Our group is listed on Starlist. Our group is also listed on yahoo groups: Upcoming Events:Battlegroup Murfreesboro plays both Federation Commander and A Call to Arms Star Fleet at least once a month. We continue to play Federation and Empire on a regular basis, although now it’s usually either via Cyberboard or at major conventions. Playtesting:We also meet one Saturday or Sunday a month in the Casa de' Tomas war room for play testing. We are currently testing A Call to Arms Star Fleet version 1.2, and are writing more new scenarios for Federation Commander – including a conversion of the Red Wyn Express mini-campaign. Soon, our primary play test focus will shift to development of the Lyran Star Empire and expanded Orion Pirate fleets for ACTASF. Demonstrations:Battlegroup Murfreesboro regularly demos SFBF at two local CCG vendor locations, we will be scheduling demos of both Federation Commander and ACTASF at Roll the Dice Games and a couple of local conventions, and we are working to get a local Prime Directive campaign started at Roll the Dice Games. Ongoing SFU activites:Our members are active participants on both the Star Fleet Universe BBS and the php-based Federation Commander forum [look for us as scoutdad, SFU_Fear, the Burl, and hofnerss]. Mike Curtis serves as the Fed and Empire answer guy, Scott Burleson is working on the development of Federation and Empire Online, and Tony L. Thomas is one of the Prime Directive staff members, a Federation Commander staff member, a miniature sculptor, and has recently been named Lead Developer for A Call to Arms Star Fleet. Recent Activites:
Upcoming Gameday
We will be running the 5th annual Battle in the 'Boro on August 6th, 2016 at Roll the Dice (215 Robert Rose Drive Suite F, Murfreesboro, Tennessee). This years featured event is Star Fleet Battles. Over 24 players have been invited (and so far 12 have confirmed) to participate in a mega-game of Combat Rally (Scenario SG150). Anyone and everyone reading this is invited to join us on this date. Battlegroup Murfreesboro will be providing all the materials needed to play - you only need to come and have fun.
Upcoming Gameday
The 3rd Annual - Battle in the 'Boro [Federation Commander style!] We will be hosting 20+, Fed Comm players for a full day of fun, frivolity, and exploding ships. Multiple games of FC on multiple maps, run multiple times. And the player voted most sportsmanlike by everyone present gets to smash a fully painted, Paladin Dreadnought with a sledge hammer!!!
Nashcon 2014
Nashcon 2013
Nashcon 2012
June of 2011: Playtesting
June 23rd, 2011: Origins Convention
March 19th, 2011: Demoed Star Fleet Battle Force
Fall 2010-Spring 2011: Playtesting
Fall of 2010:
Orgins 2010
August 19, 2010:
November 14, 2009: Playtesting
Orgins 2009
September 1, 2008:
Orgins 2008
Orgins 2007
Fall of 2006:
Orgins 2006
January 21, 2006: Demo
November 11, 2005: Demo
Orgins 2005
August 2004
Orgins 2004 |
Copyright © 1991-2024 Amarillo Design Bureau, All Rights Reserved | Updated 19 April 2007 |