carrier
The Maesron Alliance is an Omega empire. See also 3788 Vulpa.
3788 Maesron Battleship (BB)
3788 Maesron Bombardment Cruiser
3788 Maesron Destroyer (DD)
3788 Maesron Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Maesron Early Gunboat Tender (PFT)
3788 Maesron Frigate (FF)
3788 Maesron Frignaught
3788 Maesron Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Maesron Light Cruiser (CL)
3788 Maesron Missile Scout
3788 Maesron Strike Carrier (CVS)
3788 Monster Space Tarantula
3788 Neo-Tholian Battleship (NBB)
3788 Neo-Tholian Battleship (Original)
3788 Neo-Tholian Battleship Carrier
3788 Neo-Tholian Destroyer
3788 Neo-Tholian Dreadnought
3788 Neo-Tholian Frigate
3788 Neo-Tholian Heavy Carrier (NCVA)
3788 Neo-Tholian Heavy Command Cruiser
3788 Neo-Tholian Heavy Cruiser (NCA)
3788 Neo-Tholian Heavy Destroyer
3788 Neo-Tholian Heavy Dreadnought
3788 Neo-Tholian Heavy Frigate
3788 Neo-Tholian Light Cruiser (NCL)
3788 Neo-Tholian Medium Cruiser
3788 Neo-Tholian Space Control Ship
3788 Neo-Tholian Stellar Domination Ship
3788 Neo-Tholian Strike Carrier (NCV)
3788 Neo-Tholian Survey Cruiser
3788 Neo-Tholian Tug (NTG) with 1 Pod
3788 Neo-Tholian Tug (NTG) with 2 Pods
3788 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Destroyer (NDX)
3788 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Frigate (NFX)
3788 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Heavy Cruiser (NCX)
3788 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Heavy Destroyer (NHDX)
3788 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Heavy Frigate (NHFX)
3788 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Large Heavy Cruiser (NHX)
3788 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Light Cruiser (NLX)
3788 Neo-Tholian X-Ship Medium Cruiser (NMX)
See also 3788 Tholian
The North Polar empire is found in SFB Module E5, Federation Commander: North Polar Ship Card Pack, and A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Christmas Ship Roster Pack.
3788 North Polar Candy Cane Light Cruiser
3788 North Polar Candy Sprite Destroyer
3788 North Polar Candy Stick Missile DD
3788 North Polar Candy Stripe Scout
3788 North Polar Commando Cruiser
3788 North Polar Gingerbread Attack Cruiser
3788 North Polar Sleigh Medium Cruiser
3788 North Polar Snow Command Cruiser
3788 North Polar Snowman Dreadnought
3788 North Polar Snowman, Back Snowball
3788 North Polar Snowman, Front Snowball
3788 North Polar Snowman, Middle Snowball
3788 North Polar Star Strike Cruiser
3788 North Polar Tree Heavy Cruiser
The Old Galaxy Pirates are an M81 Galaxy empire
3788 Old Galaxy Pirates Pirate Raider
3788 Orion Battle Raider (BR)
3788 Orion Battle Raiders (2) (contains two Battle Raiders)
3788 Orion Battlecruiser (BC)
3788 Orion Double Raider
3788 Orion Double Raider Cruiser
3788 Orion Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Orion Gunboat/PF Tender (PFT)
3788 Orion Heavy Battle Raider
3788 Orion Heavy Battlecruiser (BCH)
3788 Orion Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Orion Heavy Fleet Transport, Federation
3788 Orion Heavy Fleet Transport, Klingon
3788 Orion Heavy Fleet Transport, Lyran
3788 Orion Heavy War Destroyer (HDW)
3788 Orion Light Cruiser (CR)
3788 Orion Light Cruisers (2) (contains two light cruisers)
3788 Orion Light Gunboat/PF Tender (DWP)
3788 Orion Light Raider (LR)
3788 Orion Light Raider Scout
3788 Orion Light Raiders (2) (contains two Light Raiders)
3788 Orion Medium Raider
3788 Orion OK6 Cruiser
3788 Orion OK6 K-Refit Cruiser
3788 Orion Patrol Carrier (CVP)
3788 Orion Salvage Cruiser
3788 Orion Salvage Tug with Freighters
3788 Orion Slaver Freighter
3788 Orion Strike Cruiser (CS)
3788 Orion War Destroyer (DW)
3788 Orion War Destroyer Scout (DWS)
3788 Orion X-Ship Battle Raider (BRX)
3788 Orion X-Ship Heavy Cruiser (CX)
3788 Orion X-Ship Raider Cruiser (CRX)
3788 Orion X-Ship Salvage Cruiser-X (SAX)
3788 Orion X-Ship Strike Cruiser-X (CSX)
3788 Orion X-Ship War Destroyer (DWX)
3788 Paravian Frigate (FF)
3788 Paravian Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Paravian Raid Mothership (RMS)
3788 Paravian War Cruiser (CW)
3788 Paravian War Destroyer (DW)
3788 Peladine Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Peladine Light Cruiser (CL)
The Probr Revolution is an Omega empire.
3788 Probr Brass Frigate (FF)
3788 Probr Bronze Destroyer (DD)
3788 Probr Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Probr Gunboat Tender (PFT)
3788 Probr Iron Light Cruiser (CL)
3788 Probr Logistics Base
3788 Probr Medium Cruiser (CM)
3788 Probr Steel Heavy Cruiser (CA)
The Qari are a simulator empire.
3788 Qari BM1 Destroyer
3788 Qari T64 Heavy Cruiser
3788 Romulan BattleHawk Destroyer
3788 Romulan BattleHawk Destroyers (2) (contains two BattleHawk destroyers)
3788 Romulan ChickenHawk Gunboat/PF Tender
3788 Romulan Condor Dreadnought
3788 Romulan Condor+ Dreadnought
3788 Romulan DemonHawk Dreadnought
3788 Romulan Falcon Mauler
3788 Romulan Fast SparrowHawk Light Cruiser
3788 Romulan Fast SparrowHawk+ Light Cruiser
3788 Romulan FastHawk-K Fast Heavy Cruiser
3788 Romulan FastHawk-K+ Fast Heavy Cruiser
3788 Romulan FireHawk-B Carrier (FHB)
3788 Romulan FireHawk-B+ Carrier (FHB+)
3788 Romulan FireHawk-C Scout Survey Ship
3788 Romulan FireHawk-C+ Scout Survey Ship
3788 Romulan FireHawk-K Heavy Cruiser
3788 Romulan FireHawk-K+ Heavy Cruiser
3788 Romulan FireHawk-M Heavy Escort Cruiser (FHM)
3788 Romulan FireHawk-M+ hvy Escort Cruiser (FHM+)
3788 Romulan FlameHawk Mauler
3788 Romulan FlameHawk+ Mauler
3788 Romulan Freight Eagle
3788 Romulan GryphonHawk Heavy War Cruiser
3788 Romulan GryphonHawk+ Heavy War Cruiser
3788 Romulan Heavy Condor Dreadnought
3788 Romulan JayHawk Battle Frigate
3788 Romulan K10R Battleship
3788 Romulan K10R Battleship (Smooth)
3788 Romulan K5R Frigate
3788 Romulan K9R Dreadnought
3788 Romulan K9R Dreadnought (Smooth)
3788 Romulan KCR Heavy Battlecruiser
3788 Romulan KCR Heavy Battlecruiser, Smooth
3788 Romulan KDR War Cruiser
3788 Romulan KDR War Cruiser, Smooth
3788 Romulan KE5 Escort
3788 Romulan KE7 Medium Cruiser
3788 Romulan KillerHawk Super-Heavy Cruiser
3788 Romulan KillerHawk+ Super-Heavy Cruiser
3788 Romulan King Condor Battleship
3788 Romulan King Eagle Command Cruiser
3788 Romulan KR Heavy Cruiser
3788 Romulan KR Heavy Cruiser (Smooth)
3788 Romulan KRC Command Cruiser
3788 Romulan KRC Command Cruiser (Smooth)
3788 Romulan KRM Mauler Cruiser
3788 Romulan KRM Mauler Cruiser (Smooth)
3788 Romulan KRT Fleet Tug with Klingon Pods
3788 Romulan KRT Fleet Tug with Romulan Pods
3788 Romulan MegaHawk Dreadnought
3788 Romulan MegaHawk+ Dreadnought
3788 Romulan NovaHawk-K Command Cruiser
3788 Romulan NovaHawk-K+ Command Cruiser
3788 Romulan OmniHawk Light Dreadnought
3788 Romulan OmniHawk+ Light Dreadnought
3788 Romulan Peregrine New Mauler Cruiser
3788 Romulan Peregrine+ New Mauler Cruiser
3788 Romulan Pioneer Eagle
3788 Romulan RoyalHawk-K Command Cruiser
3788 Romulan RoyalHawk-K+ Command Cruiser
3788 Romulan SaberHawk Heavy War Destroyer
3788 Romulan Scout Eagle
3788 Romulan Screech Owl Heavy Scout
3788 Romulan SeaHawk-A Frigate
3788 Romulan Shrike Light Dreadnought
3788 Romulan Shrike+ Light Dreadnought
3788 Romulan SkyHawk Destroyer Collection (contains two SkyHawk-A Destroyers, a SkyHawk-F Scout, and a SkyHawk-L Destroyer Leader)
3788 Romulan SkyHawk-A Destroyer see also 3788 Romulan SkyHawk Destroyer Collection
3788 Romulan SkyHawk-F Scout (SKF) see also 3788 Romulan SkyHawk Destroyer Collection
3788 Romulan SkyHawk-L Destroyer Leader see also 3788 Romulan SkyHawk Destroyer Collection
3788 Romulan Snipe Frigate
3788 Romulan Snipe Frigates (2) (contains two Snipe Frigates)
3788 Romulan Snipe-B Battle Frigate
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk Gunboat Tender (SparrowHawk-E)
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk Gunboat Tender+ (SparrowHawk-E+)
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-A Light Cruiser
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-A+ Light Cruiser
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-B Carrier (SPB)
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-B+ Carrier (SPB+)
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-C Scout Cruiser
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-C+ Scout Cruiser
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-F Mauler Cruiser
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-F+ Mauler Cruiser
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-H Cargo Transport
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-H+ Cargo Transport
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-J Assault Cruiser
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-J+ Assault Cruiser
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-T 1-Pod Transport
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-T 2-Pod Transport
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-T+ 1-Pod Transport
3788 Romulan SparrowHawk-T+ 2-Pod Transport
3788 Romulan SuperHawk-K Command Cruiser
3788 Romulan SuperHawk-K+ Command Cruiser
3788 Romulan Vulture Dreadnought
3788 Romulan War Eagle
3788 Romulan War Eagles (2) (contains two War Eagles)
3788 Romulan S-Ship BattleHawk-X Destroyer
3788 Romulan X-Ship BattleHawk-X Destroyers (contains two BattleHawk-X Destroyers)
3788 Romulan X-Ship King Eagle-X (KEX)
3788 Romulan X-Ship SparrowHawk-AX
The Ryn Enclave is an Omega empire.
3788 Ryn Destroyer (DD)
3788 Ryn Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Ryn Frigate (FF)
3788 Ryn Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Seltorian Destroyer (DD)
3788 Seltorian Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Seltorian Escort Destroyer (DDE) see also 3788 Seltorian Light Carrier Group, 3788 Seltorian Strike Carrier Group
3788 Seltorian Fast Cruiser (CF)
3788 Seltorian Fast Light Cruiser (CLF)
3788 Seltorian Frigate (FF)
3788 Seltorian Gunboat/PF Tender
3788 Seltorian Heavy Battlecruiser (BCH)
3788 Seltorian Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Seltorian Heavy Destroyer (HDD)
3788 Seltorian Light Carrier (DDV)
3788 Seltorian Light Carrier Group [contains one light carrier (DDV) and one escort destroyer (DDE)]
3788 Seltorian Light Cruiser (CL)
3788 Seltorian Light Dreadnought
3788 Seltorian Light Escort Cruiser (CLE) see also 3788 Scale Seltorian Strike Carrier Group
3788 Seltorian New Heavy Cruiser (NCA)
3788 Seltorian New Heavy Scout Cruiser
3788 Seltorian New Light Cruiser (NCL)
3788 Seltorian New Strike Carrier (NVS)
3788 Seltorian Scout (SC)
3788 Seltorian Strike Carrier (CVS)
3788 Seltorian Strike Carrier Group [contains one strike carrier (CVS), one light escort cruiser (CLE), and one escort destroyer (DDE)]
3788 Seltorian Survey Cruiser (SR)
The Sigvirion Expansion is an Omega empire.
3788 Sigvirion Command Cruiser
3788 Sigvirion Escort Frigate
3788 Sigvirion Infestation Scout Cruiser
3788 Sigvirion Invasion Cruiser
3788 Sigvirion Invasion Frigate (FF)
3788 Sigvirion Light Mobile Base
3788 Sigvirion New Frigate
3788 Sigvirion New Heavy Cruiser
The Singer Protectorate is an Omega empire.
3788 Singer Destroyer (DD)
3788 Singer Frigate (FF)
3788 Singer Heavy Cruiser (CA)
The Souldra are an Omega empire.
3788 Souldra Banshee Destroyer (DD)
3788 Souldra Ghost Heavy Carrier
3788 Souldra Spectre Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Souldra Wraith Light Cruiser
For more 3788 Scale Tholian ships, see 3788 Neo-Tholian
3788 Tholian Battleship (BB)
3788 Tholian Battlship Carrier (BBV)
3788 Tholian Black Widow
3788 Tholian Cargo Patrol Corvette with Pod
3788 Tholian Combat Tug
3788 Tholian Command Cruiser (CC)
3788 Tholian Crown of Tholia
3788 Tholian Cruiser (C)
3788 Tholian CW Pinwheel Stand Topper
3788 Tholian DD Pinwheel Stand Topper
3788 Tholian Destroyer (DD)
3788 Tholian Destroyer Carrier (DDV)
3788 Tholian Destroyer Leader (DDL)
3788 Tholian Destroyer Pinwheel
3788 Tholian Destroyer Scout (DDS)
3788 Tholian Destroyers (3) (contains three Destroyers)
3788 Tholian Disruptor-Armed Patrol Corvette
3788 Tholian DPW Dreadnought
3788 Tholian Dreadnought-Carrier
3788 Tholian Gunboat (PF) Tender w/ Gunboats
3788 Tholian Heavy Carrier (CVA)
3788 Tholian Heavy Command Cruiser (CCH)
3788 Tholian Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Tholian Heavy Dreadnought (DH)
3788 Tholian Heavy Fighter Carrier (CVH)
3788 Tholian Heavy War Cruiser (CWH)
3788 Tholian Heavy War Destroyer (HDW)
3788 Tholian Heavy War Destroyer (PF Tender)
3788 Tholian Improved Police Destroyer (PDD+)
3788 Tholian Improved Police War Destroyer (PDW+)
3788 Tholian Light Tactical Transport with Pod
3788 Tholian New Heavy Cruiser (CAN)
3788 Tholian Patrol Corvette (PC)
3788 Tholian Patrol Corvette Pinwheel
3788 Tholian Patrol Corvettes (3) (contains three Patrol Corvettes)
3788 Tholian PC Pinwheel Stand Topper
3788 Tholian Phaser Heavy Cruiser (CPA)
3788 Tholian Pocket Battleship
3788 Tholian Pocket Battleship with Gunboats
3788 Tholian POL Pinwheel Stand Topper
3788 Tholian Police Carrier
3788 Tholian Police Cutter (POL)
3788 Tholian Police Cutter Pinwheel
3788 Tholian Police Destroyer (PDD)
3788 Tholian Police Destroyer Carrier (PDV)
3788 Tholian Police Destroyer Leader (PDL)
3788 Tholian Police Destroyer Scout (PDS)
3788 Tholian Police War Destroyer (PDW)
3788 Tholian Police War Destroyer Carrier (PWV)
3788 Tholian Police War Destroyer Leader (PWL)
3788 Tholian Police War Destroyer Scout (PWS)
3788 Tholian Scout (SC)
3788 Tholian Scout Carrier (CSV)
3788 Tholian Space Control Ship (DNS)
3788 Tholian Stellar Domination Ship (SDS)
3788 Tholian TK5 Destroyer
3788 Tholian War Cruiser (CW)
3788 Tholian War Cruiser Carrier (CWV)
3788 Tholian War Cruiser Heavy (HCW)
3788 Tholian War Cruiser Leader (CWL)
3788 Tholian War Cruiser Pinwheel
3788 Tholian War Cruiser Scout (CWS)
3788 Tholian War Cruisers (3) (contains three war cruisers)
3788 Tholian War Gunboat Tender (PFW)
3788 Tholian Web Caster Command Cruiser
3788 Tholian Web Caster Heavy Cruiser
3788 Tholian X-Ship Command Cruiser (CCX)
3788 Tholian X-Ship Destroyer (DDX)
3788 Tholian X-Ship Heavy Cruiser (CAX)
3788 Tholian X-Ship Patrol Corvette (PCX)
3788 Tholian X-Ship Patrol Corvettes (3) (contains three X-Ship Patrol Corvettes)
3788 Tholian X-Ship War Cruiser (CWX)
The Trobrin Empire is an Omega empire.
3788 Trobrin Bolt Frigate
3788 Trobrin Command Cruiser (CC)
3788 Trobrin Deep Space Dreadnought (DSN)
3788 Trobrin Diamond Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Trobrin Frigate Leader (FFL)
3788 Trobrin Patroller
3788 Trobrin Refitted Gunboat Tender (PFT+)
3788 Trobrin Sapphire Frigate (FF)
3788 Trobrin Sapphire Frigate Scout (FFS)
3788 Trobrin Small Station
3788 Trobrin Torpedo Cruiser (CT)
3788 Trobrin White Diamond Bolt Cruiser
The Vari Combine is an Omega empire.
3788 Vari Frigate (FF)
3788 Vari Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Vari Heavy Frigate
3788 Vari Wing Cruiser
3788 Vudar Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Vudar Heavy Battlecruiser (BCH)
3788 Vudar Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Vudar Heavy War Destroyer
3788 Vudar War Cruiser (CW)
3788 Vudar War Destroyer (DW)
3788 Vudar War Destroyer Scout (DWS)
3788 Vudar War Frigate (FW)
The Vulpa were part of the Maesron Alliance, one of the Omega empires.
3788 Vulpa Blockade Runner
The Worb Technocracy is an Omega empire.
3788 Worb Dreadnought (DN)
3788 Worb Frigate (FF)
3788 Worb Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Worb Heavy Destroyer
3788 Worb Light Destroyer
3788 Worb Medium Destroyer
3788 Worb Scout (SC)
3788 WYN (Kzinti) Frigate (ZFF)
3788 WYN (Kzinti-Built) War Destroyer
3788 WYN Barracuda Frigate (FF)
3788 WYN Barracuda Frigates (2) (contains two Barracuda frigates)
3788 WYN Carcharodon Heavy Cruiser “Great White Shark”
3788 WYN Green Shark Strike Carrier (CVS)
3788 WYN Grey Shark Dreadnought (DN)
3788 WYN Grey Shark Dreadnought Kit (multi-part)
3788 WYN Light Tactical Transport, Klingon
3788 WYN Light Tactical Transport, Kzinti
3788 WYN Mako Destroyer (DD)
3788 WYN Mako Destroyers (2) (contains two Mako destroyers)
3788 WYN Mako-Scout (DWS)
3788 WYN Orca War Cruiser (CW)
3788 WYN Orca-F Fast War Cruiser (CWF)
3788 WYN Orca-H Heavy War Cruiser (HCW)
3788 WYN Orca-V Light Carrier (CVL)
3788 WYN Pocket Battlecruiser
3788 WYN Pocket Battleship (PBB)
3788 WYN Tigershark Heavy Battlecruiser
3788 WYN X-Ship Great White Shark X-Cruiser (CAX)
The Ymatrian Horde is an Omega empire.
3788 Ymatrian Battleaxe Battlecruiser
3788 Ymatrian Broadsword Strike Carrier
3788 Ymatrian Cutlass Destroyer (DD) see also 3788 Ymatrian Destroyer Squadron
3788 Ymatrian Dagger Frigate (FF) see also 3788 Ymatrian Frigate Collection
3788 Ymatrian Destroyer Squadron (contains two Cutlass destroyers and a Rapier destroyer leader)
3788 Ymatrian Double-Axe Command Cruiser
3788 Ymatrian Frigate Collection (contains two Dagger frigates and a Poniard frigate leader)
3788 Ymatiran Poniard Frigate Leader see also 3788 Ymatrian Frigate Collection
3788 Ymatrian Rapier Destroyer Leader see also 3788 Ymatrian Destroyer Squadron
3788 Ymatrian Supply Point
3788 Ymatrian War Axe Heavy Cruiser (CA)
The Zosman Marauders are a pirate syndicate in the Omega Octant.
3788 Zosman Destroyer (DD)
3788 Zosman Frigate (FF)
3788 Zosman Heavy Cruiser (CA)
3788 Zosman Light Cruiser (CL)
7000 Andromedan Fleet Dominator Collection (contains an Andromedan Dominator, its four satellite ships (four Mambas), a Python, and a satellite base)
7000 Andromedan Fleet Heavy Satellite Ships (contains three Andromedan Heavy Mambas and five Heavy Cobras)
7000 Andromedan Fleet Intruder Collection (contains an Andromedan Intruder and a Conquistador, with four satellite ships (three Cobras and a Terminator) and a satellite base)
7000 Andromedan Fleet Space Stations Coll. 1 (contains an an Andromedan battle station and a base station)
7000 Borak Fleet Builder Collection (contains a heavy cruiser, a light cruiser, two destroyers, and two frigates)
7000 Borak Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the dreadnought, battlecruiser, heavy cruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, and frigate)
7000 Carnivon Fleet Builder Collection (contains two light cruisers, two destroyers, and two frigates)
7000 Carnivon Fleet Core Collection (contains a dreadnought, heavy cruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, and two frigates)
7000 Carnivon Fleet Early 3-Cruiser Squadron (contains two Early Wolf Heavy Cruisers and one Early Command Cruiser)
7000 Carnivon Fleet Three-Cruiser Squadron (contains two Heavy Cruisers and one Command Cruiser)
The Drex Unity is an Omega empire.
7000 Drex Fleet Builder Collection (contains one battlecruiser, two battledestroyers, one Hex Cruiser, and two battlefrigates)
7000 Drex Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the dreadnought, battlecruiser, battledestroyer, and Patroller, along with two battlefrigates)
7000 Drex Fleet Patrol Collection (contains three battlefrigates and three patrollers)
7000 Federation Battleship (BB)
7000 Federation Flatbed Operational Carrier (CVO)
7000 Federation Fleet Builder Collection (contains three frigates, two war destroyers, and a new light cruiser)
7000 Federation Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the dreadnought, battlecruiser, heavy cruiser, new light cruiser, war destroyer, and frigate)
7000 Federation Pre-War Collection (contains two destroyers, two old light cruisers, one old heavy cruiser, and one police cutter)
7000 Federation Fleet Tug Collection (contains the Fleet Tug and Light Tactical Transport, each with no pods and with one pod as well as a Fleet Tug with two pods, along with a standalone single pod and a standalone double pod)
7000 Federation Heavy Cruisers (3) (contains thee heavy cruisers)
The Flivvers are a simulator empire.
7000 Flivver Fleet Builder Collection (contains one war cruiser, two war destroyers, and three frigates)
7000 Flivver Fleet Core Collection (contains the dreadnought, heavy cruiser, war cruiser, war destroyer, war destroyer scout, and frigate)
The Frax is a simulator empire.
7000 Frax Battleship (BB)
7000 Frax Fleet Builder Collection (contains the war cruiser, war destroyer, war drone destroyer, missile destroyer, frigate, and drone frigate)
7000 Frax Fleet Core Collection (contains the dreadnought, heavy battlecruiser, heavy cruiser, war cruiser, war destroyer, and frigate)
7000 Frax Fleet Submarine Collection (contains the submarine missile cruiser, submarine war cruiser, submarine light cruiser, submarine destroyer, and two submarine frigates)
7000 General Fleet Convoy Collection [contains three standard small freighters (Class-I or one-pod), a large freighter (Class-II or two-pod), a jumbo freighter (Class-III or three-pod), and a heavy freighter (Class-IV or four-pod)]
7000 General Fleet Repair Dock (FRD)
7000 Gorn Fleet Builder Collection (contains one medium cruiser, two heavy destroyers, two battle destroyers, and one destroyer)
7000 Gorn Fleet Core Collection (contains the dreadnought, heavy battlecruiser, battlecruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, and frigate)
7000 Gorn Fleet Refitted Builder Collection (contains refitted versions of one medium cruiser, two heavy destroyers, two battle destroyers, and one destroyer)
7000 Gorn Fleet Refitted Core Collection (contains refitted versions of the dreadnought, heavy battlecruiser, battlecruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, and frigate)
7000 Gorn Godzilla Battleship (BB)
7000 Gorn Godzilla+ Battleship (BB+)
7000 Hydran Fleet Builder Collection (contains the Hunter and Cuirassier Frigates, Buffalo Hunter and Rhino Hunter War Destroyers, and the Knight and Lancer Destroyers)
7000 Hydran Fleet Command Collection (contains the Paladin Dreadnought, Overseer Heavy Battlecruiser, Mohawk and Iroquois New Heavy Cruisers, and the Mongol and Tartar Medium Cruisers)
7000 Hydran Fleet Convoy Collection (contains two large freighters, two small freighters, a Gendarme police cutter, and a Heavy Gendarme Police Frigate)
7000 Hydran Fleet Fusion Collection (contains the Hunter Frigate, Buffalo Hunter War Destroyer, Lancer Destroyer, Mongol Medium Cruiser, Ranger Heavy Cruiser, and Mohawk New Heavy Cruiser)
7000 Hydran Fleet Hellbore Collection (contains the Cuirassier Frigate, Rhino Hunter War Destroyer, Knight Destroyer, Tartar Medium Cruiser, Dragoon Heavy Cruiser, and Iroquois New Heavy Cruiser)
7000 Hydran Fleet Legacy Cruisers Collection (contains the Horseman Light Fusion Cruiser, Traveler Light Hellbore Cruiser, Dragoon Heavy Hellbore Cruiser, and Ranger Heavy Fusion Cruiser)
7000 Hydran Fleet New Cruisers Collection (contains two Mongol Fusion War Cruisers, two Tartar Hellbore War Cruisers, one Mohawk Fusion New Heavy Cruiser, and one Iroquois Hellbore New Heavy Cruiser)
7000 Hydran Fleet Special Ships Collection (contains two Demon Hunter Heavy War Destroyers, a Pegasus Scout, two light cruisers (a Horseman and a Traveler), and a Kiowa War Dreadnought)
7000 Hydran Fleet Tug Collection (contains Caravan tugs with and without cargo pallets, a Mule light tactical transport with a pallet, two separate pods, and a Gendarme police ship)
7000 Hydran Monarch Battleship
Inter-Stellar Concordium see ISC
7000 ISC Battleship (BB)
7000 ISC Fleet Builder Collection (contains two each of the light cruiser, destroyer, and frigate)
7000 ISC Fleet Core Collection (contains the dreadnought, Star Cruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, and two frigates)
7000 ISC Fleet Sustainment Convoy Collection (contains a tug, a light tactical transport, two small freighters, one large freighter, one heavy freighter, a pair of cargo pods, and one light tactical transport pod)
7000 Jindarian Fleet Builder Collection (contains three war destroyers and three frigates)
7000 Klingon B10 Battleship
7000 Klingon D7 Battlecruisers (3) (contains three D7 battlecruisers)
7000 Klingon Fleet Builder Collection (contains one D5 war cruiser, two F5W war destroyers, and three F5 frigates)
7000 Klingon Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the C8 dreadnought, C7 heavy battlecruiser, D7 battlecruiser, D5 war cruiser, F5W destroyer, and F5 frigate)
7000 Klingon Fleet Special Ships Collection (contains one each of the one each of the Klingon D5W new heavy cruiser, E7 heavy cruiser, F6 battle frigate, E6 battle escort, E5 battle corvette, and E4 escort)
7000 Klingon Fleet Tug Collection (contains the Klingon T7 Fleet Tug and D5H Light Tactical Transport, each with no pods and with one pod as well as a Fleet Tug with two pods, along with two standalone single pods)
The Koligahr Solidarity is an Omega empire.
7000 Koligahr Fleet Builder Collection (contains one heavy cruiser, two destroyers, one Fighter-Killer, and two patrol boats)
7000 Koligahr Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the dreadnought, heavy cruiser, destroyer, and Frigate-Killer, along with two patrol boats)
7000 Kzinti Battleship (BB)
7000 Kzinti Fleet Builder Collection (contains a new heavy cruiser, two medium cruisers, two war destroyers, and a frigate)
7000 Kzinti Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the dreadnought, heavy battlecruiser, battlecruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, and frigate)
7000 Kzinti Fleet Tug Collection [contains the Fleet Tug (with one, two, or no pods), the Light Tactical Transport (with one pod), the War Destroyer Transport, and Frigate Transport (which could carry cargo pods but could not operate combat pods)]
7000 Kzinti Frigate and War Destroyer see 7000 Kzinti War Destroyer and Frigate
7000 Kzinti War Destroyer and Frigate (contains one each of the war destroyer and frigate)
7000 LDR see 7000 Lyran
7000 Lyran Cave Lion Battleship (BB)
7000 Lyran Fleet Builder Collection (contains one Jaguar war cruiser, two Alleycat war destroyers, one Leopard destroyer, and two Cheetah frigates)
7000 Lyran Fleet Convoy Collection [contains two large large freighters (one with Lyran pallets and one with Klingon pods), two small freighters (one with a Lyran pallet and one with a Klingon pod), and two police ships: the Manx Cutter and Caracal Corvette]
7000 Lyran Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the Lion dreadnought, Wildcat battlecruiser, Tiger heavy cruiser, Panther light cruiser, Leopard destroyer, and Cheetah frigate)
7000 Lyran Fleet Cruisers Collection (contains the Tiger heavy cruiser, Panther light cruiser, two Jaguar war cruisers, and two King Jaguar new heavy cruisers)
7000 Lyran Fleet Special Ships Collection (contains a JagdPanther Light Cruiser, Lioness Heavy Cruiser, Mountain Lion Light Dreadnought, Top-Alleycat Heavy War Destroyer, Cave Jaguar War Dreadnought, and a King Jaguar New Heavy Cruiser)
7000 Lyran Fleet Support Collection [contains a Puma-class tug with two Lyran-type pallets, a Puma-class tug with two Klingon-type pallets (which the Lyrans built and used extensively), a Jaguar class light tactical transport with one Klingon-type pod, two individual Lyran-type pallets, and a Manx police cutter]
7000 Lyran Fleet Utilities Collection (contains the Puma-class tug with its cargo pallets, the Jaguar-T-class light tactical transport with a single Klingon-type cargo pod, a large freighter, a small freighter, a Caracal-class military police cutter, and a Manx-class police cutter)
The Maesron Alliance is an Omega empire.
7000 Maesron Battleship (BB)
7000 Maesron Fleet Builder Collection (contains one heavy cruiser, one light cruiser, two destroyers, and two frigates)
7000 Maesron Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the dreadnought, heavy cruiser, light cruiser, and destroyer, along with two frigates)
7000 Monster Space Tarantula
7000 Neo-Tholian 312th Builder Collection (contains one Neo-Tholian dreadnought, three Neo-Tholian heavy cruisers, and two Neo-Tholian light cruisers -- one of each of the three Neo-Tholian collections will allow a player to deploy the entire Neo-Tholian 312th fleet.)
7000 Neo-Tholian Battleship (NBB)
7000 Neo-Tholian Fleet Builder Collection (contains two each of the light cruiser, destroyer, and frigate)
7000 Neo-Tholian Fleet Core Collection (contains a dreadnought, heavy cruiser, two light cruisers, ad estroyer, and a frigate)
See also 7000 Tholian
The North Polar empire is found in SFB Module E5, Federation Commander: North Polar Ship Card Pack, and A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Christmas Ship Roster Pack.
7000 North Polar Fleet Core Collection (contains the Snowman Dreadnought, Snowflake Command Cruiser, Gingerbread Attack Cruiser, Christmas Tree Cruiser, Star Strike Cruiser, and Candy Cane Light Cruiser)
7000 North Polar Sleigh Medium Cruiser
7000 Orion Pirate Command Collection (contains a dreadnought, heavy cruiser, heavy war destroyer, Salvage Cruiser, battlecruiser, and Salvage Strike Cruiser)
7000 Orion Pirate Mercenary Collection (contains a Light Raider Frigate, war destroyer, Raider Cruiser (a light cruiser), Battle Raider (a war cruiser), Heavy Battle Raider, and heavy cruiser)
7000 Orion Pirate Raider Collection (contains a Cruiser Raider, Light Raider, Battle Raider, Medium Raider, Double Light Raider, and a Slaver)
7000 Paravian Fleet Raider Collection (contains a heavy cruiser, war cruiser, two war destroyers, and two frigates)
7000 Paravian Raid Mothership (RMS)
The Probr Revolution is an Omega empire.
7000 Probr Fleet Builder Collection (contains one heavy cruiser, one medium cruiser, one light cruiser, one destroyer, and two frigates)
7000 Probr Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the dreadnought, heavy cruiser, light cruiser, and destroyer, along with two frigates)
7000 Romulan Fleet Assault Ship + Collection (contains a Peregrine+ New Mauler Cruiser, a FlameHawk+ Mauler, two SparrowHawk-F+ Mauler Cruisers, and two SparrowHawk-J+ Assault Cruisers)
7000 Romulan Fleet Assault Ship Collection (contains a Peregrine New Mauler Cruiser, a FlameHawk Mauler, two SparrowHawk-F Mauler Cruisers, and two SparrowHawk-J Assault Cruisers)
7000 Romulan Fleet Eagle Builder Collection (contains two each of War Eagle, BattleHawk, and Snipe)
7000 Romulan Fleet Eagle Core Collection (contains one each of the Vulture, King Eagle, War Eagle, Falcon Mauler, BattleHawk, and Snipe)
7000 Romulan Fleet Fast Ship “+” Collection (contains one Shrike+ Light Dreadnought, two FastHawks+, and two Fast SparrowHawk-A+ Light Cruisers)
7000 Romulan Fleet Fast Ship Collection (contains one Shrike Light Dreadnought, two FastHawks, and two Fast SparrowHawk-A Light Cruisers)
7000 Romulan Fleet Hawk Builder Collection (contains a SeaHawk, two SkyHawks, two SparrowHawks, and a FireHawk)
7000 Romulan Fleet Hawk Core Collection (contains one each of the Condor, FireHawk, RoyalHawk, Sparrowhawk, SkyHawk, and SeaHawk)
7000 Romulan Fleet Hawk Refit Builder Collection (contains the refitted versions of a SeaHawk, two SkyHawks, two SparrowHawks, and a FireHawk)
7000 Romulan Fleet Hawk Refit Core Collection (contains one each of the refitted versions of the Condor, FireHawk, RoyalHawk, Sparrowhawk, SkyHawk, and SeaHawk)
7000 Romulan Fleet Tug “+” Collection (contains two each of the SparrowHawk-T+ Transport with two pods, the SparrowHawk-H+ Cargo Transport, and the SparrowHawk-T+ Transport with one pod)
7000 Romulan Fleet Tug Collection (contains two each of the SparrowHawk-T Transport with two pods, the SparrowHawk-H Cargo Transport, and the SparrowHawk-T Transport with one pod)
7000 Romulan King Condor Battleship
7000 Seltorian Fleet Builder Collection (contains a heavy cruiser, light cruiser, two destroyers, and two frigates)
7000 Seltorian Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the dreadnought, battlecruiser, heavy cruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, and frigate)
The Sigvirion Expansion is an Omega empire.
7000 Sigvirion Fleet Builder Collection (contains two New Frigates, two Escort Frigates, and two Invasion Cruisers)
7000 Sigvirion Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the new heavy cruiser, command cruiser, Invasion Cruiser, and New Frigate, along with two Invasion Frigates)
For more 7000 Scale Tholian ships, see 7000 Neo-Tholian
7000 Tholian Battleship (BB)
7000 Tholian Fleet Builder Collection (contains one war cruiser, two destroyers, two patrol corvettes, and a police cutter)
7000 Tholian Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the dreadnought, heavy cruiser, war cruiser, destroyer, patrol corvette, and police cutter)
7000 Tholian Fleet Tug Collection (contains heavy cruiser tugs, a war cruiser light tactical transport, a cargo corvette, and a web tender, all using Federation pods)
7000 Tournament Cruisers 1 (F, K, R) (contains the Federation Heavy Cruiser, Klingon D7, and Romulan KR)
7000 Tournament Cruisers 2 (L, D, O W, H) (contains the Lyran White Tiger Tournament Command Cruiser, the LDR Red Jaguar Tournament War Cruiser, the Orion Tournament Battle Raider, the WYN Tournament Great Black Shark Cruiser, and the Hydran Tournament Lord Marshal Command Cruiser)
7000 Tournament Cruisers 3 (G,Z,I,W,TA,NT,A) [contains the Gorn Tournament Command Cruiser, Kzinti Tournament Command Cruiser, ISC Tournament Cruiser, WYN Auxiliary Battlecruiser, Archeo-Tholian (Tholian) Tournament Cruiser, Neo-Tholian Tournament Cruiser, and Andromedan Krait]
7000 Tournament Cruisers 4 (KE,R,S,FX,FV,V) (contains the Romulan Tournament King Eagle, Romulan FireHawk Tournament Cruiser, Seltorian Tournament Heavy Cruiser, Frax Tournament Command Cruiser, Flivver Tournament Heavy Cruiser, and Vudar Tournament Heavy Cruiser)
7000 Tournament Cruisers 4A (KE,R+,S,FX,FV,V) (contains the Romulan Tournament King Eagle, Romulan FireHawk+ Tournament Cruiser, Seltorian Tournament Heavy Cruiser, Frax Tournament Command Cruiser, Flivver Tournament Heavy Cruiser, and Vudar Tournament Heavy Cruiser)
The Trobrin Empire is an Omega empire.
7000 Trobrin Fleet Command Collection (contains one each of the Deep Space Dreadnought, command cruiser, torpedo cruiser, and bolt cruiser, along with two heavy cruisers)
7000 Trobrin Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the heavy cruiser, torpedo cruiser, bolt cruiser, frigate leader, frigate, and Patroller)
7000 Trobrin Fleet Patrol Collection (contains a frigate leader with two frigates, two bolt frigates, and a single Patroller)
7000 Vudar Fleet Builder Collection (contains two each of the war cruiser, war destroyer, and war frigate)
7000 Vudar Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the dreadnought, heavy battlecruiser, heavy cruiser, war cruiser, war destroyer, and war frigate)
7000 WYN Fleet Auxiliary Ship Collection [contains an auxiliary carrier, two types of auxiliary cruiser (the standard one and one built on a Kzinti hull), auxiliary battlecruiser, and converted Kzinti frigate]
7000 WYN Fleet Fish Ship Builder Collection (contains the following “fish” series ships: a heavy cruiser, war cruiser, two war destroyers, and two frigates)
7000 WYN Fleet Fish Ship Core Collection (contains the following “fish” series ships: the dreadnought, battlecruiser, heavy cruiser, war cruiser, war destroyer, and frigate)
7000 WYN Fleet Special Ship Collection (contains the fish-type war cruiser and war destroyer, the Lyran-built pocket battleship and pocket battlecruiser, and the Orion-built Raider Cruiser and Light Raider Frigate)
The Ymatrian Horde is an Omega empire.
7000 Ymatrian Fleet Builder Collection (contains one each of the heavy cruiser, destroyer leader, destroyer, frigate leader, along with two frigates)
7000 Ymatrian Fleet Core Collection (contains one each of the command cruiser, battle cruiser, heavy cruiser, and destroyer, along with two frigates)
7000 Ymatrian Fleet Patrol Collection (contains a destroyer leader with two destroyers and a frigate leader with two frigates)
7000 1-Inch Hex Base Covers (18) (contains 18 one-inch hexagonal base covers for 7000-Scale minis)
7000 1-Inch Hex Base Covers (24) (contains 24 one-inch hexagonal base covers for 7000-Scale minis)
7000 2-Cm Round Base Covers (24, ACTASF) (designed for ACTASF, contains 24 two-centimeter round base covers for 7000-Scale minis)
Federation Heavy Cruiser Game-Room Decoration (3125)
Federation Heavy Cruiser Game-Room Decoration (3788)
Klingon D7 Game-Room Decoration (3125)
Klingon D7 Game-Room Decoration (3788)
Omni Andromedan Base Station (BS)
Omni Andromedan Battle Station (BATS)
Omni Andromedan Mobile Weapons Platforms
Omni Andromedan Satellite Base
Omni Borak Assault Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular assault gunboats, with a leader and a scout)
Omni Borak Fighter-Destroyer Manned Fighters (contains six Fighter-Destroyers)
Omni Borak Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular gunboats, with a leader and a scout)
Omni Borak Hunter-Killer Fighters (contains six Hunter-Killers)
Omni Carnivon Gunboat/PF Flotilla (contains six regular gunboats, with a leader and a scout)
The Drex Unity is an Omega empire.
Omni Drex X7 Light Fighters (contains six C7 light fighters
Omni Federation A-10 Warthog Fighters (contains six A-10 Warthog fighters)
Omni Federation A-20 Avenger Fighters (contains six A-20 Avenger fighters)
Omni Federation Augmented Base Station
Omni Federation Augmented Battle Station
Omni Federation Augmented Mobile Logistics Base see Omni General Augmented Mobile Logistics Base
Omni Federation B-1 Strike Bombers (contains six B-1 strike bombers)
Omni Federation B-25 Bombers (contains six B-25 bombers)
Omni Federation B-26 Bombers (contains six B-26 bombers)
Omni Federation Base Station
Omni Federation Battle Station
Omni Federation E3 Space Warning and Control Shuttle (SWAC) see Omni Federation Heavy Shuttle Collection
Omni Federation Express Courier see Omni General Small Ship Collection 1
Omni Federation F-4 Ground-Based Fighters (contains six F-4 ground-based fighters)
Omni Federation F-8 Crusader Fighters (contains six F-8 Crusader fighters)
Omni Federation F-12 Fast Fighters (contains six F-12 fast fighters)
Omni Federation F-14 Tomcat Fighters (contains six F-14 Tomcat fighters)
Omni Federation F-15 Eagle Fighters (contains six F-15 Eagle fighters)
Omni Federation F-16 Falcon Fighters (contains six F-16 Falcon fighters)
Omni Federation F-16C Falcon Fighters (contains six F-16C Falcon fighters)
Omni Federation F-18 Hornet Fighters (contains six F-18 Hornet fighters)
Omni Federation F-101C Voodoo Heavy Fighters (contains six F101C Voodoo heavy fighters)
Omni Federation F-111 Heavy Drone Fighters (contains six F-111 heavy drone fighters)
Omni Federation Heavy Assault Shuttles (HAS) see Omni Federation Heavy Shuttle Collection
Omni Federation Heavy Shuttle Collection [contains three heavy transport shuttles (HTS), one E3 space warning and control (SWAC) shuttle, and two heavy assault shuttles (HAS)]
Omni Federation Heavy Transport Shuttles (HTS) see Omni Federation Heavy Shuttle Collection
Omni Federation Mobile Logistics Base (MB) see Omni General Mobile Logistics Base (MB)
Omni Federation Shenyang F-7D Fighters (contains six Shenyang F-7D fighters)
Omni Federation Small Freighter see Omni General Small Freighter (Class-I) or Omni General Small Freighter (Variant 1)
Omni Federation SWAC Shuttle see Omni Federation Heavy Shuttle Collection
Omni Federation Thunderbolt Gunboats (contains six regular Thunderbolt gunboats, with a leader and a scout)
Franz Joseph Federation is the style of Federation ships that is strictly based on the drawings of Franz Joseph as found in his Star Fleet Technical Manual. His estate does get royalties from the sales of these bases.
Omni Franz Joseph Federation Starbase (Large)
Omni Franz Joseph Federation Starbase (Medium)
Omni Franz Joseph Federation Starbase (Small)
The Frax are a simulator empire.
Omni Frax Demon-3 Strike Fighters (contains six Demon-3 Strike Fighters)
Omni Game-Room Decoration Display Stand
Omni General Administrative Shuttles see also empire-specific administrative shuttles for the following empires: Klingon, Kzinti, Romulan, Seltorian, and Vudar
Omni General Armed Cutter see Omni General Small Ship Collection 1
Omni General Armed Priority Transport see Omni General Small Ship Collection 1
Omni General Augmented Mobile Logistics Base (MB)
Omni General Captor Mines (Large, Drones) (contains six mines)
Omni General Captor Mines (Small, Drones) (contains six mines)
Omni General Fast Naval Transport (FNT)
Omni General Federation Express Courier see Omni General Small Ship Collection 1
Omni General Free Trader see Omni General Small Ship Collection 1
Omni General Harbor Tug
Omni General Harbor Tug with Pod
Omni General Heavy Armed Freighter
Omni General Heavy Assault Shuttles (HAS) see Omni General Heavy Shuttle Collection
Omni General Heavy Auxiliary Cruiser
Omni General Heavy Auxiliary Cruiser (Stack)
Omni General Heavy Freighter (Stacked) see also empire-specific heavy freighters for the following empires: Kzinti and Tholian
Omni General Heavy Multi-Warhead Drones (contains four multi-warhead drones)
Omni General Heavy Shuttle Collection [contains three heavy transport shuttles (HTS) and three heavy assault shuttles (HAS)]
Omni General Heavy Transport Shuttles (HTS) see Omni General Heavy Shuttle Collection
Omni General Hexless Turn Gauge, Compact
Omni General Hexless Turn Gauge, Flat
Omni General Jumbo Armed Freighter
Omni General Jumbo Auxiliary Cruiser
Omni General Jumbo Freighter see also empire-specific jumbo freighters for the following empires: Kzinti and Tholian
Omni General Large Armed Freighter
Omni General Large Auxiliary Cruiser see also empire-specific large auxiliary cruisers for the following empire: Lyran
Omni General Large Freighter (Class-II) see also empire-specific large freighters for the following empires: Gorn, Hydran, ISC, Kzinti, LDR, Lyran, and Tholian
Omni General Large Freighter in Ballast
Omni General Large Freighter with Skids
Omni General Large Freighter with Short Pods
Omni General Large Skid Utility Ship
Omni General Large Q-Ship (Deployed)
Omni General Large Q-Ship (Revealed)
Omni General Mobile Logistics Base (MB)
Omni General Modular Courier see Omni General Skiffs and Courier Flotilla
Omni General Monitor
Omni General Multi-Warhead RALADS (contains four multi-warhead RALADS)
Omni General Ore Carrier
Omni General Prime Corvette see Omni General Small Ship Collection 1
Omni General Prime Trader see Omni General Small Ship Collection 1
Omni General Salvage Tug
Omni General Salvage Tug with Pods
Omni General Security Skiffs see Omni General Skiffs and Courier Flotilla
Omni General Seeker Skiffs see Omni General Skiffs and Courier Flotilla
Omni General Skiffs and Courier Flotilla (contains four security skiffs, two seeker skiffs, one slammer skiff, and one modular courier)
Omni General Slammer Skiff see Omni General Skiffs and Courier Flotilla
Omni General Small Armed Freighter
Omni General Small Auxiliary Cruiser see also empire-specific small auxiliary cruisers for the following empire: Lyran
Omni General Small Auxiliary Scout (SAS)
Omni General Small Freighter (Class-I) see also empire-specific small freighters for the following empires: Gorn, Hydran, ISC, Klingon, Kzinti, LDR, Lyran, and Tholian
Omni General Small Freighter (Var 1) w/ Skid
Omni General Small Freighter (Variant 1)
Omni General Small Freighter in Ballast
Omni General Small Freighter with Short Pod
Omni General Small Q-Ship (Deployed)
Omni General Small Q-Ship (Revealed)
Omni General Small Ship Collection 1 (contains the following: Free Trader, Prime Trader, Prime Corvette, Armed Cutter, Armed Priority Transport, and Federation Express Courier)
Omni General Small Skid Utility Ship
Omni General Specialty Shuttle Collection [contains the following: ground assault shuttle, space warning and control shuttle (SWAC), scatter-pack, two multi-role shuttles (MRS) (one drone armed shuttle, one plasma-armed shuttle), and wild weasel]
Omni General Tachyon Missiles (contains four tachyon missiles)
Omni General Type-I Anti-Ship Drones (contains four Type-I drones)
Omni General Type-III Multi-Warhead Drone (contains four Type-II drones)
Omni General Type-IV Heavy Anti-Ship Drones (contains four Type-IV drones)
Omni General Type-VI Dogfight Drones (contains four Type-VI drones)
Omni Gorn Augmented Battle Station
Omni Gorn Base Station
Omni Gorn Battle Station
Omni Gorn G-10 Dragon Fighters (contains six G-10 Dragon fighters)
Omni Gorn G-12 Chimera Fast Fighters (contains six G-12 Chimera fast fighters)
Omni Gorn G-18K Serpent Fighters (contains six G-18K Serpent fighters)
Omni Gorn G-18KA Serpent Fighters (contains six G-18KA Serpent fighters)
Omni Gorn G-20 Reptile Fighters (contains six G-20 Reptile fighters)
Omni Gorn G-30 Wyvern Heavy Assault Fighters (contains six G-30 Wyvern heavy assault fighters)
Omni Gorn G-8 Lizard Local Defense Fighters (contains six G-8 Lizard local defense fighters)
Omni Gorn Large Freighter (Class-II)
Omni Gorn Pterodactyl Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular Pteradactyl gunboats and a leader and a scout. Also included are a 3788 Scale and 3125 Scale gunboat that can be used as a “casual” gunboat that some ships carried. These small gunboats, unlike the Omni Scale gunboats, are designed to be glued to a ship and do not include a stand hole.)
Omni Gorn Shenyang G-7 Fighters (contains six Shenyang G-7 fighters)
Omni Gorn Small Freighter (Class-I)
The Hivers are an Omega empire.
Omni Hiver Barb-2 and Barb-H Fighters (includes four Barb-2 fighters and two Barb-H heavy fighters)
Omni Hydran Harrier Gunboat Flotilla (contains a leader, a scout, and a Valkyrie fi-con in addition to five regular Harriers)
Omni Hydran Hellion Gunboat Flotilla (contains a leader, a scout, and a Valkyrie fi-con in addition to five regular Hellions)
Omni Hydran Large Freighter (In Line)
Omni Hydran Large Freighter (Paired)
Omni Hydran Small Freighter (Class-I)
Omni Hydran Stinger-2 Fighters (contains six Stinger-2 fighters)
Omni Hydran Stinger-H Fighters (contains six Stinger-H fighters)
Omni Hydran Super-Stinger Heavy Fighters (contains six Super-Stinger Heavy Fighters)
Omni Hydran X-Ship Stinger-X Fighters (STX) (contains six Stinger-X fighters)
Inter-Stellar Concordium see ISC
Omni ISC Base Station
Omni ISC Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular gunboats, one scout, and one leader)
Omni ISC Large Freighter (Class-II)
Omni ISC Small Freighter (Class-I)
Omni Jindarian Comet Gunboat/PF Flotilla (contains six regular gunboats, one scout, and one leader)
Omni Juggernaut Battleship (BB)
Omni Juggernaut Beta Dreadnought
Omni Juggernaut Destroyer (DD)
Omni Juggernaut Frigate (FF)
Omni Juggernaut Heavy Cruiser
Omni Juggernaut Light Cruiser (CL)
Omni Juggernaut Missile Dreadnought
Omni Klingon Administrative Shuttlecraft (contains six administrative shuttles)
Omni Klingon Augmented Base Station
Omni Klingon Augmented Battle Station
Omni Klingon Base Station
Omni Klingon Battle Station
Omni Klingon G1 Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular G1 gunboats, one scout, and one leader)
Omni Klingon Small Auxiliary Carrier
Omni Klingon Small Freighter
Omni Klingon Z-1 Zoran Fighters (contains six Z-1 Zoran fighters)
Omni Klingon Z-D Zerdon Fighters (contains six Z-D Zerdon fighters)
Omni Klingon Z-H Zerhon Heavy Fighters (contains six Z-H Zerhon heavy fighters)
Omni Klingon Z-KB Fast Heavy Fighters (contains six Z-KB fast heavy fighters)
Omni Klingon Z-Y Fighters (contains six Z-Y fighters)
The Kolighahr Solidarity is an Omega empire
Omni Koligahr Antimatter Cannon Fighters (contains six Antimatter Cannon fighters)
Omni Koligahr Battle Phaser Fighters (contains six Battle Phaser fighters)
Omni Koligahr Gunboat Flotilla (contains four standard, one leader, one scout, and two phaser gunboats)
Omni Kzinti Administrative Shuttlecraft (contains six administrative shuttles)
Omni Kzinti Augmented Battle Station
Omni Kzinti Base Station
Omni Kzinti Battle Station
Omni Kzinti Heavy Bombers (contains six heavy bombers)
Omni Kzinti Heavy Freighter (Class-IV)
Omni Kzinti Jumbo Freighter (Class-III)
Omni Kzinti Large Attack Shuttle Fighters (LAS) (contains six LASs)
Omni Kzinti Large Fast Attack Shuttle Killer (contains six Large Fast Attack Shuttle Killers)
Omni Kzinti Large Freighter (Class-II)
Omni Kzinti Needle Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular Needle gunboats, one scout, and one leader)
Omni Kzinti Small Freighter (Class-I)
Omni Kzinti TAAS Fighters (contains six TAAS fighters)
Omni LDR (Klingon) Z-Y Fighters (contains six Z-Y fighters provided by the Klingons to the LDR, duplicate of the Lyran)
Omni LDR Augmented Battle Station (BATS) (duplicate of the Lyran)
Omni LDR Base Station (duplicate of the Lyran)
Omni LDR Battle Station (BATS) (duplicate of the Lyran)
Omni LDR Bobcat Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular Bobcat gunboats, one scout, and one leader, duplicat of the Lyran)
Omni LDR Bobtail Gunboat Flotilla see Omni Lyran Bobtail Gunboat Flotilla
Omni LDR Large Freighter (Class-II) (duplicate of the Lyran)
Omni LDR Small Freighter (Class-I) (duplicate of the Lyran)
Omni Lyran (Klingon) Z-Y Fighters (contains six Z-Y fighters provided by the Klingons to the Lyrans)
Omni Lyran Augmented Battle Station (BATS)
Omni Lyran Base Station
Omni Lyran Battle Station (BATS)
Omni Lyran Bobcat Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular Bobcat gunboats, one scout, and one leader)
Omni Lyran Bobtail Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular Bobtail gunboats, one scout, and one leader)
Omni Lyran Large Auxiliary Cruiser (LAC)
Omni Lyran Large Freighter (Class-II)
Omni Lyran Small Auxiliary Cruiser (SAC)
Omni Lyran Small Freighter (Class-I)
The Maesron Alliance is an Omega empire.
Omni Maesron Advanced Fighters (contains four Advanced Standard Fighters, two Advanced Tachyon Fighters, and one Advanced Missile Fighter)
Omni Maesron Gunboat Flotilla (contains contains four standard, one leader, one scout, and two missile gunboats)
See also Omni Space Dragon
Omni Monster Adult Moray Eel of Space
Omni Monster Ancient Moray Eel of Space
Omni Monster Extreme Planet Killer
Omni Monster Large Death Probe
Omni Monster Large Igneous
Omni Monster Large Planet Killer
Omni Monster Large Space Amoeba
Omni Monster Large Space Manta
Omni Monster Medium Death Probe
Omni Monster Medium Igneous
Omni Monster Medium Planet Killer
Omni Monster Medium Space Amoeba
Omni Monster Medium Space Manta
Omni Monster Small Death Probe
Omni Monster Small Igneous
Omni Monster Small Planet Killer
Omni Monster Small Space Amoeba
Omni Monster Small Space Manta
Omni Monster Space Tarantula
Omni Monster Starswarm
Omni Monster Young Moray Eel of Space
The North Polar empire is found in SFB Module E5, Federation Commander: North Polar Ship Card Pack, and A Call to Arms: Star Fleet Christmas Ship Roster Pack.
Omni North Polar Battle Station
Omni Orion Augmented Battle Station
Omni Orion Battle Station
Omni Orion Buccaneer Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular Buccaneer gunboats, one scout, and one leader)
Omni Orion Base Station (BS)
The Probr Revolution is an Omega empire.
Omni Probr Gunboat Flotilla (contains four standard, one leader, one scout, and two phaser gunboats)
Omni Romulan Administrative Shuttlecraft (contains six administrative shuttles)
Omni Romulan Augmented Base Station
Omni Romulan Augmented Battle Station
Omni Romulan Base Station
Omni Romulan Battle Station
Omni Romulan Centurion Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular Centurion gunboats, one scout, and one leader)
Omni Romulan Cohort-2 Bombers (contains six Cohort-2 bombers)
Omni Romulan Cohort-4 Heavy Bombers (contains six Cohort-4 heavy bombers)
Omni Romulan Gladiator-D Superiority Fighters (contains six Gladiator-D superiority fighters)
Omni Romulan Gladiator-F Superiority Fighters (contains six Gladiator-F superiority fighters)
Omni Romulan Gladiator-III Assault Fighters (contains six Gladiator-III assault fighters)
Omni Romulan Gladiator-III-K Assault Fighters (contains six Gladiator-III-K assault fighters)
Omni Romulan StarHawk Gunboat Flotilla (contains a leader, a scout, two StarHawk-B versions with an alternate torpedo-focused weapons fit, and four standard StarHawk-As)
Omni Romulan Tribune-D Heavy Fighters (contains four Tribune-D heavy fighters)
Omni Seltorian (Klingon) Z-Y Fighters (contains six Z-Y fighters provided by the Klingons to the Seltorians)
Omni Seltorian Administrative Shuttlecraft (contains six administrative shuttles)
Omni Seltorian Avenger Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular Avenger gunboats, one scout, and one leader)
Omni Seltorian Hive Ship (Medium)
Omni Seltorian Hive Ship (Small)
Omni Seltorian Nest Ship (Medium)
Omni Seltorian Nest Ship (Small)
The Souldra are an Omega empire.
Omni Souldra Shards (contains six Black Shards, two Red Shards, and one Violet Shard)
Omni Space Dragon Adult Female
Omni Space Dragon Adult Male
Omni Space Dragon Ancient Female
Omni Space Dragon Ancient Male
Omni Space Dragon Baby Female
Omni Space Dragon Baby Male
Omni Space Dragon Old Female
Omni Space Dragon Old Male
Omni Space Dragon Young Female
Omni Space Dragon Young Male
Omni Stand Four-Prong Stand Topper
Omni Stand Single Flight Stand
Omni Stand Six-Prong Stand Topper
Omni Stand Sprue of 12 Flight Stands
Omni Stand Three-Prong Stand Topper
Omni Tholian 1” Web Panels (20)
Omni Tholian 2” Web Panels (12)
Omni Tholian 2” Web Panels with Bases (8)
Omni Tholian Arachnid Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular Arachnid gunboats, one scout, and one leader)
Omni Tholian Arachnid Gunboat Pinwheel
Omni Tholian Arachnid Specialty Pinwheel (includes one each of the leader, scout, and standard gunboats)
Omni Tholian Base Station
Omni Tholian Heavy Web Tender
Omni Tholian Jumbo Web Tender
Omni Tholian Large Freighter
Omni Tholian Large Web Tender
Omni Tholian Small Freighter
Omni Tholian Spider-H Bombers (contains six Spider-H bombers)
Omni Tholian Spider-I Fighters (contains six Spider-I fighters)
Omni Tholian Spider-II Fighters (contains six Spider-II fighters)
Omni Tholian Spider-III Fighters (contains six Spider-III fighters)
Omni Tholian Spider-IIP Fighters (contains six Spider-IIP fighters)
Omni Tholian Spider-IV Heavy Assault Fighters (contains six Spider-IV heavy assault fighters)
Omni Tholian Spider-IVS Heavy Fighters (contains six Spider-IVS heavy fighters)
Omni Tholian Spider-V Fast Heavy Fighters (contains six Spider-V fast heavy fighters)
Omni Tholian Spider-VS Fast Heavy Fighters (contains six Spider-VS fast heavy fighters)
Omni Tholian Web Anchor
Omni Tholian Web Tender
The Trobrin Empire is an Omega empire.
Omni Trobrin Bolt Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular Bolt gunboats, one scout, and one leader)
Omni Trobrin Torpedo Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular Torpedo gunboats, one scout, and one leader)
Omni Vudar Administrative Shuttlecraft (contains six administrative shuttles)
Omni WYN (Klingon) Z-Y Fighters (contains six Z-Y fighters provided by the Klingons to the WYNs)
Omni WYN Auxiliary Battle Control Ship
Omni WYN Auxiliary Battlecruiser (AuxBC)
Omni WYN Auxiliary Cruiser (AuxC)
Omni WYN Auxiliary Cruiser (Kzinti Hull)
Omni WYN Auxiliary Dreadnought (AxDN)
Omni WYN Auxiliary Heavy Mauler
Omni WYN Auxiliary Scout
Omni WYN Base Station (BS)
Omni WYN Freedom Fighter Gunboat Flotilla (contains six regular Freedom Fighter gunboats, one scout, and one leader)
Omni Ymatrian Dirk Fighters (contains twelve Dirk fighters)
Romulan War Eagle Game-Room Decoration (3125)
Romulan War Eagle Game-Room Decoration (3788)
These old out of print newsletters from the 1990s are uploaded to W23, DTRPG, and WV in groups of five. They are available by mail order in hard copy format.
Star Fleet Times #1-#5, Stock #3030, $7.95
Star Fleet Times #6-#10, Stock #3031, $7.95
Star Fleet Times #11-#15, Stock #3032, $7.95
Star Fleet Times #16-#20, Stock #3033, $7.95
Star Fleet Times #21-#25, Stock #3034, $7.95
Star Fleet Times #26-#30, Stock #3035, $7.95
Star Fleet Times #31-#35, Stock #3036, $7.95
Star Fleet Times #36-#40, Stock #3037, $7.95
Star Fleet Times #41-#45, Stock #3038, $7.95
Star Fleet Times #46-#50, Stock #3039, $7.95
Name a Starship, Stock #9996, $5.00
Steve Cole owned this company back in 1973-1977 and released numerous products. These out-of-print products are available only on W23, DTRPG, and WV in PDF format.
JagdPanther #1, Stock #JP01, $2.95
JagdPanther #2, Stock #JP02, $2.95
JagdPanther #3, Stock #JP03, $2.95
JagdPanther #4, Stock #JP04, $2.95
JagdPanther #5, Stock #JP05, $2.95
JagdPanther #6, Stock #JP06, $2.95
JagdPanther #7, Stock #JP07, $2.95
JagdPanther #8, Stock #JP08, $2.95
JagdPanther #9, Stock #JP09, $2.95
JagdPanther #10, Stock #JP10, $2.95
JagdPanther #11, Stock #JP11, $2.95
JagdPanther #12, Stock #JP12, $2.95
JagdPanther #13, Stock #JP13, $2.95
JagdPanther #14, Stock #JP14, $2.95
JagdPanther/Battlefield #15, Stock #JP15, $2.95
Published by Task Force Games, the 18 issues of the magazine have been released as PDFs with the kind permission of Allen D. Eldridge These out-of-print products are available only on W23, DTRPG, and WV in PDF format.
Nexus #1, Stock #NM01, $2.95
Nexus #2, Stock #NM02, $2.95
Nexus #3, Stock #NM03, $2.95
Nexus #4, Stock #NM04, $2.95
Nexus #5, Stock #NM05, $2.95
Nexus #6, Stock #NM06, $2.95
Nexus #7, Stock #NM07, $2.95
Nexus #8, Stock #NM08, $2.95
Nexus #9, Stock #NM09, $2.95
Nexus #10, Stock #NM10, $2.95
Nexus #11, Stock #NM11, $2.95
Nexus #12, Stock #NM12, $2.95
Nexus #13, Stock #NM13, $2.95
Nexus #14, Stock #NM14, $2.95
Nexus #15, Stock #NM15, $2.95
Nexus #16, Stock #NM16, $2.95
Nexus #17, Stock #NM17, $2.95
Nexus #18, Stock #NM18, $2.95
These are games that ADB has the rights to publish. They are published on W23, DTRPG, and WV except as noted.
Valkenburg Castle, Stock #T1000, $7.50
Asteroid Zero-Four, Stock #T1002, $7.50
Cerberus, Stock #T1003, $3.95
Prochorovka: Armor at Kursk, Stock #T1005, $10
Spellbinder, Stock #T1011, $7.50
ROBOTS!, Stock #T1013, $10
Operation Pegasus, Stock #T2003, $4.95
Dungeon Tiles, Stock #T2004, $1.95
The War of the Worlds, Stock #T5002, $2.95
McPherson’s Ridge, Stock #T5003, $2.95
Battlewagon, Second Edition, Stock #2011, $15
Battlewagon Article #1: Rulers of the High Seas, Stock #2011-01, $0.99
Battlewagon Article #2: The Battle of San Bernardino Straits - A Battlewagon Scenario, Stock #2011-02, $0.99
Battlewagon Article #3: Battlewagon Scenario - The Last Sortie of the Yamato, Stock #2011-03, $0.99
Battlewagon Article #4: Battlewagon Scenario - Operation Regenbogen, Stock #2011-04, $0.99
Battlewagon Article #5: Battlewagon Scenario - Surigao Straits, Stock #2011-05, $0.99
Battlewagon Article #6: Battlewagon Scenario - Pacific Nights: Four Pacific Scenarios, Stock #2011-06, $0.95