Battle Groups |
What is a Battle Group?
A battle group is an organized group of players, who meet regularly, and stay in touch with each other. A battle group might play SFB, FC, F&E, Prime Directive, Starmada - any or all of our games. You don't need permission to form a battle group, but if you do (or already have) then we want to know about it, so we can support and honor your group.
We have created a page on our website listing the known battle groups. Each battle group has a sub-page containing contact information and reports on their recent activities. If your battle group has its own website, we'll put a link on your sub-page to that website.
What Does a Battle Group do?
A battle group does whatever its members want to do.
Battle groups don't have to do anything, but if you do something, we'll make sure everybody knows about it. A summary of battle group reports will appear in Captain's Log as well as in Hailing Frequencies, the official ADB, Inc., page on Facebook, and in the battle group topic on the BsBS. (Your battle group can create a topic for itself on the Forum.)
Copyright © 1991-2024 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved | Updated 18 December 2013 |